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Challenge 9: I don't want to be... a merderer.

Topic » Challenge 9: I don't want to..

3071 days 14 hours ago
Ladies, we've almost made it to the finals! You've all done so well! And to inspire you to keep reaching for that Final 3, I've decided to bring in a special guest...

Last season's winner, Iris!


You're supposed to clap! Isn't it beautiful? The crown? That's your prize! It might be the only prize that you get, so be GRATEFUL! Well... anyways. In honour of our... guest, I have a sewing challenge prepared for you! It will be the most skill testing sewing challenge that has ever graced the face of Tengaged Drag Race, and it will separate the women from the girls! Don’t take it lightly! It-

*the lights go out, everyone screams, a scuffle is heard*

Who did that? Who’s there?

*the lights come back on, RuDan is hiding under a worktable wielding scissors, and Iris is gone*

Oh no… That’s not good. Not good at all. Where the hell is the crown? Who is responsible for taking the crown? There goes your prize, I guess. I hope none of you are responsible. You know… in light of these events, I’m scrapping the challenge I had ready, and I have a new one. Ladies, I want you to get to the bottom of this. I need you to think the way a psycho killer would- which, really, shouldn’t be hard for some of you- and find out what happened. What was the plan? Why did they do it? How long were they planning? Most important of all… who did it? Lay it out for me, Nancy Drew!

This is a comedy challenge, by the way. I want to laugh! Not only that, I want to see a runway as well. The category is… “Faceless”. If you’re not going to have a traditional face, you’ve got to have a great look! Feel free to interpret that how you wish, but be careful. Share your ideas with me so you know you don’t break the faceless “rule”. Otherwise, go wild.

You must also prepare a lip sync, and this week, you are lip syncing to…

The due date for this challenge is Tuesday at 9 PM EST. If you can, please submit your funny Whodunnit story, your Faceless runway, and your Come Clean lip sync together. Feel free to ask myself or Sterling questions or for advice and critiques.

Good luck, and don’t fuck it up!
3067 days 22 hours ago
I've had....... enough
3067 days 21 hours ago
3067 days 17 hours ago
Not this
3066 days 19 hours ago
Well I know who committed this crime….it was none other than……….FLOSS, the queen of mopping herself!!!!!!!!!!!!
This queen has been seen snatching ideas almost every challenge!!

-There was Rihanna:

-There was the orphan movie:

-There was that time she broke the………..copyright laws of the United States:

-And let’s not forget this!!!!!!!

She has unfortunately run out of ideas to take and now instead she just TOOK the crown!!! (and I think Iris died too but oh well).


Don’t let this full time janitor steal another time (or kill that person), put her away!!! (or at least low, shit)

My Runway:
3066 days 19 hours ago
Okay, before I begin my case, RuDan, I'd like to begin by prefacing my case with a matter that I think is even MORE pressing than what lays immediately before us. You see, Iris has been in a long distance relationship with this mystery man Tony for over 3 years now. Now, I have nothing against long distance relationships - different strokes and all that. But, RuDan, I am seriously concerned for Iris. She hasn't even seen this man's face, not even once! He disappears for weeks at a time with nothing but a call every now and then. They've never met in person, never facetimed, never sent each other pictures of their junk on snapchat, no, nothing. I think we need to help her come to her senses. No woman should be led on by a lowlife like that, she's just too good of a friend of mine for me to watch her hurt herself like this.
Anyway where was I? Oh, the crown, right. I have a confession! I stole the crown! AND I'm Tony! That's mf right hoe you THOUGHT you could get away with calling me a fat ass kelly price after we I beat you in just dance at my fifteenth birthday party but NOW LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING BITCH. she should have stopped spreading LIES about me a long time ago because next time the lights go out its not a crown thats gonna b gone hoe im WEED WACKING that hoe

you're nothing but a basic bitch that needs to watch her back iris! that right whore you're next! (mic cuts and im dragged out of the workroom)

3066 days 19 hours ago
if my animated runway isnt working:
3066 days 18 hours ago
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, respected queens and Sommers, lets not all lose our wigs here. It is quite obvious who committed this heinous act. But let’s be real, who’s the real villain of this story? You’ll have to wait and find out.

I, Detective Viktoria Wolanski, was sent by a past season 5 contestant to investigate Iris’s house, on the claim that Iris stole a prized possession of theirs. I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easily sneaking into Iris’s haus, but after telling her security guard that New Zealand was better than Australia, he kindly let me in, knowing that I must be one of Iris’s good friends. However, when I went inside of her closet, I was not expecting to see THIS:

It’s obvious that Iris STOLE Davina’s legs!!! What the hell? You think that for a winner, if she was gonna steal shit from someone, she’d at least steal it from someone good?

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Iris asked. I quickly snapped a picture of the closet before answering the question.

“I’m your biggest enemy if you don’t confess to all this stealing,” I replied.

After several minutes of bargaining, I agreed to Iris that I would keep my mouth shut to Davina, if she promised to return the legs and not to steal from her anymore. I left peacefully after that, with Davina’s prosthetics in hand.

All seemed to be going fine, but then I got a call about a week later from Davina. One of her costumes seemed to have gone missing this time, and she wanted me to investigate once more. I said that I would start my investigation tomorrow, as it was late that night. I went to a club to let off some steam, when I see our culprit yet again in another one of Davina’s looks. And this time it looks like she had some accomplices: (Waa Sabi, Arcane Mega, and Iris from left to right).

I was floored, flabbergasted, utterly in shock. That bitch lied to me about not stealing anymore. All bets were off this time. I called Davina about the incident, and I’d never seen her so angry since receiving Marlo’s critiques. She said she was gonna kill her, and would stop at nothing. I told her to calm down and that I would take care of it tomorrow.

Which brings us to today. I had seen the perfect opportunity to confront Iris about her actions, but I guess Miss Davina had beaten me to the punch. There’s no other option. It is clear that Davina snuck her way onto the set and killed Iris. But let’s be real, what’s the bigger crime? Davina murdering Iris? Or Iris stealing from Davina of all people? You be the judge!

Runway: Wasn’t this the most annoying thing about all cartoons?

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