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Survivor: Antarctica - Episode 8

Topic » Survivor: Antarctica - Episode..

1433 days 8 hours ago
1433 days 8 hours ago
KC Confessional:

Hmmm, that was salty. James thinks he's on the top of the world with the Mickle move huh? So I felt like him "accidentally" not adding me and thinking I wasnt online was an innocent move of him but LMAOOO things dont work like that in my way hun. Once you get another strike to me. YOU'RE DONE. EASY. But really, I feel like there's going to be more cracks than ever next tribal. It's gonna be interesting to see who's with who. But I seriously still feel sketched out by others it's ridic. And I still hope James trips himself into the fire pit Im not kidding
1433 days 5 hours ago
Dino Confessional:

Your boy won the necklace BAZINGA

Okay so a lot has gone down since we merged here at Happy Feet tribe.

Originally, Cai was the original merge boot. It was an easy vote. But a crew of us were planning for this new vote and roped in Mickle and MICKLE played himself out by creating fake screenshots and shit (seriously who has that much time my gosh). So we regrouped and did a split on Mickle and Cai.

Now I won the challenge and gave Raheem and James clues. One of them has the idol. But that's okay. Because we are going after the OG Aurora crew minus James. I'm a bit wary of James but it's gonna be okay.

I fully expect the OG Shirase to be the next targets. But till then we'll figure it out.

Also, you may see me end the showmance tonight. Shadi is acting REAL SKETCH. And I'm not about that and I don't wanna be tied down to this needy man. Please back off man.

Anyways, Luther, your time may be done, or it may be Shadi. We pushing to save Rubes for MISS HEIDI

Oh ya and me and Cai are now tight AF and we are THE SSSSSSSSSSNAKES
1433 days 5 hours ago
James Confessional:

Physical Game (5/6 Tribal Immunity Wins, 0/2 Individual Immunity Wins)
- I came very close to winning todays immunity challenge but I had a feeling that Dino would beat me in a speed challenge since that guy is a total beast but as long as he trusts me then he can remain as a shield for my game

Social Game (10/10 Trusts Me)
- Shadi/Renny/Luther: These 3 are put together since I have a pretty good relationship with them but they are players who are tight with each other which means if they get further in the game, it will have a bad effect on my game. It's possible there is a couple of idols between them which is never good
- Rubes: I really trust Rubes right now since when Mickle sent her the weird convo screenshots, she sent it right to me today which helped me figure out that they were fake and I was able to make my move against Mickle. She also gave me inside information that Luther has found the idol which Luther/Renny/Shadi never told me but she did and that means I can trust her. I tested it out by looking for the idol and it was "Basketball200" which means Luther did find it. I feel like it is possible that Rubes has the original Aurora idol but as long as she trusts me, it will be fine
- Jake/Dino: These are pretty good players that can be shields for my game moving forward since I'm in a trio alliance with them cause they trust me. I really like Dino and as long as he remains loyal to me like Rubes did then I will keep him around as the best meat shield you could have. Jake is a really good player that has a lot of relationships with these players which means he could be dangerous but right now it seems like he is on my side which is good
- Cai/Raheem: I left these players out of the votes before and Raheem wasn't pissed off since I explained to him why I did it. He gained some trust today since he told me that Jake told him the plan and he jumped ship to vote Mickle which means Jake is a sneaky fellow but at least Raheem told me about it. Cai was the vote but I feel like, myself going to war to get rid of Mickle over Cai will be a strategy I will be able to use in order to get Cai to trust me since if it wasn't for my move then he would have been going to the jury instead
- Scott/KC: Scott and I have become like a duo that no one sees coming in this game, I trust him and he trusts me since we both know how we're playing. I'm keeping him in a distance since I don't want to get burned like I did last season but at the moment it seems like Scott is on my side to help me get to the end. He trusts Jake/Dino as well which means he can help me get more power in this game. KC is the other returnee who I think is playing it much smarter this season since he hasn't come after me like Mickle did which means he is adapting and could help me but I know for a fact that KC will eventually go for me. I'm keeping him in the back of my mind if i have to make a move against him

Strategic Game (0 votes against, Survived 2/2 tribals, Legacy Advantage at F6)
- The vote was pretty simple which was to just get rid of Cai but at the final hours before the votes were being read, Rubes came to me showing screenshots that Mickle sent to her that Mickle made the night before to sabotage me. I wasn't even after anyone but when someone throws the first shot at me then it's all out war in which I showed everyone everything and got them on my side to blindside Mickle to better my game but I convinced everyone that it was the best for everyones game since "If it happens to me then it will happen to you as well" which worked perfectly since everyone was on board with my plan and they executed it to get rid of Mickle like I wanted too which means I can tell Cai that I saved him and my chances of winning improves
- This vote started off with Cai's name bei
1433 days 5 hours ago
ng thrown out since that is tradition nowadays but I think the players eyes are on the OG Aurora's but I feel like I have done a good enough job to keep the attention off my name but the heat is on Shadi/Renny/Luther which is good since I know Luther has an idol and they could have the original Aurora idol which means I wouldn't mind if one of them gets blindsided this vote. I will continue to build my relationships with everyone to make sure my name is never written down but I know that it's going to be a hard tribal and not as simple as Cai going home when everyone is playing so hard. I'm take my time and be patient like this last tribal when I made my move at last second to get rid of Mickle. I will wait once again to make the best decision for my game only!

Other Thoughts
- Raheem, James, Rubes, Scott, Jake, Renny, Shadi voted Mickle
- Mickle, Dino, Luther, KC voted Cai
- Cai voted Dino
- The 4 idols, I would guess were found by Luther (Rubes told me), Shadi/Renny, Aria (She said in her tribal), Scott/KC. Also I'm guessing that Jake has the Safety without Power which means I need to be very careful with these blindsides that will come the next few votes
- Our tribe name is stupid
1432 days 17 hours ago
Scott Confessional:

What a wild a crazy day yesterday.  What started out as an easy Cai vote turned into a Dino vote which ultimately turned into a Mickle vote at the last minute.  Productive day for me too...I heard Luther was going to throw a vote at me for some reason, but I ended up getting no votes.  Had good chats with James, Jake and Dino, and now KC and I are in a larger voting block.  I feel safe, but i'm still being cautious.  You never can feel too comfortable as I did last time I played in Daniel's game.

And I have to vent here....THESE STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS WITH THEIR TRIBE NAME.  Come on, stop acting like you are 12!   

I also am starting to not like Shadi or Luther.  They are both on my hitlist.
1432 days 17 hours ago
Dino Confessional:

So there is definitely a split among the tribe. Right now the plan is for the slapping six: Dino, KC, Scott, Cai, James, and Jake to vote Luther.

We are getting Raheem to vote Shadi, because we think the idol will be flushed that way if it is held by anyone.

Also Shadi and Luther are being annoying as fuck. Let the tribe name stand omg.

Anyways, talk to y'all peeps later
1432 days 16 hours ago
Raheem Confessional:

After the merge Mickle informed me that there was an alliance with everybody but 4 members. (Myself, Scott, Cai and Mickle) KC his man on the inside had told him the plan was to eliminate Cai, then Scott,  then Mickle and finally Me. So to ensure that he got an at least 6 person majority so that we wouldn't be picked off one at a time. He went after the ringleader who he perceived to be Dino. With the votes of the 4 left out and KC, he needed only one more vote. He tried to convince Jake to vote out Dino by creating fake skype chats and he was convinced that he had fooled him. He also had to convince the rest that Cai had an idol so that they would potentially split their vote. When Mickle told me that only Luther was going to split his vote I found this a bit fishy. However, about an hour before the votes were due Jake (who I had been aligned with since  day 1) reached out to me telling me the plan was to vote out Mickle and he didn't believe Mickle as he knew the skype chats were fake. As well as this he knew Cai couldn't have an idol as he was mostly an afk player. He told me the names of those included in the vote to vote out Mickle and Scott was included in that list so at that stage I knew we had no chance in voting out Dino.
Jake told me the rest of those voting out Mickle told him not to tell me as they all believed I was too close to him and would potentially tell him. So he asked me not to reveal to everyone else that I'm voting for Mickle until after the vote was announced.  I was able to use this to my advantage, as after the vote I was able to justify my lying to James, Dino and Luther when I was planning on voting out Dino by saying I knew about the plan all along as Jake told me, only I didnt want you to distrust Jake for telling me. By doing this i think I was able to gain some of there trust. We have agreed to be somewhat of a 4 person alliance with Jake, Dino and James and I think that Dino giving me a bonus idol guess shows that he now trusts me. In my opinion this puts me in a great position as if the alliance succeeds we can pick everyone else off and if we're perceived as a threat. Everyone would target James and Dino first as they are the so called big players and therefore I could potentially fly under the radar.
1432 days 9 hours ago
Rubes Confessional:

So a lot has happened these past 24 I said the vote was bound to change from Cai and it did to unfortunately...Mickle! Now this is someone I’ve wanted out for a while so I’m glad he decided to move mad and pretty much get himself voted off! HE LITERALLY MADE A FAKE ACCOUNT TO TALK TO HIMSELF LIKE A WEIRDO LMAOOO! Like who does that at the first vote at merge when your name wasn’t even going around!! So what happens is an 8 person alliance is made consisting of myself, Dino, James, Jake, Luther, Shadi, Renny, KC and Scott! Which we all agree to split the votes between Cai and Mickle. This plan works out perfectly as Mickle leaves and I vote in majority! This game is heating up though...especially tonight’s vote! Just wait until my next confessional hehe
1432 days 9 hours ago
Jake Confessional:

This is going to be the riskiest vote yet. Despite the fake screenshot saga, the last vote went according to plan so I have no reason to doubt anyone. I'm still solidified in my final 2 with Rubes. I'm copy and pasting a skype conversation with him that will give you a good idea of everything going on from my end. Although I will admit, I am starting to get worried about Dino. He can't last much longer and that's on periodt. I still believe I'm in a good position in the tribe but we'll see~~. My time to shine will be coming very soon, but don't worry I'm not lurking in the shadows

2:41 PM
Yes, I’ll explain
I’ll be home in an hour or so

Rubes, 2:41 PM
Ok lool idk if I can wait an hour with this suspense though lmaooooo (worry)

2:42 PM
Hahaha it’s okay I’m still working. But not to worry. You’re safe i promise :d

Rubes, 2:43 PM
Phew lool, can’t wait to be filled in

3:08 PM

Rubes, 3:51 PM

So are you back lool?!

3:55 PM

Rubes, 3:56 PM
Ok tell me haha!

3:56 PM
So first tell me what you know

Rubes, 3:58 PM
That Dino apparently spread Shadi’s name as well as Cai but Dino has denied the accusations and has spoken with Shadi about it

I don’t know any details at all lmao

3:59 PM
do you know if shadi or luther has an idol

Rubes, 4:00 PM
Idk if I already told you this or no?? But apparently Luther has one it was said like a couple days ago but I really doubt that’s true

4:00 PM
Okay that's what I heard too but i wasn't sure
because that is very key to all of this

How do you feel about Shadi or Luther going? Ik yall are OG Aurora

Rubes, 4:01 PM
I haven’t really spoken to either today about voting or anything but is this vote still Cai or are people swapping??

4:02 PM
Im talking in general
Like would you be upset if one of them got blindsided

Rubes, 4:03 PM
I would say that I would be more upset if I was blindsided from the blindside than if one of them got blindsided because then I would feel like I wouldn’t be able to trust anyone

So that’s why I’m so confused on what the vote is...

4:03 PM
Okay so that's what im getting to
You can't tell ANYONE okay??

Rubes, 4:04 PM
I promise I will not tell anyone

And you have my word

4:04 PM
Cause there's like the A plan and the B plan and the fake A plan and the C plan

Rubes, 4:04 PM
Lmaooo ok so the C plan is the vote

4:05 PM
Basically, Luther is getting blindsided tonight

Rubes, 4:06 PM
Oh wow okay

I’m not going to go tell him of course

4:06 PM
But the plan is to flush the idol

Rubes, 4:06 PM
Because I promised I wouldn’t say anything and I don’t go back on promises that’s not me

4:07 PM
So the fake plan is that Shadi is being blindsided

Rubes, 4:07 PM
Okay so do you have the numbers?

4:08 PM
Yes, it should be myself, scott, dino, james and KC and Cai
But again you didn't hear that from me :O

Rubes, 4:08 PM

And obviously if I were to say something I would never ever say your name I would say someone else’s 😂

4:09 PM
So everyone who is under a rock think the vote is for Cai cause that's the obvious easy vote. But the fake plan that is circulating around is that people are voting Shadi but when it's actually Luther
No offense if you thought the vote was for Cai (giggle)

Rubes, 4:10 PM
Me when I’m not involved in this but I love you for giving me the intel

A promise is a promise <3

4:11 PM
Do you have any intel on what Luther/Shadi/Renny are doing
As far as vote and idol usage

Rubes, 4:11 PM
I do, Luther and Shadi want to do Cai

No idea about the idol though honestly

4:11 PM
Okay so sweet. That means even if the blindside plan fails Cai goes home which honestly no one is upset about

Rubes, 4:12 PM
Lmaoooo I didn’t even think about that

4:12 PM
Yea exactly. So how do you think are going to vote

Rubes, 4:16 PM
I have NO IDEA

I need help lmaooo

4:17 PM

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