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Ask Me PizPaz

Latest answers by PizPazGo to profile

-5Q: Favorite tger

asked by Xyris

I'll say you because you asked so nicely

-5Q: How are you today?

asked by Morant

Feeling alright, probably a 6.5/10

-7Q: Why haven't you gifted me today

asked by yswimmer96

Because design prices are starting to get a little crazy

0Q: *hugs*

asked by Times_Places

Thanks for the support

0Q: What is your rent per month

asked by Memphis_Grizzlies

I'm not renting anything atm, so I guess $0?

24Q: What is ur address? (U said we can ask u anything so why not)

asked by dwipeouts

P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

1Q: how much t do u have

asked by 2388

303. Can't even pay rent with it

-10Q: Pineapples ???? on pizza or nah?

asked by Survivor8

Solidly nah

10Q: Judging by my blogs, how would I do on Survivor/BB?

asked by Steven999

Possibly jury phase, but getting to finals would be a challenge.

3Q: Opinion

asked by Steven999

I don't necessarily know you well enough to have an opinion one way or the other. Maybe a conversation can change that?

-12Q: How many times is that clown ass, baby dick Gary gonna come to me for a booty call?

asked by ThatDamnDingo

Gary the Snail shouldn't be relegated to booty calls.

-5Q: why did u copy me

asked by 2388

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

-5Q: Do you have any special plans for the weekend?

asked by Thirteen

Not really, other than try to catch up on my Statistics work before tomorrow

13Q: Do you like doggy style or surfboard?

asked by Jayglezst

I'm not a sex expert, so I'm gonna say neither in this case

4Q: Would you get to know me?

asked by NikoTime

Why wouldn't I? I'm always down for a chat

12Q: Do you remember me? Last time we spoke I was a yellow level xD

asked by QueenLuna

Vaguely, it feels like it's been a long time haha.

-2Q: Are there any upcoming events you are looking forward to?

asked by Thirteen

Well I'm supposed to be getting my hair cut today, assuming things go as planned. Other than that, not a whole lot.

-2Q: Pizpaz reminds me of pizza /:

asked by perfectprizetag

Why the /: ? Is that a bad thing in this case?

0Q: was harambe's death justified

asked by TheThomas

Nothing about shooting an animal in a zoo is justified.

0Q: Would u rather have the power to go back in time or go to the future?

asked by perfectprizetag

Probably the future. If I go back in the past I could risk screwing something up badly. Plus with the future I could see what would happen in my life and I could possibly make improvements in the present.

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