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Zimdelinvasor's Game File

Topic » Zimdelinvasor's Game File

3558 days 10 hours ago
All of Zimdelinvasor's confessionals and possibly mail logs will be posted here.
3558 days 5 hours ago
1) How's it feel to be in the FINAL season, as one of 18 former finalists?
I'm the happiest girl in the world, Jeff.
I'm making my triumphant return to ORGs and I'm excited about it.
I mean, okay, I'm actually not all OMG FIRED UP FUCK YEAH right now like I tend to get in these games.
But I am happy about it. And I'll probably get to that excited stage.
Nice to know I was significant enough to want back.. time after time after time.. :P

2) What's your strategy coming into this game?
I tend to fall into a really alpha role. I'll have to try to avoid that, I guess. Let other people make moves if they're the ones who want to. I can't not be a challenge beast, though, so that's gonna happen. And stay loyal. Especially to Alex. I'm all about loyalty. I never fuck people over, if only because I'm scared I'd get caught.

3) Thoughts on the cast/tribes?
lol i don't know almost any of these people i'm not in the group game community
i feel like a winners tribe has an advantage though because like...... we won

4) Potential allies? Potential targets/enemies?
Joined this game solely b/c 01Gohan was in it. We'll be good allies.
I don't think Mearl will want to work with me, so I want to get him out ASAP, if only because I think he'll have the same attitude towards me #mutuallyassureddestruction
I'm on okay terms with some of the others but no real /close/ bonds. Maybe dragotistic if we get to that point.
I hope Amf goes soon. Been against Amf in two games. Once we were in an alliance and I took Amf out for no reason other than shits and giggles. I was playing as Coach, he was playing as Parvati, and Coach didn't like Parvati, so I betrayed her. It was fun.

5) Why do you think you can either win again (if a former winner) or finally win (if a former runner-up)?
I did it once. Multiple times, if you include other games. No reason why I can't do it again.

6) How hard do you expect this season to be, and with no twists involved, even no idols, how's that shape this season?
Oh, no Idols? I missed that. That gets rid of some stuff I was planning right off the bat.
Makes it simpler, though.
3558 days 5 hours ago
Teamed up with Alex straight away.
He added me to an alliance he already had of himself, Jeremy, and Bingo.
I'm totally down with that quartet. As long as Alex is there, since I know him, then I know it's legit, and that's all I care about. I really don't care who else is with me.

My gut says Mearl would want me out, but he approached me saying he wants to work together as friends, not against each other as enemies. hmmmm

I'd still like Mearl out for simplicity's sake, but I won't stress it. I'm fucking great at challenges, so I want other challenge threats out.

Jeremy is saying people want Keith out. I don't know who the fuck Keith is so that's as good as anything else in my book.
3558 days 4 hours ago
Layout of my tribe:

Alex G./01Gohan - Only person I really know I'll be loyal to. Like I said, he's the reason I joined.
Austin/Spinner554 - His is a name I recognize. I think I'm on okay terms with him. He asked me if I thought about Tribal, I said that I'd heard Keith's name and frankly didn't care since I knew it couldn't be me. Both of these are true. I just want to be in the majority.
Eddie/49288 - Jeremy says Eddie will vote with us. I'll take his word for it.
Jarrod/Bingo21 - In my alliance with Alex and Jeremy. Don't think I've talked with him directly yet, though, but I guess he's in my core group of four.
Jeff/Coltsfan876 - I genuinely had no idea that someone with this name was in the game until I scrolled to him while typing this message. Who the fuck is this? He also hasn't said a single word to me yet, and his username reminds me of Colton. How did he win? Mark my words: I'll get him out of the game.
Jeremy/MMAjunkieX - In the alliance with me and Alex, approached me on Skype and has spoken openly w/ me about the vote. I've talked to him the most of anyone so far. So I think he's genuine and don't really see why he wouldn't be. I mean it's the first fucking vote, why would anyone be making things up right now?
Joe/Joeker - I'm on okay terms with him in Tengaged. Haven't talked to him this game, though. Maybe I'll message him.
Keith/Keitho44 - Apparently he's going to be the first boot. I don't know him and he hasn't messaged me, so I have no problem with this.
Mearl/Mearl - Mearl
Russ/Zimdelinvasor - Sexy motherfucker who's going to win this game.
Shadi/Chastain - Someone outside the game told me they find him annoying and want me to vote him out. MMA says he's great in challenges. I don't like that. I wanna be the best one in challenges. Don't wanna have any competition at a swap.

Okay, I'll give Mearl an actual thing.
He says he wants to work with me rather than against me.
I believe him.
But I don't think he has long-term loyalty to me, because let's be real, I'm a fucking threat. A sexy threat.
So I'd still like to see him out early.
At least he's spoken to me, though. More than most of these fucks say.
I have Immunity. Why wouldn't you message the person who has Immunity? That's the one person who you know will be casting at least two votes. That's someone you wanna have on your side. Hopefully they're just offline jerking off to the Fappening pictures and will get back to me soon or something.

I predict my tribe will dominate in challenges. We're winners. They're losers. What the fuck do you expect to have happen?
Kind of sucks since that means it's harder to get rid of the threats who will contribute to that domination, though. Maybe I'll throw one.
I don't know. It's early.
I'm happy that there's an early, forced TC with me Immune, so that I can get rid of another number who I know won't be me. I mean, I'm kind of a fucking idiot who just falls into leadership roles by chance and is really determined. So I could see them voting me out first. But Alex or Jeremy? They'll be fine. So this just makes my alliance's life that much easier.

I honestly have no idea who is on the other tribe except for dragotistic, who I should probably get around to messaging.
3558 days 4 hours ago
Seems like a straightforward Keith boot. His is the only name I've heard at all.

lol, it makes me wonder what people are telling him, if anything.

I wonder why everyone is on the same page about voting out.

I'll just assume he's a raging anti-Semite.

Fuck him, if that's the case.
3558 days 3 hours ago
Convo with MMAjunkie, Gohan, Bingo, & Zimdelinvasor:

You are the only 2 people on this tribe that I trust, and I know play like myself for the most part.  I want to have some loyal allies with me for the merge.  I would love for this to be the core alliance.  I will try to be as active as possible.
Are we all good with this?

I'm in!!! We just have to get the majority and work from there.

What about Piddu/Mearl? Both strategic, and both know how to keep a level head. That gives us a majority 5-4

Yeah they're both strong players, there's also Chastain who similarly is a good player who's going to be a big target in this cast.

Is it really a good idea to have a really big target in an alliance though?

I feel like we need to make decisions as a "tribe".  If we are going to have a majority alliance of 5-6 then we need to get the rest of the people to vote with us if possible.  I think there will be at least 1 tribe swap.  If we invest ourselves into a public alliance of 5 people that gets split up, then we didn't achieve anything.

There won't be a tribe swap, remember?
(I added Zimdelinvasor because he's amazing)
There's no idols, no twists of any kind. Gaia said it himself. We don't have to worry about  there being a tribe swap, because if so that makes Chris a liar :o

Hi. I'm cool with all of you. I'm good with this unit.

What we doin then folks?

I don't think Mearl trusts me. I think he'd be targeting me if I didn't have Immunity just given our history in games. If anyone else here wants to keep him because they have a strong bond and could use him, I'd be fine with it, but my inclination is to take Mearl out.

Most times I'd be fine with voting Mearl out. However given the fact that he's asked me for an alliance to, I quote, "repeat BBvGG", I think we could use him.
I think, based on ability, Colts is sneaky. I'm iffy on where he stands and I really don't trust him/have a reason to. I can't trust Mearl as far as I can throw him, mind you. But if he can trust me then that's worth something.

I don't really trust Mearl but in the short term we can use him.
He told me the same story, though -- wanting me and him and Alex -- and I don't think he's stupid enough to overplay hard enough to be making that up unprompted this early, and he admitted that he'd want me out if we weren't working together. So I think he's sincere, but I still want his ass gone early on in case of a swap, because then he'd kick our ass in challenges.

Alright. If everyone here wants to vote off Mearl, we'll still need two more for the numbers.

I've heard keith's name thrown around so if we all want to keep things simple and try to keep the tribe unified then that's a good option.

Yea, MMA said the same to me via Skype and I have no objection. It's not like there'll be a tribe swap the very next round, so I don't need Mearl out right this second.
3558 days 3 hours ago
Convo with Zimdelinvasor & Joeker:

Have you given any thought as to this Tribal Council?
I can be kinda a wallflower and don't know many of the other people here, so I'm happy I've got Immunity.

I've been hearing Keith's name around lately so if thats the case I'm writing his name down. And congrats on immunity. :)

Thank you very much!
Keith is the one name I've heard as well so I'm glad that nobody's been, I don't know, bullshitting me. Not that I'd expect people to randomly bullshit on Day 1, lulz, but you never know. Awesome, I'll be voting him as well then.
3558 days 3 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Zimdelinvasor:

welcome to the game

we got fun and jungles
thank you

I'd prefer we be friends and not enemies

I'm down for that
I was scared you might want to target me still haha even though any games we played together were aaaaages ago
But if we could work together I'd love it

I was afraid of that from you too. I means view you as somebody I need on my side or somebody I need out honestly. You are a great ally and a dangerous for so there is little wiggle room. I know Alex respects you too and he's a good kid so it's be nice to have is together

If we both are just open that we were afraid of it but want to avoid it, then there's nothing to be afraid of! I view you as the same -- we've worked against each other in the past but I think we can work well together and be even stronger than on our own. No reason to Cirie Fields vs Tom Westman this shit, implode just because we're scared of each other. I'd definitely be down for pulling in Alex as a threesome.

i def agree. Rather we both make it far than we cause each other's elimination.
Do you have any other allies?

Thus far, only Alex, though he's talked about maybe being able to pull me in with some other people. I'm not in many of these games -- Gaia had to ask me so many times before I returned haha -- so I don't know a ton of these folks, so I kind of have been the wallflower banking on who messages me first, since I know I can't go home anyway.

Oh yeah you beasted that challenge. Congrats. Yeah I'll help support Alex in pulling you into that group
3557 days 13 hours ago
Convo with MMAjunkie, 49288, Zimdelinvasor, Gohan, & Bingo:

Just wanted to finalize us 5 as an alliance.  Tonight we slay Keith :).

fine by me

i'm in

No problem.
I'm workin' a side thing with Mearl for numbers, but he's a threat and you guys approached me first, so I'm with this group for the long haul.

To me I honestly see him (Mearl) as the biggest threat/strategist here plus HE HAS WON 2 OF GAIA'S GAMES!!! ya as soon as the time comes HE HAS TO GO!!

I agree that he's a big threat.
Chastain also is really good in challenges, from what I have heard? But hasn't said a single word to me.
I think both of them should be evaluated as threats if we lose a challenge.
3557 days 13 hours ago
Convo with Spinner & Zimdelinvasor:

Hey Russ. Thought any about tribal yet?

I was trying to make pasta for the first time in my life... and it took a while for me to do anything resembling success.. so I haven't thought a ton. That and I don't fucking know most of these people due to my inactivity in ORGs haha. Gaia had to ask me like 12 times before I'd come back...
I've heard Keith's name. And truthfully my thought process at this point is basically wherever someone else tells me numbers are, since I know it won't be me. :P

I agree 100% and lol @ the pasta.
The first couple of votes you just kinda got to lay low. Scope everything out and go with the numbers.

Yup, exactly. That's what I'm doing for now and if I hear your name come up for any reason, I'll let you know. For now people seem to be set on Keith but lemme know if you hear different and I'll do the same for you. I just wanna be in a majority.

Same here man. I just want to vote with the majority until I either can't or they're voting for me.
But if I hear your name I'll let you know 100%.
3557 days 9 hours ago
[4:10:57 PM] MMAjunkieX (Jeremy): Also, Mearl started messaging me and Eddie the other day... so I'm pretty sure he is getting a bunch of threesomes together

Fuck Mearl. ^_^

To paraphrase John Carroll: "As soon as Jeremy told me that, it was like, no. Mearl's done. And I'll deal with him accordingly."

There isn't time to get Mearl out on this vote. People wouldn't go for it.

Soon, though.
3557 days 9 hours ago
Convo with 49288, Zimdelinvasor, Gohan, Bingo, & MMAjunkie

Are we still voting Keith or voting out an inactive?

10 of the 11 votes have been cast and Keith is the only name I've heard. I think it would be too late to change anything by now. Our five votes plus Keith's could go in a different direction if we wanted, though...
But I don't know whether everyone would get online in time.

I think it is too late.  If we saved him then our alliance would be public.  I'd rather us be a secret alliance of 5 than a public alliance of 6.  What do the rest of yall think?

Yeah that makes more sense. I just threw it out there as a thought since he approached me, but realistically it makes more sense to keep the votes on him and if we wanna take anyone else out we can do it later.
sry keith
3557 days 9 hours ago
Convo with 49288, Zimdelinvasor, Gohan, Bingo, & MMAjunkie

Keith actually approached me which is more than I can say for some of these people. If there's any way all five of us are online in time, we could use our votes plus Keith's to take out whoever else we wanted: Chastain or Mearl or an inactive or anyone else.
3557 days 9 hours ago
Convo with Keith & Zimdelinvasor:

Hey man. Ive been told I'm being voted for by everyone. It sucks if that's true. I just wanna play this game, and I'm active since I've showed up so far. Idc if I'm not in the majority, so if you are, please just get someone else out first. We all need an active tribe to be fair. Please help me out if this Is all true
PS are you the Russ guy who posts in POS on Facebook?

Hmm. I mean, you did just approach me, and while I'm sure you probably approached other people, that still doesn't change the fact that you actually talked to me, which is more than I can say for a fair amount of these people haha. So I will see what I can do. The only reason I'd vote you out is for the sake of a majority, but if things have time to realign and the majority could shift, I'd be okay with that.
And yes I am!

That's great! I'm gonna lock in colts for later. I've approached mearl and spinner so far, and they'd like me to stay around too. I really would like you to at least vote him, let me do the pleading so you wont even have to risk yourself. Your posts are good on POS, enjoying the countdown. Yes I am sucking up O:)
3557 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Keith & Zimdelinvasor:

so joeker chast and spin all wanna help get colts out. You gonna vote him Ya think? That's 5 and Jeremy aligned with me but I'm not sure about him, do you know what he's at. Or even spoken to him?

Hmm. I mean are you sure there's a majority there?

I'm going off my friendships to these people rather than just gameplay, so yes. I'm certain people are gonna help me out

You said you weren't sure on Jeremy, though?
From my talks with people in general I don't know if the majority is there

Nope, not Jeremy. All I ask is not to vote me, colt doesn't owe you anything, nor care. I hate how I'm arguing to stay when I'm in this to win for the tribe. If you just vote colt, what harm is there in doing that? Its hard to keep you all in the loop of every convo, cause I'm pleading to you all and busting my ass off. I have players on my side. Look, talk to Mearl about this. He can easily tell you it better, I'm Just exhausted by now lol

The harm would be that I don't think there's a majority there even if I vote there.

Fine, vote me out then. If you end up in this situation, you'd want the exact same thing. None of you guys gave any reason to vote me out. I'm sorry but it's weak on your end to be content with me going. All I wanted was a bit of fun and to play a bit in my last ever group game  and I get this treatment then. appreciate it, you guys clearly all are crazy to make this game a fight amongst the 'best'.

Well.. yes, of course anyone wouldn't want to get voted out in the situation of being about to get voted out.
My reason is that I heard your name came up and I think there's a majority sending in that name and if my vote doesn't matter anyway, I'm not going to put myself on the line.
I'm sorry that it played out that way, but /someone/ has to go home, and when your pitch for me to save you eventually just turns into "Talk to someone else about it".. that's not the most convincing way to get me to vote in what seems to be a minority.
If I thought there was a chance or I thought there was a swing vote, I could be receptive, because you have talked to me more than Colt has. But.. there are twelve minutes left and I don't think there's a majority and I don't think either of us could create one.
And -- last one I'll send, since I gotta shower -- if the vote does somehow swing to where you stay, I would be down to work with you going forward, since I admire and appreciate the extent to which you're competing to stay here. But it's just... respecting you doesn't mean I want to put myself in what seems to be a minority.

I'm talking about being active, not the idea of voted off. That always deserves trumps, esp for our first challenge, this early on in the game. Voting out Colt means nothing. The fact that not one of you guys even care for that is ridiculous. And The reason I said talk to Mearl was because you didn't know if anyone else was working against colt? I just wanna stay for the fact I'm actually going to be on, why is that so hard for you all to comprehend?!?! Whoever lead this vote against me I wanna know. Because clearly none of you care for strategy Nor challenges...
3557 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Joeker & Zimdelinvasor:

Hey has Keith talked to you about the vote?

He said he was going to vote Colts and had other people, including you, saying you'd do the same?
But I'd thought he was gonna go home unanimously
I don't have much of a preference either way
Does he really have those numbers? Or were people just bullshitting him for whatever reason

Thats what I want to know because I told him if nobody is bullshitting him I'd vote Colts which might be the case I'm not entirely sure.

Yeah, he has apparently told multiple people he has me, but he doesn't, my vote is for Keith still. I told him that if he gets a solid majority I'd try to help him but I don't think that's going to happen and I think he's just saying whatever he can to try and save himself with ~45 minutes left. I'd vote Colts too if there seems to be a majority there but it doesn't sound like anyone is as secure with it as he thinks they are (or as he wants them to be)

I even told him I was voting for him unless there was a majority voting him and it wasn't BS but I don't think anybody wants to flip and even if people wanted to, would we even have the time to?

I don't think we'd have the time to in any case... there's less than an hour left before the vote and Keith's name has been floating around the whole time.
If there really is a 100% majority there then I'd join it but I don't think there is.
He says he definitely, 100% has you voting to keep him. Is that legit?

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