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Topic » Dubai

1508 days 9 hours ago
It's time for you to pick between two tasks once again!

You must choose bwteen completing a large jigsaw puzzle of Dubai:


Completing the tower of Hanoi (To represent the skyscrapers):

I will need a screenshot for both options before you can move on to the next stage
1199 days 5 hours ago

Molly (@Yandereboy12)- 15


Onika (@Kiara_Xoxo)- 15


Sebastian (@LaCroix)- 13


Contessa (@Crayadian)- 18


Freedrick (@Christian_)- 13


Tommy (@Tommy123)- 15
Tam (@Tbrown_47)- 14


Ali (#AliBonico)- 17
Adelaine (@LornaHollas)- 12

Sponsor: Sadhbh (@Black_Wave)


Logan (@Lhooper902976)- 15
Ahmada (@Midiaw)- 16


Shaft (@Amnesia_)- 14
Meil (@ColinCoco)- 15

DISTRICT 13 (New):

Søren (@J4ckWilko)- 16
Pia (@Jameslu)- 16

----------THE TOWN HALL----------

(In This Area: Molly, Freedrick, Adaline)

*As Molly wakes up, she looks out the window she was sleeping in. The cornucopia is just about visible, and in the distance, she can just about make out a figure moving. She quickly grabs her weapons, moving into the hallway, and looking out across the corridor. She slowly starts checking each of the doors, finding no tributes behind them. Seemingly bored, she sets out in the direction of the door, walking past the offices Freedrick and Adaline are hiding in, and walks out into the hot sun*

Molly: Shit...

*The sun temporarily blinds her. As she waits for her eyes to adjust, she sees movement in the bushes surrounding the cornucopia. Slowly, she starts walking towards them, prodding each one with a sword. A squirrel runs out of one, but that's all*

Molly: These people really are cowards...

*As if on queue, Molly gets knocked to the door by a figure holding a large metal tray. Molly screams, turning around as another hit is landed on her. There now appears to be two figures beating her with these trays. Molly quickly starts kicking against these figures, but when she knocks one away the other hits her harder. Eventually, the trays beat Molly into unconsciousness*


*Molly wakes up, her body badly battered and bruised. She looks around realizing she's lying on her front. As she attempts to move she realizes she's paralyzed. The two figures from earlier stand on either side of the room, but Molly can see that they are the 13's*

Molly: What is this?

*The 13's slowly step forward, turning on a screen in front of Molly. On the screen, Molly sees herself, three years younger, shouting at a woman in a wheelchair for being too slow to get out of her way*

Soren: So...what do you make of that?

Molly: This was three years ago...I- I was 12!

Pia: And you realized what happened to this woman, don't you?


Soren: As it turns out, she was a victim of attempted murder. A thief broke into her house and when she interrupted, she was beaten, knocked out, and dragged to this man's car. He then went to the edge of the district and pushed her off a 30-foot drop. She only survived because she landed on an incline the man wasn't aware of. Her legs soon became paralyzed. Shortly after your little stunt, people found it funny to mock her in the street

Pia: A man had been recording you that day. He sent it to all his friends, who sent it to their friends. They threw eggs at this woman's house, and some broke in, pretending to be the thief that tried to murder her three years ago. And the peacekeepers...they turned a blind eye because this woman was disabled

Soren: Now, it's your turn to see what happens...

*The twins grab identical saws, both moving towards her legs. They nod to each other, and start sawing simultaneously, Molly screaming*

Molly: I WAS 12!


*The twins cut through her legs for ten minutes, listening to her screams. Eventually, they stop. Blood flows out of Molly's wounds, and she soon falls unconscious from blood loss. Her cannon quickly sounds*


Pia: That was...easier than I expected

Soren: A bit disappointing but, I think she got the message...


*Freedrick slowly makes his way down the hall. Having seen Molly exit earlier, he then saw her being beaten by the figures and the trays, deciding to run back into the town hall. Adaline heard him pass her door, and dove under a desk, but Freedrick didn't enter her room, instead, continuing up the stairs. He eventually finds the office Molly had been sleeping in, looking at the supplies she'd left behind. She'd left behind a day's worth of food and water and a small hunting knife. Freedrick quickly bags them, running back down the stairs*
1196 days 22 hours ago

Molly (@Yandereboy12)- 15


Onika (@Kiara_Xoxo)- 15


Sebastian (@LaCroix)- 13


Contessa (@Crayadian)- 18


Freedrick (@Christian_)- 13


Tommy (@Tommy123)- 15
Tam (@Tbrown_47)- 14


Ali (#AliBonico)- 17
Adelaine (@LornaHollas)- 12

Sponsor: Sadhbh (@Black_Wave)


Logan (@Lhooper902976)- 15
Ahmada (@Midiaw)- 16


Shaft (@Amnesia_)- 14
Meil (@ColinCoco)- 15

DISTRICT 13 (New):

Søren (@J4ckWilko)- 16
Pia (@Jameslu)- 16

----------THE TOWN HALL----------

(In This Area: Molly, Freedrick, Adaline)

*As Molly wakes up, she looks out the window she was sleeping in. The cornucopia is just about visible, and in the distance, she can just about make out a figure moving. She quickly grabs her weapons, moving into the hallway, and looking out across the corridor. She slowly starts checking each of the doors, finding no tributes behind them. Seemingly bored, she sets out in the direction of the door, walking past the offices Freedrick and Adaline are hiding in, and walks out into the hot sun*

Molly: Shit...

*The sun temporarily blinds her. As she waits for her eyes to adjust, she sees movement in the bushes surrounding the cornucopia. Slowly, she starts walking towards them, prodding each one with a sword. A squirrel runs out of one, but that's all*

Molly: These people really are cowards...

*As if on queue, Molly gets knocked to the door by a figure holding a large metal tray. Molly screams, turning around as another hit is landed on her. There now appears to be two figures beating her with these trays. Molly quickly starts kicking against these figures, but when she knocks one away the other hits her harder. Eventually, the trays beat Molly into unconsciousness*


*Molly wakes up, her body badly battered and bruised. She looks around realizing she's lying on her front. As she attempts to move she realizes she's paralyzed. The two figures from earlier stand on either side of the room, but Molly can see that they are the 13's*

Molly: What is this?

*The 13's slowly step forward, turning on a screen in front of Molly. On the screen, Molly sees herself, three years younger, shouting at a woman in a wheelchair for being too slow to get out of her way*

Soren: So...what do you make of that?

Molly: This was three years ago...I- I was 12!

Pia: And you realized what happened to this woman, don't you?


Soren: As it turns out, she was a victim of attempted murder. A thief broke into her house and when she interrupted, she was beaten, knocked out, and dragged to this man's car. He then went to the edge of the district and pushed her off a 30-foot drop. She only survived because she landed on an incline the man wasn't aware of. Her legs soon became paralyzed. Shortly after your little stunt, people found it funny to mock her in the street

Pia: A man had been recording you that day. He sent it to all his friends, who sent it to their friends. They threw eggs at this woman's house, and some broke in, pretending to be the thief that tried to murder her three years ago. And the peacekeepers...they turned a blind eye because this woman was disabled

Soren: Now, it's your turn to see what happens...

*The twins grab identical saws, both moving towards her legs. They nod to each other, and start sawing simultaneously, Molly screaming*

Molly: I WAS 12!


*The twins cut through her legs for ten minutes, listening to her screams. Eventually, they stop. Blood flows out of Molly's wounds, and she soon falls unconscious from blood loss. Her cannon quickly sounds*


Pia: That was...easier than I expected

Soren: A bit disappointing but, I think she got the message...


*Freedrick slowly makes his way down the hall. Having seen Molly exit earlier, he then saw her being beaten by the figures and the trays, deciding to run back into the town hall. Adaline heard him pass her door, and dove under a desk, but Freedrick didn't enter her room, instead, continuing up the stairs. He eventually finds the office Molly had been sleeping in, looking at the supplies she'd left behind. She'd left behind a day's worth of food and water and a small hunting knife. Freedrick quickly bags them, running back down the stairs*

-----------THE SHOPS-----------

(In This Area: Contessa, Tommy, Tam, Ahmada, Shaft, Meil)

*After a narrow escape the previous day, Contessa has found refuge in an old bakery. All of the bread had gone stale, and she was forced to pick from the scraps remaining. The afternoon sun beat down on her through the window, as she tries to make out any figures that may be passing. Nobody does. At that moment, an announcement comes through the speakers*

Rosalina: Hello tributes! For your information, a FEAST will be occurring. I know, early in the games for one of those, but trust me, you don't want to miss it. Your key to winning the games may lie inside. The feast will take place at 11 pm tonight! This will be our first-ever feast occurring in the dark, how exciting! If you don't attend is your loss, you afre missing out on the largest feast we've ever provided...

*The voice cuts out, and tributes around the arena begin to think about their options. Contessa looks at her options, then her surroundings, nodding silently*


*Ahmada, Meil, and Shaft hear the announcement*

Ahmada: No way in fuck are we going to that!

*Shaft looks at Ahmada, puzzled*

Shaft: It could be our chance...

Ahmada: 90% of the feasts have lied. All you'll find is a rock and an empty bag

Shaft: Still...the other 10%...

Ahmada: Oh, well done, you can do math!

*Meil looks between the two of them*

Ahmada: You really want to get yourself killed over 10%, be my guest, I won't be coming after you

*Shaft looks to Meil, who shakes her head*

Shaft: Still, it will be worth it, I can feel it

Ahmada: I hope you have fun on the autopsy table!

Shaft: Right, you too, because when I get that bag, you aren't getting even a slice of what's inside

*Ahmada rolls her eyes, meanwhile Meil looks uncomfortable*


*As Tommy as Tam hear the announcement, they excitedly look at each other*

Tommy: This might finally be a chance to get ourselves a foothold in the games!

*Tam nods in agreement, looking at their supplies*

Tam: We have a day's food left...

*The pair immediately start talking game plans*

---------THE FEAST----------

(Attending The Feast: Onika, Sebastian, Contessa, Freedrick, Tommy, Tam, Adaline, Ali, Logan, Shaft)

(Absent: Ahmada, Meil)

*All but two have shown up for the feast. Throughout the day, tributes seem to have been planning their attack on the cornucopia. Tributes have been forced one way or another to attend, as their supplies were running low, or completely out*


*Onika looks from her position. She can't see anyone, and she's certain nobody can see her. As it turns out, Logan lies only ten meters to her left, but neither are aware of the other*


*Contessa eyes a bow lying not far from her position. Food seems to line the cornucopia, as well as weapons. In the center is a single, black bag, with no District number printed on it*


*Sebastian seems ready to sprint. He looks around, noticing a figure arriving late to the party, but doesn't seem to react as the figure lies down not far away*


*The tributes watch the timer that counted them into the games ticking down once again. Nobody knows what it means, but nobody has been brave enough to find out*


*Many tributes are disturbed by the sound. Suddenly, blood begins to spray Logan as he panics, an arm hitting him directly in the face. More body parts have flown around, and he sees a left toe just in front of him. As it turns out...Onika stepped into the cornucopia just a second too early...and everyone's questions were answered...*


*Figures charge forward, seemingly not caring about Onika's grizzly demise. Contessa instantly picks up the bow, looking for targets. She immediately notices Adaline, aiming and shooting. The arrow hits Adaline in the leg, causing her to fall to the floor. She quickly crawls away, only Freedrick seeing her, but not approaching. Contessa then looks around, spotting Ali running after the boy from 12. She loads and fires, this time the arrow hitting its mark, as it goes straight through Ali's head*


*Logan quickly wobbles in, frantically looking around. He's still covered in Onika's blood. He quickly spots a load of bread, grabbing it and looking at the carnage around him, before quickly fleeing from the cornucopia*


*Tommy and Tam quickly run in, Tammy watching for Tommy as he loads up on supplies. Tammy notices Sebastian rooting through supplies. Contessa isn't visible to either of them. Tommy gives Tam a thumbs up, and the two of them quickly run from the cornucopia, complete unscathed*


*Freedrick quickly sees the bag, sprinting for it. However, to his shock, Shaft quickly appears from around the corner, grabbing the bag and quickly starting to run. Suddenly, an arrow fired from the trees goes straight into Shaft's throat*


*Contessa steps out, advancing towards the bag. Freedrick is closer, and he takes his chance, charging towards it. Contessa angrily screams, running at full speed towards Freedrick. Freedrick grabs the bag first, turning to run, but Contessa knocks him to the floor first. Freedrick tries to fight out of her grip. Sebastian quickly looks at the bag, then to Freedrick and Contessa. He sprints forward, grabbing it, and runs out of the cornucopia. Freedrick sees, but Contessa doesn't*


*Contessa angrily grunts, having managed to stab Freedrick through the eye with an arrow. She turns around to the bag, screaming even louder when she realizes it's gone. She angrily kicks Freedrick's corpse, calling him lots of obscene words (Which has now been censored, as this is family viewing)*

----------THE HOUSES----------

*Sebastian quickly bursts back into the house, checking nobody's following him. When he thinks he's safe, he opens the bag, revealing a pair of red glasses. He seems confused, and slightly annoyed. He outs them in his pocket, clearly not knowing their use. He tries them on a few times, but they only seem to make his vision worse. He then looks at the piles of the food he found, seemingly much happier with those*

----------END OF EPISODE----------

Really went from 13 to 8 of you overnight...huh. I have to say though, RIP Onika, girl, your up there with the careers greats such as Summer (S1) and Lyme (S4). You will not be forgotten :( You weren't a second-place queen were iconic either way!

Freedrick also robbed. So was everyone really (Apart from a certain stalker that I'm happy to see go. You know who you are...)

I will now be asking for your opinions! Now we're at the final 8, the Panem's Favourite Tribute poll has opened up! This won't change any odds, but winning will give you bragging rights!

Edit: Also, Contessa's killing spree this episode lmao. This is what happens when the randomizer decides all your careers have to die by episode 3 :/



24th: Rocky (D8F)- Neck Snapped by Ali (@Humanwebjet1)
23rd: Chris (D1M)- Knife Thrown by Onika (@Christossss)
22nd: Ari (D6M)- Stabbed by Contessa (@Tester)
21st: Johanna (D7M)- Throat Sliced by Arie (@Stuartlittle16)
20th: Claritin (D4M)- Spear Thrown by Molly (@CruelSummer)
19th: Silvermist (D4F)- Spear Thrown by Molly (@Franzella)
18th: Arie (D6F)- Shot with Arrow by Molly (@NanoNerd)
17th: Char (D5M)- Went Outside At Night (@Treeko)
16th: Mark (D8M)- Neck Snapped by Trinian (@Mrkk)
15th: Trinian (D2M)- Assassinated (@Itz3than)
14th: Claudia (D7F)- Went Outside At Night (@Varlto)
13th: Molly (D1F)- Assassinated (#Yandereboy12)
12th: Onika (D2F)- Blown Up (#Kiaraxoxo)
11th: Ali (D10F)- Shot With Arrow by Contessa (#AliBonaco)
10th: Shaft (D12M)- Show With Arrow by Contessa (#Amnesia)
9th: Freedrick (D7M)- Stabbed With Arrow by Contessa (#Christian)

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