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Cast Ranking

Topic » Cast Ranking

2524 days 9 hours ago
Post Michelle boot :

18 - Nick
17 - Nathan
16 - Duke
15 - John
14 - Jaron
13 - Joey
12 - Emmett
11 - Eddie
10 - Adam(LovesEverything)
9 - Josh
8 - AJ
7 - Michelle (fallen icon </3)
6 - Brien
5 - Garret
4 - Ashley
3 - Kyla
2 - Adam (Tvivor)
1 - Tana

I love everyone tbh such a fire cast

The people at the top imo just added more, and the people near the bottom imo just didn't shine much, but still have tons of potential, like it's so active and iconic

I love this season
2522 days 5 hours ago
Post John's boot.

17 - Nick
16 - Adam(LovesEverything)
15 - Josh
14 - Emmett
13 - Jaron
12 - John *OUT*
11 - Eddie
10 - Brien
9 - Duke
8 - Nathan
7 - Joey
6 - AJ
5 - Kyla
4 - Garret
3 - Tvivor Adam
2 - Tana (Zuelke)
1 - Ashley (Ashszoke)

So, overall I like everyone a lot.

I'd say Nick & Adam(LovesEverything) are just the most extra.

Even tho John is like A LOT higher than Adam(LovesEverything) Im sorta happy he got out, cuz he was gonna get old if he didn't, like.. that was obvious. He was GREAT DRAMA for the 4 days he was here, but it was going on FOR HOURS, and was going nowhere, it was a perfect ending for his arc. Plus he never sent DR's... neither did Adam, but... yeah.

I feel like Nick is ACTIVE but has yet to really talk or anything besides like twice, so... that's why he's last. Nothing against him.

Josh is a mess LMFAO im happy I casted him, but YIKES. THAT GOTH LOL.

Emmett is active and I hope he gets in power, cuz I get good vibes from him.

Jaron is ICONIC at that POV ceremony, I hope he keeps delivering, he can rise and can be my winner pick after a few weeks, cuz he can win comps AND has the coup d'état. Double trouble.

Eddie is extra as usual, he's funny, but so far hasn't caused ENOUGH trouble to be much higher. He's iconic tho, he'll rise.

I had a lot of trouble ranking Brien. His video DR's are iconic, BUT, he did get in a bunch of trouble and drama, and that's a huge red flag. He could be playing a sneaky snakey game, and that's never good. I hope he can fix that though and keep good with the alliance. Cuz the potential is there.

Duke should be lower but his random drama was ICONIC. He really should get a skype sigh.

Nathan has proven to be an icon in one week. I honestly can't believe no one is targeting him anymore after that drama. He got LUCKY.

Joey is probably too high as he hasn't had many DR's and all, but he's weirdly one of my faves I can't really explain, I hope he doesn't get like specifically targeted out of his alliance or I hope his alliance gets power (him specifically, as he wouldn't be Coup'ed out), cuz such good vibes from him, and he's evidently active.

AJ has such iconic moments, like he's hardly even active, but whenever he decides to show up I am OBSESSED. Like "Good for you" when John was talking about his sexuality struggle (I think), changing the group pic to the Spy Girls. I don't even know if he has a gameplay, I'm obsessed either way.

Kyla's confessional call was iconic. Kyla calling herself a threat ICONIC. Kyla slaying the premiere challenge and almost winning iconic. Kyla is iconic.

Garret isn't afraid of confrontation, and was a huge force in the fights today and yesterday and I am HERE FOR IT. Garret isn't dumb and could be a front runner, and he's in the seemingly majority (even tho it's only like 7 people) alliance, and he has the Kansas bond with Joey, he really could be in the best position, but since he is confrontational, that might not last.

Tvivor Adam is a comp king who also isn't scared of confrontation. He has a HUGE TARGET on his back, and he doesn't really care about it! He's a power player, and that's iconic.

Tana is so drama, and has fire DR's, and literally just plays for good TV... iconic.

Ashley is sorta everything I love in a player, and her having safety basically stemmed her gameplay. She is immune for 3 weeks, is literally CREATING the drama, and hardly even has the target for it. She has her Tvivor and comp king (Jaron) shield... Shes honestly playing differently than how she usually plays, and I'm pleasantly Here for it.

2520 days 21 hours ago
Post Josh boot :

16 - Josh *OUT*
15 - Duke
14 - Adam(LovesEverything)
13 - Emmett
12 - Nick
11 - Eddie
10 - Brien
9 - Jaron
8 - Nathan
7 - Joey
6 - AJ
5 - Tvivor Adam
4 - Garret
3 - Kyla
2 - Tana
1 - Ashley

Josh disappoints. He was a last minute casting change, but.. I guess it all worked out. An iconic quit at the start (Kelly adding 2388 into the chat, then quitting, 2388 was the alt. For josh, 0 regrets). And he had a lot of fights and death threats, but overall lead to his own demise by telling Ashley he wanted her target safe??????? Okay.

Duke had that drama with Josh, but that's like it, so... meh.

Adam hasn't even voted yet besides literally the premeire, so.. iconic Victoria?

Emmett is lowkey but is in a solid spot with not being a big target for the other side but actually being good with Ashley's alliance. Surely could go far.

Nick is still lowkey, but simply had a DR while some people below him didn't, so I see some potential in him nowadays.

Eddie is drama but wasn't much drama today for sure. Hopefully will pull through soon.

Brien is like smack dab in the middle cuz his game is a BIT of a mess rn. His dead friend lie was kinda called out on, and is basically public enemy #1, but he won veto when he needed too, I really hope he wins HOH, so he can try @ Ashley and fail tbh. That'd be ICONIC. But I LOVE his Video DR's I hope he stays.

Jaron is becoming an icon tbh. 0 regret in making him the last minute cast member, he's delivered 110%, Hes won comps, he's on (imo) the better side, if he sent more DR's he'd either be higher or lower depending on how he's like, but his answers to my DR Q's are cool too. Overall a strong competitor who's in a great spot to win tbh. Unless things blow up.

Nathan/Joey are both like interesting. I love their personalities but... okay, Joey is MORE relevant and has some drama, so he's higher, but Nathan is iconic but now is actually working with Ashley and the anti Nathan crew (ICONIC), So... theyre both lowkey but iconic in separate ways. Nathan needs more DR's tbh.

AJ is so UTR all his airtime is ICONIC tho. I love my KING. "Bye bye" LEGEND.

The top 5 is ICONIC and PERFECT God tier contestants. All interchangeable icons.

Not going into detail.

They're all icons.
2517 days 8 hours ago
After Tana's blatant robbery

15 - Nick
14 - Duke
13 - Emmett
12 - AdamLovesEverything
11 - Eddie
10 - Brien
9 - Jaron
8 - Adam from TVivor
7 - Nathan
6 - Joey
5 - AJ
4 - Garret
3 - Kyla
2 - Ashley
1 - Tana *ROBBED OUT*

Nick, Duke & Emmett are floaters but I feel like that's actually strategy and are actually playing and are active, but are floating and staying UTR strategically, but this is such an OTT season, they, although are playing smart for now, are in the background imo. Avoiding targets like a boss tho.

AdamLovesEverything is pretty background UTR too imo, but has been nominated every week so far, so... isnt doing is as strategically as Nick, Duke & Emmett, but his 3rd nom was by a curse, so.. Idk if he's still going to be the all time pawn, or if he may be okay now...

Eddie is sometimes drama but like not enough to be higher and he's sorta just really the most extra person there. He doesn't do DR's, he isn't too much drama, Idk if he has strategy, hes active but extra af. Not bad but he's sorta just MOR and there ATM. I expect he'll get better cuz he has like no target, but.... underwhelming so far. I think he may be laying low strategically but he has just enough airtime to be more entertaining than ^^^.

Brien is in such a bad spot, and was supposed to go this week, but I guess Tana really dug her own grave, so I won't be too salty. But Brien's only change may be cuz Joey have a big target now too, he may be able to slide under the radar for a few weeks and make jury, but idk if he has a chance to win at all now cuz his target is pretty big at this point, a la why he hardly survived eviction this week. Gl him. A power shift may need to happen, but the other side has like every power rn so gl brien.

Jaron & Adam from TVivor basically have every remaining power rn....
Jaron = MVP, coup d'état
Adam from TVivor = immunity til jury, halting hex
But after this past vote idk how they're gonna work with each other.

Jaron kinda threw his vote at Eddie from some reason???  It was weird, but he's very team
Ashley rn

While Adam from TVivor selfishly got Tana out basically, so...

I think Adam from TVivor has like more power cuz he legit can't get out til jury, but he could take a Neda turn for this, and now with the added potential of he can literally CANCEL A WEEK, he really is unstoppable at this point until the DE at jury.

But Jaron really is a force at this point as well, he can : A) pick a third nom every week til jury AND B) coup d'état it at any point he wants.

Their side is basically indestructible, but idk whether the sides rn are like torn up cuz of the Tana vs Brien decision.

Overall both are FORCES for pre jury at least, I'd say Adam is even more of a power player rn, but if he lets that get to his head, he literally could be Neda.

Basically Adam is either going to end up back into top 3, or he'll be intolerable... his obsession with ending Tana was pretty annoying tbh sooooooo.....

Nathan is more entertaining imo than Adam, so he is above him this week. I like Nathan a lot he's drama, he's kinda messy strategically. I like watching him. It's iconic that he went from
Ashley's arch rival to one of her closest allies basically. I love it. Plus his messy voting and flipping like 5 times was iconic. Wish he kept Tana tho.

Joey is like in an AWFUL position, but Idk now that everyone got rid of Tana if he's still screwed or nah? Imo it'd be illogical to target him now after doing him such a huge favor? But, this house is stupid, but yeah. Joey's week of power was drama, 4 noms, a dramatic split eviction, even tho it had a bad ending, I like Joey the most out of the evict Tana crew, and his DR's and strategy is really cool, I hope he makes it to jury, but rn he's a big target, but I hope they save him until after Brien, but idk :/ the exposing him thing was really extra and annoying, and it lead to Tana's eviction so nothing good came out of it.
2515 days 8 hours ago
14th - Eddie (NicoleF) (9-2)

14 - Eddie
13 - Nick
12 - Emmett
11 - Duke
10 - Adam not from TVivor
9 - Brien
8 - Adam from TVivor
7 - Jaron
6 - Garret
5 - Nathan
4 - Joey
3 - Ashley
2 - AJ
1 - Kyla

This week was pretty gross tbh. Boring, and it started off with the majority Alliance whining cuz their side actually lost an HOH...

But, let me go through everyone anyways.

Eddie was never not extra this season. Big underwhelmer. Can't say much about him. Sometimes he was sassy and drama, but nothing major, it was just always like not interesting, not strategic and not anything, and he played the middle HORRIBLY @ both sides literally agreeing on the eviction vote to him. Literally both sides turned on him. Flop.

Nick, Emmett, Duke all floaters. Good gameplay to stay UTR, they are active, and occasionally send DR's, so I think they're doing it in a smart way, but I hope they prove their games, cuz I definitely have faith and see the potential in them.

Adam not from TVivor is actually a legit comp beast he's basically Alex tbh, taking out Eddie was NOT a big move or anything, but still iconic. He literally was on the way to not voting once this season, his non existent chart is by far the best so far. I don't get enough DR's or content from him to really rank him higher, but if his chart alone continues to be this FIRE, Im HERE for it.

Brien has probably be in the most trouble in this game from week 1, and is still here, and he STILL has the most to overcome, especially with the MVP on his tail, but now with Adam from TVivor on his side, the Halting Hex could very likely help him out if it deems necessary. He has overcome the most, and I honestly am shocked he's still here, and he could be staying!

Adam from TVivor is Neda. If he continues being Neda he's probably going to sink more. But he's Neda. He's totally TURNING on Ashley/Garret/them/clique and slowly throwing them under the bus, and both sides are probably going to realize that and he's gonna get Neda'd with both sides turning on him, like Eddie, it's pretty gross to watch ngl. I still like him but him being Neda + complaining about the HOH Being rigged AND THEN STILL LOSING on the rematch is not a cute look for him.

Jaron is the better power player than Adam at this point... but now people are targeting him, but with his coup d'état he's essentially untouchable for at least ONE week. So, Adam from TVivor is more safe (untouchable til jury - Jaron is touchable just not with his Coup D'état). Plus he's on the imo the more likable side (even tho they were really obnoxious during the HOH comp) and he can win comps. All around great contender.

Garret is my favorite PERSON on this cast (aka my BFF) but this week he was pretty invisible and then was one of the last people to vote AND ALSO was the main complainer in the HOH comp. very disgusting.

Nathan & Joey are just really cool likable people. It's weird they're on the "bad side" but actually are higher than most of the "good side". Contradictory tbh. But this was a weird week. I didn't enjoy it.

Ashley sank for being the "LOL RIG" bitch.

AJ & Kyla are flawless.

End of story.
2513 days 8 hours ago
13th - Nick (SurvivingReality) (7-3)

13 - Duke
12 - Emmett
11 - Nick
10 - Adam not from TVivor
9 - Brien
8 - Adam from TVivor
7 - Jaron
6 - Nathan
5 - Joey
4 - AJ
3 - Garret
2 - Kyla
1 - Ashley

This is difficult... no one is extra.

And with the returning players + double eviction incoming... This house is more unpredictable than ever... literally Nick went from one of the safest with most potential to 13th place... which is sad cuz he definitely could've been one of the power players. But he only showed floater Nick. It is sad tho, when he got evicted he did finally get an edit and was in a chat and all... missed opportunity. He didn't secure his spot enough, I guess and didn't make enough deals and social arrangements; like Garret did. Plus, the events were very unpredictable cuz at one point it literally was set to be 7-3 with him staying and it TOTALLY FLIPPED.

Duke & Emmett are just floaters still... which is infact a good gameplay, but Nick was a floater and we see how it turned out for him. No one is safe anymore.

Adam not from TVivor is really weird tbh. Like he's a comp king, but I guess since I don't get DR's from him, I'm not entirely sure what's up with him. Is he shady? Is he 100%? Idk. He seems to have positioned himself MUCH BETTER now tho.

Brien at the start was like really not playing smart, but now he actually repositioned himself and is in a good position surprsingly! But, he is not 100. But he did catch on to the day 1 temptation and is actually proving to be a smart thinker. Plus he's quite invested in this game, so now he actually is a contender again!

Adam from TVivor I'm very conflicted on.... I think he's actually the EQUIVALENT to Neda BBCAN5....but I really like him and he's one of my good friends on this site, and there are actually A LOT of redeeming qualities about him, and his DR's are actually pretty likable. He's like playing a Neda game but he's pulling it off very likable-y. I don't like how he's a flip flop and his HOH reign was pretty annoying and tragic cuz he was targeting Garret/Jaron (which would've been HILARIOUS if Jaron Coup'ed it, but it'd just lead to a Hex).. I'm not sure at all what he was talking about Garret/Nick turning on him, but he's pretty convinced about all of it... I don't really THINK he'll be Neda'd but everyone on the other side is gonna try for sure.... but he's very good at turning the situation in his favor. He's smarter and more likable than Neda, and can probably further himself in this game, unlikely Neda. Unless his target increases, But even then maybe people will want to keep him as a threat blockade.

Jaron's power position is on the edge cuz if the Hex the week he use his coup, they cancel out (no more coup) but I do think he can make jury, especially with Ashley being the real target. But Jaron has more power tbh idk why they'd target Ashley over him tbh. He's better at comps too.

Nathan has been all over my ranking this week and at this point both sides think he's loyal to them. And I have no clue what he's gonna do with that power. Brien just recently exposed Adam to Ashley for him acting all confident saying he's playing both sides... it's funny he exposed Adam from TVivor and was so quick to just flip flop, without having the votes to do so. He went from mid tier, to low tier, to top tier, to mid tier again.

Joey is only higher than Nathan now cuz Joey voted correctly.

AJ is still just UTR and his DR was iconic. And his POV performance. If he doesn't make jury id be shocked and depressed.

Garret's essay DR's were iconic. His edit picked up and his game is woke now.

Kyla & Ashley are Queens no comment needed.
2509 days 9 hours ago
Pre-DE, Eddie's return

13 - Duke
12 - Emmett
11 - Eddie
10 - Brien
9 - Jaron
8 - Adam from TVivor
7 - Adam not from TVivor
6 - Nathan
5 - Joey
4 - Kyla
3 - Garret
2 - AJ
1 - Ashley

Ashley is a comp beast icon.

AJ is a floater pawn icon.

Garret is a DR icon.

Kyla is an INV1 icon.

Joey went from public enemy #1 to in a pretty good position + he's cool & likable. Hope he's safe in the double! :x

Nathan is pretty annoying at times, pretty iconic at times. 0 chill.

Adam not from TVivor Rose cuz I started to respect his gameplay and comp skills very recently. I don't think he's an all time pawn anymore and he's not afraid to make big moves. Hopes he makes one soon.

Adam from Tvivor is getting pretty extra tbh. He very much confused me with the whole voting scandal, and it was a MESS. Plus the whole Hex thing... but honeslty most of this controversy was my AWFUL hosting skills, so... gl me.

Jaron is still on the iconic side and all but now is getting pretty boring, still love tho. Not much else to say that I haven't said in weeks previous.

Brien's journey so far has been very iconic, but I feel as if his gameplay by throwing others under the bus to further himself is SOOOOOO messy, and one second Adam not from TVivor is his closest ally - the next he's getting him up on the block? It'll catch up to him eventually.

Eddie just got back, and I'm hoping this gets his head in the game, but when we left off, he was last on my ranking for being too extra.

Emmett & Duke are still just floaters. Not much to say.
2508 days 22 hours ago
13th - AJ (AJ1111) (7-2)

13 - Jaron
12 - Emmett
11 - Duke
10 - Adam not from TVivor
9 - Adam from TVivor
8 - Brien
7 - Eddie
6 - Joey
5 - Nathan
4 - Kyla
3 - Garret
2 - AJ </3
1 - Ashley

Jaron is such a fucking flop?!!!?

He had ALL THE POWER... and got out AJ?????? WHAT THE FUCK??? That's so annoying and stupid, waste of a temptation.

Emmett, Duke floaters.

Both Adam's are kinda beasts but didn't add anything to this DE as they didn't show up, and for the actual week itself I already did that.

Brien pretending to be kyla rn is ICONIC in the skype chat, and it's funny it's legit working I can't... it literally could work this entire season tbh. Wouldn't doubt it.

Eddie vs Nathan was iconic, Im happy Eddie is finally bringing drama and game!

Joey is King, UTR this DE but King.

Nathan legit could win, Im kinda rooting for him at this point! He won his second Veto and is in good graces with all!

Kyla is Queen of being impersonated in the Skype chat now LMFAO

Garret is king of being saved yet admitting the coup flopped.

AJ robbed :( 13th icon

Ashley is just the Queen
2492 days 9 hours ago
8th - Adam (4-1)

8 - Emmett
7 - Duke
6 - Nathan
5 - Adam (rip!)
4 - Jaron
3 - Kyla
2 - Garret
1 - Joey

I sorta have more respect for Jaron now, and actually after my last update I have. I definitely think he made a really cowardly move putting up the 2 weakest players with his Coup, But i really can't blame him... had he made a bigger move, he probably wouldn't be here right now, so even tho it was less enjoyable to witness happening, he did make a respectable move by putting up weaker players. This time he redeemed himself, he got out a strong player in Adam, and I do think he will continue rising if he has more time, But Idk I feel after Ashley and Eddie quit he's sorta outsed by the rest of the house and he's like the weakest threat sorta? And could be in trouble. But if he won I'd be pretty happy with that he'd be a good winner... maybe.

Emmett & Duke went from strategic floaters to just coasters. Probably cuz of the double quit. I can relate tbh.

I feel like I usually underrate Adam.. like he was a strong power player.. he definitely could've won this season... he was likable.. maybe it was the lack of DR's and I don't know his entire strategy and all... maybe it's cuz I just talk to the other people more, but like... he just always ended up being generally low in my rankings all the time, but seriously by the end I was starting to cheer for him, and had I kept updating this ranking you'd see that, but I stopped. Adam has had one of the best arc's this season tho by far. Being nominated almost every week, and the weeks he wasn't he was HOH at that start... and then he found his footing in the cast but now is a victim of being a big player and got robbed. Really great player honestly and probably deserves a better spot on my ranking but this week it was just sorta a mess for rankings.

Nathan is probably one of the best strategic players but just didn't do much this week besides keep up the unnominated trend.

Kyla winning HOH last week is Game Changers, I love her.

Garret is such a great social player he's pretty underrated like he's gotten himself out of really sticky situations so I'm rooting for him.

Overall joey is just a really great player in all aspects  and Hes a Pretty likable person so rooting for him 110%
2488 days 22 hours ago
6 - Emmett
5 - Duke
4 - Kyla
3 - Jaron
2 - Nathan
1 - Joey

Only the top 3 are really PLAYING and although I love Kyla her wasting her veto power when I handed it to her basically to MAKE a move was really sad.. and disappointing. :/

Nathan is probs targeting Joey now cuz he figured out he's gone unnommed and that's like really annoying...

Jaron is kinda a flop with moves he makes but yeah he's at least an alpha!

Emmett & Duke lost all potential basically its way too late now lol...

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