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Season 7 Applications (Survivor)

Topic » Season 7 Applications..

3411 days ago
Real name/nickname:
If applicable, what is your skype account?
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me):
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor?
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to?
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite?
Do you have any prior group game experience?
Will you send confessionals?
What time zone do you live in?
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST?
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February?
3411 days ago

Real name/nickname:David
Do you have a skype? If so, what is it? N/A
Color level (if you're white level you must friend me and preznewton44): Orange
Describe yourself in 3 words:Fun, Manipulative and likable
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I believe i do as long as i play my cards right
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Parvati Shallow because she's manipulative and yet people still like her
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite?N/A
Do you have any prior group game experience? LOTS OF EXPERIENCE
Do you promise not to quit or go inactive?YES I SOLOMLY SWEAR TO NOT QUIT OR GO INACTIVE
What time zone do you live in? eastern
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? yes i can
Anything else we should know?
3411 days ago

Do you have a skype? If so, what is it?Bagelplatypus
Color level (if you're white level you must friend me and preznewton44):tv
Describe yourself in 3 words:annoying stupid beautiful
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I can manipulate people with my sexual prowess
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? parvati
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite?ExploreMeDora
Do you have any prior group game experience?Yes
Do you promise not to quit or go inactive?Yes
What time zone do you live in?Pac
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST?yes
Anything else we should know?I will mail u
3411 days ago

Real name/nickname: Andrew
Age: 14
Do you have a skype? If so, what is it? N/A
Color level (if you're white level you must friend me and preznewton44): Yellow
Describe yourself in 3 words: Strong, Smart, Bilingual (lol)
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I can be friendly to everyone (but can manipulate)
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Paraviti
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? Dont know :/
Do you have any prior group game experience?  Ye
Do you promise not to quit or go inactive? Yes
What time zone do you live in? EST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? Yeas
3410 days 19 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Gregory
Age: 13
If applicable, what is your skype account?: thewaddlermc
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): Yellow
Describe yourself in 3 words: I am weird. :P
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor?: I've won it before?
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to?: Fabio. :P
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite?: I don't know.
Do you have any prior group game experience?: Yes.
Will you send confessionals?: Yes.
What time zone do you live in?: EST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST?: I should.
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February?: A lot?
3410 days 19 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Mel
Age: 99
If applicable, what is your skype account? itsjustme2013
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): white
Describe yourself in 3 words: I'm very tired
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? Because I am a girl and girls can do anything.
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Amber
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? That is a secret
Do you have any prior group game experience?  No
Will you send confessionals? Yes
What time zone do you live in? Australian Eastern Standard
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? no
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? none at the moment
3410 days 15 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Hudson
Age: 18
If applicable, what is your skype account? N/A
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): Orange
Describe yourself in 3 words: Funny, Strategic, Shy
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I'm a student of Survivor, about to be the master
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Cochran
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? N/A
Do you have any prior group game experience? Not in this group
Will you send confessionals? Yes
What time zone do you live in? MTN
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? Yes
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? About 2 other ones
3409 days 23 hours ago
Real name/nickname: brandonljw
If applicable, what is your skype account? Brandonljw
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): white
Describe yourself in 3 words: i love power
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? Yes
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Not dure
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? Havnt seen it yet
Do you have any prior group game experience? Plenty
Will you send confessionals? Yes
What time zone do you live in? Gmt +8
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? Sorry only on on weekends
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? None
3409 days 4 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Zander
Age: 18
If applicable, what is your skype account? None
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): OrANGE
Describe yourself in 3 words: Social Sarcasti human
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? Because I play with brains
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Natalie
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? 1 ssn
Do you have any prior group game experience?  alot
Will you send confessionals? ye
What time zone do you live in? eastern
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? yes
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? 3-6
3409 days 3 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Scott
Age: 15
If applicable, what is your skype account? byp.123
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): Orange
Describe yourself in 3 words: Thinking, quiet, strong
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? Because I'm always thinking of how to put myself in the best position.
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Jeremy (SJDS) because I can be perceived as either a hero or a villain and I'm always thinking.
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? Not sure :/
Do you have any prior group game experience?  All on my profile :P
Will you send confessionals? Yep
What time zone do you live in? EST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? For the most part, yes.
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? None right now but I only ever do 2/3 group games at a time anyways
3408 days 23 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Thea
Age: 19
If applicable, what is your skype account? - N/A
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): Yellow
Describe yourself in 3 words: Attentive, Calculating, Strategic
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? - I have the ability to become the sole survivor because I play the game by tribal council and i think that is how you win this game
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? - I would most compare my gameplay to Jonny Fairplay because Im perceived as a threat before I even really get started
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? - Dan (Survivor VI)
Do you have any prior group game experience? - Profile
Will you send confessionals? - Yes
What time zone do you live in? - Eastern
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM  EST? - Yes
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? - 3, i think
3407 days 18 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Jera Azure
Age: 19
If applicable, what is your skype account? Jera.Azure
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): Orange
Describe yourself in 3 words: Bubbly, Ditzy, and Energetic. ^^
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I'm the type of person people connect with. The type of person you can confide in, tell anything to. I play mainly a social game, putting myself in the right places at the right times. I can see myself being overlooked, and sneaking into the merge.
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Hmm. I am a mix of Cirie and Katie Collins. If you can picture that xD
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? I've actually never watched the seasons haha. Hope that doesn't ruin my chances or anything xD
Do you have any prior group game experience? Yes. I've played in three actually. I will list them, along with hosts, so you can message them if you want. XD
Platinum Big Brother (LaurenJade21)- 5th Place
Nat's Survivor: New Zealand (OhNatalie)- 10th Place
Obscurity's Survivor: Scorched Earth (Obscurity)- Still going, Final 9.
Drago's Survivor: Cagayan (Dragotistic)- Still going, Final Fourteen
Will you send confessionals? Yes, haha. I love talking about my game lol.
What time zone do you live in? EST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? Yes, my other challenges are never at this time. ^^
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? 2 others. But i can handle a third.
3407 days 17 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Aria M.

Age: 19

Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): Black

Describe yourself in 3 words: Competitive, feisty, social

Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I do what it takes. Backstabbing or staying loyal. I'll do it. This is not who makes the most friends!

Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Parvati Shallow, get them in my web and devour them.

Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite?
I have not see the seasons

Do you have any prior group game experience?
On my page!

Will you send confessionals?
Sending confessionals is my favorite.

What time zone do you live in?

Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST?
Most if not all!

How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February?
1 big brother game that I'm not even accepted into yet.
3407 days 17 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Sim
Age: 17
If applicable, what is your skype account? somebodyawful
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): sky
Describe yourself in 3 words: smart, creative, fun
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I have a nice blend of strategy + social game
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Peih-Gee Law
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? idk
Do you have any prior group game experience? yeah
Will you send confessionals? sure
What time zone do you live in? EST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? no lol =[ thats a horrible time for me personally
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? im literally handling 4 right now so
3406 days 18 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Jonna
Age: 15
If applicable, what is your skype account? live:dems271
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): yellow
Describe yourself in 3 words: competitive, quiet, kind
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I am competitive and nice
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? natalie white
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? n/a
Do you have any prior group game experience?  no
Will you send confessionals? yes
What time zone do you live in? EST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? yes
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? 0
3406 days 18 hours ago
Real name/nickname: Julio Munoz
Age: 19
If applicable, what is your skype account? N/A
Color level (if you're white level you must friend preznewton44 and me): White :/
Describe yourself in 3 words: Crafty, fun, and competitive.
Why do you have the ability to become the sole survivor? I can socialize like I motha fucker. Also, I have fast internet haha
Which real life survivor player would you most compare your gameplay to? Hmmm. Well I am hispanic and I love to swim, so Ozzy. Although, I don't think I would be a bitter juror like Ozzy. Nor would I follow orders. I am a natural born leader, sorry Ozzy lol
Which Winner and Prez's Survivor castaway has been your favorite? I don't know any :(
Do you have any prior group game experience? No. NOBODY WILL HIRE ME! :(
Will you send confessionals? YES
What time zone do you live in? CST
Can you make challenges that start mostly at 7 PM EST? YES! Thats perfect!
How many other group games are you committed to playing in early/mid-February? None :(

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WPF's Survivor Application Group

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