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Survivor: Norway Episode Summaries

Topic » Survivor: Norway Episode..

3401 days 18 hours ago

I will post a brief episode summary after the conclusion of each episode. This will allow more casual viewers to follow along, without having to piece together the season via lengthy confessionals.
3400 days 2 hours ago
Norway Episode 1: "Aligned with a Parrot"

Two trucks of ten brand new castaways drove through the snowy Norwegian plains, all excited to begin what would be an insanely competitive season of KidA’s Survivor. The trucks pulled up to the host, Ryan, who stood in front of two mats.

They all jumped out of the trucks and gathered on their mats. On one side was the Brevik tribe, filled with past KidA Survivor players from the older generations. They were memorable, strong players from their seasons - many whom made up the old KidA’s Survivor community. On the Mysen tribe were new players in the series, or players who failed to make their mark on the new generation.

Both tribes were given their buffs and a map to their new camps. Once there, the game started right away.

On Brevik, Alex wasted no time by forming a 6-person alliance to gain majority. The alliance included Andrew, Dakota, Jacob, JB, and Porsche. Porsche then pulled in Sean to make a massive 7-person alliance.

This didn’t last long, though. Andrew and Gerard started talking, and Andrew leaked the alliance. Within a matter of minutes, everyone on the tribe was aware of it.

Jake and Ethan, sitting on the outside, quickly bonded, knowing they were in trouble. Together, they formed an alliance with Sean and Andrew, hoping they would flip.

On Mysen, two duos formed. Chris and Felix quickly bonded and decided to be called “The Black Mambas”. Julian and Darcy also became very close. These two duos came together and formed a solid 4-person voting block.

Meanwhile, Shadi became an early target. From past games, almost half of the entire cast had problems with him, and he knew he was in trouble. He scrambled to find alliances and build bridges.

Another alliance, much shakier than the other, formed between Shadi, Mikayla, Ollie, and Rhys. Rhys and Tim also bonded as a duo, as they were both more level-headed players on a tribe of big personalities.

At the challenge, the tribes competed in gathering materials and putting together a shelter. Both tribes were quick to gather their materials, finishing neck-and-neck. Brevik finished the paddling narrowly before Mysen, but Mysen caught up during the shelter-building. Brevik was nearly finished, but at the last second, Mysen sniped the win. All of the new players were pleased to have made their mark in the first challenge.

Back at camp, chaos erupted. The 7-person alliance met and Porsche told everyone to vote for Jake and send in their votes as “Blazer”, referring to Jake’s house burning down during Survivor: All-Stars. However, Porsche then found out that Andrew leaked the alliance. She kicked Andrew out of the 7-person alliance and replaced him with Gerard, who she hoped was desperate for a majority.

Meanwhile, Jake and Ethan targeted Porsche. They managed to get Sean on their side, who began to really push for Porsche going home. However, it was still difficult to find numbers.

Then, while everyone was sitting at camp, Dakota made a comment about how people who performed poorly in the challenge should go home. Gerard felt personally attacked from this, and became determined to vote out Dakota. He went to Jake, Ethan, and Sean and told them to vote Dakota instead. They agreed, knowing they needed one more vote.

With that, the game was split 6-4. However, Andrew started to doubt the 7-person alliance, and he knew it would be very difficult to break later on. He decided to join the smaller alliance, while Jake then worked on getting JB to flip. JB knew he didn’t have a strong relationship with Dakota, so he decided to flip in order to benefit his game.

At tribal council, Gerard ended up not flipping, as he wanted to make sure that everyone was actually going to vote Dakota. The vote tied 5-5, with Porsche, Dakota, Alex, Jacob, and Gerard voting for Jake. Jake, Ethan, Sean, Andrew, and JB then voted for Dakota.

On the re-vot
3400 days 2 hours ago
On the re-vote, Gerard went through with his plan and switched votes. Dakota was eliminated from the game, and rocks were avoided.
3399 days 20 hours ago
Norway Episode 1 Edgic:

Some emerging story-lines:


- The Porsche vs. Jake rivalry continues, Porsche obviously takes on the Villain role with Jake as the heroic, victimized underdog who flips the script.
- Ethan, JB, and Sean both get good strategic edits, positive as they go against Porsche.
- Andrew is on the "heroic" side but his leaking of the alliance and everyone finding him to be shady gets him "N".
- Gerard gets a negative edit as he targets Dakota (wanted to keep the tribe strong, made a comment about it) instead of Porsche.


- Chris gets the main edit on Mysen, "M" because he's seen as a strategist and leader, but Ollie already sees him as overbearing. Charlie is seen as somewhat of a rogue side-kick with an "N" edit for making a ton of side-alliances and being adamant about getting Shadi out.
- Ollie gets a heroic edit for sitting on the outside of the tribe, wanting to play a calm & strategic game, etc.
- Shadi gets "M" for being an outcast and knowing it (P), but everyone says terrible things about his character (N).
- Darcy basically represents the Julian/Darcy duo, and gets a P edit for being rational and not being involved in the more feisty antics of Chris/Charlie. Seems to be loyal and wants what's best for the tribe.
3399 days 4 hours ago
Norway Episode 2: "Issues Lead to Tissues"

Brevik returned back to camp with a deep tension among them. Jake, Ethan, and Sean celebrated their successful power shift, and Jake was shocked to still be in the game over Dakota.

Porsche, Alex, and Jacob now sat in the minority. They were all upset with the outcome, but knew they’d shoot themselves in the foot if they reacted irrationally.

Jeremy sat in a power-position on the tribe. He had voted with the majority, but was still aligned with and well-liked by the majority. Knowing that Andrew leaked information earlier, and seeing Andrew as a shady player, Jeremy wondered if he should give Andrew the axe earlier rather than later.

Meanwhile, on Mysen, the Duo Alliance of Chris & Felix / Darcy & Julian continued to gain power on the tribe, branching out to other tribe-members, gaining more and more votes.

While the Duo Alliance held power, Mikayla also vied to be in control of the tribe. He created an alliance that consisted of Felix, Darcy, Julian, Rhys and Shadi. With that, he believed he had control of the tribe, but in reality, half of his alliance was already in control.

At the challenge, the tribes went head to head in Survivor trivia. Once one person answered correctly, they then had to sit out. After two questions, it was tied 1-1, and it looked like it would be another neck-and-neck challenge. However, Brevik was motivated to not face tribal after their initial chaos. They soon pulled ahead and scored almost all of the remaining points, sending Mysen back to camp empty-handed.

As soon as Mysen reached camp, the scrambling started. The Duo Alliance met and Felix was fixated on targeting Shadi, while Chris wanted to vote for Mikayla. Eventually, Chris gave in to Felix’s idea, but was annoyed in the process. With that, four votes were headed for Shadi. The Duo Alliance then brought in Tim and Brady, both on the fringes of the tribe, and told them to vote for Shadi. They willingly agreed.

Meanwhile, Mikayla’s alliance all decided that Tim would be the vote. Everyone agreed, although Felix/Darcy/Julian knew that Tim was perfectly safe. However, word traveled fast on the Mysen tribe, where everyone was seemingly talking with everyone. Soon enough, Tim became very aware that he was a target, which sent Mikayla into a nervous tailspin.

Minutes before tribal, Mikayla tried to change the vote to avoid Tim playing an idol. He pushed for them to change to Chris, but Felix, Darcy, and Julian all said Brady would be a better option (protecting their actual alliance member). Finally, he agreed to target Brady, and tried to get everyone to change their votes.

At tribal council, the mess continued. Julian, in a rogue moment, changed his vote to Brady, joining in with Mikayla and Shadi’s votes. Rhys never got word about the vote-change, and he voted for Tim with Ollie. The rest of the Duo Alliance (Chris/Felix/Darcy) along with the outsiders Brady and Tim voted for Shadi, sending him home in a convoluted 5-3-2 vote.
3399 days 4 hours ago
Norway Episode 2 Edgic:

Mostly the same storylines continuing from last episode, some of them are gonna pick up next episode I believe.

This episode would mainly focus on the dynamics between Felix, Darcy, Chris, Mikayla. Next episode will shift more focus to the minority.
3388 days 4 hours ago
Norway Episode 3: "Revenge is a Bitch"

After voting out Shadi, Mysen returned to camp as a splintered tribe. Tim soon found out that Rhys had voted for him, so a confrontation began. Fiery words were exchanged as Tim berated Rhys, telling Rhys that he'd rather be voted out than work with him. Even though Tim and Rhys were standing away from camp, nearly everyone saw Tim's fuse go off.

Rhys was left confused and completely on the outs of his tribe, until Mikayla approached him. They pulled in Ollie, another outsider, and the three decided to form a "Masqueraders" alliance, determined to get back into the game.

Meanwhile, Felix met with the duo alliance, consisting of him & Chris and Darcy & Julian. Felix pointed out that there were not six votes for Shadi, and someone hadn't voted with them. Instantly, Julian said that he felt threatened, and in a fit of anger, announced that he was leaving the alliance.

Back on Brevik, a divide existed on the tribe. Porsche, Alex, Gerard and Jacob sat in a minority foursome while Sean, Jake, Ethan, Andrew, and JB made up the majority alliance. However, a storm was on the horizon as JB saw Andrew as a major threat and a shady player. At the same time, Gerard distrusted his alliance, but knew that nobody in the majority alliance trusted him. So, he decided to go searching for the idol. He began to dig through some snow by the water hole, when, by luck, he found it. Gerard celebrated and decided to keep his idol a secret for now.

At the challenge, it was announced that the tribes would not be playing for tribal immunity, but rather for individual immunity. They had to row down a river as quick as possible, but anyone could give up their shot at immunity to help another player in the game. When the game started, Darcy and Julian instantly teamed up, making quick progress. Still, Rhys beasted out in his rowing, and was soon neck-and-neck with the duo.

Sean made quick progress in rowing, helped out somewhat by Porsche. In the end, Sean won immunity for Brevik, while Rhys narrowly won immunity for Mysen.

Back at the Mysen camp, alliances were completely scattered. First, Chris and Felix met to discuss their vote. Chris wanted Mikayla out instantly, knowing that he could control Tim as a pawn. Felix, on the other hand, was pushing for Tim. The two quickly went head-to-head, trying to push their vote on everyone. They consulted other tribemembers - Rhys, Darcy, and Brady, both of whom wanted Tim out, but Chris was determined to vote for Mikayla. A fight between Chris and Felix ensued, ending with them storming off in different directions.

Meanwhile, the new Masquerader alliance of Rhys, Brady, and Mikayla met. They agreed that Tim was the best option.

Eventually, Chris and Felix met back up and agreed on Mikayla. They got Darcy on board, and even talked with Julian to try to reconcile things. Then, they got Brady and Tim as extra votes. It seemed set that Mikayla would be voted out, but further chaos soon unfolded. Mikayla began to lobby for Tim, while out of nowhere, Tim started to lobby for Julian. The whole plan to get rid of Mikayla soon fell apart, and Chris realized that it simply wasn't going to work.

On Brevik, stategy started instantly. The majority alliance decided to vote for Alex, who had been grating on people lately. However, as soon as Andrew left, JB told the rest of the alliance that Andrew couldn't be trusted. They all said that they needed Alex out first, but JB was determined. He then went to the minority alliance and told them to vote for Andrew - they all agreed, knowing they couldn't be picky.

However, when Andrew caught wind of JB's schemes, the majority alliance quickly cracked. He went to the minority alliance and told them 100% that he would vote with them to get rid of JB. Now, the people previously on the bottom found themselves in a good position. As the majori
3388 days 4 hours ago
majority fell apart, Ethan and Jake worked as mediators to try to get everyone to stick to the Alex vote, knowing that giving up a majority member would only lead to more chaos down the line.

At Brevik's tribal council, Andrew flipped sides, knowing that JB had been gunning for him. In a 5-4 vote between JB and Andrew, JB was blindsided for his scheming, having lost too much trust in a short period of time.

At Mysen's tribal council, the tribe somehow reached a consensus decision. The splintered alliances came together and unanimously voted out Tim, 9-1.
3376 days 5 hours ago
I'm stopping the episode summaries because they take up too much time and I feel like only Patrick reads them (god bless him).

HOWEVER, I have finished the edgic for Norway and I will include a detailed "storyline summary" for each player.

Also, I've ordered it based on who I think is winning, getting 2nd, etc. I actually have no idea who is gonna win, but my predictions are shown in how I ordered the F3.

Survivor: Norway Edgic:
3376 days 5 hours ago
Survivor: Norway Edgic -


Dakota - Not much of a storyline for the first boot. She associates with the wrong side of people, and is shown to be really strong in challenges (P), but people get rid of her anyway.

Shadi - Shadi gets an initial (M) edit because we see him as an outcast who knows pretty much off the bat that he's screwed (P), yet everyone says he is shady, a snake, vile, etc. (N). In the second episode, he is seen as the victim outcast who fights to stay but fails.

Tim - Tim starts out with a fairly normal edit, seen as social in his bond with Rhys, but also bashes a lot of his tribe which gives him (M). Episode 2 starts to show him in a more negative light, mainly to set up for Episode 3... in which he goes ape-shit on Rhys for voting for him and threatens all sorts of things. Basically has a huge OTTN meltdown, which ultimately results in his elimination.

JB - JB gets a positive, sane, narrator edit for the first two episodes. He is visible as a strategic force, but the audience is also meant to like him... basically a winner's edit. In episode 3, he becomes very fixated to blindsiding Andrew, and this causes everyone to lose trust in him, therefore winding up in his elimination.

Sean - Sean starts out as someone enthusiastic about the game, ready to go far, play hard, and make big moves. He is given the snarky, confident, rough-n-ready gameplayer edit. Second episode, he's quiet. Third episode, we start to see the stress catching up to him. He still is playing hard, but he also bashes his tribe and is shown as a little bit more of a negative commentator, plus more cocky than confident. In his boot episode, Sean basically loses it, and goes completely sour. He is shown to be very bitter and angry with his tribe, and he has a bit of a meltdown after one of his best friends idols him out. Overall, he has a "descent to negative" storyline.
3375 days 7 hours ago
Alex - Because he didn't send confessionals, Alex gets a fairly minimal edit. For most of the time, he's seen as one of Porsche's "henchmen" (Jacob gets this edit as well, but only for the pre-merge). However, he does get some negative points due to his social game - where he never came off well, and was confrontational after getting votes. He also would've been depicted as "weak" in challenges for always showing up a little too late. So yeah, challenge weakness would be the equivalent.

Ollie - Ollie was actually a pretty heroic character in Norway, which is definitely not usual for her. Says a lot about this cast, huh? Basically, Ollie gets an edit where she is self conscious most of the time of being an outsider, but we constantly see her determination to stay in the game, esp. when she joins the "Masquerader" alliance. In her boot episode, she is seen as more emotional when she gets mad at Rhys for throwing a dodgeball at her in the challenge. We start to realize that she's not entirely stable and heroic, which gives her more depth right as she leaves. Overall impression is likable outcast who has a decent run in the game.

Gerard - Gerard has an interesting edit, very mixed. Due to his flipping in the game, he is given some more "negative" attributes as the cast views him as a flip-flopper. However, due to his snarky confessionals and fun spirit, he gets some "positive" points which gives him an M. After he idols out Sean, he has a big emotional response in Episode 5 where he considers quitting after backstabbing a friend. He decides to stay, but from that point, the audience isn't intended to see him as a contender or major player. His boot episode continues the mixed editing, but is meant to seem as karma being served for him.

Porsche - Porsche has a very interesting edit. She emerges in the game as her typical OTTN self, targeting and harassing Jake. On the strategic sense, she is basically seen as the leader of her alliance, since she is the most visible. However, at the same time, people discuss her as a big target. This edit continues for a while, until she has some quieter episodes. Then, her edit picks up again with the swap. Suddenly, she switches to an underdog role, trying to conspire her way out of a seemingly doomed situation. In episode 7, Porsche's edit is very mixed. She feels isolated on the bottom of the tribe, and she blows up at Rhys (losing his potential vote - negative editing). Yet, at the challenge, she turns on the jets and wins immunity for her tribe which wanted to throw the challenge (positive editing). In the final episode, she is portrayed as a victim of the NuBrevik majority - they refuse to complete the challenge, leaving Porsche helpless, and she is promptly voted out after trying her best. In the last episode, her edit suddenly gets very positive, and people are meant to sympathize with her.
3375 days 6 hours ago
Darcy - Darcy's edit remains consistent for almost the entire season. He comes off as a sane, positive force. He gives us some strategic insight and expresses his hopes for the game, usually optimistic. People are meant to like him, but he doesn't emerge as a major character or dominant strategic force. Just a likable, sweet player who has a solid handle of the game. Then, in his boot episode, that completely changes. Leading up to tribal, we see his emotions start to build as he feels the pressure of the game. He is paranoid and frantic; then, at tribal, he has a HUGE meltdown and nearly quits. All of the sudden, he is basically portrayed as insane and unstable (highly negative edit). And then he's swiftly voted out.

Jake - Jake is another person with a fairly consistent edit. Overall, he has a strong duo with Ethan and both are given a positive edit as they navigate the game together. The audience is meant to like their loyalty to one-another, and how they are always getting along (shown in comparison to dysfunctional Felix/Chris duo). As an individual, Jake is seen to have a little more spark than Ethan; he delivers funny, sometimes snarky confessionals, but it's all in a light-hearted spirit of the game. Both of his OTT episodes are ones where I would only show his more goofy confessionals where he isn't strategizing - this is to avoid him coming off as a gamebot, and giving a little more range to his overall edit.

Mikayla - Mikayla's edit is either mixed or negative almost all season. Initially, he comes off strongly as a negative force, mostly due to confessionals and being seen as sneaky, spiteful, and villainous. Then, after being thrown into the majority, his edit gets a little more mixed. He's still seen as very sneaky and aggressive in gameplay, but since he's in the minority and opposing the Black Mambas, he gets some positive points. He is meant to be respected as a gameplay early-on, especially when he is almost voted out, but the whole vote flips on Tim. But as the game goes on, he is put into the minority and can hardly get his footing. At the merge, he is seen as wishy-washy and playing way too hard. People start to pick up on it, and he's removed (via idol) due to his erratic gameplay.

Andrew - Andrew starts off with a very negative edit, mostly because in the early episodes, the game is narrated largely by JB, who never trusts Andrew. There are also other players who think Andrew is untrustworthy, playing both sides, shady, etc. His confessionals also begin as pretty aggressive and bloodthirsty. After JB leaves, this starts to shift to "mixed", since he becomes more loyal to one specific side of the tribe. He does get less screen-time, mostly as a tool to wipe his initial negative edit (let the viewers forget about his negativity for a little while, then re-start). After the tribe swap, Andrew is mostly seen as a vote that Ethan and Jake have. He starts to get some mild positive editing. The merge then sets up Andrew as much more positive - he is seen to be on the more "heroic" side of the tribe, and he has more time talking about strategy, being generally upbeat, etc. Towards the very end of his run, he still gets the positive underdog points, but he also seems slightly bitter and venomous towards the majority, which doesn't reflect well on him, explaining his last couple "mixed" episodes.
3375 days 6 hours ago
Rhys - Rhys gets a lovely edit for this season, most of the time. He starts off as a little bit quiet, laying low. Then, he starts to really delve into the strategic game - he gets a really positive edit in Episode 3, since he is portrayed to be on the right side of things in the fight with Tim (Tim is meant to look crazy, Rhys is given the "R.C" edit). Also, joining the underdog, rootable Masqueraders alliance and finding his first idol gives Rhys a lot of points. After the swap, he is given less screen-time to avoid viewers associating him with Chris/Julian, who are seen as villains when they victimize Porsche by throwing the challenge, etc. Rhys was a part of it, but that's downplayed slightly (this is the episode where he is considered "mixed"). When the merge starts, he is seen as a dominant social player. He gets an episode where he is shown as kinda goofy (similar to Jake), but he goes back to his normal CP edit afterwards. He finishes the season with a strong positive edit, especially in finding his second idol. While he is overwhelmingly positive, viewers are also meant to recognize that Chris and Felix majorly outplay him. His mistakes are very visible, but his character makes it excusable.

Jacob - Jacob has "rising edit" - he starts the game very UTR, partially because he didn't send confessionals early-on, but also because it makes sense from a story perspective. He is seen as a loyal follower to Porsche, and isn't given any depth past him voting with Porsche. After the swap, he gets some credit for being smarter than his allies for lying low and not fighting with the majority - this is seen as a factor that helps him survive in the Porsche boot episode. After the merge, his edit starts to pick up as he gets more into the game. A lot of the time, he is seen as a narrator with no positive or negative edit - simply someone who is explaining his gameplay. He gets one OTT episode because he freaks out about the chance of Rhys having an idol, and that's really all we see out of him. His boot episode is his most significant - he finally decides to go after Felix, which gives him positive points (for going against the grain and trying to make a move). However, at the same time, all of the mistakes Jacob had made throughout the merge are basically shown to catch up with him (negative editing). He gets outplayed and is voted out, a result of his earlier decision-making.

Ethan - Ethan gets an overall positive edit as part of the Jake/Ethan duo, who are both likable. In the duo, he is portrayed to be a little more calculated, collected, but also a little less colorful. His "CP" episodes are ones where he is basically just a strategy-talker, while his "CPP" episodes show more of his humor and relationship with Jake, etc. There are pretty much no negative aspects shown to Ethan, although his edit does become different after the merge. Without Jake around, we begin to see Ethan as more of a lone wolf who is forced to work with Chris/Felix in order to survive - "making a deal with the devil". We see more of his desperation we also see him losing the fun-spirit of the game. He begins to really struggle to stay in the game, and his emotions start to catch up (this adds a lot of character depth). His decision to flip to Felix at the Final 6 is also portrayed as a result of the emotions affecting his head (not entirely accurate, but it would be portrayed as such). Then, finally, in the finale he acknowledges that his heart has fallen out of the game and he feels defeated. This puts an end to his underdog storyline, and we start to sympathize with him, but also pity him somewhat. He is voted out on that note, having basically completed his time in the game.

Felix - Felix's edit is less visible than I thought it was going to be; he obviously played a huge part in the season, but his confessionals weren't actually all that frequent or detailed. But anyway, he starts t
3375 days 6 hours ago
the season with a negative edit. This is because a lot of people dislike him right off the bat, and he also immediately associates with Chris. In his confessionals, he is sometimes spiteful and villainous towards other players. Plus, some blow-ups at tribal council and general fights give him negative points throughout the season. Overall, he is not seen as the "sidekick" to Chris. Instead, he is portrayed to be playing a more subtle game than Chris. We see him talking about his frustration with Chris, showing that they are not a tight duo, but that Felix wants to use Chris as a shield to get himself to the end and win due to the jury's anger with his duo-partner. He is certainly not likable though; Felix is shown to be a very manipulative snake, and his part in all of the backstabbing and blindsiding is clearly shown. Felix is the DECOY-WINNER, 100%. The viewers are meant to expect a win from him, but at the same time, dread it. Therefore, the Final 4 blindside is support to be a huge and epic surprise for the audience.
3375 days 6 hours ago
Brady - Brady starts off with a quiet edit, mostly because his role in the game during the first couple episodes is very minimal. He is seen as quiet and sort of a "freelance" vote that Chris/Felix/Julian/Darcy pick up. After the swap, we start to see more of Brady's strategy-talking, but at the same time, the viewers are not meant to "trust" Brady as a narrator. Other players talk about how he is weak and out of the loop, but this is NOT meant to be negative editing. Instead, the audience is supposed to initially pity him and sort of relate with him. This is enhanced when we start to see Brady's feelings on getting so many votes (sad and discouraged). After the merge, his edit sort of fluctuates. Sometimes, he is seen as a goat to Brady and Felix, someone who is bound to lose at Final Tribal Council - also someone who is very emotional and easily angered/upset. Other times, he is sympathetic and is a sort-of underdog; ESPECIALLY during the period where he goes against Chris. This is sort of a "David vs. Goliath storyline", except Goliath triumphs. His edits ends as he gets bashed by the jury, but has a shot at winning for being nicer to some people.

Julian - Julian sent maybe 2-3 short confessionals this season, so I honestly couldn't do much for his edit, even though he was often important. He really never gets any character depth; instead, he's left with all UTR and MOR episodes; occasionally, he is seen as sort of erratic. In episode 3, he somewhat randomly leaves the alliance and has a bit of a drama-queen exit, which gives him some negative points. Otherwise, he is UTR, which enhances the arguments against him at FTC.

Chris - Chris is, more or less, the most important & visible person of the season. However, his edit is more or less "psychotic villain who plays a REALLY aggressive game". For almost the entire season, he is either CPM or CPN. In the CPN episodes, he is shown to give confessionals that highlight his anger with people, his over-the-top rage-fits, etc. The peak of his negative edit is in Episode 3, where he jeopardizes his entire alliance by relentlessly pushing for Mikayla to go. In his CPM episodes, the viewers are exposed more to his HUGE drive to win the season. Undeniably, he puts his heart and soul into the game, but can't help his short temper, fiery personality, and nature to get into conflicts. Throughout the season, people are shown bashing him for his social game and saying how much they hate him - but at the same time, they admire how he dominates challenges, plays a ruthless strategic game, and generally dominates. His partnership with Felix is also significant; throughout the season, both are shown as a tight pair, yet they both somewhat hate each other and want each other out. He is shown as often being frustrated with Felix and nervous about Felix winning - this subtly builds up until the Final 4, where Chris sticks the knife in Felix's back. This is VERY significant, and is actually meant to make the audience root for a Chris win. Because so many underdogs tried to break the Black Mambas, yet the only one successful enough to do it was Chris. At FTC, his flawed social game is highlighted, but he is seen as someone who is STARVING for the win, more than anyone else. And it is very clear that he worked for it desperately.
3374 days 4 hours ago
aww I kinda liked the episode summaries

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