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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3479 days 13 hours ago
No I help out with special need kids. Play basketball with them. Teams are special needs people and non disabled peers like me. It's a lot of fun
3479 days 13 hours ago
Counter-argument as to why I didn't take out Jabbar:

I knew that Mearl was dangerous going into the final five. I knew that Ray & Bennett were solid, and I was solid with Jabbar. If I took out Jabbar, Mearl wouldn't have been weakened, and either Mearl or Bennett, my biggest threats, would have made final three. Jabbar wouldn't have gone against me, and Mearl would be out if he didn't win final immunity. If I took out Jabbar, I would have gotten fourth.
3479 days 12 hours ago
I was the only person that really tried at final immunity. If they wanted me out bad enough they would've tried to win
3479 days 11 hours ago
Mearl: hi
connor: what happened to our f2 at the day before the game started
jabbar: ur there
3479 days 10 hours ago
LMFAO yesssss, I'm here!!!!
3479 days 10 hours ago
Alex - Our final two never went away. I did try very hard to keep you safe, and I wish you were here.
3479 days 10 hours ago
This is literally the final 3 i wanted... i have know idea what I'm going to do... I'll read everything a post questions later
3479 days 9 hours ago
connor are you saying at the tribe swap mearl had convince you to go with his side? because from my take, i was the swing vote at the tribal. i got you 3 together to make a underdogs alliance to take duke out. if i didnt make that move and side with u, i think i would of easily of made finals. and when i tried talking to you one on one, you never responded to me, why is that? i truley did want to work with you, and im pretty sure you made a finals pact with me? why did you go back on that?

jabbar- knowing mearl was the biggest threat in the game why make a final 3 pact with him? he proed to be a strategic threat and a physical threat

mearl- you saevd my ass multilpe times and worked the game hardcore.

this is to connor and jabbar- you guys were flipping and flopping any chance you got, it helped me but ultimiatley hurt me in the end, why do you deserve to win

mearl- you were loyal while these two werent to anyone, do you think loyalty should be rewarded?
3479 days 9 hours ago
reading through previous answers it seems like people might be taking credit for some things i have donw in this game, which i dont like at all and they may loose my vote...

the one incident im looking at closely was the nick vote, im pretty sure i was the one that came up with that idea to blindside him sine we thought he had the idol

another question to all 3 of you
if you 3 were not in the finals, who would you put in the final from jury? please no ass kicking state who and why they deserve to be here
3479 days 8 hours ago

Loyalty to some people often means you broke loyalty to others. I value loyalty in the game for sure but when it comes to jury then that's up to you and what quality you think is deserving to base your vote on.

The nick move was something I had planned for a whole though you did have the same idea. It became a lot easier to get your vote after nick voted you.

3 people if pick would be Julian, nick and you because I felt that you three were the biggest threats to take control of this game at one point or another. There were some others that also fit this bill but I felt each of the three of you would be popular to win in the jury as well.
3479 days 8 hours ago
LMFAO Sam gimme a while to get on my laptop but I can give you an answer to all of you questions/assusations aimed towards/against me
3479 days 7 hours ago

3479 days 5 hours ago
OK so I guess I'll answer Sam's questions in pieces, lol

jabbar- knowing mearl was the biggest threat in the game why make a final 3 pact with him? he proed to be a strategic threat and a physical threat

I didn't know he was going to be that big of a threat @ f12, which is when I made my f2 deal with him. And when I made the f3 in the f8, I didn't necessarily attempt to keep it, but it 100% worked in my favor to keep him

this is to connor and jabbar- you guys were flipping and flopping any chance you got, it helped me but ultimiatley hurt me in the end, why do you deserve to win

LMFAO, well I don't think I flip flopped a the beginning of merge, I wasnt invited to your side of the fence, along with others, so we were forced to work together and it worked out...I didn't flip on any1 from that side, accept nick and that was to keep you for another for voting you out, well, we weren't really allies imo, bc like I said, you voted me out, so I didn't want to take you to f4 at me voting you out wasnt really flipping, and onceyou were out, there wasnt any1 from another side, because the last 5 were in an alliance together'

the one incident im looking at closely was the nick vote, im pretty sure i was the one that came up with that idea to blindside him sine we thought he had the idol

LMFAO, you actually came up with the idol of voting ray because you thought nick had the idol and would play it, so you didn't want to be blindsided, however I talked you into voting ray as well....Im not saying I swayed your vote, but I am saying that you wanted to vote ray as a safety precausion for yourself

another question to all 3 of you
if you 3 were not in the finals, who would you put in the final from jury? please no ass kicking state who and why they deserve to be here

Julian- He seems like he would've ran the game if he made it past that tribal

Andy- He did win redemption island, so he would have ben a fierce competitor if he had more time to developed his social game

Nick- I think that nick was in a really good position in f7 to make it to the end and run this game
3479 days 3 hours ago
Mearl - You know damn well I was planning on going with you to the end, so tell me why I was the first one to get my throat slit by you. Don't give me any "you would've won" bullshit because you know that's not true.

Connor - We never really spoke, but I've always had this vibe that you dislike me. Is this true, and why should I vote for you to win?

Jabbar - Why was I the first one everyone went after? What was it about me that made people want me out so badly?
3479 days 2 hours ago

I was to sure you were gonna take me. Post merge we barely talked until that second tribal. Sam was supposed to get the boot but once nattie told you the vote people wanted to change it to you. It would've been best for myself if somebody else was selected as the target but that was not the case. I had to make a choice; do I go with you and hope you take me (everyone you worked with would've wanted to take you) or do it go the other way and take charge of my own game. I had friends and allies on both sides. In the end I decided I didn't want to be taken to the finals, I wanted to earn it myself and be the one directing the flow of the game instead of being at someone else's mercy. Did I wish you could've lasted longer? yes I honestly do but that's just now how things played out

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