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Challenge 6- Results

Topic » Challenge 6- Results

3721 days 16 hours ago
Hey so Ru took one too many Xanax's and is now indisposed in his dressing room so I, Michelle Visage (call me Santino you motherfucker and I will put you in the BTM2 so fast), will be posting the results are you excited!!!!!!!! Spoiler: Yes

So for like the second time ever, everyone has submitted so we have no disqualifications

The following queens now step forward:
Melody Vine
Pamma Granite
The Appetizer
Trigger Warning
Big Mac-kenzii
L'Oreal Starbursts
Annaisse La'Blaque

You are all staying on stage because we have something to say to all of you tonight

I will begin posting the critiques now.
3721 days 16 hours ago
Annaisse La'Blaque

Cody: "I liked the overall Paparazzi layout but it seemed very sticky and wrong. Everything was flat for me and it was just bad decision ma"

Benry: "You. Had. Me. GAGGING! and not in a good way because that runway looked liked shit and I despised it. I think the eyes just ruined it for me and I understand you have a theme with those eyes but if you are going to use them and they are going to hurt you then you need to work out your outfit better. It wasn't the worst.... but no where near the best."

Brandon: "I wasn’t that impressed really. It was just Lady Gaga and yeah that was kinda it…? It had a concept I guess with the caution tape but all I am getting is Gaga"
3721 days 16 hours ago
Big Mac-Kenzii

Cody: "Finally you deterred away from your McDonald's schtick. Lord have mercy this is the most edgy you've gotten however I don't feel this is really thrift store to me. I'm getting Valley girl meets Medusa. It's not that it's a bad look because I mean it's glam but I find this to be very polished."

Benry: "The look was my favorite. It was to me, the most glamorous and the best exemplification of what the challenge wanted. Old designs but used together to make something beautiful. I also loved the added touch of the sunglasses with the Medusa Hair. But even still this outfit made the other bitches drop stone cold."

Brandon: " I love it!!!!! Its vintage and its ancient! You really found some interesting and unique designs to piece together and bring the LOOK!!!! I approve"
3721 days 16 hours ago
Melody Vine

Cody: "Call Disney hunny cause we're looking at a Lion King sequel sweetie! This is a fashion disaster that you tried really hard to be different but it didn't work. I felt the punk rock but not enough. The afro doesn't scream punk, it's 80's but wrong genre, that's disco hun. your make up choice and very lax choice of colors made this fall very flat."

Benry: "I'm just going to be blunt and say that the look was ugly. The hair and the eyes were terrible. If you had somewhat decent hair then maybe it would been okay but it just looks messy and repulsive."

Brandon: "Gorl what is this? It was like half cute but then again I don’t know math cause it was 70% f*cked. The Dress was flawless but that hair(THAT HAIRLINE FANTASY) and that tattoo thingy……..and the tattoo is like an emoji heart in the middle of the chest just no"
3721 days 16 hours ago
The Appetizer

Cody: "Girl you turned this OUT! The color choice and execution was great. I'm feeling that dollar store she devil sweetie! This is one of your best submissions yet. Moving forward I'm afraid you won't be able to outdo what you've already done because they have been so great."

Benry: "Your runway tonight was on FIRE. I was loving every detail of it. The dress, the hair, the makeup, the background taken straight out of Gagaluv's firecrotch.... poetic."

Brandon: "I’m done. Literally done. Like this look is some sick twisted sh*t. and that hair……..that hair is LAIDTTTTTTTTTTT like bye you did it I’m dead I’m in hell with this"
3721 days 16 hours ago
Pamma Granite

Cody: "I was living for this granny avatar, but your choices this week were very off for me, like the green underneath, and the floral headband. It seemed very messy to me, the only things you tried coordinating together was the greens you used. This look didn't thrill me all too much, but the hair and the blue top were good."

Benry: "Eh"

Brandon: "I love this honestly. It is very earthy and kind of like some pixie woodland creature shit right there. But it seems to me the vintage part is kind of overshadowed by the edited parts that you added. Without the edited parts this look isn’t very strong, and you needed to have strength with the vintage."
3721 days 16 hours ago
Trigger Warning

Cody: "I wasn't a fan of you not using skin, but I see where the idea came from, the concept and choice colors of dulls clashing with neon was a very repetitive choice I've seen in this competition. I've seen much better products from you but, I'm living for the dress and rings hun. The hair is a NO-GO though in my opinion."

Benry: "I'm so glad you changed your look because your old was really bad. This look is out of this world and I am SO GLAD you have gotten out of your slump. Don't let the past weeks bring you down. Carry on with this performance effort and you will be on your way to the top."

Brandon: "FLAWLESS! This was everything to me. The concept was also amazing, back to the future!!!! You are giving me vintage couture not couture pile on vintage. Did everything you needed in my opinion."
3721 days 16 hours ago
L'Oreal Starbursts

Cody: "This look seemed to be something I kind of expected with your style, I've seen these choice designs together before, and the other judges also pointed out to me you've tried this before. It's very safe to me, it doesn't really scream thrift shop it's like a modern very ruler-esque attire that strives too hard to come across as high fashion. I wasn't feeling it from you this week."

Benry: "Wtf is this shit. Are you kidding me? FIRST of all this shit isn't even retro or w/e the challenge was. There is about ONE design there that is old. The Crown? posted in Decemeber like wtf. You didn't even go with the challenge you just thought it looked pretty and thought you were golden. AND not to boot I have seen that EXACT same outfit used in a drag race/project runway skype game so it really goes to show your goldmine of ideas is running dry."

Brandon: "Okay let’s open the doors the library is OPEN! I am really just amazed that this was what you submitted……like really? You know I found this dress I SENT you this link why would you send this to me? It’s not impressive by any means it’s been done (by ME) and other than that this look has nothing really vintage to it. I mean that crown is like 3 months old the eyes look kinda old but really meh. This was NOT OKAY"
3721 days 15 hours ago
Pamma Granite: You are safe
3721 days 15 hours ago
Big Mac-Kenzii: You're look tonight was big and beautiful. You are safe

The Appetizer: You gave us what we wanted and we ate it up. Condragulations you are the winner of this challenge

Trigger Warning: You gave the other queens in this competition a warning tonight, to watch out for you. You are safe
3721 days 15 hours ago
yes back on my HIGH streak < 3
thank you
3721 days 15 hours ago
Now we are left with the bottom of tonight's barrel.

Melody Vine: Your growth in this competition seems to have stopped growing. I am sorry my dear but you are up for elimination.

L'Oreal Starbursts: The only things that bursts tonight was your reputation and challenge preformance

Annaisse La'Blaque: Tonight you were really in the dark
3721 days 15 hours ago
L'Oreal you are safe.

Annaisse, I'm sorry my dear but you are up for elimination.
3721 days 15 hours ago
Prior to tonight you were asked to prepare a lipsync avatar to Best XXXcessory by Manila Luzon.

*the lights go down*
Now the time has come, for you to lipsync for your LIFE.
Good luck, and Don't fuck it up


3721 days 15 hours ago
oh you got to be shitting me
3721 days 15 hours ago

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