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Survivor: Bora Bora - Final Tribal Council

Topic » Survivor: Bora Bora - Final..

3760 days 7 hours ago
Welcome Acyuta, Ali and Mo to your Final Tribal Council. Tonight the power in this game shifts over to The Jury who are made up of the people you either directly or indirectly voted out of this game. Before we here your opening speeches lets bring in The Jury...

And Victor

Before The Jury start asking you guys questions you will each have the opportunity to give an opening statement. So Acyuta, Ali and Mo please give your opening statements now and then we will begin The Jury questions...
3760 days 7 hours ago
Jury Please Hold Off Asking Questions Until All 3 Opening Statements Have Been Posted
3760 days 7 hours ago
Hey jury, out of the final 3 i think you really need to read my story on how i made it this far.
i came into this game alone, no frat, no friends, no one. I knew Solinne from frookies and acyuta and billy were once my allies in fastings.
When i got put on the original deco tribe, Temeky wanted me gone since day 1. Why? because of a frookies game 1 day before the premiere.
I knew since day 1 i was gonna be a target, and so I did my best to make allies. Acyuta was my first ally and throughout most of the game I was aligned with him.
After tribal 1 i knew Deco had to go on a winning streak and i pushed my tribe to do the challenges and we inevitably won many tribal and made it 5 strong to the absorbed.
At the absorption, I aligned myself with Ali, who had just came into the game. With him on board, i quickly took out the person who was after me, Temeky.
When the merge came I knew we had to stay 6 strong and the odds of pulling rocks was in our favor. So i took the risk, i couldnt let ali gone because he was my CLOSEST ally in that game aside from acyuta. We discussed EVERYTHING and made moves together.
At the merge I really blossomed and proved that i played a strong game. I sent people home and even blindsided a few people like Akshay. I held the power that tribal and many others. I could have sent Victor home that week, or Ali, or even Adam, but i choose akshay because i couldnt beat him in the end! I wasn't afraid to make moves but i had to make moves that benefited me. Pavarti you told me: i should switch the first tribal but i COULDNT! ali was my CLOSEST ally and I was aware of the 5 person alliance on inconnu. If i switched, I would have came in 6th. So I hope you understand why i didnt swtich. Victor flipped with us and ethan flipped back. As Eddie stated: it was a classic case of South Pacific.
I know i haven't talked much to some of you on the jury, but I ask you to vote for me because of my strategy. I was always safe in the merge and immunity was not that important to me because of my strategic and social game. I convinced HALF of you i was a weak player, when in reality I was set in stone with my social game.
Ali and Acyuta were never aligned, their only ties were to me. I managed to get them to bring each other and myself to the finals. As far as my alliance with them goes, I planted seeds of doubt in Ali by telling him people were after him, which were true, and I gained his trust by honesty. And acyuta was my friend, I told him what we needed to do and he did it. I was the brains behind the operation.
So please jury VOTE FOR ME! i SURVIVED since day 1, I was always 5th or 4th or whatever on the totem poll to start with whether it was on the absorption or in the beginning. However, I managed to climb the ranks to sit here today. Playing the weak persona really worked. As far as friendship goes, I know some of you may feel a bit hurt but I am your friend. I just couldn't bring you because i promised ali and acyuta the F3 FIRST! so i wanted to bring them to the end!
3760 days 6 hours ago
I just want to put this short(ish) and simple:

The game began with me allying with Mo, Akshay(Galore) and Billy. I tried my best each challenge to win the Immunity for my tribe. I improved and did Better each challenge.
The final merge approached, I was so afraid of it because I had no support except 1-2 people. I was alone. I had to find my way to stay in the game.
I would give my 100% for each challenge and hence I have won FIVE Immunity challenges(TWICE in a row), which is the maximum won by any player in this season. I won the White bracelet twice. I am the first person to reach finals.

I just want to say, I have never ever backstabbed ANY of you in this game. I NEVER made fake promises with anyone. Some players try to be allies with everyone and end up backstabbing some of them. I am not one of them. I have stayed loyal TILL the end. I had to do better each challenge for my alliance. When everyone wanted Akshay out, I was the only person, His true alliance, to save him.

My game was simply to atleast try to outdo everyone(As this is a survivor game) and Hurting NO ONE. I really think I deserve to be in the finals. Please don’t let my Hard work go to vain.
I know that i didnt talk much with some of you, But please vote for the Gameplay and Hard work i did.
Immunity challenges won : 5

I will conclude this saying, Mo and Akshay were my closest and ONLY allies in this game. I am glad that i am in the finals with Mo. :)
3760 days 6 hours ago
hey jury memebers , you guys looking cute :)
Ok so when i had a second chance to come back to the game, i spammed in the poll box like crazy and i did so good in the mini flash game. Galore,Argai were basically my only allies at the start of the game.. But when victor got switched to the OT, i had to create a plan to make sure that i will make it to the jury. So, i had an alliance with mo , i convinced him that its best for him to flip on his tribe because theres no way temeky,billy,joshua and acyuta are gonna keep us safe if we lose the next challenges in a row.. So, basically mo decided to join my side which is me, galore and ethan and we took 3 from our tribe members out of the game. When it came down to the merge, i knew i was gonna be the target so the black rock def helped me establish a good position in the game when parvati got voted out and we had the majority.Then, obvs we started taking who we thought the biggest threats who are eddie, edu,joker and ethan.Andrew i didnt really talked to you so i didnt mind voting you out next. But then , when i discovered that galore may have another F3 deal with someone else, i didnt hesitate to vote him out but i still consider him as a friend.Adam was basically an easy vote so we voted him out , he would have made it to the F3 though if he made an effort to try to win immunities.Argai was the vote i didnt want to do but knowing that me and mo had more of a strong bond.. i had to vote him out :( And acyuta basically teamed with me and mo in the F5.
After parvati got voted out, it was basically just strategie for me, i tried to do my best in challenges but i knew i wasnt going anywhere so i always felt safe. I didnt really think much of trying my best lol since F3 was a goal i knew it was gonna be easy to reach without winning immunities.
I just wanna add that me and mo had eachothers back the second i convinced him to flip, we talked about who to vote out every night on skype.
I think i have proven myself to be a strong player so if you guys will vote for me to win based on my gameplay not on prejeduice, that will be highly appreciated.
3760 days 6 hours ago
Acyuta : Why do you think you should win ??

Mo : You said u had the power in all the tribals which is a lie...Dont u think u just sheeped around in the game and rose after my elimination ??

Ali : Whats the boldest move u made except getting me out ??
3760 days 5 hours ago
Acyuta : Why do you think you should win ??

Hey akshay! :)
I played the game on my principles. I never made false deals like others did...Even after winning 5 immunities i knew they thought me as a threat but i convinced them to keep that reflects my convincing ability as well as my social game. I worked very hard the entire game.
3760 days 4 hours ago
Acyuta: What gives you the slightest bit of mind that you should even win? Other then the fact that you were good at challenges,I dont see why, I mean you basically won challenges and did NOTHING whatsoever strategically, and you made NO smart moves in this game.To me it seems more like all you did was follow your alliance and win challenges, instead of get out strong competitors.

Mo: You are possibly the most idiotic player I have ever met, and you annoy me with your jury speech. You do not know how to play a game, you were willing to throw your game away at the merge with rocks instead of making a big game move. That showed me that your a wimp and your scared to make big moves.

Ali: I see no reason whatsoever for you to win. Absolutely NO reason. You were eliminated by the black rocks and you should have stayed eliminated. To me you got an unfair return to the game that some other people did not get. You got picked up by the former alliances, and you hadno reason being there in my opinion. So you need to give me an EXTRA good reason why I should even vote for you.
3760 days 4 hours ago
Pavarti: you claimed to me that i should have made moves by voting ali, however that was no where near my best interest, if I voted ali out, i just lost 1 of 2 allies that i knew u trust completely and that isn't gonna happen. If i switched i would have THROWN my game away completely by sending 1 out of 2 people i knew i could trust! I decided that going to rocks i would have a 89% chance of getting a white rock and i liked those odds and for that reason i choose to go to rocks. However your argument is also invalid because 5 other people from BOTH sides didnt switch. we all knew you eddie edu ethan and adam had a F5 deal and if i did switch to work with you i would have gotten 6th so i decided to NOT switch my votes.
If you are pissed i didn't switch you should also be pissed that no one else switched.
3760 days 4 hours ago
sorry pavarti but in terms of black rocks i was thinking of MY end game, and I couldn't switch to satisfy your alliance, I took the risk and it paid off. I couldnt stab 5 people to "make a move" I have made moves in that game to benefit myself, however that move wouldn't have benefitted me at all.
3760 days 4 hours ago
and if you really wanted to "make a move" you should have voted adam out that tribal instead of voting to rocks. NO ONE switched we ALL choose rocks over switching. So you can't be mad at me because you tried to convince me and failed. I know ur mad u got out that way but thats what happened. I have made BIG moves, i've switched from the Deco 5 alliance to my alliance with Ali, i've blindsided galore at F6, i took Victor out at F4 to ensure my F3 were my original allies, THOSE ARE BIG MOVES! but as far as rocks im sorry, i couldn't send Ali home because he was my CLOSEST ally at the time. You should be mad at everyone else for not switching, just because you talked to me didn't mean i should make the move. I made moves that benefitted myself AND my allies. I'm not a weak player, a weak player would have given in, i stayed strong that tribal and it paid off.
3760 days 3 hours ago
Acyuta: What gives you the slightest bit of mind that you should even win? Other then the fact that you were good at challenges,I dont see why, I mean you basically won challenges and did NOTHING whatsoever strategically, and you made NO smart moves in this game.To me it seems more like all you did was follow your alliance and win challenges, instead of get out strong competitors.

Hey Parvatl ! :)
Thats a great question.
About strategy, According to what I feel, they were losing the challenges and hence,there were very few strong contenders(or better than me). But that doesnt mean i completely neglected strategy. But My gameplay was to survive. And being immune helped me. I didnt want to harm any of the contenders emotionally by Blindsiding them. Strategy comes after friendships for me and I relied on my gameplay skills. And hell yeah, winning those 5 Immunity challenges was too damn difficult! 

That was an AMAZING question! :)
3760 days 3 hours ago
Mo : You said u had the power in all the tribals which is a lie...Dont u think u just sheeped around in the game and rose after my elimination ??

No i disagree, after you sent us the message who to eliminate, ali acyuta and I would decide if that was the best move for us. If it was then we went along, if not we changed it like when we switched a tribal to Edu. And to prove i didn't "sheep" I sent you out when i wanted. I know you're bitter and won't vote for me, but you also didn't know what i was doing behind your back.
3760 days 3 hours ago
Mo: I don't know what to say to you right now. If your speech is really true then you outplayed me. Congratulations on that! You were the only person I thought I could trust in this game since the merge. And I trusted you, was that the right thing to do for me? I still don't know... My question is - choose three people from the whole cast who deserve to be in the F3 and why did you choose them?

Acyuta: Congratulations on making to the F3! As I see you always were the underdog and I love underdogs. Though something just can't let me vote for you. And maybe your answer to my question will affect my vote. So, if it's me who's winning the last immunity, you're the last juror. Who would you vote for amongst me, Mo, Ali and why?

Ali: I don't need some answers from you because I know how you played this game and I just have to respect your gameplay.

Please, Mo and Acyuta, answer on your questions honestly.

May the best man win!
3760 days 2 hours ago
Mo: I don't know what to say to you right now. If your speech is really true then you outplayed me. Congratulations on that! You were the only person I thought I could trust in this game since the merge. And I trusted you, was that the right thing to do for me? I still don't know... My question is - choose three people from the whole cast who deserve to be in the F3 and why did you choose them?

Ok I did trust you and voting you out was horrible. I wanted you in the final 4 because at least I could give you a chance with immunity. but i couldnt turn my back on these 2 because they were ALWAYS there for me, acyuta day 1 ali since he rejoined. I know you trusted me and that only made things harder for me to vote you out. But i respected you so much that i told you when i made my decision.

Honestly the 3 people who i felt played the BEST game from the entire castaways were: Eddie, Pavarti, and You.
Eddie controlled his alliance and they were strong, ethan went back to them when we merged.
Pavarti she didn't want to go to rocks and she might have had someone else flipped and it proved that she was determined to get Ali out.
You, you flipped and gave us all life at the merge. If you were sitting here i know you'd win easily. You made moves you were a strong competitor but I also wanna win so you had to go eventually, I am truly sorry.
3760 days 2 hours ago
Mo : Ofcourse i asked that question out of bitterness lol...Tell me the bold moves made by YOU...Those tribals where people went home were made by me irrespective of the fact what u did behind my back...

PS : BOLD MOVES means those which u make it in such a way that every1 knows about it...and people start thinking u as a strong player

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