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The crush's blog

Posts 38 posts

Life Nov 20, 2011
imageI found this site May 25, 2010. I really didn't find it interesting at first played a few games than left for a while than I came back November 20 2010. I'm so glad I did, I came back and met so many people who I got to meet and actually know, and got to consider them a friend for a while :)

I know I was never the nicest person on this site, I may have been really annoying, and mean at times. I really am sorry if I ever step on your foot or ever offended you, that was the last thing I wanted to do, I know there are people who DON'T like me nor will NEVER like me on here, & it's fine you can't please everyone. I do apologize for anything I did to any of you.

I've had a blast on this site, The up's & the downs. My good full share of drama LOL :p.  But lately I haven't enjoyed this site. I don't play games at all, I rarely sign on... I'm not quitting because everyone who says they quit .. usually come back :p but I'm taking a LONG LONG LONG BREAK. It's not yall noticed I was gone anyways haha

But I wanted to write a few sentences about people who have made an impact on me on this website... We may not be close anymore or we might not be friends anymore, but they were reasons I stayed on this site, I appreciate their friendships :)

alexclow345- WE go we WAY back to when you still pretended to be a girl :P We have had our shares of up's&down's. But we were so close, we use to talk on calls for hours about anything and everything. You opened up to me and talked to me about your irl problems and I would try and give you advice. All the times you wanted to quit, I'd be on call and tell you not to.

Brittanyy- Another person whose friendship I really appreciate. You were always so funny. You were the one who was always straight up with the situation. I remember when I'd call you on the phone and we had our little 4 way phone calls :p  We use to run rookies back in the day. We don't talk at all anymore but I just want to say thank you for being a friend to me at one point .

mattygee- I'm so glad to have met you, you are one of the nicest people I've met on here, I know I can trust you with anything, We have had deep conversation, we shared our problems with each other and you have had my back when I was down, I knew I could count on you, but as of right now, we aren't speaking our friendship ended rough, hopefully we can patch things up one day.

schmooboy- The one everyone thought I was dating -______-, we use to be very close at some point, We use to go on calls 24/7. You were the peacemaker of the group, you always tried to solve the problems or try to prevent the problems. I remember when I first met you, you hated me because I was mimicking you on call, who knew we were going to get so close? I considered you a little bro !  don't hesitate to call or text me.

torimarie- I honestly loved your personality, your I don't give a fuck attitude. We use to be very close as well. Your funny, and really fun to be on call with. Your jokes are oh so funny, We talked like everyday, I want to say sorry for the way I acted when I came back, If I could go back in time I would, I valued our friendship

vikejk17- My ginger lover jkjk, wow Jeff we go way back we use to join rookies together all the time and would always get like 1st and 2nd. We use to troll tinychat's haha, than you nominated me in stars for 15th -____-, jk i don't think you did :S  we drifted apart over a skype game. I miss you dude.

Nicoleee- Our friendship is crazy, we hate each other than we love each other. I know you have a bad rep on this site, but honestly i've gotten  to know you and your actually really nice, you have the funniest sense of humor, but I do agree you do take things to the extreme sometimes. But I've considered you a friend for a LONG time, I remember when you begged for my number & I wouldn't give it to you :p You finally got it -___-.

MichaelFisher- you are oh so loyal, you don't like to choose between friends, you are always mutual, you have always been a great friend to me, even when I wasn't :/  your really chill and cool i'm glad to call you my friend.

Other Mentions : pugsrule13579, Meloetta , joey96 , Kooldude1991, jhelsdon2478, Spinner554, Malibu, black0ut247, LexxuS, Juliechen24

There are a lot more people who have made an impact on me on this site, but those were the people who I started this site with. We may not be on good terms we may not be even be friends, but I'll always appreciate their friendships

Special Mentions: Prince _Eric : You have always been my friend, and you have always have had my back, you are always there for me :) I enjoy our skype calls, and it sucks that not a lot of people have gotten to know you. You are a one of a kind friend that anyone would  be lucky to have

Points: 986 40 comments
with Oct 14, 2011
Points: 501 11 comments
no Oct 11, 2011
Points: 71 4 comments
regrets Aug 26, 2011
imagedon't you like going through old pictues and just reminisce about the old time, the whole point of this blog is for you :p to go through old pictures of yourself and friends and remember the good times that you had :)

Points: 741 27 comments
forever Jun 21, 2011
Points: 728 72 comments
young May 18, 2011

"Locked in a room for 24 hour blog"
Points: 496 59 comments