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Jury Questioning!

Topic » Jury Questioning!

3242 days 12 hours ago
Welcome jurors to the FINAL stage of the competition!
Let me present to you the final 2 of this season!

Representing the WATER elemental group we have Daulton who may not have won as many challenges as Ethan but he used his social skills to his advantage being nominated up for eviction less times than Ethan! Did Daulton do enough to win over the jury?

Then we have Ethan who is formally a FIRE member but now represents the WIND elemental team! He has been a complete physical force in this competition winning 9 competitions throughout the whole season! Was Ethan's dominance enough to get him the title?

Jurors now is your time to ask the JURY as MANY questions as you like!!! Feel free to ask any question to help justify your decision on who you will be voting for the first ever winner of DBB:ELEMENTS!  Gl and Daulton and Ethan you may post your final speeches here and make sure to answer every question!

3242 days 12 hours ago
What do you believe was your biggest move in the house and how do you think it helped your game?
3242 days 11 hours ago
Ok, so in this game, I expected to win a lot of competitions with winning the very first Power of Veto and later on a Luxury Competition. That didn't happen, but I did play a killer social game. I can't say really anything bad against Ethan. We formed a Final Two on Day 2 and stuck through to the end. However, one thing I can say is I got to the Final Two in one shot whereas Ethan had to return to get here. Now, yes, Ethan won more competitions than me, but competition wins aren't everything in this game. Dr. Will won Big Brother Two over Nicole, and he won nothing. Jun won over Alison even though Alison won way more than Jun, then there's Maggie over Ivette, Dick over Daniele. See the trend? All of these winners won over somebody that won all of those competitions. The reason why is because you have to be able to win competitions and still not make people upset with you like Derrick from Big Brother 16. Social game to the max and competitions wins as well (although Cody won more and lost). That's the ultimate Big Brother player. Now, by no means am I a Derrick or a Dan, but I definitely deserve to be here based on my gameplay. I tried to reach out to every single one of you in the beginning regardless of a deal I had because I felt like everyone deserved a fair chance. Loyalty and kindness got me here, and in this game, that's hard to do. I never wronged any of you unless I didn't have a choice (evicting you for instance) but that happens in this game unfortunately. I went unnominated until Final Five where I was nominated up against mine and Ethan's other ally, Tim. Unfortunately, Tim never showed up, but I have all the respect for him in this game for what he was able to do. It's hard to balance work and coaching a baseball team plus trying to play an online Big Brother. Then, because of David's expulsion, I survived being nominated at Final Four, and then I was nominated for only the second time Post-Veto at Final Three. I know some of you might have issues with me (some that I know of and others that I don't know of so hopefully they don't exist) but if they do exist, please look over those and vote for who you believe should win.  Thanks so much for this opportunity, and I hope I can get your votes.
3242 days 11 hours ago
What do you believe was your biggest move in the house and how do you think it helped your game?

My biggest move in this game was aligning with Ethan, and even David in the beginning although my true loyalty was to Ethan. This helped my game because it helped keep the target off of me and on to them.
3242 days 11 hours ago
I got voted out because on day 2 you guys teamed up. Eathan told be that was the only reason. So now my jury vote will go to the person I teamed up with first.  Thank you!
3242 days 10 hours ago
Hello jury, I am at Disneyland all day today, so I probably won't have answers to your questions for awhile. But still feel free to ask them :)
3242 days 3 hours ago
both of u guys gimme a summary of ur game
3242 days 1 hour ago
how does it feel to float and ride ethan's coattail,Daulton?
3241 days 23 hours ago
how does it feel to float and ride ethan's coattail,Daulton?

I didn't ride Ethan's coattails, Peyton. I didn't NEED Ethan to get me here. Even weeks when Ethan wasn't in power, including when he wasn't in the house. It looks like that, but it's not how it happened. There's a difference between aligning and floating with your alliance.
3241 days 23 hours ago
both of u guys gimme a summary of ur game

I won the first POV and went unnominated until Final Five without winning HOH's. I also won a Luxury Competition and used my Water Powers such as ice cubes to my benefit. And now I'm here.
3241 days 13 hours ago
Hello jury, let me just start off by apologizing to y'all. I was at Disneyland for 13-hours yesterday, I'm 3 states away from the comfort of my home, and I'm on a phone with very crappy Data sponsored by AT&T. I care about this game so incredibly much, and that's why it killed me to not be able to type anything up for you all right when this was posted. So for that I'm very sorry. I'm going to try and type up a little opening statement soon, but I can't promise it'll be as long as Daulton's speech.
3241 days 13 hours ago
Hello jury. I just want to start off saying that I'm very grateful to be here in the final 2. This game has been a HUGE roller coaster of emotions for me, and I can't thank you all enough for an amazing and ultimately very very fun season. :) Coming into this game, I knew it obviously wasn't going to be easy to get here, and I can confirm that I really didn't expect to be sitting here from Day 1. Nevertheless, on Day 1 I knew that I wanted to win HOH. I wanted to win the first HOH so that I could get leverage in this game, and put my foot down on a solid alliance. After I nominated Tim & Burt for eviction, Daulton approached me for an alliance. Did he immediately want a Final 2 with me? I don't know, but I for sure was willing to get us to the Final 2, so I asked if he'd be comfortable with that, he was, and it ultimately got us here! We then pulled in Tim when we used the Veto on him, and us 3 were a power to be reckoned with. From there on out, we made strategic plays to create side deals with others to get them to trust us. It worked out almost too great, and it got us to jury! From there, things went slightly downhill when I got backdoored. Obviously I was devastated, but when I was informed that I could have an actual chance to return, I was overjoyed! I ended up winning that competition, and came back in the game with a vengeance. Even though other jurors wanted me to align with other people, I went to work with the people who I knew would trust me. And those people were Daulton and Tim. When I returned into the game, I feel like I was super active, and it felt like others weren't trying as hard, but I came back and fought my butt off. When Daulton didn't show up to the veto comp when he was nominated, I won the veto to save him so that I could continuously have the person who I knew would be loyal to me long term. Even with multiple obstacles in my way, I feel that I still overcame those odds and made it here. I was the only person to have a Guardian played on me, I got so screwed when Oakley went home instead of David, and I had to win a luck veto to stay in this game while fighting for my life. I won 3 HOHs, 5 Vetoes, and I feel like I played the ultimate strategic game. I had to make some very tough decisions, but they were all for me to excel in the game and nothing else. I just want to plead to the jury to vote for who you think played the overall BEST game. It's a very hard decision for you all, and I hope that you can all just understand my game, and respect it. Thank you.
3241 days 13 hours ago
What do you believe was your biggest move in the house and how do you think it helped your game?

I believe my biggest move was making an alliance with Daulton. It got me here with him, and we're fighting for your votes. I believe that Daulton wouldn't be here without me no matter what he says due to me using vetoes to save him and winning HOHs to keep us protected. People might say that Daulton told me to protect him like that, but he didn't. I fought to save the person who I KNEW would be loyal to me and nobody else. It worked, and here I sit.
3241 days 10 hours ago
both of u guys gimme a summary of ur game

Summary: I came into this game playing as hard as I possibly could. I told myself that I wouldn't stop short of anything to win this game, and I did that. I played aggressively, fought for my life almost every week because of that, and prevailed. I made strategic decisions along the way like aligning with loyal people and making moves to further my own game and put me in a great spot. Overall, I played all aspects of the game the only way I knew how, I played it as hard as I could, and I wouldn't change a thing.
3241 days 6 hours ago
hey Daulton. hey Ethan. I just wanted to take a quick moment now to embrace and remember the very good times we had strategizing this game up from every aspect this game has to offer. as Daulton had previously mentioned, I had life commitments to attend to and my overall game as a player in this game made me look very dull and very unreliable. but both of you put your trust into me and we played this game to the best of its ability, even once Ethan was evicted and then was re-entered into the house. the connections, the capabilities, and the dominance we had was second to none. and we ultimately played this house to a fiddle.

I just have two questions to ask. I'm honestly unsure of who I am going to vote for in this game. I had deep respect and admiration for both of you. and for how you both played this game. I have no hard feelings towards either of you. and I actually do not want to vote unless the vote is tied 3-3. because I feel that attached to how you both played the game.

My questions are: if there was one thing you could change about this game, what would you change? and which decision do you personally regret the most? just basically. what would you change about the game and which regret would you take back?

thanks for a memorable game and for keeping me in the loop. best of luck to both of you!
3241 days 5 hours ago
if there was one thing you could change about this game, what would you change? and which decision do you personally regret the most? just basically. what would you change about the game and which regret would you take back?

I would say the one thing I would change is to win a little more than I did. That is also probably my regret as well. I don't want people to look at competitions, but I feel like they will, and that's why I wish I had won more.

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