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Season 13 Applications

Topic » Season 13 Applications

2309 days 14 hours ago
Name: Crystal (Crys)
Group Games played in before: i really actually played in like 4 but participated slightly n like 7ish more.
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: hero cause i'm too nice sometimes :/ and i try to save everyone constantly xD
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: mental i guess?
Which Survivor player are you most like: idk
What will you bring to this season: a bunch of confusion and probably accidental chaos xD
What do you think about twists: i like them xD
Skype (If you have one): Monkey51098
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): mostly 4pm to 9pm then probably 12pm to 12am on weekends
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): yup
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: idk i'm weird and make shitty jokes
2309 days 6 hours ago
Name: Trae
Group games played in before: I played in Noah's Survivor 4 times and did pretty decent every time.
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: The Trae a few years ago was pretty mean not even gonna lie but after my break from tengaged coming back to this site a year later I have definately changed to a way nicer person so hero tbh.
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: mental
Which Survivor player are you most like: Cirie Fields
What will you bring to this season: If someone makes me mad probably some drama.
What do you think about twists: It's what makes the season its own which is what I love
Skype: Trae.corby12
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): 5pm to 11pm and on weekends 12pm to 12am
Do you promise to be active: always
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: You know me pretty well that should speak for itself lol
2302 days 23 hours ago
Name: Grayson
Group Games played in before: This would be my first!
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: Hmm probably a hero
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: That's something I could find out this game!
Which Survivor player are you most like: Amanda Kimmel
What will you bring to this season: A fresh face on tengaged, inclusive gameplay and good confessionals
What do you think about twists: The more the merrier
Skype (If you have one):
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): All times work
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): 100%
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: I'm kinda new to everything so you know I'll be committed!
2300 days 1 hour ago
Name: Derick
Group Games played in before: Jaybirdnifty's Big Brother and Beth's Big Brother
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: I perfer to be a hero, but I can be both depending on the situation.
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: I opt for mental.
Which Survivor player are you most like: Richard Hatch in strategy..? Not personality, though.
What will you bring to this season: The three I's: Intelligence, Intrigue, and Innovation.
What do you think about twists: Season-long is fine, as long as there is time to adapt. However, short, sudden twists can be... frustrating.
Skype (If you have one): derickbirch11
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): Any time past 7 should be fine, though I can probably do past 3?
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): Naturally. Why else would I apply?
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: It's been a while for me since I've last been on tengaged, but I should be fine. I like to think I'm pretty decent at this.
2298 days 2 hours ago
I'm ready
2297 days 18 hours ago
Group Games played in before:M&Ns Noahs Kolbys L&Js and more Im forgetting atm
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: Both tbh
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: Mental
Which Survivor player are you most like: ryan
What will you bring to this season: Lies Deceit Blindsides
What do you think about twists: Sure
Skype (If you have one): You got me
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): 7-8 PM EST
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): Sure
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: Not really
2297 days 10 hours ago
Name: Jake S
Group Games played in before: too many to remember
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: hero all the way.
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: social
Which Survivor player are you most like: Amanda Kimmel
What will you bring to this season: a good time and a many alliances
What do you think about twists: bring them on
Skype (If you have one): jake_tengaged7
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): mostly late afternoon early evening
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc):yes
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: I’m a group game icon ayeeee! Lmao jk but I have played many of these and do well in most
2297 days 10 hours ago
Name: Raul S.
Group Games played in before: Power Struggle 10, 17, and 18, got 6th 4th and 3rd.
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: I'm more of a act accordingly to the situation kind of guy
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: I'd like to say mental or strategic but why would I lie I suck at both and I suck at physical too but I mean that's the one I suck the least at so physical
Which Survivor player are you most like: lol idk it's pretty inaccurate considering the heavy editing that happens on the show
What will you bring to this season: absolutely nothing but long ass confessionals and a messy player ready to fuck up their game
What do you think about twists: meh don't care, just adjust to them
Skype (If you have one): dr_icicle
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): anything after 5 pm est or before 9 pm est is fine on the weekdays, any time on weekends
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): yes!
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: my best friend applied and it's only fitting that you cast the other one don't get high hopes tho hun I'm not some survivor God like he os
2297 days 9 hours ago
Name: Adam W.
Group Games played in before: Look on my profile page
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: Villain
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: Mental fits me best
Which Survivor player are you most like: Jonny Fairplay
What will you bring to this season: Drama
What do you think about twists: I prefer traditional seasons, but I wouldn't mind them.
Skype (If you have one): live:b2c39b5182855e50
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): Anything after 8 PM EST, so yeah... probably won't be able to make most competitions. Unless that fits perfectly
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): Yes
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: I'm known for making adversaries, usually have a good story going when I try. I'll 100% try to put my full effort into this game despite my schedule.
2297 days 6 hours ago
Name: Meli
Group Games played in before: Kpnna's Expect the Unexpected, Saxonmath's group games, M&N's Survivor, and TTRS. I also host my own group games.
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: Mostly hero but villain if someone wants to fuck with me lol.
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: Physical and social :)
Which Survivor player are you most like: Hali Ford, the robbed GODDESS.
What will you bring to this season: Analytical thinking, confessionals, and a team player!
What do you think about twists: Twists are usually cool, but can be annoying if executed incorrectly. As a whole, though, I'm all about it!
Skype (If you have one): Don't have Skype but I ALWAYS respond to tengaged mail.
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): Any time (and I do mean ANY time lol).
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): Yes, I host my own group games so I know alllll about inactive players and how frustrating they are lol.
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: I'm an obstacle course racer! That's just a fun fact lol :)
2297 days 6 hours ago
Name:  Sarge

Group Games played in before:   I used to play in lots of Group games. I am a first generation Tengager. I played a lot in Rshow, Suitman, Cmack and Gaiaphage games.

Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain:   Depends on the group game and how I decide to play. Villain I guess if you need an answer.

Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game:   Mental

Which Survivor player are you most like:  Rob Mariano

What will you bring to this season:   My competitive nature.

What do you think about twists:  Bring it on

Skype (If you have one):  Sarge

What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST):  5pm to 10pm

Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc):  Yes

Anything else I need to know in order to cast you:   You played with me once. You know I will bring fun to the game and make new friends in the process.
2297 days 6 hours ago
Name: Will
Group Games played in before: Suitman, M&Ns, QWRTS
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: Hero
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: Physical
Which Survivor player are you most like: Erm probs Ozzy sadly
What will you bring to this season: My competitiveness!
What do you think about twists: They're okay. Depending what it is can definitely change how somoene plays
Skype (If you have one): icebeast.tengaged
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): Depends on the day :/
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): Yes but have work on some days
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: If I do work it'll be from like 5-9/10pm est
2297 days 4 hours ago
Name: Sergio
Group Games played in before: Survivor8's, M&N's, Kolby's (thepug), and currently on Pokepat's, all survivor games.
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: a misunderstood hero..
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: social game although id say its a mix of strategic/social.
Which Survivor player are you most like: i'd like to say sandra in a way, "as long as it aint me"
What will you bring to this season: a dynamic gameplay
What do you think about twists:theyre good, always willing to adapt to new scenarios
Skype (If you have one): smoothdaysistah
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): 8 pm EST is good for me
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): yes absolutely
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: i think a big part of my strategy is to work the social game to the core. I mean you cant win survivor if you piss people off or dont have enough connections with the jury, and i believe i can bring a lot of that onto the table.
2297 days 3 hours ago
Name: Robby

Group Games played in before: none

Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: yes

Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: yes

Which Survivor player are you most like: francesca hogi

What will you bring to this season: sasquatch chronicles

What do you think about twists: I have some thoughts

Skype (If you have one): robby.jak

What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): anytime after 7pm EST is perfect. anytime before is iffy.

Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): no

Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: yes
2296 days 12 hours ago
Group Games played in before: *inserts long list of failures*
Do you consider yourself a hero or a villain: Hero with a bad edit
Do you play mostly a physical, mental, or social game: Social
Which Survivor player are you most like: Debbie Warner
What will you bring to this season: Speedos, factor 50, bootleg nikes and and a tank top
What do you think about twists: like in general or in the game? as long as u dont use the shitting HvHvH f4 twist then im gucci
Skype (If you have one): alan.duncan98
What times will you be able to compete in challenges (In EST): 5-8
Do you promise to be active? (attend challenges, send confessionals, vote, etc): Yes
Anything else I need to know in order to cast you: im an all star. cast me alongside all stars I dont play chicken shit gigs

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