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Part Two Applications

Topic » Part Two Applications

365 days 18 hours ago
• New Characters •

Name: Tristan 'Tris' Kennedy

Age: 18

Gender/ pronouns: Non-binary He/They

Personality traits: Empathetic, Emotional, Easily Discouraged

Powers: Telekinesis & Extrasensory

Weaknesses: Using his powers for even the smallest things take a deviating toll on his body + anything that would kill a normal person

Bio: Tris hasn't known of his abilities for very long and knows even less of how to use or control them. The first time he used them he accidentally killed someone while feeling overly emotional. Since then even doing something as simple as crushing a soda can with his mind leaves him with splitting headaches and nose bleeds. After pleading guilty to the death caused by his powers he was ordered train under an established hero that could help him figure out how to use his abilities without hurting anyone again

Faceclaim: Jay Lycurgo

Would you/ your character prefer to work alone or in a team?: Team
363 days 9 hours ago
• New Characters •

Name: Avonna Rogers

Age: 15

Gender/ pronouns: She/They

Personality traits: Hardcore, Sarcastic, Daring, Outspoken, Feisty

Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and endurance, Regenerative healing factor, expert markswoman, hand to hand combat

Weaknesses: Head injuries

Bio: Avonna grew up with a long lineage of people who hunt others with supernatural abilities. Avonna through her father was taught hand to hand combat and weapon expertise. Even though she is so young and tiny, Do not underestimate her capabilities she is a human weapon only know to hunt and track down her target. However, she uses her abilities to help the superheroes in town.

Faceclaim: Chloe Grace Moretz

Would you/ your character prefer to work alone or in a team?: Team
340 days 9 hours ago
I know I’m late to this but lmk if/when I can jump into the story or season!!! Cheers

• New Characters •

Name: Korrl

Age: 29

Gender/ pronouns: Male - He/Him

Personality traits: Angry, Lost, Lonely, Vengeful, Violent.

Powers: Enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced healing, enhanced combat skills.

Weaknesses: Human/mortal. At the end of the day he is still just a man. He also has the unrealized potential to be sensitive to his moral compass.

Bio: Born with enhanced abilities, Korrl he found himself as part of a low-end hero team when he was younger until it all went wrong. Someone violently annihilated the entire group. All except him. Did they ever catch the person who did it? Korrl did. He doesn't talk about it much. Afterwards, Korrl put the vigilante life to rest, and tried to be happy and have a family. This was successful for some time until his family was on the unfortunate side of a catastrophic hero battle in the city, along with millions of other people. Now, he is a much more, rather pathetic person. He's a vengeful and broken man who is bent on hurting people. He hates heroes and villains... everyone really. Anyone and anything super, he wants to hurt which is ironic considering he is one himself. That is his mission.

Faceclaim: Jason Momoa

Would you/ your character prefer to work alone or in a team?: Alone.
309 days 4 hours ago
Name: Kieran Che

Age: 36

Gender/ pronouns: Male He/him

Personality traits: Callous, Manipulative, Sadistic, Deceitful

Powers: Insanely fast reflexes and machine like accuracy, close proximity mind reading

Weaknesses: Must take an injection of an unknown experimental chemical regularly. Too much or too little will kill him in theory.

Bio: Kieran has spent the majority of his life as a weapon to be used by his employers, always keeping his own goal in the back of his mind : Killing Jason De Santos aka Bullet Man. Kieran was apart of the same shady experiments bullet man went through, only he didn't survive least that's what Bullet man thought. He blames Jason for everything his life has become, that hate inevitably led to the creation of Revenant, Kieran's "vigilante" alter ego.

Faceclaim: Henry Golding

Would you/ your character prefer to work alone or in a team?: Alone
294 days 10 hours ago
• New Characters •

Name:Graig Symphony


Gender/ pronouns:he/him

Personality traits:loud mouthed, lack of respect to his elders, ADHD warrior

Powers:astral projection/trained martial arts fighter

Weaknesses:his frustration makes him activate his powers

Bio:Graig wanted to join the community to learn to respect and control when his powers are activated he learned about his powers when he got mad at his over protective mom. He tries to be nice to other people but has a hard time based on his childhood but he has learn to accept his anger as a way to grow and is becoming a villain.

Faceclaim:Oakes fegley

Would you/ your character prefer to work alone or in a team?:im fine with either

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