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oswordo3's blog

  1. NanoNerd found in shambles
  2. Song Contest 馃幎 - 2 more wanted
  3. Welcome to Lazytown
  4. New Total Drama episode dropped 馃槏
  5. You've all won a free stay! (Pic)
  6. Pretty much I would let Gemma know
  7. What are the odds
  8. Melvin doo is
  9. Melvin Doo
  10. (LEAKED) NanoNerds's BB 13 Theme Reveal
  11. Casting Call 馃幍馃幍馃幍
  12. jaxon hates women
  13. Crystals are real
  14. @jaxon
  15. I鈥檓 gonna be honest with you
  16. Socialite Slaughter
  17. Music competition casting!
  18. New Year New Miley
  20. Where I'll be January 6th, 2023
  21. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 8th Night 馃巹
  22. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 8th Day 馃巹
  23. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 7th Night 馃巹
  24. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 7th Day 馃巹
  25. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 6th Night 馃巹
  26. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 6th Day 馃巹
  27. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 5th Night 馃巹
  28. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 5th Day 馃巹
  29. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 4th Night 馃巹
  30. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 4th Day 馃巹
  31. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 3rd Night 馃巹
  32. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 3rd Day馃巹
  33. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 2nd Night馃巹
  34. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 2nd Day馃巹
  35. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 1st Night 馃巹
  36. 馃巹Josh's Christmas Spectacular - 1st Day馃巹
  37. 馃巹 Josh's Ultimate Christmas Competition..
  38. A successful week at Goth Miranda Cosgrove
  39. god the game awards are so boring
  40. Wait a minute

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  1. Demgirl6 in "NanoNerd found in shambles" 3 days
  2. Symmetry888 in "NanoNerd found in shambles" 3 days

Creative Blog Title

Posts 560 posts

NanoNerd found in shambles May 30, 2024
At the Trump verdict.....
Points: 0 2 comments
Song Contest 馃幎 - 2 more wanted Apr 4, 2024

Link to discord here

Points: 21 0 comments
Welcome to Lazytown Jan 9, 2024
[Night becomes day in Sportacus' airship, and then the rooster crows everyone up. Sportacus 10 wakes up and flips out of bed. He then does push-ups, and then takes a carrot from his SportsCandy dispenser]
Opening title sequence.
[Camera cuts to Pixel Hyperbyte's house, where he is playing video games while Stingy Spoilero, Trixie Troubleby, and Ziggy Zweets are watching]
Trixie: Stingy, will you let me have some popcorn?
Stingy: Well I could give you one little piece, but it's mine.
Trixie: Stingy! Let me have the popcorn!
Pixel (to himself): What, what? I need some... uh... Oh!
Trixie: Game over! Ha ha...
Ziggy: So, uh... what do we do now?
Pixel: Same thing we always do, huh? Play it again.
[Pixel restarts his game]
[Camera cuts to town hall. Mayor Milford Meanswell is dusting, while Bessie Busybody is talking on the phone]
Milford: Ah-choo!
Bessie (on phone): It's true!
Milford: Oh, my!
Bessie (on phone): And you will never guess what she said to her.
[Voice on phone speaks]
[Milford accidentally puts duster in Bessie's face]
[Bessie puts phone down]
Bessie: Mayor Meanswell, for goodness sakes!
Milford: Ms. Busybody, please forgive me.
Bessie: Why are you running amok with a feather duster? As mayor of LazyTown, you are supposed to prevent problems, not create them.
Milford: Well, today's the day my niece Stephanie is coming to stay with me. Look, here's her picture.
Bessie: Oh, that's who it is! She's lovely.
Milford: Ah, yes.
Bessie: But you don't know anything about raising children.
Milford: What's to know? They just stay inside all day playing video games [Pixel is shown in his room] and eating candy. [Ziggy is shown in his room]
Bessie: Well, yes, that's true. Still, you'll need some help. Now take some notes, because there is a lot to learn.
[Milford gets paper and pencil]
Bessie: Children need a lot of attention.
Milford: [starts writing] Children...
Bessie: Oh, and they need lots of rest.
Milford: Oh, yes, uh... [starts writing] Children need... [stops writing] What was that first thing, again?
Bessie: Lots of attention.
Milford: Ah, yes...
[Camera cuts to Robbie Rotten's lair]
Robbie: [evil laugh]
[Robbie takes cake out of microwave]
Robbie: [evil laugh] Ah, yummy! [evil laugh]
[Robbie takes bite of cake]
Robbie: Mmm mmm! [evil laugh]
[Robbie walks over to periscope]
Robbie: Well, let's take a peek. [evil laugh]
[Robbie looks into periscope, points it at town square]
Robbie: Ah, perfect! This is exactly how I, Robbie Rotten, planned it. LazyTown is the laziest town on the planet...and I'm going to keep it that way. [evil laugh]
[Robbie sits on piano, cake goes flying]
Robbie: Ugh! I meant to do that.
[Camera cuts to Milford outside his house]
Milford: Oh, when will she be here? [looks at watch] Oh! Oh, my! Oh, dear! Any time now.
[Camera cuts to Stephanie Splitz walking through Lazy Park]
[Camera cuts to Robbie's lair]
[Robbie looks in periscope, sees Stephanie]
Milford: Hello, Stephanie!
[Robbie spits out his cake and throws it to the side]
Milford: Over here, Stephanie!
Stephanie: Hi, Uncle Milford! I'm so glad to be here!
Milford: And I'm so glad to have you! Oh, we'll have a wonderful time! How was your trip?
Stephanie: It was okay. I like riding in trains.
Milford: Ah, uh, let's get you to your room. I'll take your suitcase...
Stephanie: Oh, no, it's okay. I got it.
Milford: Oh! Uh, strong girl!
Robbie: Well, this could mean trouble!
[Camera cuts to Stephanie and Milford]
Milford: I'm so happy you've come to visit!
Stephanie: Wow, Uncle! This is a nice place! I think I'm going to like it here.
Milford: Ah, yes...
Stephanie: What's that smell?
Milford: Ah! Oh my! Oh, oh, dear!
[Milford opens oven, letting smoke out]
Milford: Oh, dear! I was baking a cake for Ms. Busybody, but I think I'm only making a mess for myself.
[Milford closes oven]
Milford: Why don't I show you to your room?
[Camera cuts to Stephanie's room]
Milford: Make yourself at home, and have a rest.
Stephanie: Oh, I'm not tired.
Milford: [gasps] Really?
Stephanie: Really! In fact, I was kind of hoping to play now.
Milford: Oh, well, uh, here you go.
[Milford hands Stephanie a deck of playing cards]
Stephanie: Playing cards?
Milford: Have a nice summer!
[Milford leaves the room]
[Scene skips forward one hour]
[Milford enters the room. Stephanie has built a tower out of the playing cards]
Milford: Having a good time?
Stephanie: Give me another deck of cards and I'll build the Empire State Building.
[Oven beeps]
Milford: Oh! My cake! Oh my!
[Camera cuts to kitchen]
Stephanie: That's a lovely cake, Uncle.
Milford: Oh yes, isn't it beautiful? [looks at Stephanie] Oh, uh, where are you going?
Stephanie: I was going to go out to find some kids to play with.
Milford: Oh! Kids playing in LazyTown! Oh, that's a good one! [laughs] No one does that.
Stephanie: What?
Milford: No, really, no one plays outside. And what if something terrible should happen? What if you played so much that you got tired?
Stephanie: I'm just going out to play!
Milford: Oh well uh, please, be careful!
[Stephanie leaves]
[Camera cuts to Stephanie sitting on a park bench by herself; Ziggy then walks by]
Ziggy: Who are you, and do you have any candy?
Stephanie: Um, no. I'm Stephanie, I like your costume.
Ziggy: I'm Ziggy, and I like candy.
[Stephanie and Ziggy shake hands]
Stephanie: I can feel that. So where do all the kids in LazyTown play?
Ziggy: Kids? Playing in LazyTown? [laughs]
[Camera cuts to Robbie's lair. Robbie is looking out of his periscope]
Ziggy: That's funny, Stephanie!
Robbie: What!?
Stephanie: No, seriously! Where are all the kids and where do they play?
Robbie: Who is she? What is she talking about? There is no playing in LazyTown!
[Camera cuts back to Stephanie and Ziggy]
Ziggy: Mondays through Fridays, we watch Pixel play video games and I eat candy. Ah... and Trixie, she takes my candy and hides it! And Stingy, he has a lot of candy, but he won't share it. And I...I eat more candy. Ah...
Stephanie: That's it?
Ziggy: Well, sometimes we eat cake. Yeah...
Stephanie: Cake's okay sometimes, but don't you guys play?
[Camera cuts to Robbie's lair]
Robbie (into periscope): No! Nobody likes to play! Now go home! Shoo! Hello! Go home! No playing!
[Camera cuts to Stephanie and Ziggy]
Ziggy: Play? If we would play, when would we eat candy? Well, that's important.
[Camera cuts to Robbie's lair]
Robbie: Wait... She's talking to Ziggy. He only wants to eat candy, so there is no problem! Ha ha ha! Whoo!...that was close.
[Camera cuts to Stephanie and Ziggy]
Ziggy: Do you want to come meet the other kids?
Stephanie: Yeah, sure!
Ziggy: It's right around the corner here...yeah, come on.
[Camera cuts to Robbie's lair]
Robbie: But where are they going?
[Camera cuts to Pixel's house]
Pixel (to himself): Uh uh, here we go, uh uh uh, aaah...
Ziggy: There they are. Hey, guys! Hey, guys! Guess what?
Pixel: Not now, Ziggy, I'm busy.
Ziggy: I want you to meet...
Pixel: Ziggy, I said I'm... [looks at Stephanie]
[Magical music plays]
Trixie: Pixel, you're losing the game!
Pixel: That's okay.
Trixie: What!?
Stingy: [coughs] Is it? It is?
Stephanie: Hi, I'm Stephanie, the Mayor's niece. I'm from out of town.
Pixel: Uh, what's that you're holding?
Stephanie: A soccer ball! Do you guys want to play?
Pixel: Um...
Trixie: That's what we're playing, Pinky.
Stephanie: No, not in the TV, I mean outside. Don't you ever play outside?
Trixie: Mm-mm.
Stingy: No.
Pixel: Mm-mm.
Stephanie: But playing soccer outside is great! You know, running, and jumping, in the sunshine and the fresh air?
Ziggy: The...the fresh?
Stephanie: Yeah!
Trixie: Uh-uh.
Stephanie: Haven't you ever kicked a soccer ball?
Trixie: Uh-uh.
Ziggy: No, we haven't.
Stephanie: Hit a baseball?
Ziggy: Nope.
Trixie: Nope.
Pixel: Uh-uh.
Stephanie: Come on! Follow me!
Trixie: Ugh.
Pixel: Okay! Up and at 'em guys!
Ziggy: We...we should go, yeah.
"Have You Never" (the main version) plays.
Trixie: Hey, guys! Check this move out!
[Trixie kicks the soccer ball over the fence. Robbie catches it, and reveals himself]
[Pixel, Stingy, Trixie, and Ziggy all gasp]
Ziggy: Uh-oh, it's Robbie Rotten.
Stephanie: Who's that?
Trixie: Oh, just the laziest, grumpiest, no-do-anything-est guy in all of LazyTown.
Robbie: Why, thank you! Took years of practicing. So, what is this? [points at ball]
Stephanie: A ball! We were playing.
Robbie: Playing!?
Ziggy: Uh-huh!
[Robbie pulls out candy]
Robbie: Want this?
Ziggy: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
Robbie: If I give it to you, will you go away?
Ziggy: I'm already gone!
[Robbie gives candy to Ziggy. Ziggy then leaves]
Robbie: And look-ie what else I have. [pulls out video game] A new video game!
Pixel: [gasps]
Robbie: I hear it's got 5000 levels!
Pixel: No, 6000 plus bonus levels!
[Robbie gives game to Pixel]
Pixel (to himself): Oh, wow! Gotta get home now! Gotta get home! Gotta get home! Gotta get home!...
[Pixel leaves]
Robbie (to Stingy): And by the way, that was yours.
Stingy: [gasps] Wait! Come back! That's mine!
[Stingy leaves]
Robbie (to Trixie): Have you ever heard the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window?
Trixie: Uh-uh.
Robbie: Would you like to?
Trixie: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
[Robbie gives ball to Trixie]
Trixie: Oh, yeah!
[Trixie leaves]
Stephanie: Hey!
Robbie: You didn't stand a chance. Now why don't you sit quietly and do nothing like a good little girl? [evil laugh]
[Sound of window breaking]
[Robbie leaves]
"Have You Ever Been Sad" plays.
[Stephanie returns to her home]
Stephanie (to diary): Dear diary, it's my first day in LazyTown. It's really weird here.
[Milford walks in]
Milford: Ah! Hot cocoa, Stephanie?
Stephanie: No thanks, Uncle Milford.
Milford: Uh, what's wrong, my dear? look sad.
Stephanie: Well, I'm really glad to be here with you.
Milford: Ah, yes.
Stephanie: But, LazyTown, it's kind's a little bit messy.
Milford: Ah! You think so? Uh, well I suppose I could clean it up.
Stephanie: That'd be a good idea. You are the mayor.
Milford: You know, that's true! I'll...I'll pull the weeds, and fix the gate!...Uh, oh dear, that's a lot to do.
Stephanie: But the real problem is that the kids don't play outside in LazyTown.
Milford: Oh, well I...I can't change that. Well you know they used to, but...but then they stopped.
Stephanie: I don't want to sit inside all day playing video games.
Milford: [gasps] You know, there might be someone who can help you!
Stephanie: Really?
Milford: Yes! I remember a story about a hero who came from an island in the North Sea. I can't remember his name, but there was a big Number 9 on his chest. Oh, and he moved around all the time. Swish swish swish! I think he may have even been a superhero.
Stephanie: [gasps] A superhero!?
Milford: Yes, yes! And he lives in an airship! When people wanted to contact him, they would write a letter, and send it to him in a tube by the mailbox.
Stephanie: Wow! Do you think I could send him a letter?
Milford: I don't know if it works anymore, but it's worth a try! I think I have that tube around here somewhere. I'll go get it.
[Milford leaves, and returns with a cake decorator]
Milford: Here it is! [looks at cake decorator] Oh, no! That's a cake decorating device! right back!
[Milford leaves and returns with tube]
Milford: Here you go, my dear!
Stephanie: Thanks!
[Stephanie walks over to mailbox; Robbie is nearby, and he sees her]
Robbie: What? No! Don't do it, little girl! It will only cause trouble!
[Stephanie removes plug and weeds]
Robbie: No! No! Leave it alone! No! No! No! Don't do it!
Stephanie: Please work!
[Stephanie puts letter in tube]
Robbie: No! No! Don't pull that!
[Stephanie pulls lever]
Robbie: NO!! Ugh!
[Camera cuts to Sportacus' airship]
Sportacus: I've got mail!
[Sportacus grabs letter and takes it out of tube]
Sportacus: I wonder what it says.
[Sportacus unfolds letter]
Sportacus (reading letter): I need help. No one to play with in LazyTown. - Stephanie.
[Sportacus gets History of LazyTown book]
Sportacus: I have heard of LazyTown before. Here it is. [looks at book] It used to be a great place to live. But now, it needs help.
[Sportacus gets paper]
Sportacus (writing letter): Help is on the way.
[Sportacus folds up letter into paper airplane]
Sportacus: Well, if Stephanie needs me, then I'm on my way to LazyTown. Okay, let's go!
[Sportacus grabs bowling ball and inserts letter]
Sportacus: In you go, and off you go.
[Sportacus rolls bowling ball; letter flies away from airship and towards LazyTown]
[Camera cuts to Stephanie]
Stephanie: I guess no one's coming.
Robbie: Maybe it won't work! Maybe he's on a vacation!
[Camera cuts to Sportacus steering airship towards LazyTown]
[Sportacus starts pedaling towards LazyTown]
[Camera cuts to Robbie]
Robbie: Maybe he has quit all the superhero business.
[Stephanie receives letter]
Stephanie: Got it!
Robbie: What? What, no!
Stephanie (reading letter): Help is on the way!
[Sportacus' airship arrives in LazyTown and runs toward Stephanie]
Stephanie: Are you Number 9?
Sportacus: Nope. I'm Number 10. My name is Sportacus.
[Sportacus and Stephanie shake hands]
Stephanie: I'm Stephanie. Pleased to meet you.
Robbie: Another one!?
Stephanie: Are you a superhero?
Sportacus: Let's just say I'm a slightly above-average hero.
[Camera cuts to Stingy and Trixie on a seesaw]
Stingy: It's mine, Trixie. Go away.
Trixie: It takes two to teeter-totter, Stingy.
Stingy: No. It's mine, all mine.
Trixie: Okay. If you insist.
[Trixie almost steps off of seesaw]
[Camera cuts to Sportacus]
[Sportacus' crystal beeps]
Stephanie: What's that?
Sportacus: That's my crystal. Someone's in trouble. Sorry, I have to go.
[Sportacus leaves]
Robbie: Oh, no!
[Camera cuts to Stingy and Trixie]
Stingy: Get back on!
[Trixie steps off]
[Stingy's end starts falling]
[Sportacus jumps on Trixie's end; Stingy flies in the air, but Sportacus catches him]
Stingy: Thank you.
Trixie: Yeah, nice catch.
Sportacus: Are you okay?
Stingy: Yeah.
Sportacus: Be more careful next time.
[Sportacus goes back to Stephanie]
Stephanie: Wow, Sportacus! You are incredible!
[Sportacus' crystal beeps]
Sportacus: More trouble!
[Camera cuts to Trixie standing on Ziggy's shoulders, looking over the wall]
Ziggy: Can you see anything? [loses balance] Aaah!
[Camera cuts to Sportacus and Stephanie]
Stephanie: Over there!
[Sportacus runs to Trixie and Ziggy]
Trixie: Ziggy! Woah! Woah!...
Trixie and Ziggy: Aaah!
[Sportacus catches Trixie and Ziggy]
Sportacus: Are you okay?
Trixie: Thanks!
Robbie: They're not going to ruin LazyTown! I'll see to that! [evil laugh] And now, it's time to put an end to Sportakook!...once and for all. [evil laugh]
[Robbie starts digging]
Robbie: A trap! For Sportakook!
[Bessie arrives at location of Robbie's trap]
Bessie (to herself): Note to self: [giggles] It's a hair appointment. [giggles]
Robbie: It's Bessie! She'll ruin my trap!
[Robbie hides behind wall]
Bessie (to herself): Yes, a wonderful day...
Robbie: No!
Bessie (to herself): It really is a lovely day...
Robbie: No! To the left! Not there!
[Bessie falls in hole]
[Stephanie runs toward Bessie]
[Sportacus runs toward Bessie]
Stephanie: Uncle! Somebody's stuck in a hole!
Milford: Stuck in a hole!?
Sportacus: I don't get it. It's still blinking. Who did I miss?
[Stephanie and Milford arrive at hole]
Bessie (on phone): Send help right away...
[Bessie puts down phone]
Milford: Oh, Ms. Busybody! Oh, oh my!
Stephanie: I brought a life preserver!
Milford: I brought a cake.
Bessie: Oh! Nice cake.
Milford: Oh, thank you. I made it just for you...Oh! Oh, we must save her.
Stephanie: Okay, stand back. I'm going to throw the life preserver over the branch.
[Stephanie throws life preserver]
Bessie: Good throw! Lower...closer...closer...Yes! Oh, I've got it. Now my bag...Ready?
Stephanie: Hold tight?
[Stephanie and Milford start pulling]
[Rope breaks partially in middle]
[Sportacus arrives]
[Rope breaks fully; Sportacus catches both ends and starts pulling]
[Sportacus successfully saves everyone]
Sportacus: Are you okay?
Bessie: Oh! My hero.
Sportacus: Glad to help!
Stephanie: You're amazing, Sportacus!
Sportacus: So were you!
Milford: Oh, yes, yes.
Bessie: Oh dear.
[Pixel, Stingy, Trixie, and Ziggy arrive, and all start talking over each other]
Trixie: What happened?
Milford: And as Mayor of LazyTown, I would like to offer you an official thank-you for your heroic actions. Uh, thank you, number 10!
Sportacus: You're welcome! Please call me Sportacus.
Pixel, Stingy, Trixie, and Ziggy: Sportacus!?
Pixel: Wow!
Ziggy: That's great!
Stephanie: You know, LazyTown is really starting to feel like home for me.
Sportacus: Me too.
Stephanie: Will you stay?
Ziggy: Will you, huh?
[Robbie makes disapproval gesture]
Stingy: Will he?
Sportacus: I think I will.
Pixel, Stingy, Trixie, and Ziggy: Yay!!
Robbie: [gasps] Stay? No!!
Milford: Well, I got to get back to my job, then.
Stephanie: We can help you! No one's lazy in LazyTown!
Sportacus: Yes!
Ziggy: Yeah!
Stingy: No one's lazy in LazyTown!
Robbie: Rrr!
"Bing Bang" plays.
[Camera cuts to Robbie's lair, where he is wearing a cast on his right leg and a sling on his right arm]
Robbie: I, Robbie Rotten, will not be beaten by a costumed Sportaloony and some pink cheerleader!
[Robbie moves right leg]
Robbie: Owww ow ow ow! I'll stop them if it's the last thing I do. And then, LazyTown will stay lazy forever! [evil laugh] [moves right arm] Ow!
End credits roll.
Points: 40 3 comments
New Total Drama episode dropped 馃槏 Nov 27, 2023
imageMOUTHWASH! Ever heard of it? For reals, they should change your name - to Halitosissarus. Your breath reeks of caveman, girl. And get some whitening strips and aligners for your teeth already. Your grill looks like a fence made of mud. I can't even talk about your dry scaly skin because I will literally barf in my own mouth. You have bags under your eyes. You have puny little chicken wing arms. And your toenails??? BIG YIKES. It's actually no wonder you went extinct. Because no one would wanna get. with. that.
Points: 0 0 comments
You've all won a free stay! (Pic) Nov 26, 2023
imageReading the blog page tonight, you've all earned it.
Points: 6 1 comments
Pretty much I would let Gemma know Nov 14, 2023
that she is a fat cunt
and, um the shoes that she gave me were
not something that I would particularly
buy for myself.

They were old maiden type of shoes, and
she said that those shoes were meant to
be worn on a beautiful woman

So if that is the case she should have put
them back on the rack and she should
never even purchased them because she
was UNQUALIFIED to own those shoes if
that's the case

and, um I think that Gemma is just a
disgrace. She's a disgrace to women who are
actually beautiful and classy and, um she
just doesn't have the vernacular she
thinks she possesses

Somebody lied to her several times and
told her that she was fly, hot and sexy
and beautiful and she's nothing like that
She's nothing of the sort

Points: 72 1 comments