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Big Brother Rookies Game #226950



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2 hours
26 days 12 hours ago
tcold31250 points Champion
goomybear20 points
+1 points
tcold312 26 days 12 hours ago

9th: I had to make this move sorry! We never really talk in games and I had a good feeling you were after me. Gg though!
8th: Daniel you played this game quite well overall! I鈥檓 sorry you didn鈥檛 make it farther, I see you have 0 karma and that makes me sad, as I truly think you鈥檙e a good player and a nice chill dude.
7th: 馃 猸愶笍 my f2!! Absolutely robbed, I鈥檓 so sorry you didn鈥檛 get farther. Ily!!
6th: Rollie I鈥檓 sorry you left right before payouts :(  I owe goomy a lot and this was my way of making things up to him. I really appreciate the veto though, you played a great game 鉂わ笍
5th: Bibas you鈥檙e an awesome dude! Seemed like you had my back when very few people really did, and for that I thank you 鉂わ笍
4th: Yoder ilysm. Another person who really had my back. A strong part of me wishes you were here with me. Screw flakes tbh.
3rd: Nolan, believe it or not I respect you a ton and I鈥檓 glad you made it this far. We might not usually get along the best, but I still appreciate you.

Goomy good luck!! I鈥檓 sorry about that fairly early nomination, but glad I was able to make it up to you it seems. Ily 馃挌
+0 points
goomybear 26 days 12 hours ago
only 1 HOH and 2 POV.
+0 points
goomybear 26 days 12 hours ago
Well this was breaking my drought of final 2. I think I played a strong game overall and had myself set up well at the end game. *Thank Beyonce for flakes and Ahea having like no veto time left*

9th: Opulence. This was me or you here and  Iwas surprised the vote was so one sided. I really thought  I would go out to you here. GG and I hope we can have a better game together soon 馃槉

8th: NahDaniel: I was asked not to save anyone from the block here with my veto and I really didn鈥檛 know who I would pick since I just me you and Bibas. Sorry you went out here but you played a good game!

7th: Rockstar: Saved you here and I was really happy with the way we worked together this game. Ad we didn鈥檛 get final day together

6th: Rollie: This was you or me here and again Im shocked I stayed. Yu were a loyal ally all game and I wish we both were at final day.

5th: Bibas: I only vote you out here since you were getting the highest plusses and I was trying to give Nolan a better chance at final 2. You played such a strong game I couldn鈥檛 risk sitting against you in final 2.

4th: Yoder: Great loyal game. I would have given you 3rd over anyone left but Nolan since I had promised him final 2 on day 1.

3rd: Ahea: great POV game and you crushed the social game. I was loyal to you all game even though I knew if we were final 2 you鈥檇 crush me in the jury vote. Well done.

Tcold: good game. I think we worked well together despite the early pawn without giving me the heads up. Congrats
+0 points
Yoder 26 days 13 hours ago
Thx for the save
+0 points
Yoder 26 days 13 hours ago
Grats Ahea
+1 points
goomybear 26 days 13 hours ago
sorry yoder ahea was my final 2 and they deserve 3rd for slaying those comps
+1 points
tcold312 26 days 13 hours ago
+1 points
goomybear 26 days 13 hours ago
thank you all I will write tribs
+1 points
ahea7561 26 days 13 hours ago
221 for me
+0 points
Yoder 26 days 13 hours ago
Yeah I only got 200
+1 points
ahea7561 26 days 13 hours ago
Oh yeah no way I was gettin that with my time
+1 points
tcold312 26 days 13 hours ago
Ty!! :)
+1 points
tcold312 26 days 13 hours ago
Grats 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
+0 points
Yoder 26 days 13 hours ago
Ahh grats tcold

1st place!!


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    Game Story

    1. Day1 HOH NahDaniel has nominated SMUGUYisaPEDOPHILE and Shawnlolpop123
    2. Day1 POV yagokumiko didn't save anybody from the block
    3. Day1 Participants evicted Shawnlolpop123
    4. Day2 HOH rockstarr has nominated SMUGUYisaPEDOPHILE and yagokumiko
    5. Day2 POV Yoder didn't save anybody from the block
    6. Day2 Participants evicted SMUGUYisaPEDOPHILE
    7. Day3 HOH ahea7561 has nominated tcold312 and yagokumiko
    8. Day3 POV RolliePollieOllie has saved tcold312 from the block
    9. Day3 HOH ahea7561 has selected final nominees swagmonster1350 and yagokumiko
    10. Day3 Participants evicted swagmonster1350
    11. Day4 HOH Yoder has nominated Bibas21 and yagokumiko
    12. Day4 POV ahea7561 didn't save anybody from the block
    13. Day4 Participants evicted yagokumiko
    14. Day5 HOH tcold312 has nominated ahea7561 and Opulence
    15. Day5 POV ahea7561 has saved ahea7561 from the block
    16. Day5 HOH tcold312 has selected final nominees goomybear and Opulence
    17. Day5 Participants evicted Opulence
    18. Day6 HOH rockstarr has nominated Bibas21 and NahDaniel
    19. Day6 POV goomybear didn't save anybody from the block
    20. Day6 Participants evicted NahDaniel
    21. Day7 HOH RolliePollieOllie has nominated rockstarr and Bibas21
    22. Day7 POV ahea7561 has saved Bibas21 from the block
    23. Day7 HOH RolliePollieOllie has selected final nominees tcold312 and rockstarr
    24. Day7 Participants evicted rockstarr
    25. Day8 HOH Bibas21 has nominated RolliePollieOllie and Yoder
    26. Day8 POV ahea7561 has saved Yoder from the block
    27. Day8 HOH Bibas21 has selected final nominees goomybear and RolliePollieOllie
    28. Day8 Participants evicted RolliePollieOllie
    29. Day9 HOH goomybear has nominated Bibas21 and ahea7561
    30. Day9 POV ahea7561 has saved ahea7561 from the block
    31. Day9 HOH goomybear has selected final nominees tcold312 and Bibas21
    32. Day9 Participants evicted Bibas21
    33. Day10 HOH tcold312 has nominated Yoder and ahea7561
    34. Day10 POV goomybear has selected: 3rd ahea7561 and 4th Yoder, now jury must select the winner
    35. Day11 Jury has selected tcold312 as the winner