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Ask Me Brayden_

Latest answers by Brayden_Go to profile

0Q: What was the worst thing about prison?

asked by cheritaisdelicious

the worst thing about prison was the DEMENTORS

0Q: youre so sassy.

asked by ManniBoi


8Q: Do you have a favorite philosopher?

asked by RyguyPower

his name is B_ have you heard his lectures?

1Q: Who is your favorite Pokemon?

asked by Alisowned

oh c’mon now you know i don’t like anime

1Q: bisexuals don’t exist to you?
also are you allowed to like gay people?

asked by daveycool

oh no no no they exist, it’s just become a super trendy thing for white liberals despite never dating or fucking the same sex. i love gay people platonically only though

0Q: who’s the better B? Brayden or benjamin? please provide three detailed reasonings along with an example to conclude your answer

asked by daveycool

oh B_ plain and simple

1) B_ is way more funny are you kidding? the sense of humour with that guy is as top tier as it gets. Benjamin on the other hand? ha him being funny is the only funny joke I’ve heard about or from him.

2) Benjamin be extremely liberal and dependant. he said himself he a sugar baby who doesn’t work. meanwhile B_ working, crushing it, having his OWN house, and recently purchased a $1000 sword

3) B_ cool, BenjaminB a [REDACTED]
Example: he bleached his hair

0Q: It says he's an 8, but the 2 stars represents 2 inches. Agree or Disagree?

asked by Alisowned

i was thinking it meant a 2/5 stars. so maybe but i think 2 inches would lower than a 2/5 rating

7Q: i believe gay people need help in america, where do they need help the most though?

asked by daveycool

self realization. no one looks at gays differently because they give or take it up the ass besides maybe religious nuts. they look at you differently because of your flamboyant personality. the same way a straight “bro” guy is looked at as a douchebag. personalities matter more than sexualities

-1Q: Elaborate/thorough opinion on me pls < 33

asked by 2388

I can tell you liberal af and materialistic so a -10 personality trait right there, along with your occasional sense of humour giving you a +5 though. leaving you at a -5 personality rating

7Q: happiest moment of your life

asked by hwest14

finishing school and when i moved into my new home leaving southern Alberta in the rear view


Is this live footage of you trying to roll up on the hunnies on roblox?

asked by Alisowned

no if he was holding a bong in one hand and a sword in the other maybe

-8Q: You have one bullet which tengager is getting it daddy?

asked by Alisowned

cash register noises with it ricocheting and hitting him twice. not immediately killing him though just bleeding out

7Q: Would you rather be feared or loved?

asked by cheritaisdelicious

i want people to fear how much they love me

7Q: What started your trend of conservatism? I used to be more liberal but I feel myself pulling more centrist tbh

asked by ytrewq111

all of the scandals involving Trudeau including his handling of COVID where he spent $60 million on an app that coulda cost a couple hundred thousand, paying his buddies. The identity politics and pandering that liberals run on instead of running on policies. the blatant lying about the carbon tax saying they give more back than they take.. what would be the point of the tax in the first place then right? the immigration policies that have directly affected the housing crisis, and now they’re putting money towards housing them over the born and raised Canadians that are struggling. the unnecessary spending. oh i could go on for days

7Q: Are you superstitious?

asked by cheritaisdelicious

no im a little stitious though

0Q: Will furries like @Absol be allowed into Heaven?

asked by Alisowned

doggy heaven maybe maybe my dogs will take on the mantle of bullying furries


asked by Alisowned

I’d rather kill myself samurai style with my recently purchased sword to preserve my honour than even shake hands with those elephants

0Q: Who do you think you are? What gives you the right?

asked by cheritaisdelicious

0Q: Worse state in the USA?

asked by OutRAGE

ohh idk my top 5 are: Arizona, Tennessee, Georgia, Nevada, and Colorado

bottom 5 would have to be: Massachusetts, New York, Kentucky, North Carolina, and probably worst state; California

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