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#NTM20 - Challenge & Photoshoot (10)

Topic » #NTM20 - Challenge &..

248 days 10 hours ago
248 days 10 hours ago
248 days 10 hours ago
Congrats sora
248 days 10 hours ago
Congratulations Sora, you earned yourself an additional 2 points for your total score this week.
248 days 10 hours ago
Congratulations Sora
248 days 10 hours ago
Here's where everybody stand....
248 days 10 hours ago
Challenge Scores:

Sora - 9.3
Guinevere - 9.0
Kai - 8.8
Anja - 8.6
Alton - 8.6
Jonathan - 8.3
Chanel - 7.9
Xu Meen - 7.9
248 days 10 hours ago
Now onto our photoshoot...
248 days 10 hours ago
Photoshoot #10

"Billboard Bonanza"

Hello, Top 8! For the final criteria in your Megaleg, we are going big. We are giving a tribute to a photoshoot that has appeared only twice, most recently on NTM Cycle 9.

In this week's high-stakes photoshoot challenge, we're delving into the world of billboards. Models, get ready to give a jaw-dropping, show-stopping shot that's worthy of dominating a billboard and turning heads for miles around. We're looking for photographs so captivating that passersby won't be able to resist taking a moment to admire your stunning image.

It's time to go big or go home in the "Billboard Bonanza". Show the world why you are deserving to move through to the next round with a photograph that's so mesmerizing, it stops traffic and becomes an unforgettable billboard sensation. Are you ready to make a lasting mark on the fashion world?

Notable NTM8, and 9 submissions:

1.) Godfrey Gao - Ranked 1st (Week 10) and Top 19 photo overall

2.) Lucky Blue Smith - Ranked 2nd (Week 11) and Top 7 photo overall
"When you see a billboard when you driving you gaze upon it and a few catches your eye I definitely think the direction I chose to go with my photo most definitely would do just that. I know I get the constant comments of it being too safe so I rather go unsafe and deliver a photo I think is good but it can easily receive mixed reviews. You never know I just want to prove that I'm not going safe i;m going hard I want to be in that top 4. I'm following what's asked of me and taking a risk hope you enjoy."

3.) Sui He - Ranked 1st (Week 11) and Top 9 photo overall
"A billboard photo should be eye-catching. It should draw the attention of the viewers. In this photo, I do believe that the combination of mysteriousness and sensuality would be the drawing force that will get the attention of the onlookers."

24 hours for your photoshoot. Good luck! x
248 days 5 hours ago
Anja Rubik

My strategy for this photoshoot is to use a photo that draws attention from miles away, no matter what you're doing. I believe that this is the function of a billboard, especially if it is to advertise something. This photo represents mystery and sensuality, which is the purpose of the billboard. Attract your attention.

This photo is different from all the ones I've used in this cycle and the previous cycle. It's proof that Anja Rubik can be versatile and move between several different styles without difficulty. It's shown that I deserve to continue in the season, and that I'm a strong contender to win the show. No matter the challenge and the difficulties of the opponents, I am focused on the first place.

Intrigued? I think you'll continue to be intrigued by Anja Rubik in the competition.
248 days 5 hours ago
Chanel Iman
Photo :

Who won't stop to see this billboard photo? sexy and captivating. The goal  is always to attract attention, and here I believe I have completely succeeded. We all know that what distinguishes me as a model is sexy. Showing off her shapely legs You definitely can't take your eyes off this picture, so elegant and chic at the same time With her choice of clothes and styling! It is a photo that does not go unnoticed and you will definitely stop to stare at it. A dynamic pose that I come to prove that I am here to stay. You can see my confidence in the photo and my dynamism about how much I want to conquer the world of fashion. Definitely an image that will stay in your mind.
247 days 19 hours ago
Alton Mason - Billboard Bonanza

This photoshoot for some models seems to be just an opportunity to use all your extravaganza through impressive photos but for me it's even more than that. Billboards are a golden key to publicity, design and marketing industry. We cannot make a billboard out of nowhere, everything printed there is a history we want to tell (for some reason) and to do it nicely we need to have a methodology. With that being said, I choose my shoot considering 4 important topics.,h_800,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/9ad9f1_b196b691fd4d4e1ca83a4a4e2c3ad74e~mv2.gif

🖼️ 1) content: even before you read the photo and understand what's happening in there you can easily realize the color palette first which helps to create a harmonic visual impression. It's comfortable to stare at this and when it comes to check the details I'd say you can get hypnotized by the way the dog is jumping at me specially seeing his fur moving in a gracefully way. The way Alton is spreading charm, self-confidence and power is for sure captivating as well. His outfit is also something there to make sure everyone is about to want it. Being a good model is about sell your visual even if it wasn't your main purpose and from head to toe Alton is indeed doing it.

🎯 2) public target: my photo is friendly for ALL the publics so everyone is my public target. I want people from all ages, races, ethnicities, colors looking at my billboard. Including the dog is smart in my opinion since it's a popular and loved character from our daily routines so it's expected to helps calling attention of people using an emotional connection strategy.

đź“ť 3) message: we can always insert good and important messages behind ours visual products. For this one I can see an interesting campaign against using animal's fur on clothes. That's already a popular topic and I feel this shoot can be perfectly used for that since we have Alton serving your great outfit and the dog being happy, pretty and safe as he should be.

âś… 4) goal: provide a harmonic and meanfull product through the image and make it able to be used for an impactive campaign.

They said "go big or go home" since I'm  currently going home already I feel that I need to give my golden card this round to change my fate. Yes I've been saving this shoot since week 1 (to use maybe in the finale, if I ever got the chance to reach there) fortunately I think this one fits perfectly to billboard bonanza's concept so I have to take the risk try and just hope this is gonna be my redemption giving me the chance to stay and keep fighting for this crown. Alton Mason was a strongest name of this season and I'd love to keep it up til the end.

~ BONUS: I created a little sneak peek of how my billboard would look in the streets. It's simple and quickly but I hope you all like it.
247 days 17 hours ago
Jonathan Bellini | Photoshoot #10 – Billboard Bonanza

Say you’re driving down the freeway on your way home from work. You’ve got your eyes on the road, but you can’t help but look at this amazing billboard to the right of you that you almost crash your car!

One of the biggest things that make a billboard, a billboard, is that they will immediately grab your attention no matter what is being advertised. You could love shades, hate shades or not even know what shades are, but this photo would still grab your attention.

Additionally, more often than not, billboards are advertising something. In this case, it would be the shades being advertised as this photo makes sure your eyes go straight to the shades with the body and hand positioning.

There is a certain kind of charm and confidence that just radiates off this photo and you might not buy whatever I’m selling, but I bet you’re still going to look.
247 days 17 hours ago
==Sora Choi==

Photoshoot #10: Billboard Banaza

My goal today is to give something clean, fresh, beautiful, stunning, all of those words. When you drive and you see a billboard up in the air what do you usually see? Something clean and polished right? Perhaps it's a beautiful person trying to sell you product, call a phone number, something of that nature. Or even a billboard to visit somewhere.

I'm taking inspiration from Lucky's photoshoot example here and really captivate the eyes of people with my beauty. You don't usually see me in a golden dress, you don't see me looking beautiful, and overall it's something that you could realistically see on a billboard "Come visit this city" or "Buy this product"

Billboard at the end of the day are advertisments and if your face can't sell then how can you truly say you could stop traffic?
247 days 15 hours ago

For this shoot I wanted to give something, intriguing, curious, mysterious and something I find extremely creative.

When people stop at traffic and accidentally see this shot, they will question if I’m actually coming out of the billboard, that’s the 3D effect my shot is aiming to give. It looks like the other side of the billboard is a water prison that I’m escaping from.

My aim is to give the idea of a blockbuster advertisement and the blockbuster being the journey of Kai in NTM 20. In this important round of megaleg I am leaving the older imperfect versions of myself behind that water prison on the other side of the billboard and bringing out the best in me to this side.

I am hoping this will make the viewers curious of my next move and how this movie ends for KAI which I think would make this a memorable billboard shot left in wonder and curiosity.

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