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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3676 days 11 hours ago
Joe - During the game I thought you wouldn't do much to anything. You were originally suppose to leave in 13th place if I never blindsided Dfalc and you managed to recover from this by aligning yourself with Shadi, Bingo and Sim and then flipping to the villains. My question to you is, If you could go back in time is there any tribal you would of prevented and how do you think that may of effected your game?

Honestly, after the Merge, I feel like all the Tribal Councils went the way that I wanted, aside from the one when Amanda left. She was obviously one of the people whom I was closest with after we'd Merged, so it was a huge shock to see her leave. I really feel like I would have gone deep into the game with her had she not left at this point. It's obviously hard to say exactly what would have happened, but I do think that I would have gone far with her. I'd intended to go a long way with Amanda, so I had to change my strategy a lot after she left.
3676 days 11 hours ago
Well, hello guys. I'll make this as short as I can because I know no one likes to read novels at this point.

I came into this game humble, proud of playing for my 6th time in this series. Before the game started, I promised myself that my eyes would be on the prize all time and I wouldn't just give away my game like last seasons by being emotional. I wanted to get far and show everyone that I can do it, that I'm not a shitty player, but that I'm very adaptable and I can make moves.

Pre-merge I had a few allies and they all helped me get to this point. I had a part in voting out the big guys, the big names on our tribe which actually helped me have a better position in the tribe and it would be easier for me to work. Going in, I didn't plan to be in game-mode right away, but somehow I managed to put my emotions aside and play the game. My previous reputation got me somehow and everyone were like: ''Oh, he's such a sheep, I can't stand him, I don't know why he's even here''. I wasn't that. I seemed to be like that, but the facts don't lie.

Post-merge is when the real games began. My tribe was thrown in the shitter and I was left standing over there, asking how that happened. A pagong followed, until F8 when myself and Chastain were able to get Losa out, of course, with the help of Lynette and Natalie. After that, I lost my closest ally, the person who was going to take me to the end no matter what and I thought I was gone. And I was wrong.

Over the past days, I formed a bond with Logan and we became very close and that ended up helping me a lot. I was next in line, until I went to Joe and convinced him that Natalie was the bigger threat. I had Logan's vote so I needed one more and who better than the person who won immunity? That move actually worked and Natalie was out, leaving things 3-1. Well, not exactly. Joe went against me and I was forced to a tie, in which I found my way out and in the Final 3.

Now, I have to mention I never had safety post-merge. All I did was on my own. I had to win challenges to survive, but turns out my social and strategic games were enough for me to work my way through cracks. I was in a position where I had to fight to stay in and I can say I did it. I was the underdog this season and honestly, I'm proud of it, win or not. I can hope I get the votes I need, so yeah, any questions you have for me, I'll answer, since I'm sure I've left out details in this speech. Thank you.
3676 days 11 hours ago
No, it goes to rocks natalie.

We can't have a pre-juror vote. That person wasn't on virtual ponderosa + is in their virtual home already.

So it would go to rocks.

I'm ready for a 3-3-3 vote lmao. That would be aammmmaazzziinnggg <3
3676 days 11 hours ago
"I was next in line, until I went to Joe and convinced him that Natalie was the bigger threat."

About this, I was actually the person who suggested to Sim that we vote out Natalie. He had mailed me straight after I had won Immunity suggesting that I vote with him to take out a Villain. I responded and said that I wouldn't mind taking out Natalie and that I thought Logan would probably be on board with it, too.
3676 days 11 hours ago
Sim, you coattailed your way here. You were lucky enough to have logan bring you.

- You see, you're wrong here. How many times did I approach you to make a move? That's right, every single tribal post-merge. How many times did you make moves? None. So I don't know who the coattail rider is here to be honest.

If you cared to get to know me, you'd see that I had to do much strategizing and socializing to get to this point and that I wasn't a coattail rider. But you don't know me, sadly.
3676 days 11 hours ago
We will be the best Jury ever Amanda x
We will go down on Link's Survivor Hall of Fame as Controversial Jury! :D
3676 days 11 hours ago
Actually I was the one asking you to make moves.

And you didnt get to know me either, I guess both of us are at fault
3676 days 11 hours ago
But ya get ready for a 3-3-3 vote guys
3676 days 11 hours ago
Also, since I always do this: Compare my game this season to a previous Survivor's game. Also, what should the merged tribe name be?
This is such an egotistical question. Can we please talk about THEM...? If someone else asks a question regarding your own gameplay, you're getting called out.

check ur pm natalie u dumb bich
3676 days 11 hours ago
check ur pm natalie u dumb bich
Oh you feel manly for calling a girla "dumb bitch" your mother should be proud.

I didn't get anything from you through PM...
3676 days 11 hours ago
But Nat, You are a dumb bitch :P
3676 days 11 hours ago
If you could tell I was joking by my grammar and bad spelling an +1 to you

But it's nice that you try to make me out to be sexist when I am definitely not ^_^

And I sent you the mail a couple of minutes ago, so you definitely did get it...
3676 days 11 hours ago
Sim - You were easily my closest friend from the beginning of the game. I was really looking forward to finally be playing in Link's Survivor with you until Final 12. You constantly told me you had no other way of saving me during that tribal and I understand. However after that tribal I was watching from the Ponderosa and all I saw was you crumble and become very quiet... I never got to see the potential and I never really understood what you was doing after the merge. My Question to you is what was your whole strategy coming into the merge and how it changed after Shadi and Bingo left?

- I can honestly say that that was an impression, because after you left, I was all over it. I had fights with people and most of my strategizing was done behind the scenes. However, to answer your question, when me and Shadi were the only ones remaining, I talked to Logan. He was my source from the Villains tribe and I got my info that way. He didn't tell me this, but I knew Shadi was to go before me, so I started approaching the Villains and be friendly with them, because after Shadi would be gone, I would have nobody with me and Survivor is mostly a social game. My strategy was constantly changing because most of the people I'd mail, they wouldn't respond or would say generic stuff and I didn't win immunity once, which made things extra harder. So yeah, I'd say I had to fight a lot to get here.
3676 days 11 hours ago
Sunslicer, tengaged mail fails sometimes(it happeend to me on TWO occasions)
3676 days 11 hours ago
Now I got it sun.

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