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#NTM20 - Semi-Finals

Topic » #NTM20 - Semi-Finals

237 days 22 hours ago
Welcome, our Season 20 Semifinalists! In order to determine who gets a spot in the finale of the Next Top Model 20: Fans vs. Favorites 2.0, you will be performing a series of four tasks. These four tasks will determine who gets a spot in our NTM finale. Give it all you got Top 5, because in the end only 3 will go through to our last and final round.
237 days 21 hours ago

For this task, we're turning things upside down, quite literally. Your mission is to select a photo and then flip it 180 degrees, completely reversing the orientation. However, the catch is that your final image must exude the same, or if not more - the excellence and modelesque it was with the original orientation. The mark of a true top model is the ability to make every angle, even the unexpected ones, look absolutely stunning.

In this task, we're delving deep into the world of names and meanings. Your mission is to discover the meaning behind your own model name, and then translate that meaning into a captivating and meaningful photo. Once you looked through any search engine, you are given at least 2 different name interpretation, you are free to chose any interpretations you want and represent that interpretation in a photo literally, figuratively, metaphorically, it's up to you to decide how you'll be interpreting such.

For this first come, first pick basis task: a challenge steeped in ancient Egyptian mythology! We journey to the mystical realm of the Ennead, a group of nine deities revered in Egyptian culture - the sun god Atum; his children Shu and Tefnut; their children Geb and Nut; and their children Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. Your task is to embody the essence and/or grandeur of these divine beings in a stunning and evocative photoshoot. Again, once a deity has been picked, you cannot picked them again.

For your final task, it's time to celebrate the essence of your roots, the heartbeat of your heritage, and the land that has shaped you into the remarkable models you are today. Your task is to represent your country or you may also opt to go deeper – your hometown (city or state). Through your photos, let the world see the beauty, diversity, and cultural richness of your motherland.

Provided below are some examples from the past. All of the tasks must be submitted on or before October 10, 5 PM EST. Late submissions mean a deduction of points from your total score which you can't afford considering this is the semifinals. Thank you and good luck! x
237 days 21 hours ago
Examples from past photoshoots:

- Madison Beer | Ranked 1st (Cycle 12)
- Malaika Firth | Ranked 1st (Cycle 18)
- Rianne Van Rompaey | Ranked 1st (Cycle 19)
2.) YOUR NAME (from Cycle 15)
- Saskia de Brauw | Ranked 1st (Week 3) and Top 1 photo overall
" One meaning of the name is of Dutch and North German origin, where it originally meant "a Saxon woman". Within the English culture, Anglo-Saxon women had many different roles. They were in charge of housekeeping, weaving cloth, cooking meals, creating pottery, and jewelry. So with this photo, I wanted to show a hard-working woman within a distinct society. The urn that Saskia is holding represents how women within this era often stayed at home and loved creating pottery and other different artistic sculptures. I wanted to capture the essence and the culture within this time period of a hard-working saxon women."

- Bae Yoon Young | Ranked 2nd (Week 3) and Top 7 photo overall
" One meaning of the name is of Dutch and North German origin, where it originally meant "due to the beauty of having two names, i thought it'd be smarter to capitalize and use both of yoonyoung. individually they mean "soft, sleek" (yoon) and "petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero" (young). i believe as though they work together perfectly in my shot, visible through my more mellow, gentle pose and seamless comfortability within the bed of flora beneath me."

- Shaun Ross | Ranked 3rd (Week 3) and Top 15 photo overall
"The meaning of Shaun is linked directly to religion in several languages. It is because of this that I have chosen to depict the son of God Jesus in my photo. I have chosen a more editorial and edgy image which juxtaposes that of the traditional representation of the messiah, however I feel this is more of a modern retelling and fits with my brand a lot better. I have chosen to depict both Mary and Jesus in the image to add to the narrative and link with the meaning of Shaun's name and fitting the brief. I hope you enjoy the photo that I have selected."

NOTE: If it happens that your name is a stage name you may opt to use either option.
(for e.g. Lizzo (stage name) her real name: Melissa Vivianne)

If you have like two names (for e.g. Yoon Young), you can choose either name to interpret
237 days 21 hours ago
Examples from past photoshoots:

3.) THE ENNEAD (from Cycle 13)
- Bryce Thompson as Nut | Ranked 1st (Week 6)
"Nut was one of the most oldest and ancient Egyptian deities.she was the daughter of Shu and tefnut and her husband and brother is Geb. Since Nut was a sky goddess I chose this shot as my shot because it kind of shows I’m with one with the the sky. It’s a great shot to show me in the center of the shot and the sky surrounding me from above to symbolize the impact I have and the importance. Since Nut was a sky goddess she possesses kindness, control, calmity and braveness and my shot shows how I’m in control with not a inch or fearfulness and just calmity which represents the inner traits of gods and also the hint of kindness in my eye can also reflect to what Nut stood for. Overall I believe my shot is a clear visualization of someone calm and in control and what best represents a sky god within my restrictions and my inner traits represent The personality I Could only imagine she had by reading about her"

- Bae Yoon Young as Nephtys | Ranked 2nd (Week 6)
"nephthys is described as a "mortal-but-crucial force," and the lady of the temple enclosure. she is considered the protected goddess of the dead as she joins her sibling isis as protector of the mummy. her force was to be one that had even demons trembling in fear. i took these elements, specifically the force, to portray this goddess in the photo."

- Sui He as Atum | Ranked 3rd (Week 6)
In the Heliopolitan creation myth, Atum was considered to be the first God, having created himself, sitting on a mound (benben) (or identified with the mound itself), from the primordial waters (Nu). Early myths state that Atum created the god Shu and goddess Tefnut by spitting them out of his mouth. To explain how Atum did this, the myth uses the metaphor of masturbation, with the hand he used in this act representing the female principle inherent within him. Other interpretations state that he has made union with his shadow. In this photo I'm showing the female principle inherent within Atum. I'm portraying the metaphor of masturbation in which he created the god Shu and the goddess Tefnut. You can also see the illusion of me making union with my shadow."
237 days 15 hours ago

Guinevere has decided to look her best while hanging upside down. However, the main takeaway behind her performance is looking as if she was an extension of the tree, with her hands and legs looking like firm branches. Indeed, Guinevere looking quite talls helps with the illusion and to sell the image of looking like a tree branch.


The name Guinevere is primarily a female name of Welsh origin that means White Ghost, Phantom.

With my photoshoot, Guinevere's skin tone is extremely pale to capture looking like a ghost. She is also dressed up in white clothing since ghosts are usually depicted in media wearing soft and flowy dresses. As a ghost, she is reminiscing about her past life, and the tragedy that led to her death, thinking of what she could have done of her life had she been alive.


Tefnut was the Goddess of water, and her name means “she of moisture.” In ancient Egypt, She was also regarded as the goddess of rainfall and moisture. As a goddess, this Egyptian deity was responsible for regulating the waters of Egypt, ensuring that the planet’s bounty was returned to the people, and maintaining peace throughout the nation.

In this photoshoot, Guinevere has never looked more serene. Her facial expressions are on point to portray looking calm and in her elements. She is feeling the warmth of the water as she is letting it consume her soul and looking quite pensive as if she has transcended to another realm.


Guinevere is first-generation American, her parents immigrating to the United States from the Netherlands in the late 1960s. In that sense, she has decided to celebrate her roots.

Netherland's is based on traditional clothing of Volendam and typically includes a long skirt and an apron, along with a blouse or bodice.

Inspired by that, Guinevere has decided to keep the spirit of the traditional clothing running and giving it a modern twist. She is wearing a beautiful skirt that's see through below the ankle, accompanied by a florat hair ornament. She also wearing extremely pointy heels replacing the tradional comfy shoes. Guinevere is showing that traditional clothing can be worn in so many ways, while still paying homage to the elements that gave birth to it.

The Netherlands traditional clothing:,A%2Dlist%20model%20right%20away .
237 days 12 hours ago
Anja Rubik


This photo represents the class, luxury, and beauty of the Rubik, even from the top of her head. The smoke makes the photo feel more mysterious and sensual. It's an enigmatic and mysterious pose.


"Anja" and "Anna" It is a biblical denomination, present in both the Old and New Testaments. In particular, for the Jews, Anna was the prophetess who, together with Simeon, recognized the arrival of the Messiah in the Infant Jesus.

The interpretation of the name, in a religious nature and especially in Brazilian culture, is that the name "Anja" refers to an angel. In my photo, I am representing an Angel in the light and light garments, resting in a serene place that references the Garden of Eden present in Catholicism. According to the Bible, the function of angels is to protect and accompany God's people at all times, and my picture represents this aspect, even if metaphorically. Anja taking care of a serene environment, at peace, with diverse lives, represented by the butterflies and the flowers that grow.

I'm showing a calm and serene side of Rubik's angel in the photo, different from what I usually bring with my works. It's a pure side of Anja, something that isn't easily shown.

3.) Nephthys - THE ENNEAD

Although little remembered, Nephthys is a goddess of the ennead of the city of Heliopolis, and one of the main deities present in the pantheon of the ancient Egyptians, having her appearance identical to that of her sister Isis. However, many of its aspects are mysterious to this day. In the mythology developed in the city of Heliopolis, Nephthys was the wife of the god Seth, who was barren, and in order to conceive a child she disguised herself as Isis, who was married to Osiris, and spent a night with her sister's husband. From this act was born Anubis.

Egyptian literature sheds little light on the role of Nephthys, for prior to the mythology of the city of Heliopolis, no other text is known to mention the goddess. What we do know is that it is linked to Osirian mythology. Often, Nephthys appears associated with Isis and in the funerary context they protect the deceased. Isis goes in front of the dead man protecting his feet, Nephthys goes behind protecting his head. According to mythology, Nephthys wept with his sister over the death of the god Osiris. Inside the tombs, the goddess appears as the protector of the dead and the canopic vessels.

As much as the role of the goddess is not completely defined, we can conclude that she was very important to the Egyptians, as she is the mother of the god of mummification, Anubis, in addition to being related to the belief in life beyond the grave, as she helped the dead in their crossing to the fields of Osiris.

Once she became associated with the afterlife and the care of the dead, the linen used to mummify the deceased was known as "Nephthys' braids" and it was thought that she had helped bring the soul to life and help them on their eternal journey. Nephthys came to represent the promise of a helper alongside the afterlife, who would care for and protect the soul and assure the living that death was nothing to be feared. The afterlife realm was just a new land to which we traveled, and old friends, like Nephthys, would be waiting to offer protection and guidance in death, as they had done throughout their lives.

In this way, in the photoshoot, Anja Rubik is representing Nephthys. The black and white environment and with a boat represent death and the moment of crossing into a world that we do not know yet, which is a mystery, the afterlife, which was one of the teachings of the goddess. Her dark clothes and parts that resemble wings represent this role of caring for the person who has died, as if she were an angel, responsible for the soul's crossing to an afterlife. Although she is in a dark and frightening environment, the goddess does not represent evil, but an entity that will help the soul to make its crossing.

4.) Rzeszów - MOTHERLAND

Anja Rubik was born on June 12, 1983, in Rzeszów, Poland. Rzeszow - It's a Polish aeronautical industry area. The metropolis of southeastern Poland is the technological, cultural and business center of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship.

The city is the heart of the "Aviation Valley", a region with 70 years of tradition where a large number of companies in the aeronautical industry, research centers or pilot training centers are concentrated. The Association was started by a group of aeronautic producers, suppliers and businessmen on April 11, 2003 as a non-profit organization, aiming to further the development and growth of the aerospace industry in this region, enabling it to provide a cross section of products and services. Among specific objectives are also: development of cooperation between various aviation manufactures, to reduce the cost in the supply chain, development of aerospace research and skills, cooperation with universities of technology and other aviation centers in Europe and abroad.

In the photo, Anja Rubik is sitting on top of an airplane, which is one of the defining features of her hometown. The white color of Anja's outfit represents the pride that the people who live in the city have in being part of Poland. The pose references respect for your hometown and your country.
237 days 10 hours ago
==Sora Choi==

Challenge #1: Upside Down

I saw this shot super early in the season and I was hoping this challenge would come around so I could totally post it as an upside shot. I love playing with fun poses and take risks here, I think this upside down shot really proves that I am an artisan here tonight.

Challenge #2: Your Name

Sora Choi, Sora in Japanese means air, while Choi in Korean mean mountain, pinnacle or top, however I decided these definitions are really want I want to do

Sora in Korean actually means conch shell, and I decided if I really wanted to get to this finale, I would want to take a risk here and now so I wanted to take this as an opportunity to portray a physical object as my name, really sell a conch shell.

I took form of a conch shell, and even from my clothes you could see it as similar colors with the white being the inner side and the black/red I'm wearing is the outer potion. My facial expression also is staring at you and luring you in, if you lean in you may hear the beautiful sounds of the ocean I provide and whisper in your ear. My arm is outstretched to be those spikes you would see as a conch shell, and overall I'm laying on this beach from being washed up.

Won't you pick me up and add me to your collection?

Challenge #3: The Ennead

Set (or Seth)

Set is known in Egyptian Mythology as the God of Chaos, Storms, and war and I think my photo here portrays all three in interesting ways.

First off I want to address the the obvious, the storms, with everything going on in this photo you can be sure that I'm caught into a gigantic storm, and my body is moving with the wind and hurricane like setting.

Second god of chaos, chaos lives inside your mind and manifests into something danger, something wild. I feel the mood of this photo is very chaotic like a mind fighting with the inner storms of things such as anger and anxiety.

And finally war, now this might be a stretch but in a war no one really wins. Both sides tend to suffer losses, the turmoil is constantly back in forth, and I think it could veyr much work with my photo.

Set is one of the most infamous gods in Egyptian culture and I am so glad I'm portraying here.

Challenge #4: Homelands

South Korea

One of the biggest things in Asian culture and heritage is their ability of martial arts and from martial arts, which is derived from self-discipline, loyalty, and honor. Things that I have lived my life throughout, and what put me on the path of being a model.

Martial Arts and modeling are two sides of the same cone, you have to be in the right head space, you have to be in the right pose or else things will end up weird. And honestly I take huge inspiration from my heritage, and martial arts was a huge thing in South Korean culture.

So today I want to take a page from that, South Korea actually adapted their own version of martial arts which you may know called Taekwondo. I decided in my photo to fully surround myself posing in a dojo and wearing some official garb, but still keep it fashionable. As you can see I have the look of fight in my eyes as I'm lining up my next match, that being this semi finals, and I'm gonna stop at nothing to win.
236 days 17 hours ago

Hello judges & viewers

For these tasks I have provided complete different versions of Kai, visually, to prove that I am a model of versatility. But through them all I kept my brand alive telling you I interesting stories through captivating shots. Hope you enjoy. :)

Upside down

When you look at this picture normally, you would either see me just playing with my reflection, or you might not even notice it or at best case you would see I am losing a part of me and it’s going out of my reach while I try to catch it.

But when you turn it upside down it’s evident that the part of me which is at the bottom has made progress reaching the other half as it has slightly crossed the dimensions and we are closer to being whole again.

Seeing the more prominent part of me upside down in that angle also makes me look a little more divine and beautiful than the original picture. While it may not a cliche upside down picture at first glance I think this version of this picture is telling a deeper story and make you wonder what is going to happen next.

Your name

Kai the Warrior

While the name Kai has different meanings the one that got my attention was the meaning “warrior” cause that’s whom I think I have been in this game, fighting battles that even seems so impossible to overcome but somehow overcoming them so far is what has gotten me here.
With my performance from day 1 I admit that I have been average or below average in some cases in my placements but somehow I managed to get here delivering my best when it’s crucial. Just like a warrior I have been resilient no matter what obstacles I had to face.

In my shot I am portraying as different versions of Kai dressed as a traditional warrior  battling each other to be the one to reach the finish line just like how I had to adapt and change myself accordingly to stay in the game every week.

The Ennead - Shu

I am portraying as Shu, who is the god of peace, lions, air, and wind.
While I am not able to portray all elements Shu was in charge of, I am focusing on air and wind which were main elements of Shu himself.

As the air, Shu was considered to be a cooling, and thus calming, influence, and pacifier. Due to the association with dry air & calm Shu was depicted as the dry air/atmosphere between the earth and sky, separating the two realms where humans and gods lived.

I am portraying as a modern day Shu who is guiding and controlling this aircraft to its destination using his effectiveness with air. Just like how he would guide us humans in right direction using his abilities of air. The picture itself gives a serene and calm effect just like Shu’s personality.

Homeland - Suncheon, South Korea

Suncheon is not only the city I was born in, but it is the place that has made me who I am today. Going back in the memory lane I remember when I was just seven years old, going to these reed fields by the Suncheon bay with my now late father who loved to paint which was his childhood dream that he couldn’t live and that he will do whatever it takes for me to live mine. And that’s when I took up on dancing and gained my parents ultimate support throughout to do so. Even though I had to move to Seoul excel further in my career, my father stayed back to work in Suncheon to financially support me. Whenever I came home, I would visit these fields with him and talk about our days and paint.

It was a great honor for me to be able to do this photoshoot at one of my favorite places but of course at first I was surprised and was in disbelief which you can see with my hand on eye gesture and my facial expressions where I am looking quite emotional.

Now to speak about these reed fields, it is definitely one of the things you should add to your to do list if you visit Korea and you can find it by the Suncheon Bay National Garden. It’s definitely the most beautiful during autumn so that’s when I would recommend you make a visit.
235 days 20 hours ago

Everybody knows my signature when it comes to talk about poses and creativity so for this shoot I'm giving something apparently simple but capable to retain attention of the viewers. My strategy here is clear and straight to the point: provide a pose that works in both versions but on the upside down one hits even more interesting due the position of my body and head specially. It feels that I'm not upside down at all. If you analyze the background as well you can understand the floor (on the regular shoot) as the ceiling when turns to upside down. Also the yellow walls visually helps to create an interesting effect since we have a lot of them in line so feels that's an infinity division. The detail of one of my hands touching the wall while I'm looking for something and the another one just free in the air is one of my favorites because you can read those movements saying that there is no reverse effect. The touch is so soft and the position of my head is so aligned that you could maybe say this is my regular position. With that being said I think I could hit perfectly the instruction to "the catch is that your final image must exude the same, or if not more - the excellence and modelesque it was with the original orientation".

2.) YOUR NAME: "dweller at the old town"

The name Alton is an English origin male name that means Dweller at Old Town or just Old Town. While Mason is an ancient and powerful name that is often associated with strength, loyalty, and friendship. So we can understand Alton Mason as a strong guy from the old town. Even though for this shoot I decided to portray the meaning of ALTON because this is going to be connected with my hometown (which I will be talking more about on the task #4). The old town that I want to translate due my shoot here is that one located at rural areas, those ones we are used to watch on movies and series with this countryside thematic. My outfit is giving fashion cowboy realness and the background even being quite simple helps to make a polished visual. My face expression gives the strength, fierce and agressive attitude. In general it's a cohesive material that I'm proud to relate to my name.

3.) THE ENNEAD: Osiris

For this shoot I'm portraying Osiris (also known as Usir, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt). Usir can be translated as “powerful". The origin of Osiris is obscure; he was a local god of Busiris, in Lower Egypt, and may have been a personification of chthonic (underworld) fertility. By about 2400 BCE, however, Osiris clearly played a double role: he was both a god of fertility and the embodiment of the dead and resurrected king. Representations of Osiris portray him as someone with black or green skin, and this is understood as a reference to the mud of the Nile and the regenerative capacity of that river and, consequently, of Osiris himself. I got fascinated with this concept of duality representing two opposite things. With my shoot, I want to make you feel that you're seeing a photo from the history's books while i'm wearing elements and accessories to represent a real leader in a classy and historical way.

4.) MOTHERLAND: Nebraska - USA

Alton Mason was born in Nebraska, the eldest of four children. His father, Alton Mason Sr., is a former professional basketball player and his mother is a former model. Due to his father's career, the family moved regularly, living in several European countries, until finally settling in Arizona. The culture of Nebraska has deep-rooted traditions in the history of this state, everything is very relaxed and laid back as you will be far away from the busy life of the cities. For the most part, Nebraska features a rural outlook, with large cattle ranges and treeless prairie lands. As one of the less populated states in the U.S., you can find the peace and serenity in this state that you won’t find in the metropolitan states of America. These factors make moving to Nebraska one of the best choices for people in their golden years. The Nebraska good life has all the things that a man requires starting from tranquility to adventure. I could reunite all the topics were mentioned so far: serenity, tranquility, rural outlook and adventure. All of these translates the feeling I got from my hometown and my pose in the air is how I'm trying to transmit this feeling to others: when I'm at my place I feel relaxed, flexible, light and happier than ever.
235 days 19 hours ago
234 days 5 hours ago
Saskia: Hello models! What a wonderful abundance of photos this week. Collectively, you all did amazing and it was a honor to judge such creative work. Lots of photos and critiques to take in, so lets get straight to it!


* UPSIDE DOWN: This photograph is definitely on brand from what I have seen from you thus far! Very extraterrestrial and striking! I love your pose and exaggerated leg placement in this picture. I think it really works for the upside down aspect of this shot. However, I wish I could see your face more clearly.

* YOUR NAME: Again, loving the theme of your photos, they are always intriguing to look at. I love the white theme here and it fits with your name. I am not entirely sold on the pose here, it is kinda reminding me of giving birth.. but I see how the pose fits in with the overall theme that you were trying to portray.

* THE ENNEAD: I totally got Tefnut here which is a plus. I think your facial expression here is carrying the photo, you look serene yet powerful and striking. I definitely see the inspiration of a goddess here.

* MOTHERLAND: You hit the nail on the head with referencing the clothing of Volendam as I totally see the inspiration here. This photo looks like a true piece of art which is commendable. Great work!


* UPSIDE DOWN: I am loving this shot of you Anja. I definitely get cinematic references from this picture, however there are editorial aspects of this shot that makes it work. My favorite part of this picture is how your head is angled back showcasing your immaculate jawline.

* YOUR NAME: You definitely look angelic here Anja. I am loving your profile shots, because your face and bone structure can really carry a photo! This photo is very serene and soft and I appreciate the versatility here.

* THE ENNEAD: This photo is dark and mysterious which totally ties into your story of Nephthys. I love how your relate the darkness as symbolism of death and crossing into a sort of afterlife. It translates perfectly within the picture.

* MOTHERLAND: I love this photo and the reference to the Aviation Valley. There is something so simple with the white, yet extremely high fashion about this photo that I am loving. Great job!

* UPSIDE DOWN: This shot is definitely a risk! I like the exaggeration in your pose and hands. It almost looks as if you are being possessed but it works. I think there is something very odd (in a good way) yet artistic about this photo that is endearing.

* YOUR NAME: This is actually and unexpected and creative take on your name. I definitely see the conch shell inspiration here with the color scheme and your pose as well. I took a few minutes to indulge in this photo, which isn’t a bad thing because it is very striking.

* THE ENNEAD: This photo kind of reminds me of your upside down photo but in a different way! I love how you relate storm, chaos, and war all within this photo and I 100% see it. I am again loving this extravagant type of pose, as it adds a sort of whimsical feeling to the overall picture.

* MOTHERLAND: I definitely see martial arts here and your pose is reminiscent of that. The styling of this photo is perfect and compliments your interoperation of this theme perfectly. Your facial expression is focused yet fierce which is great!

* UPSIDE DOWN: This is a very creative take on this photoshoot, which I love because it is different from any one else for this category. I love the styling and the concept of this picture, I just wish It was little bit more editorial than candid per se.

* YOUR NAME: Overall, I think you have the most creative takes out of the bunch, because I like where you went with his photo. This is very unexpected, however I do have to evaluate the model aspect of this photo which I do think is lacking a bit.

* THE ENNEAD: This is such a vibrant and cool way to express air and wind here in your photo. I think your pose is stylish and refreshing which is a great touch. The reflection is nice as well and makes me think of your upside down picture. Great work.

* MOTHERLAND: I am loving this photo. The background is perfect immaculate and gives the photo an editorial aspect which I love. Your facial expression and bone structure is striking. Great work!
234 days 5 hours ago
[ critiques continued]

* UPSIDE DOWN: This photo is striking yet effortless. Your movement within your limbs seem very seamless which it perfect for the upside down concept. Your pose here is the most precise and pristine out of the bunch. Great work.

* YOUR NAME: I definitely see the old town era here in your picture. This photo is quite strong and striking. I love that the photo is also in B&W cause it puts your inspiration into perspective. I think you did a great job of effectively tying your name within the theme and I 100% got it.

* THE ENNEAD: I mean this picture is just a complete piece of art and so referential. You are divine and striking which is a great way to stand out from the rest of the bunch. I love everything about this picture. Well done.

* MOTHERLAND: King of poses! I am loving the pose here in this picture, and you’re representing the rural outlook of Nebraska perfectly within the background of this photo. Great job!
234 days 5 hours ago
thank u sm for the critiques, Saskia!
234 days 2 hours ago
Thank you so much Saskia I'm glad you enjoyed my intriguing takes!
234 days ago
Thank you judge Saskia I'm so glad you liked my materials ☺️❤️
233 days 19 hours ago
Garrett's Comments (sent via mail):

Upside Down:

Alton Mason (brunodrads): Alton, I love this photo! I believe it gives an "upside effect," which I love! I will probably say this a few times, but when it comes to "upside down," I always love it when the photo does not look rotated and looks like it was the original copy, so I will say I love this photo. I love the complements of yellow and white, which helps stand out that much more, so overall, great job!

Anja Rubik (Delano): This photo certainly gives an "upside down" effect. The photo looks like a drawing a little, but overall, this photo is very solid.

Guinevere Van Seenus (CutieAmy): You took an interesting approach with the "swinging from the tree" effect. I wish you were more of the focal point since there is so much to look at around you with the trees.

Kim Jong-in "Kai" (Minie): This is very similar to Madisons from Season 12, which I did not know was that good until I saw it again. Regarding your photo, it looks amazing and certainly does not look rotated!

Sora Choi (spinfur): Sora, I like this photo! I love it when these sorts of photos do not look rotated, but rather like something that is upside down, and with your photo, it certainly does not look rotated, so this is what I am looking for with this one.

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