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Posts 47 posts

Frooks Apr 22, 2024
I know I play frooks a lot but I never join with a premade. Because I play a lot i obvously end up having some of the same folks work together sometimes, but we don't always work together and we never work as a big group. Everyone has their own alliances and agenda's. To me the fun part of frooks is making new alliances and working your way to the end.

With the games lately there have been giant premades that join 6-7 people strong and only plus each other and neg everyone else making it impossible to even play. There's nothing wrong with it I guess but it makes for a boring game for those outside the premade and then also I can't imagine premading the same 6 people over and over is fun..... I dont mind getting voted out of games because I didnt play well or made the wrong moves, but when it happens by default its a little dull...

I'm curious to know people's thoughts on this.
Points: 0 6 comments
PYN Apr 15, 2024
Comment and I will share which survivor player reminds me of you.

flashwoods  Cirie: for the fact that she seems to always make it close to the end in games but cant finish the job lol <3

jogon  Amber, since you won all stars i mean stars :)

santu  you can be Franny and I can be Matt. :)  franny was a strong player in a recent season and she ended up falling for a castmate and they are still together I think.

beastboy Jalinsky

bomberv   Chris Underwood

Callmethegoat  only cuz your name, the goat of all goats Philip

Vixens  Based on your Avi im going to say Kara K from David Vs. Goliath (shes gorg)

Brayden_  thnking

swagmonster1350  Dan Spilo

PrincessPinklips  Kass   but just know I love her as a player.
Points: 39 13 comments
Reminder! Apr 6, 2024
There have been so many nasty posts on this site lately. People calling people names and attacking people and I just don’t think any of that negativity has any place here. This is a website to play games on and meet people.

Let’s all take a breath and try to have more fun and be kind to each other.

If you appreciate this post, take a moment and send someone you have enjoyed meeting on this site a positive PM just telling them how awesome you think they are! Spread some positivity please!
Points: 53 2 comments
The Challenge Game Apr 2, 2024
What if tengaged had a new game based on the challenge. Each day everyone would compete in one of the already made comps (maybe encourage them to bring back the other comps too to add variety, I never was on the site during that era but heard they were fun). Then the winner would be safe, and the loser would automatically go into elimination. The rest of the house could vote their opponent and they would then compete in another comp for elimination. Then a certain number of people could make the final and then the final comp could be a combination of all the comps somehow and whoever scored the highest wins.

They could also use other challenge formats but this would make it relatively simple to implement and would be an alternative game that’s heavily based on comp performance but also helpful to have alliances and stuff.
Points: 11 3 comments
All good things Mar 27, 2024
I had a streak of 16 games where I made payouts in all games, with 14 of those games being first or second. I never joined with premades and I played with different strategies and alliances and had a lot of fun doing well.

But all good streaks come to an end and I’m glad I went out to a friend who went on to play well! Still had a lot of fun and don’t care what the haters say! :)
Points: 31 4 comments
Blood Mar 17, 2024
I am really proud of myself for getting to blood in 4 months being on this site.

Considering about 200 of my 240 games have been frooks/fasting with max payouts of 25/12 karma I’ve done well to get this far this fast.

I know some people have discounted me for playing so many frooks games lately but considering most have been on this site for years and are still playing whereas for me this is all so new and still fun, I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts!

Here’s to getting to the next level before I take a break for work and starting another degree soon.

Be kind to each other!
Points: 99 10 comments