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Gilby's blog.

Posts 124 posts

11 Days Until BBUK14 Jun 2, 2013
Ranking the winners of the past 13 seasons. My opinion btw.

13th - Cameron Stout (BB4) - This was by far the worst season of BB and the cast was tragic. It was called the most boring series and even Lisa and her "I could kill you with these two fingers" couldn't liven it up. Cameron was just a very nice guy and never did anything wrong.

12th - Rachel Rice (BB9) - Rachel won this season for the simple fact the other housemates (mainly Rex) called her boring, dull, not interesting. All of which was pretty true. She just always sat on the fence and never really had an opinion. But the British public LOVE a victim.

11th - Anthony Hutton (BB6) - Anthony was a fun lad but there was nothing special about him. He got along with pretty much everyone in the house. His most interesting story line was the fact that Craig LOVED him and it was never returned by Anthony.

10th - Luke Anderson (BB13) - The most recently winner comes in at 10th. Luke is the second transsexual to win BBUK. However he wasn't much of a character. He pretty much sat in the smoking area the whole season and bitched about about everyone else. He only won because again the British public love a victim and there was another group in the house that was always against him.

9th - Craig Phillips (BB1) - The first ever winner of BBUK. Craig was a genuinely nice bloke and was fun on the first season. He won for two reasons, confronting Nasty Nick over the cheating scandal and saying he was going to help pay for an operation for one of his disabled friends with his winnings.

8th - Brian Belo (BB8) - Brian Belo was a late entrant to the BB8 house but thats because the season started with all females. He was fun and loud and known for being pretty stupid. But keeping the trend of most BB winners is he was just a nice guy with not a bad bone in his body.

7th - Sophie Reade (BB10) - The busty blonde. To be honest she gets 7th just because I really liked her. At first she didnt have much personality but once her showmance Kris got the boot she came out of her shell and had a lot of fun.

6th - Kate Lawler (BB3) - The first female winner of BBUK. Kate was a laddy girl where she just wanted to hang with the boys. Her season was one of the best with alot of great characters (Jade Goody RIP). Kate was always up for laugh and her laidback take on life got her the win.

5th - Aaron Allard Morgan (BB12) - I know people might not agree with me with Aaron being so high but I found him hilarious. He was a moody, awkward dude who didn't care what his other housemates thought. He had an on off showmance with Faye which was fun to watch. He also was the WORST dancer ever but always gave it a go. I'm glad he won his seasons because he was against a lot of wannabes.

4th - Pete Bennett (BB7) - Where do you start with Pete Bennett. His entrance to the house was him falling down all the stairs. Also Pete has Tourette's Syndrome but that only added to his wacky character. He was known for just always having fun with Glyn and his relationship with one of the queens of BB Nikki Graeme. Pete was a runaway winner as all his housemates loved him and the public adored him. Not to mention he said he dreamed entering the house and winning before even becoming a contestant.

3rd - Josie Gibson (BB11) - I love Josie. She was a fun girl who would always speak her mind. BB11 was a bit of a cluster fuck of big charcaters but Josie made sure she wasn't lost in the shuffle. She had a cute relationship with John-James. Also I loved her love/hate relationship with Sam Pepper. She was always the first to laugh at herself and just all round good fun.

2nd - Brian Dowling (BB2) - Brian is one of the funniest contestants to ever be on Big Brother. He was over the top and dramatic but in the best kind of way. His freindship with Bubble was hilarious and they were always pranking one another. He was quick witted and him and his partner in crime Narinder were awesome.

1st - Nadia Almada (BB5) - Nadia is AMAZING. Nadia was the first transsexual winner of BBUK and it was justified. She was CRAZY in a good way. Nadia was all about fun, flirting and being outrageous. She had her battles with the likes of Victor and Jason but her crazy gang of nutjobs in Marco, Michelle and Emma. She always voiced her opinion and hated not having cigarettes. Season 5 of BBUK was one of the best and Nadia was one of the reason why. Her is a video of on of her funniest moments.

Points: 59 6 comments
My red nose May 17, 2013
Is due to me being in Spain. I was in the UK when Stars started but flew over to Spain today and logged on a computer in my hotel! I'm not a multi!
Points: 386 3 comments
I'm going into Stars May 10, 2013
imageWOW! I just want to thanks Yoshitomi our Frat president for selecting me.
Also to Frozen for doing such an awesome job with the steals.

I am looking forward to playing.
A week of no sleep here I come! :D
Points: 658 20 comments
Can't remember getting home after a night out drinking? Jul 1, 2009
The Vodka Scooter...
How many times have you woken up in the morning after a hard night drinking and thought, "How on earth did I get home?" As hard as you try, you cannot piece together your return journey from the pub to your house. The answer to this puzzle is that you used a "Vodka Scooter". The Vodka Scooter is a mythical form of transport, owned and leased to the drunk by Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine. The Vodka Scooter works in the following fashion - The passenger reaches a certain level of drunkenness and the "slurring gland" begins to give off a pheromone. Bacchus or one of his many sub-contractors detects this pheromone and sends down a winged Vodka Scooter. The Scooter scoops up the passenger and deposits them in their bedroom via
a Trans-Dimensional Portal. This is not cheap to run, so a large portion of the passenger's in-pocket cash is taken as payment. This answers the second question after a night out, "How did I spend so much money?" Unfortunately,
Vodka Scooters have a poor safety record and are thought to be responsible for over 90% of all UDI (Unidentified Drinking Injuries), such as bruised legs, stubbed toes, scratched hands and a sore spot on the top of your
head. An undocumented feature of the Vodka Scooter is the destruction of time segments during the trip. The nature of Trans-Dimensional Portals dictates that time will be lost, seemingly unaccounted for! This answers a third question after a night out, "What the hell happened?" With good
intentions, Bacchus opted for the REMIT (Removal of Embarrassing Moments in Time) add on, that automatically removes, in descending order, those parts in time regretted most. Unfortunately one person's REMIT is not necessarily
the REMIT of another's and quite often, lost time is regained in discussions over a period of time. Independent studies have also shown that Beer Goggles often cause the Scooter's navigation system to malfunction thus sending passengers to the wrong bedroom with the wrong person, often with horrific consequences. Vodka Scooters come equipped with Thump-A-Lot boots (Patent Pending). These boots are designed in such a way that no matter how quietly you tip-toe up the stairs, you are sure to wake either everyone else in the house or your
downstairs neighbours. Special anti-gravity springs ensure that you bump into every wall in the house and the CTSGS (Coffee Table Seeking Guidance System) explains the bruised shins. Don't forget the on-board heater, which allows you to comfortably get home from the pub in sub-zero temperatures,
wearing just a small outfit for the ladies or for the men no jacket. Vodka scooters.........the wonders of modern technology....... have you ever had a ride on one??!!
Points: 24 6 comments