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4575 days 3 hours ago
39 days ago, an adventure started. 18 contestants embarked in a never before seen twist of survivor. HOTTIES vs NERDS. they were separated into tengaged's 9 HOTTES females(on the Jaburu tribe) and 9 NERDIEST males(on the Tambaqui tribe). Both tribes started out strong but not soon afterwards many pre-merge quits on the hotties side advantaged the nerds and gave them numbers at merge. With a 11 nerds vs. 4 hotties game, the girls were screwed. They knew they had to do something to secure there place and they made 2 nerds jump ship. With that new alliance in control, jonah and kenny, the 2 strongest guys, were voted out. Until final 9, the four hotties remained untouched. But then the 2 nerds jumped ship AGAIN back to the nerds's original alliance and booted in order STOKES, swampy and amf. Unicorn, the only hottie left was in danger. Against all odds, unicorn manged to stay alive and get bcl and caliboy out instead. With backstabbing coming from every corner, there was tension between kikorus, NCFX and sarge. Kikorus was considered behind every lie and he was very strong a competitions so his faith was sealed. In the final challenge, sarge won and decided that uni would get way more votes than he would so he decided to bring NCFX instead.

Congrats to you to and as you may have noticed power has now completely shifted to the jury: DEADBEATJONAH14, sephirothken, STOKES2009, 1Swampy8, amf7410, bclrockschamp, Caliboy, Kikorus and unicornangel_32. Your faith is now in their hands.

Here's how final tribal will work. Both sarge and NCFX will start by saying opening statements. Then, the jury will ask questions. Once they have made their decision, they will cast the vote for the WINNER of Survivor Hotties vs. Nerds!
4575 days 3 hours ago
well grats f2, and i wanna make statements to the f2.

sarge - your a great player, a great competiter, and also a great physical player. But also i wanna say tht u havnt really made strategies in the game, and never really played with me and ncfx, so idk if ur gonna win

NCFX - u were my alliance buddy this whole game, and my good partner, and i would of sat in the f2 with u if i did vote in that f6 vote, but i didnt and made a tie. My vote is for u, and i hope u win it all.
4575 days 3 hours ago
hey NCFH and Sarge congratulation on final two

here is my guestions

NCFX-you call me a rat,snake you dont was caferyl on your mouth, tell me what big move you make ,tell me why i shoud vote for you?

Sarge-you played beter strategies game, but on the another hand you screw me and i was voted out , so tell me why i shoud vote for you?
4575 days 3 hours ago
(i will ask ?'s tomorrow - going to think first)
4575 days 3 hours ago
congrats on the final 2

Ncfx: you and I were targeted from day one for various reasons, one of which was our threats competition wise. Do you think this was a motivator for you making it to the finals?

Sarge: being a man of strategy, i never really saw much in you. i think that social game play was far greater with Ncfx and physical gameplay was kikorus. to me it seem like you were the floater of the season moving back in forth to the winning side with little consistency. This was seen in your decison to take out caliboy or grovel to Uni or Kikorus as a back up plan. My question to you is, who were you truely loyal to?
4574 days 21 hours ago
Sarge: Congrats, I'm voting for you.

NCFX: If you get anyone's vote, I will be surprised.. I'm pretty sure you lied to everyone.. You aren't getting my vote.

That's all I have to say <3
4574 days 19 hours ago
First of all to all the jury, I want to say thank you for a great game. This has been an interesting game starting off Hotties vs. Nerds. You all were great competitors in your own right.

Now, lets get down to business.

I want you all to know. Since Day 1 I have been playing this game. It started off one the 1st day forming a final 4 alliance with Unicorn on the Hotties tribe. I knew she would stick around on that side and be able to keep the girls loyal to her. Vice versa on the Nerds side I layed low but kept in contact with Jonah as my major alliance. As, I knew he would take the leadership role and try and decide who would go and stay (at least that is what I wanted him to think). I actually controlled every single vote off in the entire game that I was involved in.  I kept competitive in the challenges enough in the tribe to keep my name off the radar.

Now to the meat of the game THE MERGE!!! This is where the game got turned up. I knew the Nerds had control and could of voted off all the Hotties first. However, that did not play into my game. I knew I needed to get 2 huge Nerd threats out of the game. Jonah and Sephiroth.  In order to do that, I sided with my alliance with Unicorn and blindsided those two out of the game. Everyone, thought it was Kikorus who was the one siding with the Hotties. However, it was me all along. I kept both sides in grasp and controlled pretty much everyone that got voted out after merge.

After Seph and Jonas were gone, I formed a tight alliance with Caliboy and NCFX. I knew I needed there trust and votes to continue my plans in the game. Unicorn, helped going inactive (sadly it was because of a family illness which I felt hugely bad for her). This gave me a chance to gain those two guys trust and we voted out the next 3 hotties.  I will give AMF props for being such a great winner in challenges. But, ultimately I was going to work with her but with those wins I knew she had to be voted out. I convinced my guys that she needed to go and then it happened.

Then it got down to the Nerds and Unicorn. I knew NCFX and Cali were leary of Kikorus as being the flipper. I used that info to further have them go after some of our nerds. The next vote was the turning point when there was a 3 way tie in vote off of BCL, Kikorus and NCFX.  I convinced because of a threat of an idol to have Uni and Kik to vote for NCFX and NCFX and Cali voted for Kikorus.  I was hoping BCL would be a self vote as he was inactive. So, to keep my hands clean and set up a tie. I voted BCL. Exactly, this happened and BCL was the casualy of the challenge lost.

Then it got tricky. AS, everyone know Caliboy was next as had to set up a tie between Unicorn and Caliboy. This happened by again everyone being paranoid of Idol and Kikorus having it. I knew he had it but convinced the guys not to worry he did not. He played it and I kept true to the 2 guys voting Kikorus. However, him playing idol set up Unicorn to be safe and Caliboy leaving. I had to keep my Final 4 deal word with Unicorn first.

From that point the rest of the game was easy.

As, you can see I have played this game hard from Day 1. Stayed loyal to the promises I made to certain people. Even taking NCFX to the FInal 2. I think I deserve the win as I have played very strategic and outlasted everyone.

I am ready for the questions.
4574 days 19 hours ago
Guys please see my strategy.....u guys have no idea who ran this game. I had control from the begiining.
4574 days 19 hours ago
Sephiron. I had control of this game from Day 1. I was the one that made all the decisions on both sides. My big moves was making Unicorn deal at the beginning. Then, knowing you and Jonas were a huge threat used my alliance to eliminate you two.  REad my opening statement. I was the leader in all the decisions and I have proof of all of it.
4574 days 19 hours ago
Sarge-you played beter strategies game, but on the another hand you screw me and i was voted out , so tell me why i shoud vote for you?

You should vote for me Kikorus because I played the best game all around. I started from Day 1 and continued my game play through out. I had to use you as the patsy to that the other guys did not figure out that I was working both sides.  I played a smart game and none of you ever seen me coming. I was never a floater that Septh thinks to say. I was the mastermind behind everyone's departure. I knew what I was doing and made it happen. Give me your vote if you think I played the best game.
4574 days 19 hours ago
sarge - your a great player, a great competiter, and also a great physical player. But also i wanna say tht u havnt really made strategies in the game, and never really played with me and ncfx, so idk if ur gonna win

Again, saying I never made strategies in the game. All of my strategy was behind the scenes. You never saw it because you were not involved. I fooled each and every person in this game. I played everyone to think someone else was the threat. When in fact, as BBlover, not someone in this game said. Why are you letting Sarge to the end. He played you all and now is sitting in the end. I worked this game like crazy and that is why I am sitting in the end. My opening statement is the truth and reveals all of my gameplay. Host will agree to that as he saw it too.
4574 days 19 hours ago
Sephiron I was loyal to Unicorn on my deal from Day 1 for Final 4. Then convinced Cali and NCFX that I was taking them to Final 3. Please look at my strategy and you honestly will see I have been a huge factor in all decisions. NCFX did nothing but beg people to vote certain way. I played people against each other and stayed loyal to people I needed to to make it to the end. I never ever ride coattails. I make my own path always.
4574 days 18 hours ago
Ok congrats to you 2 for making finals.
Sad that I am not up there but hey shit happens.

However Sarge you have played a great game and I feel NCFX is more of a good friend from this so my heart is if I should vote for someone who is like me who was straightforward and to the point like NCFX was or do I vote someone who was the snake that no one saw coming?

I played a game with you Sarge before and last time I was more of the snake and what happen I lost having the same rep of me being a snake when in reality I wasnt and controlled the game fairly well but I would say not as well as you in this game since not as much drama or so that was in Cook Islands.

But point is what is so different about your gameplay here that I have not stated than in my gameplay of Cook Islands?

And NCFX who do you think deserves to win this game the most?
4574 days 17 hours ago
Sarge me and you has played the same game XD
4574 days 17 hours ago
i'm voting for Russell Hantz

kbye -_-
4574 days 12 hours ago
here is my super special awesome intro:

I've been working hard in this game since day one. From the beginning i have been on the outside of my tribal trying to stay in this. In my  journey I played an strong social game with Jonah,Sephirothken and BCL up until merge. At Merge, Things shifted, Deadbeat was blindside thanks to SEPHIROTHKEN(Had nothing from sarge, because he floated in the conversation) who thought he was too much of a risk challenge wise and wanted. At that tribal, things got crazy, It was revealed that two snakes jumped ships in this game, later revealing themselfs as kikorus and sarge. There first target was the man they though stood in the way the most, and the kenny from gabon was sent packing. At this point, BCL and I were all that was left and I need an third ally, which i wanted to be swampy. Swampy was one of the nicest girls in this game and im sorry to take you out instead of sarge your tribal(didnt know at the time that he was a traitor). What worried my was the words"when we get to final five im probably first out". this was scary considering you first want for me to stay with the girls to the end and if you that worried about the guys sticking together, i realized that i should be equally worried about the girls. With promises of final 3 and false saftey, I decided to join up with Caliboy who i felt had a good honest hold on the game and his now sargent hantz. I decided to keep my alliance with bcl on the downlow and wanted to sever out sarge the moment we got out the stronger rat of the two, Kikorus(at the time, I had suspicions that sarge was not the ally he said he was do to not sharing information on idol clues but demanding them from me). Until then, I had to deal with the hotties in hopes that it would  stop divides in the nerds now that the damaged was done. after they were picked off one by one it was thought to be time to pick off kikorus or uni with us leaning towards kikorus(to help set in motion my plan) but Sarge "accidently" threw out his vote in an act of fear to keep uni and kikorus in his pocket, forcing a tie between Kikorus, myself, and a guy I fully trusted and wanted in the end. The spam challenge to out my friend and caused me to have to trust ol' sarge and caliboy in hopes that he would be true to his word and the three of us could stick together (paranoia about sarge still lingered). Caliboy's tribal confirmed my suspicions at the cost of a good person. It showed me that sarge, like i thought was the mole in our alliance selling out or votes to the other side. At this point there was little i could do, It was do or die time and i needed to try to mend things with sarge and take out the stronger player(kikorus) first at final four and take out sarge at the three. lucky for me, i found myself a new friend in Uni, the loving tengaged mother of the group who i felt was as straight forward as i was. I wanted her in the finals not only because i thought kikorus and sarge needed to go, but also because i truely didnt mind her winning over myself. I came up short in the end at the final competiton due to rushing myself to help with family matters, and now im here in the finals.

In closing, If you want to vote for a floater in this game who claims to have been behind in it all in some sort of demi-god fashion, by all means vote sarge.
I can say that through out this game, those who i trusted i was loyal to and was always vocal at tribal counsel( plainly stating whats on my mind), I played a strong social and physical game, making it to the end by wining competitions when needed and playing a strong social game where I kept all of my true allies with me and tried my hardest to keep them with me to the end.
If you agree than vote my way, just please keep in mind that not everything sarge claims is really his doing, but rather of people he choose to float to whenever they had a plan.

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Survivor: Hotties vs Nerds

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