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Hunty's blog

  1. next level cringe
  2. we must take robbie626 DOWN
  3. when u get the muny
  4. i been a nasty qurl
  5. words of wisdom..
  7. covid in mid 2024?
  8. looking for different ways to kms
  9. anitta anitta
  10. it hurts a bit as of lately
  11. eu posso aceitar qualquer um
  12. mas eu não posso acreditar nisso
  13. oh so u would appreciate plusses?
  14. Oh yes
  17. honestly who do i nom
  18. remédio pra doido
  19. spring is coming
  20. a little goodbye - but not one exactly - cause i'm..
  21. random thot all of a sudden
  22. fuck barbie
  23. [MOD] we will DEMOLISH you
  24. omg you guys.... elton john won an emmy
  25. nothing like a good old cackle!
  26. i am constantly funny
  27. sweetheart let me just point this out
  29. kali uchis is preggo
  30. i watched gypsy rose's docufilm
  31. the dichotomy in
  33. hiiiii gaged
  34. the final comment plsss
  35. jimmy jimmy cocoa puff
  36. unfilter me u cunt
  37. i actually
  38. lmao indeed
  39. honestly i dont wanna be judged
  40. i lowkey wanted ittttt

Last comments

  1. Hunty in "next level cringe" 4 days
  2. Pavanelli in "next level cringe" 4 days
  3. Scooby69 in "we must take robbie626 DOWN" 7 days
  4. Pavanelli in "we must take robbie626 DOWN" 7 days
  5. Hunty in "we must take robbie626 DOWN" 7 days
  6. Almeida008 in "i been a nasty qurl" 10 days
  7. FromAWindow in "i been a nasty qurl" 10 days
  8. brunodrads in "i been a nasty qurl" 10 days
  9. Rosalia in "i been a nasty qurl" 10 days
  10. Hunty in "i been a nasty qurl" 10 days
  11. Pavaneli in "words of wisdom.." 11 days
  12. yonguein in "AN ABSOLUTE SLAUGHTER" 14 days
  13. Booyahhayoob in "AN ABSOLUTE SLAUGHTER" 14 days
  14. cheritaisdelicious in "AN ABSOLUTE SLAUGHTER" 14 days
  15. CheapCheep in "AN ABSOLUTE SLAUGHTER" 14 days

Hunty em Noite de Climão

Posts 2621 posts

covid in mid 2024? May 17, 2024
cheritaisdelicious baby girl be fr.... ur just tryna seek attention atp
Points: 49 2 comments
looking for different ways to kms May 15, 2024
been stuck at home for 2 weeks now.. idk who i am anymore
Points: 34 3 comments
anitta anitta May 13, 2024
so glad to meet ya
Points: 13 2 comments
it hurts a bit as of lately May 7, 2024
my home state is passing through it's biggest climate disaster, most of neighborhoods have been floded by 5 meters of dirt water from rain (it rained for 2 weeks non stop)

people have been forced to evacuate their homes (i am hosting robynn at my home for 2 days because he was forced to evacuate), and that's the only joy i've gotten from the past 48 hours - to be alongside people whom i love

i don't think this has been talked about much and wanted to bring light to this, it's stressful as hell... and like idk... environmentally-wise its like a warning idk

i can't explain and/or measure how much this is impactful, uni classes have been suspended for a week now, i havent gone to work for a week, literally cant go anywhere because the water is taking over the city, supermarkets barely have anything left, the whole city is an absolute chaos and that happened from a day to the other... like literally came from nowhere

apparently the barriers weren't strong enough to contain rain water (governors are typically lazy as fuck to do something about it because im p sure they GOTTEN WARNINGS on this matter)

i'm still being privileged by the fact i have water and energy. most people dont. people have literally died, lost their houses, lost their loved ones, lost their pets due to flooding

needed to vent. been an intense couple days. i hope my home girlies SemNome and WorkBitch are doing well.
Points: 457 14 comments
eu posso aceitar qualquer um May 4, 2024
imagemenos cocainita racista porca imunda falando mal do meu brasil ! tu não tem onde cair mortaaaaa fia e com esse username me admira tu não ter vendido tua casa pra cheirar um gelinho pécora cubana foragida traficanta de órgãos

abre a geladeira e manda um eco bem grande lá dentro ô puta
Points: 72 2 comments
mas eu não posso acreditar nisso May 4, 2024
imageem vez de estar servindo como mister simpatia ganhador de 5 stars e pedindo pix em conscientização das enchentes, SemNome está arrumando briga enquanto seus conterrâneos sofrem? onde fica a sororidade gaúcha agora?
Points: 88 3 comments