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BB6 Lounge Room

Topic » BB6 Lounge Room

3187 days 12 hours ago
You turned the deal down Travis. If you would have said "Yeah of course i'll keep you." Then I would have kept you
3186 days 9 hours ago
I never said no to your deal I said I would think about it. And you said to me " if either of us get veto let's evict michael". I never got a chance to answer you before veto comp cause I have a life other than Tg.
3178 days 23 hours ago
As the final HOH I must cast the sole vote to evict the final member of the Jury. This is an extremely tough choice for me to make as you both have been my allies and friends.

Michael, you were the very first person I made a deal with. You were my very first final 2 deal. You asked me before the final HOH competitions began if I was going to take you to the finals. I told you yes. I told you this because at the time I wanted to keep my word to you. The word I gave you day 1 of this game. But in these past 76 days my closest allies have been Red and Travis. They were the two I talked the most game and strategy with. If it wasn't for them fighting hard in the competitions I highly doubt I would still be here. While you've played a great game by flying under the radar, I have to be fair to Red. He, like me, has fought hard since day 1 of this game. Together we've worked to ensure not only each other's safety, but yours and Travis. Thus, it would be completely unfair of me to rob him of his chance to be in the finals after all the work he's done these past few months. I truly hope you are able to understand this is absolutely nothing personal and I hate having to break my word to you. I'm sorry, but I have to evict you </3
3178 days 23 hours ago

Thank you Carly
3178 days 23 hours ago

It is time to decide who will be crowned Big Brother 6: Second Chance WINNER.

But first, lets bring out the jury

and Michael

Jurors, you will have the next 24 hours to grill the Final 2 about every single action they have made in the game, and ultimately, decide on your winner.

You have 24 hours
3178 days 23 hours ago
74 days ago I became the very first player to officially enter the house.

68 days ago I became the very first Head of Household of the season.

With 12 comp wins this season alone I’ve become one of, if not the only one, to win so many competitions in one season.

I’ve only been on the block twice this season, with only facing an eviction vote once.

Season One I was out 6th with only 2 comp wins.

Needless to say, #CarlysComeback was a success. This hashtag, along with #BringItOn, was how I ended every single one of my confessionals.

No matter how low I was in this game, I also signed off with those phrases as they were my motivation to keep fighting.

I was lucky enough to have made some great friends and allies this season, who without their loyalty and support, I would not be here.

This game has meant so much to me as I truly feel I’ve proven myself as not just being a BB host, but a BB player.

While I am responsible for some of you being in the Jury I truly hope you will vote based on my game play and not on emotion.

I’ve fought hard since day 1. I didn’t go one week without there being a target, big or small, on my back. I aligned myself with some strong players and used my social and comp skills to get to where I am right now.

Thus, I ask that when you go to vote for the winner of JJ’s Big Brother: Second Chances that you submit my name.

I’m willing to answer any and all questions so please feel free to ask whatever you’d like.

Thank you for your time and consideration < 3
3178 days 23 hours ago
Carly, what was your biggest move in this game?

Michael, why do you feel like your accomplishments in this game, especially compared to Carly's, makes you deserving of winning?
3178 days 22 hours ago
Courtney: Carly, what was your biggest move in this game?

I think my biggest move(s) in the game was sending Erik and Anthony out the door.

They were a power duo and essentially the other side of the house. If I could not take them out then they were going to take me out.

Thus, when I was HOH in Week 10 I was able to successfully get Erik evicted. Then the following week, as the POV winner, I was able to cast the sole vote to evict Anthony from the game.

Both were very strong players and it ultimately was a "it's either them or me" situation.
3178 days 22 hours ago
Red: Why were you so fucking paranoid?
That being said you played a very good game
Carly: You played flawlessly.... but why in the fuck did you evict me?
3178 days 22 hours ago
Carly, you were the only person who truly had my back in this game. Despite me not playing very well, why did you stick with me for so long?

Red, you are as shady as they come. Why should I give you the win?
3178 days 22 hours ago
Carly: You played flawlessly.... but why in the fuck did you evict me?

You were up against AJ and when it came down to it, I had worked longer with AJ up to that point. In addition, you were Travis' target and Red was on board so if I would have voted to keep you I would have put myself in a very bad position.

I'll be completely honest, this game was rough for me as I knew majority of the players going into the house. Thus, I had to be selective of who I worked with and gave my word to. While I'm 100% grateful that you voted to keep me two weeks before, and I did intend to return the favor, it ultimately came down to either turning against two of my closest and strong allies or saving you and not knowing what the outcome would be.

I hope you understand why I had to make that decision < 3
3178 days 22 hours ago
Carly, you were the only person who truly had my back in this game. Despite me not playing very well, why did you stick with me for so long?

Because when I give my word I mean it and try my best to stay true to it. I only nominated you that first week because I needed a pawn and you were one of the few to speak to me up to that point. But once you messaged me I knew I wanted to make sure you stayed. So I worked on Bates, who was 100% against saving you, and ultimately kept you safe.

From that point on I felt like I owed you for even putting you in the position of being the constant pawn. Thus, I worked to make sure you stuck around for as long as I could < 3
3178 days 22 hours ago
Red: Congrats on making Final 2. The season 1 alliance killed this game. Made it sort of boring though.

Carly: You are truly the Queen of group games! You fought hard til the very end and you always talked with me; even if we were on opposite sides of the house. Grats!

That is all.... I will cast my vote; after seeing your answers to the other Jurors questions. I like you both individually. But; I feel my mind is set on voting for one of you over the other.
3178 days 22 hours ago
Thank you for that, Erik! < 3 :)
3178 days 21 hours ago
I came into this house on a mission. When I played this back in season I was pretty new to group games and this was my first Big Brother. Playing that season made me the player I am today. And coming in third just short of the win. Made me realize that even if you win 11 comps it doesn't mean anything.

In some ways this season was harder and in some ways easier then my first go around. Last time things were black and white. It was Good vs Evil, Mel vs Jacob, Red vs Robert. And I was on the block so much it had my butt print on it. And I HAD to win or i'd be out the door. This time there were no clear sides and I didn't hate anyone. I was a comp beast last time cause I had to be. This time I couldn't be. I missed to many challenges. So I had to rely on other aspects as well. I made an alliance with Carly at the start and stayed loyal. And I was the first person to win HoH two weeks in a row. Not including Final 3.

I played hard, I did what I had to, I lied, I went back on deals. But I had a reason for all of them. If you would like the reason feel free to ask.

I think I deserve the win because I played good not once but twice. Last time there was a lot of drama. This time I just put my head down and played. I went all out.

Eric - I hope you can see me getting you out for the game move it was.

Courtney - I couldn't even vote when you went. I did put up but you weren't my target and I was disappointed to see you go.

Brandon - We didn't talk much and I didn't want you go

Harry - I did want you out. Cause I don't like the unknown variables. I got you on a side by your self but I just couldn't solve you.

Erik - I had every intention of working with you. But then you saved Anthony and screwed things up. So I had to send you out.

Anthony - At first I went after you cause I had nothing with you. And you were just the safe option at the time

AJ - I wanted to work with you. But you were no help. You weren't keeping me safe and I was pretty sure you were more loyal to Carly then myself.

Travis - We started this game on opposite sides but we made a deal when you won your first HoH. That we wouldn't target each other. And we both held to that. But then at final 4 what I thought was a petty simple question got me an answer that worried me. I asked if you would vote to keep me and you said you'd think about it. So i'm sorry but I couldn't risk keeping you and getting screwed.

Michael - We were together early on. But after I got Eric evicted you stopped talking to me.

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