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Episode 15- Is It Really Ever Time to Say Goodbye?

Topic » Episode 15- Is It Really Ever..

1349 days 6 hours ago
FORMAT: Final Jury Vote

The power now changes hands from the remaining winners to the jury, or better known as the winners you had a hand in eliminating along the way. You all will be allowed to post pleas and then the jury will be allowed to ask you questions.

The jury will then vote for who they want to win and the winner with the most votes will be the Ultimate Winner.
1349 days 6 hours ago
I'll post tomorrow. I've had a long day.
1349 days 5 hours ago
hi jury!

So I’m not going to do that whole “here’s my game round by round xd!” because let’s be honest, I doubt any of y’all care enough to read that!

I came into this game just really wanting to see how things would go. Summer was a slew of trying to find a job and it caused lots of stress so I wanted to go out with one last BANG before I moved into the working world...which btw I am now employed so ty for all the support xx!

When turney was talking to me about this game, I asked if he had invited Christian H (the user formerly known as hipposunite) because like who wouldn’t want to play with someone with the same name *camera pans to lemjam*

Turney, living under a rock, had no idea who Christians new account was, so I RAN to tell him and as a result, I got to play this game with one of the kindest, smartest, most loyal people I’ve ever met in my many many years of playing on this site.

When fresh meat came around as the first format *shoutout Ahmed woo!* I knew without a doubt this was the sign I needed to plop my ass on tachy and form Christian squared. From DAY ONE, I knew we were destined for greatness and now many many many days later, here we sit at the final three.

Tachy tachy TACHY, from talking about boys to plotting evil with our powers, to fighting day in and day out to make it here together, I just wanted to thank YOU. Jury speeches are times to talk about our games but I don’t have a game without you. You motivated me to push through every day so we could be here, and we rly did play as one mind, one soul, one CHRISTIAN. No matter what, we DID IT. We made it here and no one can take that away from us. We are etched into the ttrs HISTORY BOOKS BBY

This game was refreshing. I had my targets, I had my loyalties, and I never wavered with that. What you saw is what you got with me, and I don’t regret any of that. If I told you I’d ride with you, I stuck around to the bitter end.

Anyway, if you have any specific questions about game, favorite color, WHATEVER, go ahead and ask them and I’ll answer you 100% truth!

Ty to TURNEY for leaving zwooper TAR to come back and host this, and finally pull the plug on this comatose series, ily even tho you ignore me and are crazy

Ty to all of the people who took a chance on me in this game and worked with me, no matter if it was for one round or the entire game, each of your elims was rigged and turney will be getting sued after this!

And a special ty to TACHYCARDIA, you already know how I feel about you but there’s truly no one else who I’d rather be Christian B for. You epitomize everything a Christian should be, and you are going to SLAY life ❤️

Gl to Andy, we never spoke but you’re very nice and deserve to be here just as much!

Thanks and BOA NOITE!
1349 days 5 hours ago
Omg. I love you bitch < 3
1349 days 3 hours ago
Hello everyone!

I will do the same as Christian and not do my game round by round because I am pretty sure most of you are decided on who you all are voting for! I will gladly recap my game by rounds if the jury would like, but I would like to get this show on the road so I’m just trying to post sooner rather than later since these last few rounds have dragged on for so long.

What I will say though is that most of my allies this game are now sitting on the jury, and it’s been an amazing time playing with all of you! A lot of you are old friends I was able to reconnect with, and I was very grateful for that! It was nice to catch up with people who I hadn’t talked to in a while, and to do so over a game was fun! Thank you for being awesome! <3

I was loyal to my allies the entire game and never wavered. I did everything I could to try to keep my alliance intact, and even when it started to crumble, I stayed loyal. I made it here against all odds after the rock draw, and then Brittany going out, and I did that without having a single power in this game.

I also want to say thank you to turney for hosting this and inviting me back, I never thought that I would actually have made it to the end! Good luck underscore, who I talked to literally never in this game, but I do know you are great from playing other games! And good luck tachy, I remember you from way back and our secret alliance from early on helped us get here!

What a crazy end to the TTRS series! I am honored to be a part of it and especially honored to be part of the final 3!
1348 days 20 hours ago
Hi! I will also try to keep this short.

First, I want to thank Turney for inviting me to play even though he Christian_ had to tell him I was back on the site! It has been awhile since I've been active on this site, and having a new username didn't help. I was an easy target pretty early on, which sucked, but I managed to go from an easy target to final 3. I think I rode the middle decently once I had safety which set me up nicely, but once it was time to commit to my alliance of 6 I didn't hesitate.

I played a lot more aggressively than normal. I wasn't afraid to make tough decisions or lie, like stealing from Omar or using my power on Jacob or lying to Shazam about my power so he wouldn't send me in. I won clutch challenges when needed in the Totem Pole round and Survivor. I even survived an elimination while I was sick with COVID! What a warrior. I think I had the hardest path to the end, so I am very proud of myself for making it here regardless of the result.

With that being said, Christian_ was my ride or die from Day 1. I always had his back and he always had mine. I'm so happy we finally got to play together again and work together after I slayed him the last 2 times we played together. He's like one of my best friends on here now and I'm so grateful for his friendship!

Thank you to Turney for hosting a final season! I had a lot of fun. TTRS has always been one of my favorites. I know I probably won't win, but 4 seasons, 3 finals and 2 wins already is pretty impressive. Good luck to Christian_ and Andy!
1348 days 20 hours ago
54 days 11 hours agoChristian_
54 days 11 hours agoDelete ReplyTachycardia
CHRISTIAN and CHRISTIAN have agreed to be a team for this round. We will be the RED team.

That's that on that
1348 days 17 hours ago
Christian Underscore:

In our last conversation I told you that I wouldn't be upset if I went out from that point forward because I could still be a nasty cunt at jury questioning. In that same conversation, you said that when Turney revealed it was a jury, you knew you had zero chance of winning.

So with that said, I leave you with this,

You were right after all. You're not gonna win.
Tachy Christian:

We never spoke once this season, so I'm going to keep it that way and move on. I'm glad you got to have a good time with your friend.
Andy 7410:

We didn't speak a ton this season, but I'm glad that finally for the first time we weren't on opposite sides. You may not have the most wins on your chart, but you do have the fewest elim's, so for that I congratulate you.
1348 days 17 hours ago
Great season everyone. I wish i had been flung by Chatzy instead of Ethan

Thanks for having me Turney <3 I'm glad I was able to be part of this series and this season, despite all the reasons I gave you to cast someone else instead.
1348 days 17 hours ago
Alright, so I’m gonna be THAT asshole, and ask all of you to recap your game, round by round, because that’s exactly what I would have done, had I been able to get to where you are, and I believe that that is the kind of effort the last TTRS moment deserves.

Additionally, I ask the following:

Andy, if my count is correct, you won one challenge this entire season. Looks to me like you floated to the end. Why should I excuse that, and consider voting for you?

Tachycardia, first, I must commend you. You got me good with the fake Reset Duel. Well done. My question for you is this: There were two weeks in this game that you were immune. Two rounds of safety, handed to you on a silver platter by someone who was already out the door. Two rounds, where you didn’t have to play. Is that what you did? Did you sit on your ass, and wait for your immunity to expire? Or did you use that time to further your game? If so, how?

Underscore, until I read your statement, I was fairly sure my vote was going to be for you. Now, I’m not so sure. You said yourself, “I don’t have a game without you.” Matter of fact, Tachycardia likely isn’t in this game without you. With that being said, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to suggest that you might not be where you are without him. My question is this: Was there ever a moment where you played this game as your own man?
1348 days 16 hours ago
If u recap your game round by round ur not getting my vote. So decide whose vote is more important to u
1348 days 16 hours ago
Also I love all 3 of u sm what a good f3, good luck to you all
1348 days 16 hours ago
i'm on my lunch break so woo!

Shazam's Question: My question is this: Was there ever a moment where you played this game as your own man?

If your question is referring to did I ever push my own agenda or did I think of what was best for both of us all the time, I definitely was a pusher of my own agenda. Round 1, when I had briefly thought we were the winners, I made sure to advocate for us sending in Ethan/Jacob, two threats who'd never work with me, into the elimination because I felt that was best for my game, despite that not being best for his game. When Christian and I were talking about the round you/Nick had won, it was my idea to come up with the Reset Duel (since I had been on Game Over, I knew that with enough tweaking we could make Christian's AYTO power be the Reset Duel in order to prevent him from getting sent in at all). I definitely played this game as my own man, but Christian and I did still have conversations about what to do and what are course of action should be and he influenced a lot of my decisions as I'm sure I influenced his decisions. That quote specifically maybe I could've phrased better as "I can't imagine my game without you" because Tachy was there through the thick and thin. Honestly, with him gone, I'm not sure how things go down. I have faith that I could make it, but as we saw with John, the game can fling you in a heart beat. I do feel though I played the game best for ME at the end of the day, that just happened to line up mostly with the game best for Tachy as well.
1348 days 16 hours ago
Round by Round SORRY SAGAR love you baby doll MWAH!!!

Fresh Meat (Final 20): When we had won, I was sending in Ethan/Jacob. Regardless of if they had gone home or not, I wanted to make that move and not pussyfoot around. Which is why when it was reversed and Tachy lost to you, I was angry to the point of wanting to quit because I didn't know how many opportunities I'd had, and I wanted to make the most of my game from DAY ONE, not float by and start playing halfway through. Patrick and Chris quit, honestly don't remember what people were talking about for the house vote.

Cutthroat (Final 18): I knew as soon as we saw the teams that Blue was winning LMAO so I know I talked to you specifically about creating an alliance to make sure no one would try to pit me against a strong member of grey to knock me out. We lost, Sagar volunteered, and that made life easy for everyone involved.

I Love Money (Final 17): Sagar told me he had the ability to pick captains and I asked to be a captain along with AJ assuming he wouldn't make the smartest picks. I was right and got a super stacked team, we won. I wanted Omar to be PM, but Jacob won the vote. Didn't do anything afterwards.

AYTO (Final 16): Honestly still shocked I won this LMAO, I thought our score would be beaten but Ray and I won the challenge to secure safety. Hearing that Tachy was a target, I wanted to make a move and send you/Jacob in and hope you'd steal, but as with most of my plans, it did not work. In hindsight, probably better since it allowed Tachy to get the power.

The Glass House (Final 14): I was voted the most popular player, something that surprised me personally but I think speaks to how I was perceived in the house. Even being a "bigger" name, I was still able to be the top of the rankings. This allowed me to go on the scavenger hunt that resulted in me finding immunity, playable at any point before Final 6. We won the challenge, and my alliance came up with Andy as the easiest name to be able to get in. Something went wrong, I remember we figured out who voted who at the time but it's all a blank now considering it was over a month ago. Ray went home.

Endurance (Final 13): I knew the second I saw this format I was playing my immunity. I did not want to lose on a game of RPS. After seeing the challenge, I know 100% I made the right call. I'm not 100% sure if I go in if I wasn't immune, but Brittany definitely could easily send me in, and likely does. This is the round where I was finally able to convince people that there was a core group running things and to form opposition. Sadly, Sagar lost and we were down a number.

Unan1mous (Final 12): With our chat of six being formed with the Christians, the Mikes, and John/Lemjam, we knew the only chance we had was voting everyone on the other side off one by one, but since that was the easy thought, the other side blocked it with the same plan. We went to rocks, and luck was on my side.

Free Agents (Final 11): When I saw Andy and I were paired, I threw. I wasn't scared of the draw, but I knew we would never agree on someone to send in. You/Nick won, I came up with the Reset Duel after Tachy told me he thought he was in danger, it worked and he didn't go in. We then giggled as we thought about using Tachy's power to send Jacob in to ensure someone from the other side left, then Tachy did it, you sent in John, but Brittany still went home.

Totem Pole (Final 10): After Tachy won the challenge, knowing not all of us would be able to be safe, I told Tachy to place me on the bottom of the list to be nominated. I didn't want to risk Mike or Jake flipping in future rounds if they got nominated, and felt confident we had the votes. Although John got eliminated due to that 2nd lowest twist (something we really couldn't control seeing as the Switch was given by Brittany), I still was able to stay 5-4-0. I wasn't scared of risking my game in order to ensure we all stuck together, and I do believe it was the right move.

BB Australia (Final 8): Mike completely BAMBOOZLED us, and controlled the nominations to ensure one of Jake, Tachy, Mike B, or myself left. Hats off to him, I was blindsided, spammed my heart out and won 41% of the poll to stay <3 but Midnightbaby left and we lost another king =[

Solitary (Final 7): I got third in the test so I had to compete in the treatment, where I was able to be the top performer. Lemjam went home and I lost another ally :/

Survivor (Final 6): Beforehand, Tachy, myself, and Mike agreed that we had to stick together and force rocks, because Mike's best shot was going with two of our side to ensure we split the votes. Tachy SNAPPED and won immunity, and then you (Jake) approached all of us about flipping. Without that, we probably go to rocks and I'm not sure what happens but the odds were on our side 2v1.

LOTHT (Final 5): I won the mail competition and talked with Tachy if it was better to save Mike since Tachy had better odds to win one of the two remaining comps, or to save Tachy and let Mike go in. Tachy wanted to be safe, and I respected that. Andy won, then Mike won in a very dramatic tic-tac-toe game.

Big Brother US (Final 4): We knew in order to have best odds, Andy had to be eliminated but props to him he won the most important comp and made finals. When it was endurance, I knew I could go all day since it was a weekend, and locked in a time of 10 hours, which was far more than I needed LMAO. I'm not the kind to backstab my Final 2 Day 1, and I sent Mike to the jury.

that about sums it up, but if there's anything you want more elaboration on just hit me up!
1348 days 15 hours ago
No questions, just statements (mostly because I need to say something in order to vote)

Andy I love you sm you know I'm voting for you <3

Christian^2 I hope this season helped your future modeling career as conjoined twins

That's it
1348 days 15 hours ago
I'll answer soon I'm tutoring bitches in chemistry and getting my bag so stay tuned

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TTRS 50: Reality Mix- The Last Triumph

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