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Big Brother Rookies Game #226607



7 hours


7 hours


18 min


5 hours


8 hours


1 hour


0 min


11 hours


8 hours


23 days


22 days


60 days
62 days 1 hour ago
_Kle50 points Champion
SlutMarie10 points
+0 points
_Kle 62 days 13 hours ago
9. Jeff, one more game together and I helped you as much as I could, I hope we play together again.

8. abrogated, you went with a very dear person, but I loved playing with you, let's play together next time

7. Incognito, nothing personal, we just didn't have any changes in the game, maybe next time

6. Boni, I loved playing with you and I hope we can be friends and play together in Survivor, I love you

5. Yach, it was an honor to play with you, you are very good at challenges, here's to more games together, king

4. Mana Gui, rainha, diva, poderosa, te amo demais

3. Gabe, amei jogar contigo e espero que joguemos mais vezes, vou te adicionar aqui, voce arrasou demais.

1/2. Marie, I loved you, I only recommended you at that time because Boni was closer, I adore you
+0 points
SlutMarie 62 days 13 hours ago
I don鈥檛 mind who wins 馃┓馃┓.

Quick tribs:

9th Jeff vote 4 me, I鈥檓 cute

8th abrogated vote 4 me, I鈥檓 sexy

7th incognito, vote 4 me, I鈥檓 ruthless

6th bonicacino you seem nice, hope we play again

5th yach, I saved you and had your back 馃┓馃┓

4th MOTHER workbitch supremacy queen

3rd Gabe you are amazing love

Kle - it was fun , good luck
+0 points
WorkBitch 62 days 13 hours ago
love you as well mother
+1 points
SlutMarie 62 days 13 hours ago
Okay guiii
But I love you workbitch
+1 points
WorkBitch 62 days 13 hours ago
give to gabeeeeeeee
+1 points
SlutMarie 62 days 13 hours ago
Who wants 3rd? 馃┓馃┓
+0 points
GabeEchev 62 days 13 hours ago
+0 points
_Kle 62 days 13 hours ago
Marie deveria jogar survivor, arrasa nos desafios
+0 points
GabeEchev 62 days 13 hours ago
Gabe and GUI are lovers
I cannot tear them apart

more than this
+0 points
WorkBitch 62 days 13 hours ago
fiz 200 em flakes flopei demais
+0 points
_Kle 62 days 13 hours ago
+0 points
WorkBitch 62 days 13 hours ago
slut diva <3
62 days 13 hours ago
yachj20 points OUT
_Kle1 points
+0 points
WorkBitch 62 days 13 hours ago
pelo menos ganhamos ts e fomos top5 divas

1st place!!


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big brother houseguest WorkBitch

Latest Rookies blogs #rookies

    Game Story

    1. Day1 HOH SlutMarie has nominated abrogated and Royaltyy
    2. Day1 POV GabeEchev has saved abrogated from the block
    3. Day1 HOH SlutMarie has selected final nominees jeffprobstenthusiast and Royaltyy
    4. Day1 Participants evicted Royaltyy
    5. Day2 HOH WorkBitch has nominated Gh0stFac3 and drewjmc27
    6. Day2 POV yachj didn't save anybody from the block
    7. Day2 Participants evicted Gh0stFac3
    8. Day3 HOH bonifacino has nominated GabeEchev and TanyaWolfy8
    9. Day3 POV yachj didn't save anybody from the block
    10. Day3 Participants evicted TanyaWolfy8
    11. Day4 HOH _Kle has nominated drewjmc27 and incognito
    12. Day4 POV SlutMarie didn't save anybody from the block
    13. Day4 Participants evicted drewjmc27
    14. Day5 HOH GabeEchev has nominated abrogated and bonifacino
    15. Day5 POV yachj has saved abrogated from the block
    16. Day5 HOH GabeEchev has selected final nominees jeffprobstenthusiast and bonifacino
    17. Day5 Participants evicted jeffprobstenthusiast
    18. Day6 HOH bonifacino has nominated GabeEchev and abrogated
    19. Day6 POV yachj has saved GabeEchev from the block
    20. Day6 HOH bonifacino has selected final nominees SlutMarie and abrogated
    21. Day6 Participants evicted abrogated
    22. Day7 HOH _Kle has nominated SlutMarie and incognito
    23. Day7 POV GabeEchev has saved SlutMarie from the block
    24. Day7 HOH _Kle has selected final nominees WorkBitch and incognito
    25. Day7 Participants evicted incognito
    26. Day8 HOH GabeEchev has nominated yachj and bonifacino
    27. Day8 POV SlutMarie has saved yachj from the block
    28. Day8 HOH GabeEchev has selected final nominees WorkBitch and bonifacino
    29. Day8 Participants evicted bonifacino
    30. Day9 HOH SlutMarie has nominated yachj and _Kle
    31. Day9 Participants evicted yachj
    32. Day10 HOH _Kle has nominated WorkBitch and GabeEchev
    33. Day10 POV SlutMarie has selected: 3rd GabeEchev and 4th WorkBitch, now jury must select the winner
    34. Day11 Jury has selected _Kle as the winner