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Season 9 Applications

Topic » Season 9 Applications

2542 days 16 hours ago
First Name: Malachy
Last Name: Kalowski
Age: 14
Occupation: Student
Current state of Residency: NSW, Australia
Time Zone: I will go by American EST
Describe to me your favourite experience in a group game: Never been in one. Hopefully I can create some experiences here!
Favourite Survivor Season and why: Heroes vs Villains because it was all around brilliant. The cast, the twists, the challenges, all masterfully done.
Favourite Survivor Contestant: Russell Hantz for his incredible strategic play and Yul Kwon for his likability and excellent mind for the game.
Hero or Villain: Villain, anything to win.
Brawn, Brains or Beauty: Brains
Physical, Social or Strategic: A mix of social and strategic
Do you like twists: Love them. Makes the game more interesting
Will you send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): Yes

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you: Absolutely Yeah
2542 days 13 hours ago
First Name: Garret
Last Name: Cookie
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Current State of Residency: Kansas
Time Zone: CST
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: Well I've actually never won a Group Game on Tengaged but I did win a long term ORG called Big Brother Recycled. That was probably my favorite ORG. It was so much fun. It was a 3 month long game but we were playing as total strangers. It was so grueling but was my favorite ORG I've ever participated in and to win in a unanimous Jury vote was amazing.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: Season 32
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: I don't have just one favorite, I have many! I love J'Tia Taylor, Morgan McLeod, Nina Poersch, Anna Khait and Sunday Burquest,
Hero or Villain: I am definitely a hero but I think I may be a bit misunderstood at times and come across villainous, or people may label me as a villain... but I'm a nice person!
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: Brains for sure but also a bit of a beauty. ;)
Physical, Social, or Strategic: A mix of social strategicness. I like to go around and talk to the other players, make alliances and connections but also get to know them on a personal level.

Do you like twists?: If they benefit me. :)
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): Of course! I love to write and express my feelings.

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you?: Yes!
2541 days 23 hours ago
First Name: Fred
Last Name: Alisson
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Current State of Residency: Sweden! (No I am not a viking).
Time Zone: Central European (the Est times works for me)
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: Probably when I made the merge of 15 people where we were only 4 people from my tribe and only 2 of them were my allies from day 1 and the 4th one wanted to take me out and the 11 others agreed to stick together and take us 3 out (they were a huge tribe that only had 2 vote offs) and target me first, it ended up with us 3 in the final 4 and we were going to make the final 3 but one of them selfvoted so only me and my other final 3 managed to make it to the finals with the only opposition person left, bitter jurys screwed me (Like Russel in Samoa) but it was still amazing what I achivied against all odds, everyone expected us to get 15 th, 14th, 13th and us 3 made it to the final 3 against all odds.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: Cagayan and Samoa, Cagayan gave us a good newbie season when we started to lose hopes about seeing new and good players, and survivor was once again on fire!! And Samoa is my favorite beacuse.. Do I even need to explain why!? One of the reasons we got to learn that you should never give up. Both seasons also gave us Russel and Tony!
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: Tony! I can relate myself to him since he is entertaining and also playing hard, he also does have 1-2 allies he always stays loyal to and the rest are just false promises.
Hero or Villain: Mix! I got hero sides where I could put myself in danger for others, my villain side is me not Being afraid of creating several alliances and lying to the ones who are not my main allies.
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: Brain
Physical, Social, or Strategic: Social, my social skills is my key to succes since it lets me create personal bonds with everyone and openening several doors to me and suddenly I got alternatives in the game

Do you like twists?: Oh yes!! Bring it on.
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): You will get many of them!!
2541 days 5 hours ago
First Name: Timmy
Last Name: Perry
Age: 18
Occupation: High School Graduate/College Student. It's the summer so idrk what to call myself yet.
Current State of Residency: Massachusetts
Time Zone: EST
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: Gosh I have so many, but probably my most favorite experience in a group was the final 8 tribal in ItsOfficials Survivor season 7. Me and my ally/friend Hudson flipped our votes at the last minute from one guy to another sending him home in a 4-3-1 vote. I was such a fucking nervous wreck the entire tribal because it was so chaotic and everyone was scrambling to gain power. I remember Hudson and I talking for hours on whether or no we should flip our votes and boy did it really add on to my paranoia and fear of being voted out. I'm so grateful we did in the end because I would've been sent home in a 3-2-2-1 vote.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: Kaoh Rong. The girls slayed my life out there and I just related to Aubry in a lot of ways.
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: Cirie Fields because the girl fucking did her thing everytime she came out to play and she was such a treat to watch in Game Changers
Hero or Villain: Anti-Hero babyyyy
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: I don't really like this question because I can't really see myself fit perfectly into one of these labels but if I had to pick I guess brains?
Physical, Social, or Strategic: Strategic

Do you like twists?: Yeah I like a good twist to shake things up here and there :)
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): You'll probs get a confessional from me at least once a day.

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you?: yessir
2541 days 2 hours ago
First Name: Patrick
Last Name: M.
Age: 15
Occupation: Student
Current State of Residency: ---
Time Zone: EST
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: Emotion's Survivor: Amazon. My first game and I had so much fun, even though I got 7th place I felt like it was a significant start to my survivor journey.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: Right now, it's Millenials vs Gen X. It got me back into Survivor and it was such a great cast. It had so many lovable characters.
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: Michaela Bradshaw. Her behavior just makes me laugh in every episode she's in.
Hero or Villain: Hero
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: Brawn
Physical, Social, or Strategic: Physical

Do you like twists?: Eh, if it benefits me yes.
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): Of course

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you?: Yes they do.
2541 days 1 hour ago
Chemistry student.
New York.
I've never played a group game.
Cagayan because of the superb gameplay and editing to include everyone.
Tony because he isn't afraid to speak his mind.

Twists are alright.

2541 days ago
First Name: Dan
Last Name: C
Age: 18
Occupation: Student (although im on summer vacation rn)
Current State of Residency: Upstate NY
Time Zone: Eastern
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: My favorite experience is when i won dc survivor but that seems a little general so ill give a more specific answer. And that answer is when i find an idol bec in most games i play in i usually 95 percent of the time i dont fine the idol but when the other 5 percent does happen having that feeling of having the idol and accomplishment is amazing because your now secure bec you have the idol and you can be proud of yourself for finding it.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: Survivor Fans vs Favorites (Micronesia) bec i remeber when i was in 3rd grade watching it and never seeing survivor before ( dont worry i caught up on all the seasons like 7 years ago) and then i watch this season and i feel in love , and i also heard it was one of the best seasons there were because it was amazing with the whole fake idols and people getting voted off with an idol and Alexis getting idoled out and the whol Chet and Joel pair.
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: On an entertaining level my favorite player is tyson because hes funny, i get his sense of humor and he understands strategy somewhat, and on a strategic level my favorite player Sandra bec she uses her sass as a strategy , won twice and the third time she still was able to play the game and sort of get away with it even though she had a 2 time winner target on her back.
Hero or Villain: Villain
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: Brains
Physical, Social, or Strategic: Strategic

Do you like twists?: I like twist like swaps and stuff and yeah i would be down in new twists ive never heard off as long as it doesn't take the original part of survivor ,. Basically im down for twists as long as there ain't too many twists where it isn't survivor anymore .
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): Yeah i usually try to send 1 per round and even more if crap happens

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you?: YES it will, honestly i hate when people go inact but im almost always active when i need to be, You can even asks hosts that ive competed in their seasons before.

PS: i know theirs also a lot of people applying too, but i really want to compete in this series and if i get picked i will do my best to make sure im the winner and will have loads of fun while competing against the other, and that why i put a major effort in my application
2540 days 22 hours ago
First Name: Alexander
Last Name: D
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Current State of Residency: Canada
Time Zone: EST
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: Is to succesfully use an idol on myself.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: My favorite Survivor season is Cambodia because it was fun to watch and the level of GAMEPLAY was very high.
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: Sarah lacina, I feel like she got people to trust her and her social aspect got her very far. in the game! Maybe i can use it in this game?
Hero or Villain: Hero, But can be a Villain at times
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: Beauty
Physical, Social, or Strategic: Social

Do you like twists?: No, But if it presents itself ill adapt to it
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): Yes its boring if you dont send confessionals..

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you?: Yes it does
2540 days 13 hours ago
First Name: Rebecca
Last Name: Dolwowski
Age: 19
Occupation: Waitress
Current State of Residency: Nebraska
Time Zone: EST
Describe to me your favorite experience in a group game: I have never played in one before!  :( I have played in a fast survivor before which I got premerge in because my tribe lost every challenge and only had one merge spot. I was left 3rd in the tribe out of 9.
Favorite Survivor Season and Why: SJDS
Favorite Surivor Contestant and Why: Sierra Dawn Thomas because there is a new sheriff in town.
Hero or Villain: Villain
Brawn, Brains, or Beauty: Beuaty
Physical, Social, or Strategic: Strategic

Do you like twists?: hell yeah I do
Will You Send Confessionals (We expect one at least every two Tribal Councils): all day, everyday

Challenges will take place between 6-9 PM Est. Do these times work for you?:
2540 days 13 hours ago
Oh and the last question is a yes, it works for me.
2539 days 22 hours ago

open group

M&N's Survivor Applications

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