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[ALL STARS] Week #12: Two Times The Fun!

Topic » [ALL STARS] Week #12: Two..

2677 days 8 hours ago
Previously on Ozzy’s Next ALL STAR Top Model…
In the biggest week so far in the competition, the girls had to double duty at the photo shoot. They had to embody their original brand and their opposite brand in two sickening photos. Then at panel, the tables were turned where the girls were asked to play the role of the judges. Each girl seemed to succeed in one photo but not in the other. However, Augustine was the all-around winner of the week with her two stunning photos. Yaja landed in the bottom two after every girl disliked her photo. In the end though, it was Anuthida that was sent home after she failed to impress in critiques and in the Fiercest Model of the Week Polls. With only the final five left standing, which girl will come out on top and win it all? WHO will be eliminated next?

THE FINAL FIVE ARE HERE!!! Welcome ladies, we need to see you step up from this moment on. Any week could be your last so make sure everything you do is ON POINT. We are watching everything, so don’t give up!

This week will be a little tricky but we want to see how you will succeed as ALL STARS. Now we’ve had a lot of great photo shoot themes this season and I don’t think we’ve seen enough excellent from them. Your task is to submit a HIGH FASHION photo that embodies TWO DIFFERENT THEMES FROM THIS SEASON. The themes don’t have to be CRAZY obvious if you don’t want them to be but we challenge you to be creative and show us you can be true all stars.

Please submit 1-2 sentences regarding your theme choices and how your photo captures both of them.

Recap of Themes This Season:
Night Time
Unique Hair Color
Avant-Garde Challenge
Black Dress/White Dress
Horror Movies
Extreme Heat
Opposite Brand

Have fun and show us what you got!

Your weekly FIRECEST MODEL OF THE WEEK POLL has been posted! I will not be selecting two winners this time though so make sure you are the one that comes out on top in the end and get those votes!

Photos Due: 230pm PST on Wednesday, Feb 1st
2677 days 7 hours ago
I'm going for a bit of a risk here as I'm not sure how the judges will respond to this photo, but it's different and I'm going to take a chance with it.

When I was looking for photos, I was particularly looking for night time photos as that was the week I landed in the bottom two, and I wanted to show some improvement or at least redeem myself a little bit, but I ended up looking for photos showing extreme heat instead as I found that one of the most fun themes. I ended up finding this photo, which in my opinion manages to combine both the night time and extreme heat themes, with an additional focus on the jewellery and headpiece - aka 3 themes in 1.

I'm worried about the night lighting marking me down, but I think the silhouette creates such an interesting image that I couldn't refrain from posting it.
2677 days 1 hour ago
Yaja: "For this week, I want to prove to the judges that in every category, I can bring the heat that judges are looking for. I'm taking on the the "Villainess Superheroine" challenge, a challenge that I did not compete in, and the "Black Dress/White Dress" challenge, a challenge that I lost to a girl still in this competition. I've decided to use BOTH black and white in my look to show that I've still got. And I want to show overall that even though the weeks that these challenges happened in, I was not the top queen, I have learned and pushed from those to make fierce photos now. I WANT this top photo and I'm not LETTING anything stop ME, henny~!"
2676 days 13 hours ago

Im ready to make it top 4 and win this. In my opinion this must be my strongest photo yet. I combined two themes: Superheroine and Extremly hot (and kinda white dress). Extreme hot you can see why and for superheroine I wanted to portray a Aquawomen that is defeated, almost like a siren out of water all in a fashion way. Also you can tell Im out of my confort zone. I usually avoid sexiness as Im pure aegyo but I wanted to try it hard and prove that I can win this hands down.
2676 days 12 hours ago
For this task I wanted to step out of the box and combine two things that the other girls wouldn't because I am an all star and I DO deserve to be here. For this week I have combined Peru with Superhero! It was said that all the photos submitted for our Peru shoot were "lackluster" and "not all star material," but for me personally it was also the one week I ended up in the bottom two and almost had to pack my bags. I struggled hardcore with the Peru challenge, so today I want to prove that I can bring it! I participated in the Superhero/Villain team challenge, but as a villain, which got me called 3rd at panel. I wanted to play the other side of that today by showing you my Peruvian superhero photo :)


I believe I have an uncanny resemblance to Honey Lemon from Marvel Comic's Big Hero 6 :) The superhero aspect is not as obvious as your standard cape/mask persona because this represents her in her every day form (like Clark Kent). Historically speaking Honey loves to take photos whenever she goes places or experiences something interesting (like Peru!); and this is what I wanted to demonstrate in my photo today. 
reference pic - ( )
2676 days 10 hours ago
I just wanna say that I love this photoshoot and I think it's amazing. I love how you came up with the idea of combining past photoshoots into one photo! :D

When I heard we were going to be combining past photoshoots, I knew I wanted to put in my ALL STAR BRAND in there because that's who I am and that's who I came as in this competition and I wanted to show you that girl again. "The Dark Horse" girl. Also, I wanted to combine ideas/photoshoots that I haven't done and so I wanted you to see my take on those photoshoots. I have combined my ALL STAR BRAND with the Music/Sportswear photoshoot. She's also wearing a combination of a black dress and a sportswear outfit and some jewelry, so I guess those could be the cherries on top lol.

In this photo we have the stunning Coco Rocha whose representing my brand "The Dark Horse." You can feel her fire, strength, and her determination. You can feel "The Dark Horse" in her. I feel that this photo represents my brand very well. Also, when I see this picture, I get the feel of a "Glam Rock" genre. Her crazy outfit just screams "Glam Rock". What makes this photo sportswear I would say are her jogger like pants and her Adidas shoes. Of course, the top half of her outfit would be the black dress. The jewelry would be her watch and bracelets. I hope you guys like this photo just as much as I do and see the effort I put into it :)

Just to clear things up, the two main combinations in this photo are my ALL STAR BRAND and the Music/Sportswear photoshoot.

2676 days 8 hours ago
2676 days 7 hours ago
WLECOME FINAL FIVE! Let’s see how did with fusing some of the great challenge this past season!

MILLIE: I actually don’t see nighttime in this photo as much as I see the other two. To me this is the jewelry theme and the extreme heat themes fused and I love it for that reason. I love the way the sun is hitting your back and you remain elegant and fierce. Your face is stunning and I love the look of that necklace as well. You are giving us neck and giving us major energy in your pose as well. I really like a lot of what is going on here. This is a very nice photo for me.

YAJA: This photo is GREAT. BUT, I will recognize that this photo is from the same exact spread that Kasia did for her superhero photo as well. However, I think this photo is stronger than the one she picked out originally. Overall, I love the energy in this one. You look fierce but in action at the same time. I am drawn to your hauntingly pale skin and the overall vibe of this photo. I think this is a really good photo for you and I think it’s a step up from last week especially.

LALSIA: Sadly, I am not getting extreme heat from this photo. I am feeling more of a Superhero and white dress if anything. I really LOVE how you look in this photo too. You look like you are telling a story with your face and your pose and I feel like I am learning something by looking at you. I want to see more from this photo. However, I think this could be the product of good photography as well. I think this is a strong photo though, there is no denying.

KASIA: Of the photos I have seen so far, I truly think this one is the most inventive. I totally see the Honey Lemon inspiration and this model looks just like her! I also think the Peru theme was one of the harder photoshoots to tackle so I am impressed that you went down the route. I like the attitude of this outfit and I love the look of the fierce jacket. It looks like you just saved a bunch of people an you are taking a break to taking a stunning photo. I love it.

AUGUSTINE: Of all the sportswear and music, I think this one has the most attitude and power behind it. The one thing I am struggling to connect with is the music integration. This was a tough theme that the group had picked out originally and I feel like this photo is almost there. I like how you utilized your brand as well, I find that very apparent in this photo. You look like the dark horse that isn’t going to give up and I like seeing that from you.
2676 days 7 hours ago
I just closed the Fiercest Model of the Week Poll and the winner is....

AUGUSTINE!!! great job getting those votes! You crushed it!
2676 days 7 hours ago
You all did AWESOME this week. I can already tell the judges will have a difficult time with judging this week. Good to luck to each of you.
2676 days 7 hours ago
Millie: This isn’t my favorite photo of yours. It’s a good photo, but I don’t think this is a night time photo. I don’t see extreme heat here either. A beach when the sun is setting doesn’t really fit into either category it’s a little of both but not fully committed to either theme. I do see the jewelry here though and you are definitely selling it. I think your pose looks a little awkward. Your face looks great, but I wish your body was doing something a little more interesting. I think you could have used your silhouette to create a stronger image.

Yaja: I definitely see your two themes showing through. I love your face in this photo. Your body gets a little lost under the coat and I wish you could have pushed through a little more. I do have to agree that this photo is very similar to Kasia’s from that week, I never thought originality would be an issue for you so that disappoints me. But overall the photo is a good one.

Lalisa: I do think this is a strong photo from you and I love to see you pushing your boundaries. I love this photo, but not for any of the reasons you state. To me this is a high fashion PSA about the environment. The way you are washed up on the beach and the way the dress looks like it turns into plastic makes this an incredible statement for protecting the environment. So maybe by that logic you are a hero for the environment? I don’t know, I’m not getting superhero or extreme heat here really. It’s more high fashion mother nature to me. But I do love the photo, I wish your reasoning/explanation was different.

Kasia: I LOVE this photo. I have been waiting for you to really blow me away, and that day is today. I love everything about this photo. I love the themes you embodied, I love the attitude, you are selling the outfit. That is such a bulky outfit and you could have easily gotten lost in it, but you didn’t. This is amazing and I’m so happy to see you deliver this shot this week. 100% redemption from your 1st Peru shoot.

Augustine: I have to commend you for taking on the toughest theme, sportswear/music. I actually think you did a good job with it. The dress almost looks like a tutu which further plays into the dancing and the music. You look powerful, yet elegant. You are creating so many lines with your body, I really like it. I am impressed you were able to pull off the most difficult theme while also incorporating another one into the same photo. If I have a critique it is that I wish your back foot were pointed more so it was a little more dance like and extreme.
2676 days 7 hours ago
Thank you SO much Allie and Ozzy! This positive feedback just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over! Can't wait to see what the last judge has to say :)
2676 days 5 hours ago
Yaja turns a bit red.

CF: "I...didn't realize that there was a photo similar to mine. Ha ha...ugh."
2676 days 5 hours ago
I know that im not good at explaining things but I tried Hard at writting even if eng is not my language so yeah sorry for my writting skills :( usually People get confused
2675 days 11 hours ago
Millie: Nighttime and Extreme heat
Wow, I really like this photo actually. I think you look like native royalty. You face looks great and Im loving the profile.  However watch your legs they et cut off in this picture and it looks awkward and the way your pulling up your dress… its going to a place I don’t think you want to go. Additionally I think you would have been WAY better off going with extreme heat and jewelry as your shoots, I don’t see nighttime in this at all, you can have night if the sun is behind you. Overall not bad though.

Yaja: Villains/Superheroes and Black vs White
This is the Yaja  I know and love. This girl has a story to tell and she is doing it fiercely! I will say though this looks oddly familiar to another photo another girl posted that week, I think it might have been from the same shoot. BUT that being said I love the pose, I think its interesting and just fits the theme so well to me. Watch you face I think there is something about the eyes that is reading harsh to me and its just not meshing with the rest of your face.

Lalisa: Superhero and Extreme heat
I will say this photo is eyecatching! I think the pose is interesting and definitely fits the defeated hero you were going for. I find myself going back and forth about my feelings on how your face looks on one hand I think it looks kind of awkward and unintentional, on the other hand it looks beautifully pained and fits the story youre telling. Also with this dress and the shoot, watch pulling your leg up that far if there wasn’t a glimpse of your other ankle showing it would really shorten you up. Additionally I see the hero spin, but this just doesn’t read extreme heat to me AT ALL, youre in the WATER; sun hitting your skin does not equal extreme heat.

Kasia: Superhero and Peru
Gosh I just don’t think I like this picture much. I think you nail the Peru challenge but that’s about it. I think your face looks harsh and bored and like your mad at the culture that is surrounding you (which is the whole point of the shoot). The pose is blah although I will say you look tall. I also see what youre saying with the superhero thing but Im going to be honest it feels like a cop out. Clark Kent isn’t a superhero Superman is. A superhero in normal clothes is just a person. If you had incorporated Honey Lemon in her hero outfit it would have fit better.

Augustine: Dark Horse and Music/Sportswear
Wow I like this picture a lot actually. The pose is interesting and I like the contrast of your sharp arms to your fluid feeling legs. I really see the event in this picture and I also really see both photo shoots represented. I like your brand an di totally see the glam rock mixed with a sporty touch. I will say I think there is too much tension in your face, yes youre dancing or doing some movement in this photo but youre a model first, don’t forget that! Also if you had gone up on your toes on your back leg I think it would have made you look taller.
2675 days 7 hours ago
Thank you ladies. The judges and I will deliberate and will reveal our decisions and the next photo shoot TONIGHT at 630pm PST!!!

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