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Total Drama Big Brother - Week 5. Mar 7, 2016
Week 5 in the Big Brother house.

HOH: Beth
Nominee's: Amy & Scott
POV: Gwen
Evicted: Scott. Vote 5-4 against Amy.

HOH: Beth wins the Head of Household.
Nomination Ceremony: Beth begins the nomination ceremony.
Cody is safe.
DJ is safe.
Gwen is safe.
Izzy is safe.
B is safe.
Alejandro is safe.
Dawn is safe.
Sadie is safe.
Justin is safe.

Beth nominates Amy and Scott.

Veto Selections:
Beth, as HoH, and Amy and Scott, as nominees, will compete.
Sadie, Dawn, and Gwen are all selected to compete.

POV Competition: Gwen wins the Power of Veto!

Amy and Scott state why they should be saved.
Gwen does not use the power of veto.
Final nominees are Amy and Scott.

Eviction Voting: Amy and Scott face eviction.

Justin votes to evict Scott.
Alejandro votes to evict Scott.
Cody votes to evict Amy.
Izzy votes to evict Scott.
B votes to evict Scott.
Gwen votes to evict Amy.
Dawn votes to evict Amy.
Sadie votes to evict Scott.
DJ votes to evict Amy.

Scott is evicted by a vote of 5-4.
Points: 0 0 comments
Total Drama Big Brother - Week 4. Mar 7, 2016
Week 4 in the Big Brother house.

HOH: Sadie
Nominee's: Heather & Dawn.
POV: Dawn
Final Nominee's: Heather & B.
Evicted Heather. Vote 5-5 tie. Sadie evicts Heather.

HOH: Sadie wins the Head of Household!
Nomination Ceremony: Sadie begins the nomination ceremony.
DJ is safe.
Cody is safe.
B is safe.
Amy is safe.
Gwen is safe.
Beth is safe.
Alejandro is safe.
Scott is safe.
Izzy is safe.
Justin is safe.

Sadie nominates Heather and Dawn.

Veto Selections:
Sadie, as HoH, and Heather and Dawn, as nominees, will compete.
Alejandro, Scott, and Cody are all selected to compete.

POV Competition: Dawn wins Power of Veto!

Veto Ceremony:
Heather and Dawn state why they should be saved.
Dawn uses the power of veto on herself.
Sadie names B as the replacement.

Final nominees are Heather and B.

Scott votes to evict B.
Justin votes to evict Heather.
Amy votes to evict Heather.
Alejandro votes to evict Heather.
Dawn votes to evict Heather.
Gwen votes to evict B.
Izzy votes to evict B.
Beth votes to evict B.
DJ votes to evict Heather.
Cody votes to evict B.

The vote is a 5-5 tie.

Sadie evicts Heather.
Points: 0 0 comments
Total Drama Big Brother - Week 3. Mar 7, 2016
Week 3 in the Big Brother house.
Nominee's: Noah & Amy
POV: Amy
Final Nominee's: Noah & Gwen
Evicted: Noah. Vote 6-5 Against Gwen.

HOH: DJ wins Head of Household!
Nomination Ceremony:
DJ begins the nomination ceremony.
Sadie is safe.
Cody is safe.
Izzy is safe.
Heather is safe.
Beth is safe.
Gwen is safe.
Dawn is safe.
B is safe.
Justin is safe.
Alejandro is safe.
Scott is safe.

DJ nominates Noah and Amy.

Veto Selections:
DJ, as HoH, and Noah and Amy, as nominees, will compete.
Gwen, B, and Cody are all selected to compete.

PoV Competition: Amy win the Power of Veto!

Veto Ceremony:
Noah and Amy state why they should be saved.
Amy uses the Power of Veto on herself.

DJ names Gwen as the replacement.
Final nominees are Noah and Gwen.

Eviction: Noah and Gwen face eviction.
Justin votes to evict Gwen.
Heather votes to evict Noah.
Cody votes to evict Noah.
Sadie votes to evict Gwen.
Amy votes to evict Gwen.
Izzy votes to evict Gwen.
Scott votes to evict Noah.
Alejandro votes to evict Noah.
Dawn votes to evict Noah.
Beth votes to evict Noah.
B votes to evict Gwen.

Noah is evicted by a vote of 6-5.
Points: 0 0 comments
Total Drama Big Brother - Week 2. Mar 7, 2016
Week 2 in Big Brother house.
HOH: Beth
Nominee's: Amy & Staci.
POV: Noah
Evicted: Staci. Vote: 6-6 Tie. Beth evicts Staci.

HOH: Beth wins the Head of Household!
Nomination Ceremony: Beth begins the nomination ceremony.
Scott is safe.
Justin is safe.
Dawn is safe.
Sadie is safe.
B is safe.
Cody is safe.
Alejandro is safe.
Heather is safe.
Noah is safe.
Izzy is safe.
Gwen is safe.
DJ is safe.

Beth nominates Staci and Amy.

Veto Selections:
Beth, as HoH, and Staci and Amy, as nominees, will compete.
Sadie, DJ, and Noah are all selected to compete.

PoV Competition: Noah wins Power of Veto!

Staci and Amy state why they should be saved.
Noah does not use the power of veto.
Final nominees are Staci and Amy.

Eviction Voting:
Dawn votes to evict Staci.
DJ votes to evict Amy.
Izzy votes to evict Staci.
Heather votes to evict Amy.
Justin votes to evict Staci.
Sadie votes to evict Staci.
Noah votes to evict Amy.
Gwen votes to evict Amy.
Alejandro votes to evict Staci.
B votes to evict Amy.
Cody votes to evict Staci.
Scott votes to evict Amy.

Eviction: Staci and Amy face eviction.
The vote is a 6-6 tie.
Beth evicts Staci.
Points: 0 0 comments
Total Drama Big Brother - Week 1. Mar 7, 2016
Week 1 in the Big Brother house:
HOH: Sadie
Nominee's: Heather & Justin.
POV: Sadie
Final Nominee's: Ella and Heather.
Evicted: Ella vote 8-5 against Heather.

Hoh: Sadie wins Head of Household!
Nomination Ceremony: Sadie begins the nomination ceremony.
Izzy is safe.
Ella is safe.
Gwen is safe.
DJ is safe.
B is safe.
Noah is safe.
Cody is safe.
Scott is safe.
Beth is safe.
Amy is safe.
Alejandro is safe.
Staci is safe.
Dawn is safe.

~~Sadie nominates Justin and Heather.~~

Veto Selections:
Sadie, as HoH, and Justin and Heather, as nominees, will compete.
Dawn, Alejandro, and Amy are all selected to compete.

POV Competition: Sadie wins Power of Veto!

Veto Ceremony: Justin and Heather state why they should be saved.

Sadie uses the power of veto on Justin.
Sadie names Ella as the replacement

Final nominees are Ella and Heather.

Eviction voting: Ella and Heather face eviction.

B votes to evict Ella.
DJ votes to evict Ella.
Alejandro votes to evict Heather.
Justin votes to evict Heather.
Cody votes to evict Ella.
Beth votes to evict Ella.
Noah votes to evict Heather.
Izzy votes to evict Ella.
Staci votes to evict Ella.
Scott votes to evict Ella.
Gwen votes to evict Ella.
Dawn votes to evict Heather.
Amy votes to evict Heather.

Eviction: Ella and Heather face eviction.
Ella is evicted by a vote of 8-5.
Points: 17 1 comments
Total Drama Big Brother Mar 7, 2016
Points: 0 1 comments