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Survivor: Vanuatu Finale + Reunion

Topic » Survivor: Vanuatu Finale +..

2953 days 15 hours ago

Add me for next season!
2953 days 15 hours ago
i agree. once again, this is why i voted out Christian lol
2953 days 15 hours ago
Woah...damn it I'm usually good about screenshotting the front page in case of immunities like that
Oh well, I'll take 3rd and POTS

Thanks for a fun season y'all!
2953 days 15 hours ago
When I have no idea what anyone here is talking about
2953 days 15 hours ago
FYI, if finals had been Christian/Adam, Adam would have had my vote.
If it was Christian/Tyler, Tyler would have had my vote. To me, I just didn't see Christian as much as a player, no offense, his strategic game to me sucked, as Chris admitted to us that Christian was his sheep. His social game sucked, he never spoke to me. And his physical game wasn't up to par.
2953 days 15 hours ago
nice win adam
2953 days 15 hours ago
christian wasnt my sheep, i just said that to try and get you to believe i had him 100% :P
2953 days 15 hours ago
This is why I wish Spinner wasn't a flop host and had a VL so I could prove I actually had a game LOL
2953 days 15 hours ago
Oh man I was eating sorry I missed this! Congrats Adam :)

I'm so honored to be HOTS lol I didn't expect that but that's awesome :)

I'd join a VL for future seasons, thanks for hosting man!!
2953 days 14 hours ago
Oh darn Im sorry I missed that congrats Adam! Thanks Austin for a great series!

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