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#NTM20 - Challenge & Photoshoot (8)

Topic » #NTM20 - Challenge &..

265 days 10 hours ago
Challenge #8

"Fairy Tales"

Copenhagen is a city that effortlessly combines old and new, This city is the world's capital of fairy tales wherein one of the most famous storytellers, Hans Christian Andersen (who wrote The Little Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling to name a few) was born.

In this enchanting pairs challenge, you will delve into the world of classic folklore, bringing both the light and dark sides of these tales to life. Each pair will be tasked with portraying the contrasting themes of happiness, magic, and the darker, more sinister elements found in fairy tales.

In a collage, one model will represent the positive, magical aspect of the story while the other will embody the dark, challenging elements. It is up to you if you will portray a particular scene, or take something of a cliche moment we've seen from time to time. The photos can be of different (no need for cohesiveness) scenarios and be of a totally different fairy tale - just as long as it show the good and bad sides.

You have 36 hours to do the challenge. Good luck! x
265 days 10 hours ago

#1 - Alton (brunodrads) and Kai (Minie)
#2 - Anja (Delano) and Chanel (Dimitra)
#3 - Guinevere (CutieAmy) and Violet (Ajathekween)
#4 - Sora (spinfur) and Xu Meen (icyz)
265 days 10 hours ago
FAQs for Pair/Group Challenges:

1.) I have talked to my teammate/s, is that enough for me to avoid deductions?
- NO. The least thing you could do is to find yourself a photo and submit it to your teammate/s.

2.) My teammate/s did not talk to me and my time is running out, what should I do?
- Post your own creation of a collage with both of your member/s on it. Remember, they will still be getting deductions because they did not submit their own photo.

3.) One of my team member/s chose to submit individually, what will we do?
- You must still pursue the collage with your original member/s and pick the photo for the one who submitted individually. Only the member who submitted individually will get a deduction, failure to submit a  complete-members collage will deduct the whole team/pair.

4.) We are late because my teammate/s did not message/reply quicker?
- Late submission is late submission.
265 days 7 hours ago
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAnja Rubik & Chanel Iman


1. Anja Rubik as "Beast" - Beauty and the Beast;

2. Chanel Iman as "Pocahontas" - Pocahontas;


My choice for representing the "bad" side is the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast." In the story, Belle is a girl who likes to read, lives in a village where people do not value it. Among the villagers, she is considered "weird", precisely because she is different. Belle doesn't mind and even teaches other girls in the village to read.

The Beast, before being thus transformed, was a beautiful prince – only on the outside – self-centered, without empathy and without solidarity with others. One day, he denied help to a little lady who was asking for shelter because of a storm. He, ugly inside that alone, denies help to this lady who turns out to be, in fact, a witch. She then condemns him to the appearance of a horrible Beast until he gains the ability to love someone other than himself and gets someone else to love him too.

In short, Belle is imprisoned in the castle with the beast, so that her father is freed. The beast has always been a bad person with a big ego, and Belle teaches love to him during his stay in the castle, freeing him from the curse and making him become a good person.

In the photo, Anja Rubik is representing the bad side of the beast, which is his ego, the evil with people and the fact that he thinks only of himself, that is, egoism. In addition, Anja Rubik demonstrates, through this photoshoot, the lonely life of the beast in the castle, before the arrival of the beautiful. He was ashamed of his appearance (represented, in the photo, by Anja hugging herself). The candles represent the only form of light allowed in the castle at that time, by means of candles, because the beast was ashamed to see its own reflection throughout the castle.

In addition, through her gaze and the position of her face, Anja demonstrates the sadness, fear and isolation existing in the life of the beast, for having a different and strange appearance, part of which is told in the fairy tale. The choice of costume, with a format of different animals, was purposeful. The justification for this choice is because in none of the versions of the tale, a fixed appearance of the beast is reported to the reader and I wanted to represent this mysterious part of the tale.

My photo also represents the power of the imagination of fairy tales. Every aspect of my photo is thought to be interpreted in different ways, just like the fairy tale stories we know.


Pocahontas is an iconic fairy tale, which shows us the importance of respecting nature and the environment and other cultures. The fairy tale unfolds, in a seemingly innocent way, the atrocities that took place against the local people and the natural wealth of the area forest etc. during the landing of the English in America.

Chanel is demonstrating, with her robes, the transition between her world and urban society, with her different clothes that she was not used to, a duality between two realities that is a strong point of Pocahontas' story. It's a conversation about the difference and importance of different cultures that exist. In addition, Chanel in this photo also portrays the scene from her song. "Colors of the Wind" which talks about trees and the environment in general about how beneficial it is for humans with verses such as:

🎵 "With the colors of the wind do you fly?
Hidden in the forest take paths, taste sweet fruits of the earth
Immerse yourself in the riches of this nature and don't ask to find profit elsewhere.
The rain and the river are my brothers, the wild birds are my company
And we all move forward in a circle in life together"🎵

A very clear and nice positive message seeing a positive and happy side for our love that we should have in the environment through a wonderful story like Pocahontas.

264 days 7 hours ago
Alton & Kai

The Little Red Riding Hood - by  Charles Perrault.

This story has a lot of different versions but today Alton has chosen the most raw, original version of it.

Little Red Riding Hood was on her way to meet her sick grandma, carrying her cake and wine. She had to pass a forest to visit her grandma. Her mother told her to go straight to her grandma’s without taking any detours as the forest is scary. She caught the eyes of a man eating wolf who approached her and started questioning her about her whereabouts and the clueless Red Riding Hood answered all his questions. The cunning wolf got to her grandmother’s place first and pretended to be her granddaughter and swallowed her. When The Little Red Riding Hood arrived he tricked her the same way and pretended to be her Grandmother and ended up swallowing the Little Red Riding Hood.

In the shot Alton is seen as the cunning wicked wolf who is ready to execute his plan to eat both Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma. Just add spice to the story, Alton as the cunning wolf is ready to use  those fancy rollerblades to get to her grandmother’s before The Little Red Riding Hood.

Solo Picture of Alton :

The Snow Queen - A story by Hans Christian Andersen
Kai was a happy loving boy who loved everything around him including roses, summer and winter and his best friend Gerda. He spent his days playing and studying with Gerda and being curious about winter and The Snow Queen.

An Evil Goblin who was on a mission to bring evil to the world spotted this happy friendship and decided to ruin it. 

During the start of winter, this Goblin scattered his devil mirror targeting Kai and a piece of it in Kai’s eye. From that moment Kai became a cold hearted hateful boy who hated everything around him including Gerda, Flowers and even the winter he was curious about. The same night he fell off Gerda’s rooftop into. snow storm and was found by the Snow Queen who took him with her in the hopes of saving him from the evil spell.

Even the snow queen was running out of time to save Kai but thankfully Gerda found him on time and managed to warm Kai’s heart once again with her love and the cursed mirror shard got extracted off his eye. Kai became emotional and regretful about the way he was acting and how he treated Gerda and of course Gerda forgave him and accepted him with love and they went back home and lived happily ever after.

The Snow Queen sent a storm the Goblin’s way which pushed him to the end of the Earth so that he can’t hurt Kai again.

Kai is portraying as the Kai who just got back to his senses right after he broke off the Evil spell.   But, being regretful and sad of how he treated Gerda and how hateful he was being. The shot is taken right outside the Snow Castle just before Kai was leaving back home with Gerda.

Solo picture of KAI :

Collage :
264 days ago
==Sora Choi & Xu Meen==

Good Side (Sora): Aladdin

Individual Photo:

For today's challenge I choose Aladdin as my fairy tale, it's a rags to riches story about our main hero using the power of a genie to win over a princesss, and stop an evil doer. Which is also commonly adapted as a Disney Movie.

However for my focus I wanted to do something not focused on the main character, and focus on the princess character (which most commonly would be related to Jasmine). At the beginning of the fairy tale she is shown as defiant, and would never take any suitor, and that her father would always egg her on to find a suitor. She also is pressured by the evil doer to become her wife and give him the power.

At the end the princess would follow her heart, and fell in love with the street rat and doing what she wants rather than what she has to do.

In my photo I'm portraying that princess, running away from her responsibilities and her position to be with the one she loves. Fairy tales teach us that we should do what we want and not be pressured by social norms or family pressure, so I'm breaking free of those bonds, and I'm making sure to make it to the man I want to love rather than the man who doesn't care about me. My outfit also gives very princess of Arabia vibes, and my face is determined to escape.

Bad Side (Xu Meen): Piped Piper

The Piped Piper is a fairy tale based around a town being swarmed with rats, one day the piper comes into the town and hired to get rid of the rats, he would then play a tune to lure the rats out of the town and save the town from rats.

When he returns he asked for payment, in which the town refused to pay him so as revenge for not paying him, he would play a tune to lure the children out of the town, and depending on the version you read, he would either kidnap the children until they paid him or he would drown the chidlren in the local lake.

...You can already tell which direction we went. Xu Meen here is the piped piper and he surrounded himself with the unfortunate graves of the children, while he's performing on the stage to lure more people in as an act of revenge for those who wronged him.

Fairy tales had dark endings, and a lot of them never got their happy ending, as with this he didn't get his happy ending, so the Piped piper will take more lives.
263 days 23 hours ago


The Classic fairytale story of Cinderella is about a young girl who gets mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters.

However, the mistreatment of the step mother to her own two daughters gets hardly talked about. Out of all fairytales you may come across, she is by far one of the most evil and vicious ones. The dark side of the story is truly the horrific nature of her personality that lacks any empathy.

In this photo, Guinevere is depicting the evil step mother. She is looking quite full of herself and looking quite narcissistic, as she is being catered to by her own two daughters. She regards them as mere properties made for show as both of them are looking quite elegant, and hoping one day they grew up and marry rich.

And that's truly the dark horrific side of some fairytales; depicting the ugly side of some mothers who don't show any type of remorse for their actions.


Robin Hood is a legendary heroic outlaw originally depicted in English folklore and subsequently featured in literature, theatre, and cinema.

He has been depicted as brave, reckless at times, and willing to go beyond whats expected of him to do. All of these contributions push him to give back to the poor by stealing from the rich.

In this photo, Violet is showcasing this daring aspect of Robinhood. She has stumbled upon a huge safe, and she can't wait to open it up, steal the wealth that's is awaiting her, and give back to the poor.

And that's the lighthearted part of the story, knowing that your actions could positive alter someone's life or future for the better, a moral of a story that many need to lead by.

263 days 21 hours ago
259 days 9 hours ago
Judge Reece Week 8 Challenge Comments:

Alton Mason (brunodrads) & Kim Jong-in "Kai" (Minie) - Hello Alton and Kai! 
Alton, serious question: how are you so well prepared for niche characters?!?! You even remembered the wolf’s ears! Besides acing the small details, I’m loving this sinister look that you have going on. You look tall and confident while your eyes are dragging me in to fall for your trap. The dark colors flow well here. Overall, I really enjoyed this shot!
Kai, I appreciated your unique take to portray a character who was recovering from being evil throughout the fairytale. Your background and scarf sleeves help set the scene for me. I love the vulnerability your showing us and I encourage you to do even more in the future. For a character that went through a rollercoaster of emotions, I would have liked a pose to have captured Kai’s journey more than this one. This is a strong start, but I was hoping a little more then what was given.

Anja Rubik (Delano) & Chanel Iman (Dimitra) - Hello Anja and Chanel!
Anja, WOW! Talk about creativity! Personally, I don’t think wearing an animal came off as cheesy and this actually works in your favor. Emotionally, you are fully embodying this depressed, tortured soul who looks so empty inside. Those eyes are breathtaking! Your explanation helped clear up a few questions that I had regarding the animal choice, so it gets a pass from me. This is a big favorite of mine tonight!
Chanel, This is a solid shot tonight. Immersing yourself into the plants was a great touch. Your explanation justified your clothing choice and I thought brought a new perspective to your vision. The pose is the only thing I’d recommend altering. I’m not seeing Pocahontas in that pose, but other than that you should be proud!

Guinevere Van Seenus (CutieAmy) & Violet Chachki (Ajathekween) - Hello Guinevere and Violet!
Guinevere, YEEEESSSSS!!! This is a spectacular shot! Your fierce pose on your throne along with your self arrogant facial expression fully capture the antagonist of Cinderella. The extras completely sell your story about how the evil stepmother doesn’t even treat her family kindly. One of my favorite shots of this challenge!
Violet, I was initially surprised to see you pick the good version of fairly tales, but Robin Hood is the perfect one for you. This is a really cool modern era take for an older fairy tale. This might just be a me thing, but I always thought Robin Hood tended to act like he was performing for an audience and you’re fulfilling that role perfectly. The shush motion with your leg stretched outward is so theatrical in the best way. That’s what I call a strong performance!

Sora Choi (spinfur) & Xu Meen (icyz) - Hello Sora and Xu!
Sora, I’m intrigued by how you approached this challenge. You are serving an action shot that does your caption justice. You look like a princess and the statue helps support this presumed royal status. The photo isn’t the clearest quality on my end, but that’s a minor detail. Great job!
Xu, My goodness that took a dark turn fast! This looks like the moment right after you got ripped off from getting paid. You pose fully captures your broken mental state. The masks with dirt on the ground is HAUNTING!!! A small note is the pied piper dress in more colorful clothes, but your dark and twisted demeanor more than makes up for it. I’d rather you capture the emotional essence of the fairytale than a literal identical match. Amazing job tonight!
259 days 9 hours ago
259 days 9 hours ago
And we are back! Here to announce the results of your challenge and will follow is the photoshoot for the week.
259 days 9 hours ago
The winners of this week's photoshoot will not be having a dilemma in choosing between two  photos, as they are allowed to post two for this week's shoot.
259 days 9 hours ago
Judge Reece's Top 2 teams are:

Pair #3 - Guinevere and Violet
Pair #4 - Sora and Xu Meen
259 days 9 hours ago
The winners of this week's challenge are....
259 days 9 hours ago
259 days 9 hours ago

open group

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