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2775 days 16 hours ago
Day 6- Ace was vote out
DAY 7- Lukas was voted out


Wow! What a tribal. We pulled it off. We knew we had to get rid of Lukas if we wanted to stand a chance, so we rallied the troops and went for it,and we pulled it off. Hopefully Ryan and I can pull of some more big moves further on into the game.
2775 days 16 hours ago
Day 8: Oghuz and Beyliks are both at tribal.


There has literally been nothing happening at our tribe because we kept winning, but now we're going to Tribal Council and I "have" immunity. I couldn't be any more happier :)

I threw the challenge once I knew if we were going to tribal I would win immunity, so it all worked out lol.

I'm tight with Jasper.
Chandler and Liam are going to try and mist me & vote me out next so here's what I'm going to do...

I'm going to give my immunity to Fred, because that's who they're voting out, and then Fred and I are going to vote out either Chandler/Liam, probably Chandler because he seems confident that he won't be going home.

Now, Jasper is going to keep his vote on Fred so it won't seem like we're aligned & so he can continue to get information from Chandler. With this, if we ever go to TC again I can tell Fred we can use Jasper as a number & we will then have the majority.

Smart plan, and I'm like 90% sure it'll work.

Morgan xoxo :)
2775 days 16 hours ago

This is war. This is how things looks like; Liam, Chandler and Jasper are sticking together. Me and Nick are on the outs and Snake are ready to make a big move with us. Nick and Snake told me that Chandler is going for me and my plan is to approach Nick and Snake to vote for him and make it a 3-3 tie, Snake has immunity and should not be afraid of rocks. If someone is targeting me; then they will start a war with me. I tried to convince Snake to give his necklace to me since no one would expect that but he doesn't want that.. I understand him too since if it is a tie anyways; he will be safe so I am okay with it as long as the vote is 3-3. I am not going home without blood on my hands. I might go but I am not giving up untill it is over!
Chandler, you messed with wrong person.
2775 days 4 hours ago
Day 8- Oghuz votes out John unanimously. Morgan gave his immunity necklace away to Fred which led to Chandler being blindsided on the Beyliks tribe.

DAY 9- The castaways are told to drop their buffs. They are now playing as individuals in the Survivor Auction.
2775 days 4 hours ago

I haven't do a confessional in this season, so it's time to be hear the King, in tribal i was blindsided, I wanted Morgan Out, but he had immunity, so i wanted fred to convince him to use him so he would gave him his immunity, but no, he didn't told me anything, i was like WTF!, why just you didn't tell me, Anyways Chandler was voted out, I can't believe merge is Now, it's too early and i was not prepared, so It's time to Show What i can do


So I'm so excited I made THE FUCKING MERGE! I think everyone I wanted gone from this game, has gone. I wouldn't call myself like a leader or like someone that's running things. Because that's totally not the case. I just give my opinions on who should go. An my arguments definitely beats any argument anyone throws at me. My alliance is definitely dominating the game. I have a F2 with Marto. I think he knows I would never vote him off. We tell each other practically everything. My first target is BeastBoy (Justin) no shade. But hes a HUGE threat. Hes a comp beast. I'll try to push the votes towards, I'll tell you if I have anything to say about it. He's going home!

I just hope he doesn't win, immunity. Also I'll try to play up the weak persona.


Started from the bottom, now on top. This was insane lol and I am now the new powerhouse. From being on the bottom with 4 people voting for me; to taking Chandler out by making someone give their necklace to you and suddenly have 2 allies lol. Liam also got scared and is willing to work with me but I need to keep an eye on him. Jaspar is next on my list and I am going all in to take him out, I did cut the head of the snake, I need to cut the tail since the snake is still moving. My plan is to keep my alliance of 3 (Nick and Morgan) and add Alex and Cole to it (my close friends on this site) and create a strong alliance of 5. Never mess with Fred or you will end up like Chandler.
Game on.
2774 days 5 hours ago


So like ik I have a low chance of winning being voted out and all but I'm sure as he'll going to fight for it. Right away I'm going to pretend to hate Justin to hopefully raise some targets the (and with how Morgan plays ik he'll use that as a sheild but since im the bomb he'll keep me over Justin) and ik Morgan is a threat BUT if I make him trust me as much as he does Bryan then I could be in a good spot.


Me and Nick orchestrated where everyone went. He and I both were deciding who we wanted on our tribes to further our games by building numbers and also bringing guys who who could be a easy knockdown if things go array


I didn't know anyone in this game besides Snake from Suitman's Kiribati. Since he was the only person I knew, I had no choice but to align with him early even though he ended up not voting for me to win when we were in an alliance in Kiribati. At the very first vote I just waited until someone suggested a name and went with that, I was extremely inactive during the competitions that kept me from going to tribal council. The Auction has shown me that now's the time to get serious.

At the last vote before the Auction; Chandler messaged myself, Liam, and Nick to vote out Fred. They agreed and chimed in that they wanted to target Snake next. So I told Snake about the entire thing and we agreed that I should go along with voting out Fred, and he would give his necklace to him and keep it on the dl. I voted for Fred and the plan went as planned, I'm pretty pleased with the results :)
2774 days 5 hours ago

Right away I talked with Morgan and I'm acting as though I'm his puppy dog that will follow him where ever which is true for now because I need him in order to survive.

I also have been chatting with Liam who distrusts Morgan so if I can somehow keep both of them in to kinda keep targeting each other that'd be nice. I also am hinting at targeting Justin over Morgan BECAUSE he has some slight trust in Morgan and it may be enough not to vote against him.

I can't wait to get on a tribe with Bryan, my Bae who togehter we will slay the game If I can just make it past this ass that is Justin who I targeted too early (stupid Martin) and I can only hope that my work pays off

So the target is Andrew if we head to tribal which ik is part of Morgan's plan bc he thinks keeping him in will cloud my judgment but 8 know his little games and I'm not falling for it BUT I will play along... For now.

Also I'm worried about Justin having an idol so if I make him think he's going then possibly he'll play it?

But this is all assuming we head to tribal lol
2772 days 18 hours ago

Arghh. We are back in tribes. And guess what? I'm not with Ryan (born2pizza). I'm going to have to find a way around it if I am going to go further into this game. I think I will try and work with Jasper as he was someone I worked with in the beginning, but I will still stay strong to Ryan as well. We'll see how it turns out.
2772 days 18 hours ago
DAY 11- oghuz wins immunity while both new Seljuk and new beyliks go to tribal.


This upcoming tribal will be interesting. I have quite a few options, I can either go for Sam who is quite dangerous in this game, or go with the majority and vote for Alex, I'm not sure which way I will go, but it definitely be dependent on Jasper's decision. Wish me luck.


Tom and I worked together early on since I guess no one approached him for being a white level, so I knew I had him for a number plus one more. We agreed someone who didn't do the challenge: Sam or Alex, should be the vote. He said that Marto approached him with voting out Alex and I said okay. Tom wanted to vote Sam but I told him that I think Sam wants to work with me, and since Sam mailed me asking me how I felt about Alex, I think it's safe to say unless Alex has an idol that he should be going home 4-1.

Jasper talks about how the vote has changed:

I am switching my vote to Sam.
He recently mailed me saying that me, him, and Marto are a solid 3 and that Tom and Alex are expendable. I'm working with Tom so I need to keep the numbers in our favor, so we're gonna tell Alex that we're voting for Sam because of what he said. Now I'm expecting the vote to be 3-2.


The voices in my head are telling me that I am next to go. My gut tells me that I am the next to go. Well I need to make sure that it is not the case because I have so much more to give to this season. I was thinking about throwing this challenge but I should have made a attempt to still get the necklace (I have mentioned the word necklace in every confessional lol) but some personal stuff came in and I couldn't focus on that challenge. The reason that I wanted to throw it is that my allies could be in danger if they went to tribal and I want to keep my alliance of 5 (now 6 with David) and I am ready to put myself in risk. If I can keep my 5 allies; I will dominate this merge and be in a good spot for the game. I just need to survive this tribal and get to that merge.
2772 days 18 hours ago

Dr: Right now i wasn't active as much because i was busy on stuff in real life, But at the same time not being active could be an advantage or disadvantage reason being is that people could just use me as an excuse saying he wasn't active in challenges we need him gone, But my tribe is going to tribal and i heard the Sam was the vote this tribal, So i'm just going along with it, I'm going to be more active in this game. But right now i'm just trying to fly under the radar, But once a merge comes I need to be more social with everyone
2772 days 18 hours ago

Before I get into the shameful display of our tribe at the immunity challenge, let's go back in time a bit.

We merged, but then it very quickly turned out that we didn't (I called it! The proof is in writing!). Sam, Liam, and I each got to lead a tribe, while also choosing the members of the other two. Liam disappeared for whatever reason, so me and Sam decided that we would give each other whoever we wanted, while also screwing over Liam's tribe. I sent a bunch of the power players over there! Liam, Justin, Morgan, and David on the same tribe? It's going to be a clash of egos!

However, my Seljuk tribe missed the challenge. In my case, I forgot about it being non-live. I don't know how ALL of us forgot about it, but that's not the point. The point is, we're going to tribal, and my main target, Bryan, has immunity. Robert is the only choice, since I'm working with Ryan and Fred.
2771 days 12 hours ago
Day 12: Seljuk is at tribal council


So I clearly had the votes in that tribal council, It was a close vote but I wasn't there in the challenge that's why my social game needed to be an A+ with Jasper and Flippo. I tried working with marto constantly giving him chances but this is the third time someone comes to me and says Marto wants you out. Well Marto better pray that there's a tribe swap or he's gone next tribal we go to. He really didn't think I had the votes and after the tribal was done I tried to start a conversation with him he immediately tells me he voted for Sam. He thinks I'm not catching on to him, I hope he gets blindsided. The next tribal we go to I'll keep him busy acting like im with him but in reality he gonna get blindsided. Who knows maybe I could get blindsided I never feel safe, Because I do not know why these people think I'm a big threat????. But lets hope I can hit a Merge that's when ill start playing the game
2771 days 12 hours ago

We blindsided Sam! What a move! Jasper, Alex and I worked together after hearing from Sam that himself, and Marto were looking to get Alex and I out of the game. But me having a good bond with Jasper meant that he told about this and he wanted to work with me. That is why Sam had to go. We did it! Hopefully we can just go from here.
2771 days 6 hours ago
Day 13: Nick is voted out, Seljuk loses another immunity challenge


I'm literally so fucking mad. Why would Bryan save Robert this much, hes literally so annoying WHAT THE FUCK!
2770 days 6 hours ago
Day 14: 1-1-1 vote at Seljuk, Robert leaves since he self voted.


So at this point if a merge hits. I really do think, I have the numbers to take my targets out. I have Tom, Alex, Marto with me 100% Bryan has been wishy washy with me these past few days. So I don't really trust him. My target is Justin but first I gotta cut his sheeps! Osiris wa talking abt how Justin has sheeps. So he would prob join in on the fun with voting him out.


David starts conversations with a lot of the players to see where there heads are at. (Jasper, Liam, Tom, Alex, Ryan


So right now I'm just making friends with everyone and playing dumb like I have no idea what's going on (which is slightly true) so people Wil "take me in"

I also have a final two with Bryan but I know him and Morgan have one so I'm going to keep playing up Morgan's ass because I can see the power he holds. As for Justin he's a fun target to throw around and keep my name under the radar but I'm not dismissing his threat.

I'm hoping I can do something with this immunity twist such as convince someone to give me it and vote them out? It's just a thought but damn it'd make things interesting

I also really want to play up the fact that I was voted out because I think Ryan already is thinking that taking me to the end is great bc I was voted out

---RYAN TELLS DAVID HE HAS Marto, Alex and Tom locked down to give them 5. Says they'd only need one more-----


Tehe Ryan is so adorable trying to lead the charge against Justin which is fine because if it works Justin leaves then great and Ryan takes the target and if I can keep up a good social game then I might be able to flip the vote on him then I worry about Morgan (I know leaving Morgan on back burner sounds dumb BUT if I can gain his trust then 8 know he'll be loyal and I need that extra protection around

---Ryan gathers David, Marto, Tom and Alex and tells them the following----

If we want any chance of winning this game, we would need to stick together and take the other side out. Bc Justin is a huge threat. He literally has a mist. It's unbelievable.

I really think we need to stick together. If we want to make it far. We also need like a plan for immunity. Who wants immunity? Lol.

Right now we have 5 votes. 6 is majority so one of us gotta like sway a vote or something.

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