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Skyros Confessionals

Topic » Skyros Confessionals

1277 days ago
Christian B.


Damn Cubs rly did slay both tachy AND Jacob tonight

He’s sorta that bitch huh
1277 days ago
Christian H.


confessional: I HATE THIS SEASON
1277 days ago


i hate myself

oh my god

why did i randomly just think about this game and get upset KNOWING i have the worst luck ever and won't get any GOOD resources or any resources that can do something TOGETHER.. like i don't want to make it to the final 6 just for everyone to have a hidden immunity idol, 50/50 coin, safety without power, and a legacy advantage

i will kill MYSELF
1276 days 14 hours ago


Our tribe has won two challenges and today I think I showed that I’m a contributing member ig? I think I’m in a good spot for when we lose as well.

Tribe mates:

Christian — I was so happy when I saw christian on my tribe. He’s my #1 on this tribe.... #2 in the game. I’ll get to that later. I’ve hosted him twice and we’ve talked quite a bit. He’s a good gamer and I know we can trust each other, at least for pre-merge.

Cub — at first I was like YIKES. I backstabbed him in a recent game. However, he approached me and seems to be down to give it another shot with me. I had a lot of friends in our last game, not so much here, so I can be loyal (at least longer) this season.

Mickle — KING. Inactive af and people will target him first chance when we lose but I can’t let this happen because I think he will 100% have my back and vote how I want. He’s so good.

Marwanne— didn’t know him before, but get really good vibes. Someone I want to work with long-term for sure

Mikey and Jacob — who?

For the rest of the cast, Nathan is def my #1. I also hope to work with bobrocks and Andrew.

Dino has to go ASAP. He stayed up 19 hours for endurance and lost in a previous game, then I voted him out oops.

Sorry this was extrememly boring but just so you know my dynamics rn!
1276 days 14 hours ago
Jacob S.


ok hi

i am here on Ian's Survivor Season 13 and i am here to WIN! did i have a meltdown and threaten to quit night 1? maybe, maybe. but now i'm here to stay for as long as i can!

i was just.....nervous about my tribe at first but so far it's been alright. it was just annoying that everyone i'd ever spoken to or heard of was on another tribe! bc it's not like any of them were actually my FRIENDS who needed to be split up like splitting up Christossss/Marwane. But just anyone with any sort of name recognition whatsoever was on another tribe! So I felt like I was starting from square one while other people were NOT because I saw like possible connections and stuff. But I'm a trooper so here I am sticking it out!

Anyways on my tribe so far I've clicked the most with Christos, he's cool! But I know he's with Marwane so I'm a little hesitant about getting too close, because being the third wheel is a way to get screwed over haha they'll always look out for each other over me. I've also talked to Fred and a little to David, but that's really it on my tribe. Just trying to not do too much, we've been on a good winning streak so being active and friendly is my main plan right now.

I have talked to people on the other tribes which...I don't normally like to do bc it's tryhardy, but just kinda felt right. There are people I like on the other tribes so! Christian H and I recently played a game together and had a good personal relationship despite being on totally opposite sides, so I'm hoping we can have more of a game relationship this time. Eddie and I have played some games together before so we could get something going! Nathan messaged me after the challenge yesterday and he's someone I used to talk to years ago so maybe we can rekindle things! Christian B and I have a million years of history but I do consider him a friend and would love to work with him because I can't remember the last time we've gotten to work together.

And then.......there's Kellen. I know he can read this postseason and I don't even care if I sound like a crazy obsessed stalker. We met under....interesting circumstances....but so far in every conversation I've had with Kellen he's just been sooooooo nice and easy to talk to and idk I am just kinda obsessed with him. Plus Kellen is just like.......a cool name, like wtf I'm just over here being JACOB and he's KELLEN like I'm just not worthy. Am I willing to gamethrow for him based on like 3 conversations? There's a good chance. Jk. But maybe.

Anyways the challenges so far have gone well. Hot Potato went about as well as it coulda, the other 2 tribes had to end up targeting each other for any chance of safety. Then today's challenge I was added to a call with Chris and Marwane because I said in our tribe chat that I could call! So hopefully that like bonded us a little more!

I'm just excited to see what happens next =]
1276 days 8 hours ago


So right before the vote, Dino decided to come online and throw a wrench in the plan! He basically made a compelling argument that swayed Eddie and Chris, but Christian and myself are were in two final 4 alliances - one with Eddie/Chris and one with Jonathan/Ahmad. Dino wanted to blindside Jonathan and I was torn bc I didn't want to get exposed for playing all sides so early on.

However, it was nice to know that Chris, Christian, and Eddie weren't ready to pull the trigger on Jonathan without my consent/vote... even though they still would've had majority. Made me feel very important to this tribe and that the bonds I've started early on are blossoming. I ended up flipping with them and solidifying myself with Eddie, Chris, and Christian, and we voted out Jonathan 5-2.

We came clean to the others about our "Four Horsemen" alliance, and they seemed to understand the situation.

At the immunity challenge, dino was a beast. He scored 2/3 points and was just super involved, but it wasn't enough and we lost. I feel like of those participating I did the worst bc I was mobile, but I'm glad my true potential isn't showing yet, I can't come off as super strong to people who know me yet.

The plan today is to vote Ahmad since he didn't participate. I hope our 4 sticks together and we are able to come back form these losses. I have some great material and I feel like if we win or I somehow get an advantage to guess numerous times, I can find that crystal. I really want that super idol and I'm half-way there!
1276 days 4 hours ago
Christian H.


I feel like this vote could be unanimous! Hopefully! Otherwise I might be going home!! Idk why, but it being so quiet makes me kind of paranoid.... but I hope that I'm just overthinking. I feel good with Chris/Nathan/Eddie, so I'm hoping there's no funny business or else I'll look like a clown. If we lose the next challenge I'm gonna kms!! I need a fucking swap!! Also, CUBSGUY can literally die I hate that I'm getting beat by such a noob in EVERYTHING

If we lose this next challenge, I'll be intersted to see how the vote goes. I'm curious to see if the 4 will wanna stick and vote out Dino or if something will happen. I'm scared tht by me trying to do damage control and telling them about the chat of me/nathan/ahmad/jonathan will make them not trust us. Maybe I fucked up
1276 days 1 hour ago


I’m not surprised my name is being thrown out, Ahmad hasn’t talked to me at all today. We’ll see how strong these bonds are
1276 days 1 hour ago


if nathan goes.. there will be PROBLEMS
1276 days 1 hour ago
~ 20th: Ahmad ~
1276 days 1 hour ago


Stays but gets my first vote of the season (gulps)
1276 days ago


My strategy rn is to find a sheep if I can so I can look at the board, but I'd also like to get the 6 materials so I can get a HII and eventually another crystal so I can get the Super Idol

I'd like to think i'm the only one w a crystal but WHO KNOWS
1275 days 2 hours ago
Christian B.


dances with kellen as we flip the vote
1275 days 2 hours ago


Thank you JESUS for keeping me in this game. I really didn't have many doubts my tribe would turn on me, but obvious when your name is the one being thrown out, it's scary. This pretty much solidified my trust with Eddie and Christian, so I'm excited to move forward with them.

As it looks, I believe I have quite a few potential allies this season. I would say I regularly talk to 9-10 of the cast outside myself, and like 6 of them have told me I'm their #1... we shall see how this continues as the game progresses.

We ended up winning our FIRST immunity challenge and it was so refreshing to get the night off. I even got two guesses for the materials in the black market and found some oil! I just need fish, Gold, and Sheep so I can buy a HII and one more crystal so I can get my hands on the super idol.
1275 days 2 hours ago


Im voting out Mikey, So far i really like the twist in this game. Im happy i didn't need to go to tribal until now. My strategy so far is to stick with the core 4 and vote out the inacts and lay low until there is a switch up cuz i don't want to seem like a huge target since me and Chris are both in the game and everyone knows we are a duo

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