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Week 9/10 | Eviction #10/11 & HoH #11

Topic » Week 9/10 | Eviction #10/11..

4316 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Okay, I would like the nominees to each say something to their fellow housemates. Remember, this message, could sway their votes. Matthew, you can go first.

Matthew: Wow, it's my first time on the block and it's so scary! Simone, I would really love to stay and continue in this game, and I hope you appreciate that and keep me.

McKenzie: I think your mind is already made up, but I'm going to give it a go. I am a competitor, and I think the jury would respect you so much more if you went up against a fighter in the end. I may have tried to get you out, but that was only because you were my biggest competition.

Millie: Thankyou nominees.

Millie: Simone, please stand and give the news to the houseguests.

Simone: This game has been long and difficult. I can't believe there's only four of us. I have to think of what's best for me for end game.

Simone: With that said i vote to evict you McKenzie.

Millie: It is official, McKenzie you are evicted from the Big Brother V.I.P. House.

- McKenzie says her goodbyes and leaves the house -
4316 days 23 hours ago
awww mckenzie u did so well!!!!!!! :(
grats simone and matthew < 3
4313 days 12 hours ago

For the first part of the final Head of Household competition, you will be tested in endurance. You will compete in a multi-task test, which is used for the Swedish Armed forces. The person who can stay alive for the longest, will advance to the final round.

In third place for not competing in the competition is........................................ Matthew !

In second place with a time of 3 minutes, 59 seconds and 1 millisecond is

Meaning with a time of 4 minutes, 2 seconds and 45 milliseconds, Samantha has won part 1, and will advance to part 3 of the final head of household competition!
4313 days 12 hours ago
4313 days 9 hours ago
Congrats both of you, sad I couldn't get online, I really have gone thru a lot these past couple od days. But Im still fighting in this.
4308 days 17 hours ago

This competition will test your physical and speed skills. You must search through the first blogs of a list of certain tengageders to find blurred pictures of the previous HoHs this summer. You must identify which houseguest they are, and once you have found them all, order them from first HoH to most recent. The person who completes the task in the fastest amount of time, will advance to the final round and face off against Samantha in Part 3.

In second place with a time of 27 minutes and 52 seconds and 2 milliseconds, plus a 30-minute time penalty for not completing the task making 57 minutes and 52 seconds and 2 milliseconds is

Meaning with a time of 9 minutes, 28 seconds and 4 milliseconds, SIMONE will face off against Samantha in Part 3!
4308 days 16 hours ago
4306 days 16 hours ago
:: HOH PART 3 - JURY SAYS... ::

This competition will test your social and mental skills. I will read both of you a two possible answers that a jury member answered when asked a question about the Big Brother game played this summer. You will have to choose whether you think the jury member said either A or B. If correct you will earn a point. The person with the most points at the end of 5 rounds will win the final Head of Household.


Millie: Heather said the most embarrassing thing about the game was...

A : Being the oldest member of the cast.
B : Being the only person nominated two times in a row.

Millie: Answers please.

* Samantha answers A *
* Simone answers A *

Millie: I can reveal the answer was in fact B, being nominated twice in a row. None of you got a point that round.


Millie: Cray said the most shocking moment in the house was...

A : Michael surviving the second eviction.
B : Finding out Matthew had alliances with everyone.

Millie: Answers please.

* Samantha answers B *
* Simone answers B *

Millie: The correct answer was in fact B, finding out Matthew had alliances with everyone. Both of you got it right, so both of you get a point. Tied at 1.


Millie: Michael said the best thing about being in the house was...

A : Getting to play all the unique challenges.
B : Getting revenge on the people that voted me out.

Millie: Answers please.

* Samantha answers A *
* Simone answers A *

Millie: The correct answer was A, getting to play all the unique challenges. You both got the point, both tied at 2 each.


Millie: Adam said the biggest lie told in the house was...

A : Mitch telling everyone was his final 2 deal.
B : That Samantha was trying in competitions.

Millie: Answers please.

* Samantha answers B *
* Simone answers A *

Millie: The correct answer was A, Mitch and his final 2 deals. Simone got it right, and gets a point 3-2.


Millie: McKenzie said the best overall housemate this summer was...

A : Myself.
B : Samantha.

Millie: Answers please.

* Samantha answers B *
* Simone answers A *

Millie: The correct answer was B, Samantha. Samantha got it right, bring the score to 3 each, meaning we have a tie.


Millie: I will now ask the tiebreaker question, the person who comes closest to the number, without going over will win the final Head of Household, and will choose who they want to sit next to them in the finals.

Millie: How many total eviction votes have been cast this season? Answers please.

* Samantha answers 47 *
* Simone answers 80 *

Millie: The correct answer was in fact, 57, meaning that congratulations SAMANTHA, you are the final Head of Household!
4306 days 16 hours ago

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Big Brother V.I.P. 2

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