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Season 12 Applications (RETURNEES)

Topic » Season 12 Applications..

3312 days 8 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Connor 'CJ'
Age: 17
Hometown: Auckland New Zealand
Previous Season: season 11
Placement: 10th
Skype Account (if applicable): cjuddy_tengaged
Partner's Name: sam
Partner's Username: sssp123
Relation to Partner: "We're both patrons of a local sex dungeon."

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor? I unfortunately barely got to show what I can actually do in your series. I was just cut short of jury and I had some BIG plans for the merge but due to some flippers those plans will never get to be played out :(

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? Just the contrast of my game in BvW to my previous season would be a huge contrast I feel. This time I would go in guns blazing, proving my worth to the tribe and I definitely would be fighting tooth and nail to get to the end and win.

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table? Sam would be such a loss to your series if he didnt get cast this season and I have had past experience with Sam in group games where we have been the 2 underdogs against everyone and gave them all a run for there money. Whether we are on the bottom or at the top, Sam and I will bring alot to the table

What will you change from your last time playing? I will be more vocal, more physical in challenges and I like I said in a previous answer I will be fighting tooth and nail to get to the end and win. Last time I was a lot more cruzy, trying to play that whole UTR, chillaxed persona, but this time around I would go in the other direction. I obviously am not going to be stupid and lose the game for myself in the things I say but I feel the reason I left in my past season was because people saw me as expendable and as if I wouldnt be a huge loss to the game.

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to?
3311 days 14 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Leo
Age: 16
Hometown: Pittsbrugh
Previous Season: Kyushu
Placement: 13/14?
Skype Account (if applicable):yinzer149.tengaged
Partner's Name: Philip
Partner's Username: philip13
Relation to Partner: Friend

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor? So I can win and make up for my shitty placement earlier

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? I have never been voted out early if I am a returning player. Never. I think it would be a good challenge for me to come back to this group.

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table? Phil and I are 2 very strong players and we have completely taken over previous groups before and hope to do it again.

What will you change from your last time playing? My placement

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to? The Bryan Brothers (tennis)
3311 days 7 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Natasha
Age: 19
Hometown: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Previous Season: Czech Republic
Placement: 9th
Skype Account (if applicable):
Partner's Name: Leah
Partner's Username: PeachessnCream
Relation to Partner: Sister

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor?
I was screwed over by a multi in the Viewer's Lounge who ousted me and my idol that I found. I want to play again and without a disadvantage like that.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
I believe my time was cut short in the Czech Republic and I was in a good majority alliance until every single one of them voted me out and left me in the dark.

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table?
My sister and I are very outgoing and rememberable, we can't guarantee either of us winning but we can guarantee that we will play our hardest and be great characters in the season.

What will you change from your last time playing?
Yes, I was too abrasive and controlling; I wasn't rude however. My social game was great but because I had an idol people deemed me a threat and all of my allies kept me in the dark to eliminate me when I was't even against them. But I believe I need to be less dominant next season.

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to?
Ali and AJ because "Potential Break Song" is our anthem or the Olsen twins from Full House xD
3311 days 4 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Josh
Age:  14
Hometown: Billings, MT
Previous Season: Bali
Placement: 14th
Skype Account (if applicable): N/A
Partner's Name: Damian
Partner's Username: Dsradine
Relation to Partner: Strangers (JK) Friends :)

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor? I tried to play but someone (Jimbo) saw me as a threat and took me out :/

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? I feel like I had so much potential I didn't get to show!

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table? We're both not afraid to make big moves.

What will you change from your last time playing? OMG, almost every thing. I was too complacent. I didn't make sure I had the numbers, I told people who I didn't trust valuable information. I was just, a person who was too trusting, this time, I'll make sure they pass my trust test!

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to? Ben Wyatt and Chris Traeger, one of us is all cheerful and the other one breaks the truth to them all! *evil laugh* xD
3309 days 13 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Nicole
Age: 16
Hometown: Detroit
Previous Season: Bali
Placement: Winner
Skype Account (if applicable):
Partner's Name: Jay
Partner's Username: JordanForReal
Relation to Partner:Besties

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor? I want to actually get casted for once, and prove that it wasn't a fluke that I won. I will have the best confessionals, and not rely on the fact that I dont go to tribal, to fill you in on whats going on in the game. I have done a lot of thinking about banana etiquette, and just being nice to people goes along way. 

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
Because what everyone doesnt know is I played the game one way last time, and this time I have a completely new plan.

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table?
We bring teamwork, we work great together, and without each other, we were in a group game together, and out love of Big Brother brought us close together, then Jay burned me, since then we have been amazing together, we have played in games hosted by the other one, and we both have what it takes to win Season 12.

What will you change from your last time playing? This time around, Im not only playing the game, with the other players, and outwitting, outlasting, and outplaying them. But I'm playing 3 different games in one. The first game I'm playing against the players in the game, the second game is with the host, and the 3rd gaming is with the VL. I know what I have to do, I have a plan in place to do this, and its going to be difficult, but I'm up for the challenge.
Who wouldnt want to bring a winner to the final 2 with them, there is no way i can win twice. Right ;)

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to?
John and Neda (Jay will come up with a better one )
3306 days 8 hours ago
Name/Nickname: JB
Age: 17
Hometown: Houston
Previous Season: Nepal & FvF
Placement: 5th & 10th
Skype Account (if applicable): utfanjb98
Partner's Name: Ryan
Partner's Username: KidA
Relation to Partner: Friends with Benefits

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor? I did not play my best game the last time I played and I want to apologize. My apology in words isn't strong enough. It has to be through action, because it speaks louder than words.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? I love to compete and I feel that every game I play, I improve as a player. I've played twice now, and I'm a lot better than I was the first time and the second time.

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table? Ryan is the best confessional writer on the site. Hands down. I'll try to match his abilities.

What will you change from your last time playing? I'd definitely try to not fade into the background as much as I did in Polynesia.

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to? Bill and Hillary Clinton. Simply because we win.
3304 days 8 hours ago
Hometown:Bronx, New York
Previous Season: Survivor Czech Republic
Placement:5th place, soo frickin close
Skype Account (if applicable):No Skype :(
Partner's Name:Nathan
Partner's Username: Matedog1209
Relation to Partner:Brother

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor?To redeem myself, I really want to play a better game than I did last time cuz IMO my geplay last season was...mediocre.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?Of course

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table?My partner is really really good at group games and if you add me (the best) and make us a duo, it's done :).

What will you change from your last time playing?I'll probably be more aggressive this time around, but at the same time I'm gonna learn from my mistakes from last season.

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to?Drake and lil Wayne, lol
3303 days 6 hours ago
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3302 days 4 hours ago
Name/Nickname:Micklepickle20//Sticky Fingers
Age: 17
Hometown:Cam's mothers house
Previous Season: Poland, FVF
Skype Account (if applicable):apicklewithsugartits
Partner's Name:Fowler
Partner's Username: nathan132
Relation to Partner:Butt Buddies

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor?Because i da best

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?Yes

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table?
we will Rise hell
What will you change from your last time playing? Nothing

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to?The Democrats and The Republicans
3301 days 5 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Sagar
Age: 21
Hometown: Cambridge, MA
Previous Season: Czech Republic
Placement: 16th
Skype Account (if applicable): supersd66
Partner's Name: Jacob
Partner's Username: kekgeek
Relation to Partner: Friends

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor?
As you know, I completely flopped in my original season. I was AFK the day the game started and was not able to talk to my tribe about the vote at all. I need redemption because I think you're well aware that I can do much better and I definitely WANT to do much better in this series. I think coming back in a BvW season is a good way to get redemption. Similar to how Tyson was able to get redemption after being voted out of HvV because of a stupid move.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
I have nothing to lose. I can only go up from my original placement and you know I will go HARD as fuck to prove that I'm better than a first boot.

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table?
We are basically a dynamic duo. He's one of the best social players I have ever played with and I am generally thought of as a good physical player. So I think we complement each other well. We made F2 in a REALLY crazy season of Manalord's Survivor where he demolished me in an almost unanimous vote. So I have even more to prove to myself and to my partner by possibly improving my social game (which was my downfall in my previous season in this series as well) in order to do better than him.

What will you change from your last time playing?
Obviously I will actually talk to my tribe since I'll definitely be on when this game starts (summer vacation!). I think as long as I actually start building relationships on Day 1, I will do MUCH better than my first showing.

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to?
Pinky (me) and the Brain (Jacob)
3301 days 2 hours ago
Applications are closed.
3300 days 11 hours ago
Name/Nickname: sackeshi
Age: 18
Hometown: buffalo ny
Previous Season: idk LOL
Placement: 8th
Skype Account (if applicable): na
Partner's Name: andria
Partner's Username: iceicebaby
Relation to Partner: rivals

Why do you want to return to Winner and Prez's Survivor? to shake things up

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? cause i will cause drama

What does the pairing of you and your partner bring to the table? evilness

What will you change from your last time playing? play smarter

What's a good duo from pop culture to compare your duo to? um russell and parvati (i dont do pop culture >.>)

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