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Final Tribal Council | All-STARS

Topic » Final Tribal Council |..

1401 days 9 hours ago
To follow up with Nathan

Compare each Juror to a World Leader
1401 days 9 hours ago
^ my question is each juror as well, not the jury as a whole
1401 days 9 hours ago
Kyle I hate you lol that question Jasoi gave it to me in Iraq And I dreaded doing it but I gotchu lol
1401 days 8 hours ago
My vote is finally decided. I will say that telling me all season you just want a good fight at ftc and then making it a shit fest has legit annoyed the fuck out of me and will alter my veiw of you in any future games. Like i have 0 issue saying that when you gave the seat next to you to someone who does not repersent WINNER OF ALL STARS. Respect the game choice and always will but its left a bad taste in my mouth.

However i refuse to be a bitter jury member. This is all stars and i as well as everyone who has played this season... We want a deserving winner. 1 of you is just that. To the other grats on F2 but you did nothing all game and the jury does feel rubbed the wrong way. Iv worked with both of you and like BOTH of you. So dont get it twisted but iv made my choice.

Congrats again on FINAL 2. Its a huge deal. You survived 22 people. REDACTED OUT..
1401 days 6 hours ago
I also want both of you to compare each juror member to a US Presidential candidate.

I have no idea how to even approach this question but here goes lmao

X - In N Out: Pizza Hut, you remind me of my friends i had in high school and college, just ordering a pizza and hanging out and watching some weird shit on tv or a movie.

Sergent - Subway, cause youre reliable and i used to eat subway everyday in college, and was my comfort place lol.

Harry - Dunkin Donuts, a nice pretty donut and a large iced coffee, i have no clue why this comes to mind but im gonna roll with it.

Kyle - Wendy's: nothing beats the 4 for 4 at wendys, i can go to you just like i can go to wendys a grab a 4 for 4

TJ - Mcdonalds in Canada, you being canadian i think of you as the mcdonalds in canada serving poutine LOL

James - Wendy's: one of those nice crafted expensive sandwiches, elegant. Nice 20 dollar order.

Ikah- Mcdonalds old reliable, my fav fast food restaurant. Good ole quartepounder with cheese, large fries and a drink.

AJ: Burger King, you have it your way. Possibly chicken fries if theyre available or a frozen coke and a whopper.

Nathorix: Chick Fil-A, a nice old school milkshake and a chicken sandwich, simple yet pretty delicious.

Kevin - Taco Bell- i get the ability to buy like 8 items for like 6 bucks and feel great, and even though it might be a rough night after, i dont regret a thing lol.

Josh carrot- In N Out Burger- one of those really good burgers you wanna try and are like the best in the business. No ones got any beef with In N Out.
1401 days 6 hours ago
Is allergic to everything at Burger King. Is also, somehow, Burger Ling
1401 days 6 hours ago
Is allergic to everything at Burger King. Is also, somehow, Burger Ling

OOP, horrible read, how about Chipotle lol, almost went with that
1401 days 3 hours ago
I don鈥檛 even think there鈥檚 an In N Out where I鈥檓 at I鈥檝e never seen one 馃槀
1400 days 14 hours ago
I also want both of you to compare each juror member to a US Presidential candidate.

I鈥檓 really bad at historical figures I鈥檓 sorry give me an amnesty or pardon

Harry serg and james-  JFK, likable friendly, well spoken

Kevin- Andrew Jackson, Lol

Ikah- Lincoln, strong powerful leader, well spoken and stern to get shit done.

JoshCarrot and TJ- Thomas Jefferson, y鈥檃ll are smart and wrote the rules to the series, carrot has been through it all this series and so has TJ.

AJ Kyle nathan and X - George Washington, the founding father of the series, y鈥檃ll built lkb Chile represent.
1400 days 14 hours ago
I just wanted to do a final plea for undecided voters or someone who isn鈥檛 voting for me as of rn lol.

I鈥檝e worked super hard to get to this point and with a season of 24 of the best, I had to get my hands dirty at certain points naturally and I own that I did, and for that I really apologize to those who I burned at times but coming in as a winner, it was gonna be an uphill battle to get here.

I understood my threat level and I tried to keep in minimal as I could, but there points that people came for me, called out my game and I had relationships to defuse that and help me despite being called out as one of the bigger threats to win.

I won 4 immunity challenges, won the final spot to get me here, and honestly had fun and did my thing to get me to this point, and I chose the person whom I felt I had to ultimately do to have the better chance at winning.

I hope you guys can see that I played this game start to finish and can see it in you to vote for me to win. PS today is my birthday, but don鈥檛 let that factor it in ;). Love you all, I will keep in touch with all of you after the game no matter the verdict.

Peace out 鉁岋笍
1400 days 13 hours ago
I guess since Josh did, i will as well.

I may not be the most PG player in this game, by far. I'm not the nicest person. I do say things that could hurt feelings, but at the end of the day, every GAME move i made was damn near flawless.

I made decisions that would ensure that i remain in the game. I put myself into positions where people needed me to continue on. I made sure that I was always #1 and no one else can argue that.

I won 2 immunities, but at the end of the day, I only REALLY needed 1. The only time in this game i was in any real danger was at the final 4. Any other time it was very apparent that either a- i wasn't going home (Nathan/Ikah's exits) or b- someone needed me so much that they would openly sacrifice something that could potentially save them down the line to keep me in the game. (Josh's half idol play/Aj's exit). I may not have talked to people as much as Josh did, but i find that reading a room works a lot better at certain times.

You may not have understood my game going into this. You may not like me as a person. You may think I'm Judas reincarnated. But at the end of the day, my GAME was damn near flawless from final 11 on. During the merge vote, i had immunity, so it was still flawless there. When i was in danger pre merge, i ensured that my tribe had won immunity. The only vote that wasn't planned, still helped my game immensely.

Josh is one of my best friends in this community, and i said from the beginning that i wanted it to be him and myself in the final 2/3 and i made sure it happened. (Technically at f3 he had the say in it happening, but at final 4 i could've voted him and didn't.) I'm very proud of the game i've played and do think that i out wit a lot of you, out played many of you, and outlasted at LEAST 22 of you.

To those who don't like me outside of the game, I chose to not contact you until after the game ends, for the simple fact that I want our conversation to be genuine and i do not want a vote to influence how you look at it. I will most likely contact you in some way, shape or form after the votes are read and i would love to have an open discussion.

I had a blast this season. I played with people I really enjoyed being around and finally got to play from a majority standpoint. I've broken so many records within this series and i'm going home a winner regardless of the vote count. If you want to vote for me, but feel like the way i may have acted on a personal level would hinder that, i ask that you vote for who played the best game, not who pissed off the least amount of people. Love you all.

1400 days 11 hours ago
11/11 votes casted! I鈥檒l see y鈥檃ll soon !

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