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Final Tribal Council | Rulers vs. Revolutionaries [S14]

Topic » Final Tribal Council | Rulers..

2134 days 23 hours ago
The two finalists are...

- JP (TwentyOnePilots)
- Stoner (Gaiaphagee)

Finalists, you may begin to plead your case! In twenty minutes I will allow the jury to begin to question the finalists in this time I recommend writing an opening speech. After that the jury may ask as many questions as they would like.

You have until @9:00PM EST | 8:00PM CST | 6:00PM PST Tomorrow (Thursday) night to question the finalists and to submit your vote for a winner. The Reunion will be tomorrow night @10:00PM EST.

- Robby (Robbyjak)
- Zac (Vegasboy94)
- Tashi (Tashi)
- Renny (Renny10)
- John (Jxhn)
- Fred (ferdinandz)
- Hufus (Hufus)
- Joshua (lionnudes)
- Will (hellomynameis347)

* Robby has replaced Jacob on the jury due to his inactivity.

Thanks everyone for playing! Goodluck to the finalist and congratulations on creating a revolutionary season.
2134 days 23 hours ago
I’ll post jury speech in hour or 2. Am not home  thanks guys
2134 days 22 hours ago
Wow… i’m legitimately shaking with anxiety right now. I can’t fathom that this has happened all again.

Before I begin I just wanted get something out of the way by addressing something incredibly important. I need to give a huge thank you to The Pug himself- High Priestess Kolby. Kolby, I love you dearly with all my heart and I want to give you the recognition you deserve for putting your time and effort in bringing together some of the greatest competitors i’ve ever had the pleasure of playing this game with. You have sacrificed so much for this game that you love to host and we love to play, so thank you, gracias, spasibo, danke schoen.

At the start of this game, Kolby asked us all the same question: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

Well i’m here to answer that question with the simple fact that this situation can never happen, as if there is an unstoppable force, there couldn't be an immovable object and vice versa. In other words, there is no such this as a purebred ruler or a revolutionary- and those of us who recognized that prospered in this David vs Goliath environment.

Since all 22 of us rulers and revolutionaries played and viewed the game through our own lenses, tonight I’m going to share the game through the JP lens to present to you why my performance in this season warrants me your votes to win.
2134 days 22 hours ago
High Hopes (Final 22 - Final 17)
        It’s zero hour. Day one and my excitement is physically visible, a smile looming across my face solely because Kolby granted me the opportunity to experience it all again. Kolby hands me my buff.. and as I turn around to join the rulers of Arawak on our mat.. my initial excitement does a full fledged 180 and morphs into a feeling of terror.. well not terror, per say, but you know when you want to watch a horror movie because you want to be scared and say you saw it because it’s exciting but scary? Yeah, pretty much like that, but i’m definitely (pardon my French) scared shitless.
In that very moment I recall thinking to myself that the only way I could succeed in this next level cast was to wish my highest hopes into reality. In order to do achieve those high hopes I knew that I needed to excel socially.. which is a daunting task for the guy who wants to snap his fingers and immediately become absolute best friends with everyone he interacts with. I have always known that my social game can be lackluster.. or overboard..or all over the place really, so I can safely say that a personal hope of improving that aspect of the game has been fulfilled. I am proud to say that I actually did manage myself socially and not go overboard despite my hearts desires to reach out to everyone (including the revolutionaries). I quickly went to work rekindling my relationships with Mud and Stoner from our times in Australia as well as familiarizing myself with Robby, John, Fred, Zac, Matt and Andrew. After winning (Robby competing in) the first immunity challenge and surviving my first tribal council the second round of the game my innate paranoia began to wash away and my high hopes for a successful game were in full effect.
2134 days 22 hours ago
Dancing’s Not A Crime (Final 16 - Final 15)

         Appealing to some of the bigger egos and power players on my tribe, the Ruler’s two pre-swap tribal councils were a success.. with the exception of Jacob beginning his inactive tirade that left me the most paranoid and frustrated i’ve ever been in a game. The inact himself, Jacob, started casting his vote for me without reason at every. single. tribal. council. I attended with him for NO reason! I had tried to reach out to him like at least seven or eight times! Needless to say from that moment he was always on my hitlist, but he wasn’t a danger to my game at the time.. or anyone else’s, so fuck it he can make merge I don’t care.
Kolby tells us to drop our buffs and I remain on the Arawak tribe alongside John, Stoner, Andrew, and Mud from my original tribe with the addition of Will, Renny, and Kasey from the opposing Yukpa tribe. This was the beginning of my atrocious losing streak, losing every challenge until the merge. I was elated to have Renny, my guy, my number one (1) to the end no matter what on a tribe with me. In addition, I took a very, very strong immediate liking to both Kasey and Will of the new revolutionaries which made me go, “fuck I’m also tryna be #ArawakStrong but these new revs are up in here fucking shit up, plus I highkey dislike talking to Andrew”.
I begin dancing in the mighty middle and extended my olive branches, planning on voting out Andrew UNTIL Stoner and I chit and chat and chit some more. Stoner wanted to vote Mud.. and I wasn’t surprised. I always knew since Day 1 when we first spoke again that his number one target leading into the game was Mud even on pre-swap Arawak when Mud had immunity, and that this was inevitable.
I evaluated both options, as I would’ve been able to execute Andrew had I wanted to, but when Stoner revealed Mud had the idol and provided proof to me that Mud has said that my connections to former Yukpa were becoming a problem, I decided that saving three new revolutionary relationships along with blindsiding Mud (who I knew had connections with roughly the entire game and was absolutely adored universally) would be my strongest move going forward. Plus when literally anyone asked me why Mud went home, I could pin it on Stoner, as I knew that Mud’s allies in Fred, Hufus, etc would look at him sideways rather than I. This move also helped solidify my relationship with Robby, who just needed Kasey in this game in order to live and breathe.
Mud is blindsided with the idol in his pocket, I bonded with Will for hours on end, I continued dancing like it wasn’t a crime with Renny, and formed an alliance with Andrew and Stoner. With John and Kasey being in the minority at this point, I felt way more secure with my John at the time than I did with Kasey, but I was willing to vote out John over Kasey if she was willing to vote out John, which she immediately said no to. I had reached the conclusion that Kasey had avenues to reach out to for help in the game whereas John had nobody, I thought at this point that I could be someone to him. Stoners mind was directed toward Will for the vote, but Renny was not okay with that and so I vicariously attempted to save Will through Renny’s disdain for Kasey.
This is when things got messy! Robby from the OTHER TRIBE went CRAZY trying to save Kasey by shoving me under every bus in the metropolitan Los Angeles area by spewing the tea about my pre-swap escapades. I of course was confident that even if the infamously unpredictable Andrew was to flip that I still had Will, Renny, and Stoner voting for Kasey. To my dismay John also went ham trying to get me out and Kasey made waves painting a massive target on my back, but I was able to manage voting out Kasey thanks to others seeing value in me remaining in the game. Right when I managed to get myself in a power position on my tribe AGAIN.. Kolby pulled out another swap!
2134 days 22 hours ago
The Overpass (Final 14 - Final 13)

Ouch! Kolby! My ass STILL hurts from that swapfuck! I was stranded on Arawak for the third time in a 4-3 minority with my number one Renny and my “ally” Andrew who has a tendency for being crazy and had already expressed his aim to target me.
From this point onward I fully believe that I was one of, if not the biggest threat remaining in the game, but I also made the revelation that as long as I made myself valuable to people, I would have an easier time executing moves.
I reached out to Tashi, Joshua, Fred, and Brad and got an immediate read on the tribe.. that Tashi and Brad were a duo and that Fred was attempting to play both sides. Joshua was relatively easy to scoop up as an ally and a relationship, and in order to make myself valuable to Fred and Joshua I became a founding father in The Down Unders™: a foursome between myself, Renny, Fred, and Joshua. Fred was trying to vote out Andrew or even throw his vote in attempt to play both sides with Tashi and Brad, but I was not about to let him pin the blame on me and act innocent with his options open because i’m the only one allowed to pin the blame on others LOL. Brad went home swiftly and everyone, even Andrew who wanted me out desperately, was forced to be loyal to me. Well not forced, they could’ve done something about it, but yeah.
Tashi, a personal fave queen of mine, was the target going into my fifth straight challenge loss as she was a number for a side that I knew I would be opposing come merge. My number one priority was solidifying the Down Unders as a not only a voting bloc, but an alliance that would be able to dominate.
This round I also took a step back socially and realized that there are a lot of uncertain relationships in this game that I had, and I took some time to speak to Zac, Robby, and Hufus who I all knew would likely side together come a merge situation, in order to make sure that I was not the name that they were going after and still an option for them.
I met Tashi at the overpass and the bitch won immunity and came in clutch, so I decided to form a good relationship with her and include her in the plan to finally rid the game of Andrew, who was a thorn in my side.
Heading into the final 12 after 10 intense af tribals, I felt as if despite going to tribal after tribal, my game had only improved and without these ups and downs. I can say with a certainty that I wouldn’t of had the read on the game that I had without these votes.,
Which I ultimately believe was my biggest strength this season- my read on the game.
2134 days 22 hours ago
Say Amen! It’s Saturday Night (Final 12 - Final 11)

        After a long week of working hard on challenges and tribals the twelve remaining rulers and revolutionaries drop our buffs and the weekend hits! And you know that if you’re going to anything over the weekend, it’s pray for the wicked…
        Like every good weekend, early saturday morning is quiet.. nobody said a single thing about the vote except everyone wanting to vote out Jacob. It was only a matter of time before members of the Serenidad tribe took matters into their own hands.. and the first one to do so was Robby. That was his second major mistake behind burning me at the first swap, and as he swooped up Zac in joining Hufus, Tashi, and John in hopes of taking out Renny (which proved that my effort of making solid relations with the other side had worked out in my favor). With this information being told to him, Will immediately ran and told me. This was the beginning of Will’s mission as the undercover spy on the other side of the game for me. I then set out on my venture to secretly blindside Robby.
I rallied up the Down Unders with the information that Renny was a target, and knowing without a doubt that Jacob was going to vote for me as he always does, I waltzed myself up to Stoner with the biggest challenge of the game… convincing him to vote out one of his best friends- Robbyjak. I spent hours that saturday night trying to bring the his target from Jacob to Robby, and.. Say amen! It worked!
Stoner reluctantly voted out Robby, but did it as an act of showing his loyalty to me. Will, who I was cultivating a strong friendship with, also flipped on that alliance that he was a part of, and did it so drastically with this blindside that it would be hard for him ever to flip back. As I had predicted, a 6-5-1 vote okurrured, and Jacob had voted for me and I definitely felt in control of the game.
At the final 11, I approached the round initially thinking “wow Tashi is an immunity threat” but things went haywire when Zac attempted to pray upon the wicked and make a big move by playing both sides and pitting Stoner and Tashi against one another. Knowing me, I like the lines in the sand to be very clear, and after pulling off a major Robby blindside I wanted to take a few steps back and let some other players reveal their games. My personal love for Hufus and John had also emotionally impaired me from striking them when they were down when there could be a way to repair relationships until further notice, so I just followed the beat of the drum and spewed out Zac’s name until the end of time knowing he had no defense mechanism.
This final 11 vote went exactly as anticipated and Jacob’s vote for me as well as Zac’s vote for Stoner were overwhelmed by the final 9 all voting Zac out, and although there was still damage, I definitely cut some of my losses with Hufus, John, and Tashi and felt that once again that everyone in the game could reach out to me if necessary. Say Amen!
2134 days 22 hours ago
One Of The Drunks (Final 10 - Final 9)

        Knowing majority was safely in my back pocket, I went into the final 10 thinking that this, like last vote, could be a construction vote. My thought process here was that if I kept slamming the other side down like drinks, I would get drunk with power, which was the last thing I wanted to happen. Building bridges and acting like “one of the drunks”, I made the move that most people would see as “stupid” and “unnecessary” but was vitally important to my game- Jacob.
I needed to cut Jacob out of the game before his perpetual vote casting for me actually mattered as a number, so I grabbed my megaphone and screamed to the entire tribe “drinks on me” and “cheers! to the final 9! Let’s vote out Jacob!!”. Aside from strategic merit, as a person this made me really happy to be able to please everyone who really wanted to be here in this game, from my friends in the down unders and my opposition whom I adored.
I may never know why Jacob continuously cast his vote for me, but I do know that it was an asset to me when it came to appeasing my fellow castaways. 10-0. Ahhuegh!
At this point in the game immunity queen Tashi had racked up 3 individual wins, and with her knowledge of the clues to the idol as well, she became priority numbero uno to myself, as well as the Down Unders, who had a particular vendetta against her.
This vote, my fear of an idol got the better of me and a trial of trust underwent in the down unders, as Joshua was a name that came up on the other side. I needed to pledge my willingness to vote out Joshua in order to protect him so Tashi would feel confident in her numbers and not play the idol if necessary. This was ultimately a risk I had to take to ensure I wasn’t the one getting idol’d out, because self preservation is the way of the drunkard.
Additionally, this round was the Stoner meltdown™ in which I genuinely was upset that a good friend and ally of mine had lost his desire to play the game, and I was attempting to keep him around on an outside of the game level. Luckily, he stayed for Kolby’s sake and a renewed energy for the game emitted from him!
The other side was blindsided 5-4 as Tashi went home, everyone under the assumption she had gone with the idol in her pocket. Once again my status in the majority was secure.. Or so I thought *DUN DUN DUNNNNNN*
2134 days 22 hours ago
Fuck A [Silver Lining] (Final 8)

        Welcome to the collapse of the Down Unders and my iron grip on the game thus far, and the rise of Fred and Hufus. In my head, the silver lining was fucked, and only gold was hot enough. My love for Hufus could not blockade the fact that we were on opposite sides of this game and that he was my next target.. along with Will, Renny, Joshua, and Fred. A clear majority, right? Wrong.
The down unders debated back and forth between Hufus and John as a vote, but I was not ready to eliminate John and neither was Renny. Stoner had officially set his sights on Fred, and himself and John had told me that Fred was looking for a silver lining that wasn’t the Down Unders. Even though a part of me believed that Fred would turn on me (I hadn’t trusted Fred since the formation of the Down Unders, since he lied to me about finding an idol that isnt rehidden lmao) I knew that Fred was forced to work with me for the time being. Leaving Hufus in the game was simply not an option for me.
Literally a minute before tribal council Hufus had revealed to Fred that he had the idol and I wanted to switch to John but Renny opted to leave our votes on Hufus and it was too late… I was blindsided… royally. Fred and Will had both voted for Renny along with Hufus and blindsided Stoner and John who voted for Fred, and myself Joshua and Renny, who voted for Hufus. That damned idol! Hufus!!!!! I was actually really proud of him for pulling that off despite it screwing me because it was iconic af and he needed it and he did THAT. My silver lining and my number one Renny was FUCKED and I felt alone. Will proceeded to lie to me about his vote and Joshua had gravitated toward Fred over me despite being lied to. I thought that I would enter the final 7 alone… but I was down but not out.
2134 days 22 hours ago
Roaring 20’s (Final 7 - Final 6)

The final seven is solidified and the official endgame is officially here! All seven of us are emotionally and mentally exhausted and we all just want to roll like a blunt and go home. But it was time to keep playing and almost immediately after tribal, I kept my cool and reached out to the tribemates who blindsided me. I took that gamble and I was received with surprisingly warm arms, which a part of me wants to dedicate to my social game and the other part making myself an asset to others games. During my reach out session, John/Stoner had come to me and Fred had apologized for the vote and explained his reasoning, which was perfectly valid.
That only left Will lying to me about his vote, which I still DON’T know why he did. Before I knew it, without my right hand man Renny in the game, a battle of John v Fred ensued, myself, Will, and Hufus on both sides balancing between Stoner and John and Fred and Joshua. This round I opted to vote with John and Stoner, and I even expressed to Will how I thought I would be in the minority, but leaving Fred in the game with his connections to Hufus and Joshua felt like the wrong move. Unfortunately, John got the raw end of the stick and I went into the final six once again in the “minority” and with a target on my back.
The final 6 rolls around and we’re all roarin’ for a win here! Will and Stoner at this point were my two closest allies, and they had been for a while, however they had been on and off targeting each other for as long as I could remember, so this was the time the three of us came together! Stoner won immunity and Will and Stoner were both prepared to draw ROCKS for me this round! I would’ve done the same for them but knowing I was the target, they were willing to keep me safe. Anticipating rocks, our original vote was Joshua, hoping he would be safe and Hufus/Fred might get rocked out, but when Fred slipped up, I seized the opportunity. Fred had called me basically sealing my fate that he was voting for me, admitting that “Joshua is waiting for my go-ahead” for the vote. I, of course, run to Joshua and Hufus who I had already been speaking to debating the vote with and a 3-3 vote for me turned into a 5-1 vote for Fred!
2134 days 22 hours ago
Hey Look Ma, I Made It! (Final 5 - Final Tribal Council)

“All my life, been hustling and tonight is my appraisal,” echoes through my mind as the finale is here! Pregaming for the final was a necessity so I already had my sights set on Hufus (as he had his on mine) and it was may the best man win! Hufus, admittedly, is one of my favorite players ever, and obviously is no joke.
He was by far the most difficult player to vote out as he KEPT. ON. REVOLUTIONIZING. Vote after vote! This time I finally thought I had him trapped in a corner.. But he began preying on Will. Stoner and myself voting for Hufus, Joshua and Hufus voting for me. My inability to read Will’s mind gave into the paranoia of my fifth place. So I took a step back, called with Will, and instead of campaigning against Hufus, spoke to Will and praised Hufus as a player who would win unanimously at the end (I wouldve voted for you Huf!). This worked and to my avail Hufus went home 3-2.
Going into the final four my target was always Joshua, but I love Joshua so I wanted to hear him out. I knew that I was the biggest threat out of the final four so I prepped my ass off for hours for these final 2 challenges, knowing what they would be. I won the final four immunity and used that huge crutch to give myself the best odds in the end- by making sure Joshua was always going home, but also to hopefully create some sort of divide between Will and Stoner. Fearing had either of them won final immunity, I tried at the final four to insinuate minimal but potentially game changing divide. I know it sounds stupid to be strategizing at the final three, but as an obsessive compulsive gameplayer, i’m always looking for ways to improve my game in the moment. I win the final immunity challenge and hey look ma, I made it!!!
Final two for the second season in a row! My first season I had taken out Stoner at the final 6, but this season I decided to bring him alongside me to the final two because I believe his head was not fully in the game at all times and stayed on the relative same side of the votes as me, but it was really, really hard to vote Will out. Choosing between two people who would go to rocks for you was never going to be easy, but I did it knowing that Will was hardly ever a target following the first swap.
2134 days 22 hours ago
Pray For The Wicked (A Final Plea)

And yeah… that pretty much wraps up the view of the game through the JP lens! I’m really proud of myself and what i’ve accomplished throughout my time this season of Kolby’s survivor, and I do believe that I am worthy of the title of Sole Survivor. Against all odds, against massive amounts of adversity, I think I ruled this game and revolutionized how everyone, including myself, plays this game. I’m sorry I wrote so much I just didn’t want to leave too much out! Each and every one of you played amazing games and now I want to hand over the microphone to the jury.

2134 days 22 hours ago
The jury may begin questioning. Jury votes due Tomorrow @9:00PM EST | 8:00PM CST | 6:00PM PST.
2134 days 22 hours ago
Hello finalists, jurors, kolby, and anyone else who reads this. I mean everything I say here with all my heart. Fuck all of you. I hated playing on this season. I have no desire to ever return to this site. If you're associated with this season and your name does not start with the letter K then I have no desire to ever talk to you again. Yes, I am deeply bitter. Yes, I am aware I am petty.

I will now fulfill my juror duties and address our finalists.
JP: fuck you. Go choke on your 1-2 millions of fake winnings.

Stoner: fuck you. Go choke on a blunt.
2134 days 22 hours ago
good evening finalists!

I'll keep it sweet and short... congrats on another win JP! I love being a prophet!

Brady, I'm publicly apologizing to you, cause Will deserved 20th after all. You were so woke before!

Stoner: you're a nice person! Glad I got to know you a bit.

thats it, bye!
2134 days 22 hours ago
Love getting attacked by Hufus because I said I didn’t regret voting him off. <3 you too, buddy!

My questions to the finalists will come tomorrow when I have access to a computer. Good luck to both of you!

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