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Season 20 Applications [Returning Players]

Topic » Season 20 Applications..

2567 days 16 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Josh
Age:  17
Hometown: Seattle WA
Skype Account (not required but recommended): jmez2612
Previous Season: Polynesia- Fans vs Favorites, All-Stars
Placement: 11th, 17th

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?

-I'm not much older than I was in the last seasons I played, but I have matured. I flopped in my last time playing this series, and since then I've never been voted off before the merge in a survivor game. In the last two group games I played, I won Player of the Season both times and made FTC in one of them. I'm not known as a huge threat in this series, so I think I'll be able to maneuver my way to the end.

Also, I think you guys found me really annoying, to be honest, I probably was very annoying. So this time around, I'm in it to win.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?

-Adaptation, unfortunately, I have a flaw when it comes to survivor groups. I don't adapt well, when an inconvenient twist happens, I flop like a fish. This time around, I'll rely on two things to survive those, social game and luck.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?

I'm new and improved, I'll send confessionals ALL THE TIME. I'll show up to challenges. My confessionals will not disappoint.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?

I'll be more mature, I'm willing to cut allies, and my social game WILL be on point.
2567 days 13 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Peyton
Age: 17
Hometown: Albany, New York
Skype Account (not required but recommended): None :(
Previous Season: Pakistan - Fans vs Favorites 2
Placement: 3rd

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?

I want to return, because I feel like I've really matured as a player and as a person since my previous performance in your series. In Pakistan, I was surrounded by big name players and my main goal was to have a stellar social game in order to make myself appear weak so I could be brought to the end and never be perceived as a threat. However, in the process of working up my social game, I strayed away from making too many strategic game moves as well which resulted to me losing in FTC. I want to return to prove to people that I'm more than just a social player and that I know how to play a great game to win.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?

I'd never let my guard down for a single second.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?

As I said previously, I think I've grown a lot as a player. I learned how to perfect my game in order to make great social bonds with people while also being a great strategist which I think is why I'd be a good returning player!

What will you change from your previous season(s)?

Definitely play more out there instead of staying reserved the entire time. In Pakistan I was known as the nice player, but that's it. I want to be known as more as that this time around. I want to be in charge of all of the conversations and I want to have a say in who goes home every time instead of sitting back and letting others make that decision for me, and I am 100% ready to take this game by storm if given the opportunity
2567 days 12 hours ago
Name/Nickname: John
Age: 22
Hometown: Boston, MA
Skype Account (not required but recommended): Jxhn5912
Previous Season: Caicos Islands
Placement: 5th

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? The odds were genuinely stacked against me and allies dropped like flies the last time I played. I'd love one more chance to see if I can get the odds in my favor and run it down to the finale with a favorable outcome this time.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way? You gotta do what you gotta do to keep the season lively - if I'm gonna get twist fucked then that's just because I deserve bad karma I guess but yeah I'm emotionally prepared for that.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? Because I've proven I can make it deep into the game and know what I did wrong this time to improve my position in that end stage of the game.

What will you change from your previous season(s)? Building better relationships with people so I have enough trust to make sure I don't get cut right at the end like last time.
2567 days 10 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Jacob
Age: 24
Hometown: St. Paul
Skype Account (not required but recommended): winner656565
Previous Season: blood vs water,  second chances
Placement: 13th, 3rd

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? It is the best series on this site.  And I also want to know if my UTR style can win in all star type seasons.  With so many personalities I usually don't get as much credit I get in new players seasons.  I was also to game bot in second chances.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?

I will bitch.  And let me effect my as much as possible than I will blow up.  And get eliminated in 15th place because of my anger........

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? I would be a terrible pick if you want massive drama in your season and a cluster fuck. I am great casting balance, I play UTR and try my best to win. My big pitch is that I can play the UTR game better than anyone who would get casted and I am the balance this cast needs.

What will you change from your previous season(s)? Try and be more entertaining.  I was troyzan in second chances and even though I think he played a solid game when you actually think about it. Nobody wants to be troyzan
2567 days 7 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Chris
Age: 21
Hometown: Baltimore
Skype Account (not required but recommended): gaiahick
Previous Season: Survivor 12: Blood VS Water
Placement: 22nd/22nd

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?
If I remember correctly, I was blindsided in that game right from the get-go. I was stoked to play and i've never got the chance to return yet. I know I have potential, just need that second chance.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?
As a host, I know twists are part of the game. You gotta learn to adapt, that's the fun part.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
I have a story arc really. Voted out first in Blood VS Water. I need redemption. The perfect storyline is last to first.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?
For starters I'm not Copenhagen anymore. I will try to connect with people better so I'm not blindsided.
2566 days 22 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Justin
Age: 18
Hometown: Tampa bay
Skype Account (not required but recommended): Beastboygames1
Previous Season: Caicos islands
Placement: 6/18

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? I need redemption. If I wasn't voted out 6th, many thought I would've won the game. I want this chance to win.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way? I'll adapt to any twist, as I'm sure many are coming.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? As I stated before, I almost won the game. I have the capability to be a strong player and I want another chance to prove myself. This will be my last group game on this site.

What will you change from your previous season(s)? Covering my bases. I tried making a move that would won, but I leaked it to the wrong person. I will be smarter, and win this game.
2566 days 17 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Addison
Age: 18
Hometown: Providence, RI
Skype Account (not required but recommended): muffinman_tengaged
Previous Season: Nauru
Placement: 5th

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?
I want to finish what I started last season and go all the way. I made it so close to the end, and I would like to come back with an improved game.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?
I am very prepared, as throughout many different games I have had to deal with a lot of crazy twists, so I am generally pretty good at adapting to things that are thrown my way.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
I play a strong game, and I feel good about this season that I have a good chance to go far.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?
I will still try to play as strong as I did last time, but hopefully make stronger connections to people so that I will not be voted out at the very end.
2566 days 13 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Noah
Age: 16
Hometown: Houston
Skype Account (not required but recommended): @thenb2k
Previous Season: Eritrea
Placement: 2nd

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? Unfinished business. I didn't do much, and got to the final day, and had Dylan not won immunity he would have been out of there and I would've won despite not even playing close to a good game. Now just you imagine if I try...

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way? Only those willing to adapt are those that survive.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? Because I was a part of a VERY strong season, and I deserve to come back and play an even stronger game among some of these players. I know what I need to do, it's all about being able to, and I am sure I can.

What will you change from your previous season(s)? I will be a hawk. I won't be in the burrows looking like an idiot in confessionals. I need to be in the know, and I know I can do that.
2566 days 12 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Patrick
Age: 21
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Skype Account (not required but recommended): patrick.janik319
Previous Season: Nauru (apparently it doesn't exist)
Placement: 11th (I killed the season)

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?
I feel like I didn't get a chance to shine on my original season so I'd love to get a chance to play again. And given that this season will likely have a pretty epic cast with a good mix of new players and memorable returnees, I'd hate to miss out on this game.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?
I'm always thinking ahead which can be a downfall as I tend to get ahead of myself and lose focus on the "now", but it also helps prepare me for twists as I'm always thinking and thus mentally preparing for what might be to come.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
I think I have a lot to offer in that I'd be dedicated to play. Even though I didn't merge on my original season, I checked back to my last Tribal Council and I was throwing shade and calling people out after my exit for god knows what reason so I'm pretty sure I have the capability to deliver.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?
I honestly did not remember playing Nauru. Looking back I obviously remember the game but I truly have no recollection of what I was thinking or doing while playing so I'll feel like a new player coming in to this season and thus hope to use my knowledge from other games and apply it to this one to hopefully succeed.
2566 days 12 hours ago
Name/Nickname:I used to be known as Rocky but I prefer Abel now (my real name)
Age: 17
Hometown:New York City
Skype Account (not required but recommended):bro breezy (with kermit pic)
Previous Season:Season 11 Czech Republic, Season 15 Santorini Second Chances

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?It's literally the last season so im expecting it to be epic af and I just think I've grown up a lot since the last time I've played and Im finally ready to take my rightful crown as the winner of Survivor 20

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?I plan on putting myself in such a good position that these "twists" can only benefit me, but playing Survivor is kinda like going to jail; all you can do is hope you come out alive so whenever these twists show up, im just gonna hope and pray to the WPF Survivor Gods that I come out alive

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? Im a good pick to be a returning player cuz i havent had my time to shine yet, ive been on 2 seasons tht happened like 10 years ago and im prolly the most irrelevant person in the whole series, but I rlly do feel like I can win this time, and if u pick me, Im gonna make sure that I do.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?Well on my second season, i was swap-fucked (the act of getting fucked over due to a tribe swap) so let's not get into that lol. But on my first season I just got too comfortable and I seldom even blinked an eye at the ppl tht weren't in my alliance. I never rlly tlked to ppl if i wasnt aligned with them and that was my fault cuz even though i was the least threatening I still got voted out, and that just goes to show that the social game is fucking crucial if you want to win so coming into this new season, I plan to evolve from being an anti-social caterpillar and becoming a social butterfly.
2566 days 9 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Luis
Age:  18
Hometown: California
Skype Account (not required but recommended):
Previous Season:
[5th] Winner and Prez's Survivor 6: Jamaica
[19th] Winner & Prez Survivor: All-Stars (RETURNEE)

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?
Its been a while since Ive engaged in a group myself, so I NEED to return to prove i am still a great competitor. When i get deep in the game it is because i played an amazing game. I want the feeling of being a threat to run deep my veins once more. I need the adrenaline to make beig meuvz

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?
Fuck the twists I am going to make sure I find loopholes and work them to my alliances advantage for as long as possible

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
I havent been on long to have premades or past relationships to affect my game. Each game is new to me i will socialize with everyone by building a legitimate connection. I will be the Hannibal Lecturer of this game, make people open up to me and help them as much as i can to benefit myself.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?
My social game, I need to be in every possible angle and know what is happening at all times, pre merge stay tribe strong, go to tribal to see trust lines // megre lay low until needed and benefit the people who are loyal to be day uno
2565 days 15 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Sean P
Age: 26
Hometown: San Jose
Skype Account (not required but recommended):mission2b4u
Previous Season: Czech Republic
Placement: 1st

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor?
It was a blast and did my best to win and did and like to try one more time as haven't played again after that!!

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way?
Life has thrown many twists at me and I'm a survivor so I can anticipate and adapt to them
Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?
Because I should be given a second chance to show my worth I can have in your series than in just one season.

What will you change from your previous season(s)?
Idk this being the last season I do not know how much will change as to win again sounds like a big task at hand but am more than ready to try!
2565 days 15 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Queen Ashley
Age: 17
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Skype Account (not required but recommended): xovalentine1
Previous Season: Naru
Placement: 14 I think? Lol

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? Because last time I wen out pre-merge and I want to see how far I can actually stay until I blow up :)

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way? I'm an adaptable bombshell

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? I'm adaptable

What will you change from your previous season(s)? Be more adaptable
2565 days 3 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Noag
Age: 16
Hometown: Los Angeles
Skype Account (not required but recommended): noah_kondon.tengaged
Previous Season: Bali, Blood vs. Water
Placement: 5th, 21st

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? I think about this series at least once a week, doesn't sound like a lot but it is.  This series changed me.  On Bali I had probbly the most fun, insane, chaotic, and twisted 2 weeks of my life.  I put everything I had into the game and I made some mistakes but I pulled of some of the greatest blindsides of the season orchestrating the fall of Jimbo.  I just missed out on the end with one of my closest allies Nicole making an excellent move by taking me out.  I thought I had learned from my mistakes, I came back guns blazing and got blindsided in the premiere when I thought the tribe was split between other people.  I didn't get much of a shot on Blood Vs Water.  I NEED to come back, iv'e improved since the last time I've played and I'm ready to go HARD.

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way? I will be prepared 100% and ready for whatever comes at me in any way I can be.

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player?  I don't think anyone else legitimately wants this more than I do, I cried IRL tears when I was voted out of Bali I was so upset (embarrassing I know) but I legitimately want to play this game so badly and when I saw that there were apps just now I got so excited, I want to play that bad.  I need to play this series again, I need to finish what I started in Bali.

What will you change from your previous season(s)? I will change my game, my social ability will be better, my strategic ability, and my comp game will improve, since playing so many different games I have learned so much and grown so much as a player.  This one remains the one that has haunted me the most.
2563 days 22 hours ago
Name/Nickname: Mickle/ Big Pickle
Age: 19
Hometown: PickleVille
Skype Account (not required but recommended):apicklewithsugartits
Previous Season:Poland, Fvf Bvw HvV
Placement: not first I got 3rd on one

Why do you want to return to WPF Survivor? Cause i can make hell and send veido confessionals

How will you be prepared for whatever twists are thrown your way? Fuck YAY

Why would you be a good pick to be a returning player? Im fucking Pickle

What will you change from your previous season(s)? Nothing Ill Probaly FLoat TBH

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