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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Game #2......and such.

Mar 19, 2012 by zelbic
So I've tried my hand at a fasting game.  Now I enrolled in a week long casting game.  I think I will like the week long game better as the fasting  game was ridiculously fast.  I've already made a couple of friends but I hope to make more through this next game.  Honestly don't care how far I get but I just would like to be a part of the community more.

This site has allowed me to be more social.  Considering where I live, a small village of 200 on the Bering Strait of Alaska, having a big social network is not possible.  My friends from back in Michigan are too busy having fun in civilization so I don't hear from them much.  I teach Kindergarten / 1st Grade and that keeps me somewhat busy.  But only a little bit.

So I am excited to make more friends and possibly have people join my game Tribal Survivor.  So far no one has applied.  But I'll keep trying.


omg another kinder teacher! sarahnva and you can talk about glitter and glue.
Sent by heatherbear,Mar 19, 2012
Hiiii! I would love to teach kindergarten/ first grade. We used to have multi age at my school I believe. Any time you wantto chat, pm me!
Sent by sarahnva,Mar 20, 2012

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