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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Roller Coaster Week Much ='(

3rdJul 30, 2010 by rippyroo
Ok now this blog is very personal for me and i dont think i've really ever written a blog like this but i think that nows the right time purely with what has happened over this past week.

Well as some of you may know i have been away at an athletics camp this week just for fun but also to learn stuff and train and various other new skills that i will use in my training for a long long time! i dont think i have ever had such an amazing week in my life!! i have met some of the most amazing people that i have literally ever met in my life including my best friends who i have known all my life! i will never forget this week as i have taken so many memories away with me from that experience and i am truly grateful to whoever was involved :)

However in a roller coaster week there's always a down side and unfortunetly once i had got home earlier today i received a few pieces of very sad news. firstly my little cousin who is just under the age of 1 year old has got meningitis :/ now when you have baby cousins you don't seem to see them as much as they are obviously in the care of their parents and this upsets me as as you may or may not know meningitis can kill :/ this scares me so much as i have never lost a relative in my life so i just don't know what i would do with myself!

Secondly i also was told earlier on today that a friend from my school has died in a bike accident!  ='( now just before i left on Monday i did get news that he was in an accident and he had gone into hospital and he had had an operation later that night he had a heart attack and various other incidents occurred leading to his death :/ now i had know this guy since i was about 8 years old so it was super tough to accept at first and it still is now! but there's nothing i can do or could have done to stop it in any way!

Now if you really have taken the time to appreciate it and i would like to thank a certain someone on this site for giving a bit of advice on dealing with all of this! you know who you are and i really do appreciate it! <33


Awww! I'm sorry for your loss :( +12 <3
Sent by Phenomanimal,Jul 30, 2010
I am so sorry :( It must be a really hard and stressful week :(
I hope everything will be fine with your cousin :(
Sent by tymu888,Jul 30, 2010
:( +12
Sent by BbDamian,Jul 30, 2010
;( +11
Sent by Aquamarine,Jul 30, 2010
Grief is a difficult thing to deal with but i am sure you have a network of support around you.

Hopefully your cousin will be ok
Sent by knixuk,Jul 30, 2010
I can totally sympathise with you, I was in a very similar situation myself a few months back, It's so hard but in time it does get easier.
Just remember all the amazing things about you're friend, he'll live on through you and you're friends in memorys and in your heart.

Thinkin of your cousin, there's nothing worse than a baby being ill, and I also know exactly what it's like to have family member so young taken away so early! But I'm sure that the hospitals will do all they can for him <3 

Keep smiling ryan and if you need anyone to talk to at all then you can always come to me!
Sent by BlueStar,Jul 30, 2010
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Jul 30, 2010
I'm so sorry to hear this :(
If you ever need anything you know where i am<3 Stay strong no matter how hard it is.
Sent by lonlee,Jul 30, 2010
Stay strong ryan.... those are tough things to deal with just try to stay positive :S
Sent by Abrogate,Jul 30, 2010
sorry ryan :( im here if ya need to talk
Sent by Alegeeter,Jul 30, 2010
:( <3
Sent by pok3rf4ce,Jul 30, 2010
im sorry ryan :(
what doesnt kill you makes you stronger
meningitis is terrifying but it can be overcome, there are 4 types
Sent by Emmaleigh,Jul 30, 2010
Aww Rippy. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
Sent by Sass21,Jul 30, 2010
I'm really sorry to hear this :(
I'll definitely keep your cousin in my thoughts
Sent by Scheuerman14,Jul 30, 2010
I don't know you much, but this sucks. I hope this lame joke can cheer you up.

What did the pugnacious quantum physicist say to the Brazilian?


Sent by Nikutoku,Jul 30, 2010
i'm sorry for your loss :( and i hope your baby cousin makes it through
Sent by BengalBoy,Jul 30, 2010
Oh gosh, i'm so sorry for you. Try and remember the good times you shared with your friend, celebrate their life hun <3 I've never lost a friend but I have family members and it always hurts. You just have to soldier on. Chin up!
Sent by Loowis,Jul 30, 2010
one of my best friends had menengitis some time last year, an i know how stressful it can be. like, i would always be at his house, just trying to cope with his parents (wen we werent at the hospital :S) the doctors told us that he had a 15% chance of living. at that point i cursed out the doctors, and told him that they would have to drag me out of the fucking hospital if they let him die. an he made it through. I know that ur baby cousin can make it through this, and i know you can to.
Sent by tommyg,Jul 30, 2010
Awww i'm really sorry.  I'm here if you ever need to talk!
Sent by NoelSarah,Jul 30, 2010
:( <3 ILY!
Sent by AntNikiaBonnie,Jul 30, 2010
cry im sorry
Sent by evildoer666,Jul 30, 2010
+10 ily and so sorry
Sent by je7467,Jul 31, 2010
+10 and so sorry
Sent by jenani,Jul 31, 2010
Ow no Ryan :(

I hope your baby cousin recovers...... and your friend on the bik is just sad :(

Best wishes :)
Sent by itsmeagain000,Jul 31, 2010
:( i love you ryan <3.
Sent by anthony2011class,Jul 31, 2010
hang in there :(
Sent by Yoki,Jul 31, 2010
someone at my school passed away from meningitis last November.
Sent by jackbolbery1,Jul 31, 2010
Sent by Niallfew1,Jul 31, 2010
So sorry Rippy. Everything will be okay. <3
Sent by OliviaSofie,Jul 31, 2010

*hugs rippy*
Sent by trishytrash,Jul 31, 2010
meningitis is awful but more people survive than dont. and 2 years ago a boy from mini bibs school died in a car accident so i know what youre going through, but to quote a cliché, time is a great healer!!
best wishes to your cousin
Sent by bibbles,Jul 31, 2010
I'm sorry rippy
Sent by sylar781227,Aug 2, 2010
holy shit dude
im sorry man
man fate can be a bastard
Sent by gmcke18,Aug 8, 2010

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