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Stars: Democrats vs Republicans Applications

Topic » Stars: Democrats vs..

2018 days ago
Country/State (optional):
Democrat or Republican?
Are you vocal about your political opinions?
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves?
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans?

Thank you for applying! I will probably take the 8 Democrats who stand out the most and the 8 Republicans who stand out the most from my view.
2018 days ago
Name/nickname: John
Age: 16
Country/State (optional): California USA
Democrat or Republican? Democrat
Are you vocal about your political opinions?
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves?
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans?
to slaughter some Republicans
2017 days 23 hours ago
Name/nickname: Alex
Age: 17
Country/State (optional): Mississippi
Democrat or Republican? Democrat
Are you vocal about your political opinions? Extremely, I always get in fights especially being the biggest liberal in Mississippi of all states
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves? Of course, why attack someone with similar beliefs?
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? I love politics
2017 days 23 hours ago

Name/nickname: Livingston
Age: 18
Country/State (optional): South Carolina
Democrat or Republican? Republican (Conservative Libertarian to be specific ;) )
Are you vocal about your political opinions? I run a news website where I post many of my editorials, I have volunteered for state/local campaigns, and I have spoken at many political related meetings so uhhhhhh I am a tad bit vocal.
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves? No matter the political affiliation, this is still a game. Democrats and Republicans might as well be 2 different tribes (since I am more familiar with Survivor) but gameplay may change. I am open minded and adaptable. If I must cross political lines, so be it.
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? I have never played a Stars or Big Brother group game but I think the theme of this game is an interesting one.
2017 days 21 hours ago
Name/nickname: Gunther
Age: 17
Country/State (optional): Connecticut
Democrat or Republican? Libertarian but I guess that's closer to Republican
Are you vocal about your political opinions? Yes and no. I have strong opinions on some subjects and none on others, but I've always been someone who's enjoyed getting into fight and I can be hot headed
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves? I'd lile to take down both tbh and win 
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? I feel like this game will be intense and intense group games are hard to find nowadays
2017 days 20 hours ago
Name/nickname: Cameron
Age: 18
Country/State (optional):  North Carolina
Democrat or Republican?  Democrat
Are you vocal about your political opinions?  I am very vocal about my opinions but am always open minded and try to never be too rude in debates but will never give people time to talk if they are being blatantly ignorant
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves?   I'd be open but I think the party's could provide a potential safe spot for some of us to fall back on
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans?   I really want to play a Stars Group Game and the theme sounds like it could potentially spark some drama

Thank you for applying! I will probably take the 8 Democrats who stand out the most and the 8 Republicans who stand out the most from my view.
2017 days 18 hours ago
Name/nickname: Rubes
Age: 15
Country/State (optional): I’m not from America so the UK
Democrat or Republican? Democrat (ew @Donald Trump)
Are you vocal about your political opinions? Always :P
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves?  Both, whatever gets me further!
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? Because I love stars and this seems like an awesome concept :)
2017 days 18 hours ago
Name/nickname: Dominque
Age: 18
Country/State (optional):
Democrat or Republican? Demo
Are you vocal about your political opinions? Yes, fuck Trump forevah that hoe fucking sucks. Like I dont speak to some of my family, because they really are brainwashed trash and voted for that con dunce of a human.
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves?
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? Im down to be more open to Republicans but not Trumptards ever

Thank you for applying! I will probably take the 8 Democrats who stand out the most and the 8 Republicans who stand out the most from my view.
2017 days 18 hours ago
Also, Im from Texas
2017 days 17 hours ago
Name: Natalie Cole
Age: 60
Country/State: America
Democrat or Republican: Democrat
Are you vocal about your political opinions? YES I AM, BITCH!
Do you wish to take down the opposite party?- HELL YES.
Why are you interested? I wanted to apply as the queen!
2017 days 16 hours ago
Name/nickname: Barbra Streisand (Barbra)
Age: 18
Country/State (optional): Ohio, USA
Democrat or Republican?  REPUBLICAN
Are you vocal about your political opinions?  Not really
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves?  I am more open tbh. I am between Republican and Democrat but lean towards Republican.
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? Cause this concept is very interesting!
2016 days 17 hours ago
Name/nickname: Rock
Age: 17
Country/State (optional): Michigan
Democrat or Republican? Democrat
Are you vocal about your political opinions? Yes, but I try to be open and understanding on the others sides view rather then just saying everything I stand for is right.
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves? Whatever I feel is good for my game I’ll do. Sides are sides but I usually go for the main course! (OMG that was a good punchline!)
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? I think it will be a fun little experiment and I haven’t played a group game in a while so why not.
2015 days 20 hours ago
Name/nickname: Tocan
Age: 19
Country/State (optional): Florida
Democrat or Republican? Ecriptonian (leans Republican)
Are you vocal about your political opinions? Occasionally
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves? "Together up on the open roaaaaaddddd"
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? Because you asked
2013 days 17 hours ago
ame/nickname: Jasoi
Age: 15
Country/State (optional): New york
Democrat or Republican? DEMOCRATIC
Are you vocal about your political opinions? HELL YAS
Do you wish to take down the opposite party or be more open when it comes to making moves? Taking out the fucking opposition
Why are you interested in playing Stars: Democrats vs Republicans? Cuz i love the twist and ill be extremely vocal and i wanna be a savage as this game

Ill send confessionals

open group

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