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Dragotistic's Game File

Topic » Dragotistic's Game File

3559 days 12 hours ago
All of Dragotistic's confessionals and possibly mail logs will be posted here.
3559 days 7 hours ago
1) How's it feel to be in the FINAL season, as one of 18 former finalists? sexy

2) What's your strategy coming into this game? Be a Kamikaze. I don't care what I do, I'm going to spoil everyone's games and make them target each other.

3) Thoughts on the cast/tribes? lol good luck me

4) Potential allies? Potential targets/enemies? i'm indifferent i don't really care who i align with

5) Why do you think you can either win again (if a former winner) or finally win (if a former runner-up)? a runner up is winning (me)

6) How hard do you expect this season to be, and with no twists involved, even no idols, how's that shape this season? Chaos will rule the roost.
3559 days 6 hours ago
I'm doing Physics homework @_@ but I'm planning to latch myself onto a big threat (Alex) and have him be my shield, while doing kamikaze-ing this game.

I'm planning on having Alex do everything for me, get me into alliances, and such, but then at a certain point, I'll probably spoil the entire alliance for poops and giggles.
3558 days 6 hours ago
Okay, so right now I'm in an alliance of 6 with myself, Alex, Rich, Nick, Andy and Michael. But I also have another *secret* alliance with Wyatt.
3557 days 21 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, Amf, Dragotistic, PeaceOut, RShowFreak, & Nbkiller:

Hi guys. We all have talked one form or another.  I am wondering right upfront if you all want to form a tight 6 person alliance so we are protected on our tribe and will put up a strong fight against the Winners. I would like to work with each and every one of you.


present and ready to kick ass

im down

I am very down. This is a huge group of diverse players.

Can we be called the Moving Company except we're actually likeable and we won't fail because of a showmance, cause let's face it, it's a sick ass alliance name.

After everyone agrees we need to decide as a group who are first target will be.

Hey I'm totally down for this. :D

Guys we will need to decide who to take out.  To me personally I would love to see Wyatt out first tonight. He has become sneaky lately and a huge backstabber n other games and could be a threat to us.  I will vote however u guys want. But, I need to know by 8am in the morning so I can cast my vote.

I'm fine with that.

im good with it (y)

Me personally, I'd rather vote for Cfff just because I know he can be sneaky and isn't that trustworthy

i agree with what youre saying but he is more active and better in challenges than wyatt. wed have the votes to get him out when we lose a challenge if thats what we want to do

well its tough to judge activity when weve had only one challenge...........

I will vote for either but will need a def. decision who we all can lock in.  Wyatt is my nemesis that is not that active.  Cfff is a very sneaky player and will join forces with the other side given the chance. We can do one and then the other next time. Lets decide please...haha

well my vote is for cfff to go this time

okay...but please can we take out wyatt next?

if thats what people want

ok cfff it is then lmao

Great then I am locking my vote in for Cff.


Cool. Me too
3554 days 18 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, PeaceOut, Dragotistic, Nbkiller, RShowFreak, & Amf:

Hi everyone,
Sucks we lost a spam challenge.  Who should we vote out this time?  If we could decide. Again, I am suggesting Wyatt (aiw) because one he wont help that much in the near future and two he cannot be trusted and has already been saying stuff to people on the other side. He has friends over there.  Let me know everyone what you all come up with. I am off to work but will be back by 6pmEST.

That's who I was going to suggest. I was gone for a while so I didn't send out a mail but Wyatt is what i want to do

I'm fine with him going.

is tht what evry1 wants??
3554 days 6 hours ago
Convo with Dragotistc, RShowFreak, Amf, Sarge, PeaceOut, & Nbkiller:

any thoughts on the vote tonight?

I'm ok with voting whoever

Well guys...silence is scary...Alex gave his opinion 1st tribal, I did the 2nd....someone else this time decide who goes. I will vote with u guys.

im fine with whoever too... i mean i just want to stick together

Yeah we need to be united and strong but like who is threatening to us?


that's good with me
3553 days 6 hours ago
Convo with PeaceOut, Sarge, Nbkiller, Dragotistic, Amf, & RShowFreak:

Well I hope you guys know I am loyal to you and hope you revote Addrian out. ;-; It would be really awesome I would be very grateful.

Again this game is crazy...1st I got two crazy votes. Now Peace has got the same. I am keeping him and guys we need to form this tight group back together and stick together and beat this other tribe please.

i kept him dw


3550 days 20 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, RShowFreak, Nbkiller, Dragotistic, & PeaceOut:

winners tribe alliance
Hey everyone Mearl told me exactly who is in a strong alliance on the other side and to watch out for as they are coming right after us. Jeremy, bingo, shadi, Eddie, joe, and maybe Gohan is the strong alliance on that side.  I wanted to let everyone know what we are up against on that tribe.
3547 days 6 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, Dragotistic, Amf, & Caliboy:

Hi everyone.  We all have talked one form or another and we all agree this 4 is a solid bunch who can trust each other. I will not screw you guys if you do not me.  We work together to bring down the winnners.  We need to bring Nick in to make a solid 5 group.  Sound good? Lets not betray and turn our backs on each other.

I too am in. I think its time to take control of our own fate. So count me in I dont trust any of the winners and want to bring them down just as much.

That sounds good to me. I know that we are all not only trustworthy, but strong competitors and smart so as long as we stick together, we should be fine.

i wouldn't be surprised if we were all in the final 5

We all just have to stay tight and do not let these people sway us.  Lets take this game by storm!  I am with u guys!!
3547 days 6 hours ago
I'm the one who threw the vote at Rich, and he still trusts me.

As a matter of fact, everyone trusts me, and I'm manipulating their emotions to my advantage. Rich forgot to add me to a conversation, so I acted like I was severely pissed off, but it seems like he trusts me a lot.

I'm definitely worried of a Sean/Andy/Rich threesome, and Alex talks to me often. So right now, I'm probably the most secure on the tribe. So yeah.
3546 days 7 hours ago
Convo with Amf, Sarge, Dragotistic, & Caliboy:

who do you all want to vote?

I would suggest Peace if you guys want.  We need to win this next challenge so we can go to a merge even if possible.  Do you guys like that?  I hope we all stick together.

i'm fine with that

I agree on sticking together, and ok with peace if thats what yall like to do.

Good because come a merge he would be the first to run to the other side for safety and screw us in my opinion.  Andy can you talk to Nick and get him on board.  We all know Alex will not vote for Peace.

I can try. and I'm good with that

I have talked to Nick and he is our solid 5 guys.  We have a guaranteed tight 5 alliance.  He was excited.  He is completely down with the Peace vote off.
3541 days 20 hours ago
1) How does it feel to merge? pretty good

2) Alliances? i think it's the runner up tribe

3) Thougts on the even merging numbers? fun

4) Thoughts on the remainder of the cast? lol losers 12th-2nd

5) Current strategy? social butterfly

6) Anything Else? i have a big dick
3537 days 15 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, Nbkiller, Amf, Dragotistic, RShowFreak, & Caliboy:

Guys I don't like the idea that no one started a group convo to save alex.  R we not a group or not?  I am the last vote as I have been told by the hmmm.

You don't need to make conversation when the vote is fucking obvious.

well i voted Jeremy again... I didn't think it really needed explanation... it worked the first time so I figured everyone was on the same page

Lets see alex doubted my vote a few tribals ago....he wont answer any emails that ihave sent him in the last few days.   Why should I keep him???  Guys I like u all but he has placed me in this position now.  I have not voted and I am trying to get Eddie to flip.

You know if alex goes home we are all fucked...............................................

however he refuses to talk so he doesn't care...sorry guys but ignoring me does not gain loyalty....I like u all and want to work to the end with u guys...I am confused right now

rshow is in europe right now. Nuff said, quit being over paranoid, and deal with it. I'm sorry, but when stuff doesn't need to be said, don't spam people's inboxes. That's how I run.

well with that my decision has been made. thanx for
3537 days 15 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, RShowFreak, Nbkiller, Dragotistic, Amf, & Caliboy:

Sorry guys. Drinking with friends last night and this game don't mix.  My head is clear now and I am not ditching this group of people. I am keeping my vote the same and if we lose then I go down with the ship period. Good luck Alex and I hope you beat Jeremy in the fire making challenge.

Easy explanation to why I didn't respond: jetlag
3536 days 19 hours ago
Convo with Sarge, Dragotistic, Caliboy, Nbkiller, & Amf:

I am the next to go so good luck guys.  They were getting rid of Alex first and I am their next target.  Keep your heads up and try to work Eddie if you can.  He is the one that has fed me lots of information about their tribe.  He is the one that would flip if possible or you can use it and throw him under the bus to the other Winners. 
We put up a great fight and are a good group of people.  Sucks Alex lost.  Sucks even more that Joe or Jeremy are going to win this game now...ugh!!

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