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Survivor Second Chances Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Second Chances..

2321 days 2 hours ago
2321 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

benp428 - He lies to me all the time, if I play with him then we will probbly work together but not trust each other at all.
SurvivorFreak13 - Didn’t try at all both times he played my Survivor, good sheep material.
moondancer63 - It’s up and down with MC, I probbly will work with him but it will depend if he trusts me or not.
KingLiam - Seen him around a lot but have not played with him much.  No idea what would happen.
violetx - I might be tight with her and I might not, depends on the circumstances.
mrcool - Please god, no god, fuck you god, I DO NOT WANT TO PLAY AGAIN WITH THIS TROLL
BritishRomeo17 (Formerly alwaysvictorious) - Lol he’s a game player and while we are friends, we always go against each other, made final 2 with him in a game once, I won.
levonini - Lol, hilarious she comes next, she was literally 3rd this game and in a tight duo with Romeo.  We would probbly work together but go against each other.
Brandt69 - If he doesn’t have good friends in the game this guy is literal PERFECT sheep material.
born2pizza - I once randomly gifted him when he asked not knowing each other well at all because I felt like it.  I feel good about an alliance with him.
ticofernandez - Good player, potential bog threat and possibly better than me in comps.
cole225 - I’d love to work with Marto, but he always seems to go early
yinzer149 - Leo is really smart and we ended up being opposing forces in one game because of starting on different tribes.  We will see how it would go.
_Ravenclaw_ - I think i’ve seen him around, barely know
iYBF - So like, I see him on the site a ton but don’t know him at all.
WpwSers196 - I hardcore blindsided in a game 4-3 after she thought I was a final 2 with her.  She ended up not voting for me on the jury despite me winning all the immunities, finding all the idols, controlling every voter and being against an inactive and I lost by one vote (Romeo also voted against me on that jury and so did Ben I think lmao)
CrimsonEnnui  - He like never tries at all, if we are together i’m going to try pulling me in.
Badboyy2699 - Spams me all the fucking time, havn’t seen him play a group game tho.
BadGirlsClubfan - I played a game with him when he was a noob, i’m sure he remembers me, we ended up both backstabbing each other so not feeling too good about him.
mysterygame2 - Got into a huge fight with him at the Mud’s Survivor reunion after I said he did nothing.  Oops but it was true, we will likely not align.
WANJ - He betrays me all the fucking time, I will NOT trust him.
CoachWade - NOOOOOOOOO.  I KNOW Brady is going to be cast and he is dangerous as fuck.  I’m going to make a huge effort to be tight with him because I don’t want him against me.
Sunfire - Shady Snake who I can’t trust but is probbly on the cast so I also have to make a big effort with him.
lliiaamm - LIAM IS MY BOY.  We got a long in the first group game we played and would have made final 2 after my epic dominance of that game but the guy who I backstabbed at f4 (tuter32) by idoling out his best friend by using one on team gave me 3rd and Liam lost 4-3 when I voted for Zach.  Oops but me and him are g now and it was only cuz I thought Zach played better.
MikeyKR91 - I think we have interacted, not sure tho.
MJFJUNE - Zyler is one of those people I love to play with, he plays to win but also can sometimes be trusted, he makes smart moves and he’s a non-bitter juror.  He’s probbly going to try and get me out cuz he knows my game.
Fobbyiyg - Fobby a PLAYA.  Havn’t played with him in a while.
Valero7 - Have not interacted with like ever.
lionsden121 - GOD DAMN IT.  FUCKKKKKKKKK.  I know he’s going to be cast and Tim is a crazy little fucker who I will not be trusting fully.  We are bound to align tho.
bigdizzleyomama - He plays group games?  Weird Guy.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon) [Continued]:

EM002 - Good player, good at challenges, hates me, plz no
jman96 - I think i’ve seen him around
TotsTrashy - Don’t expect a casting sine you know she’s known for playing as 2 people in another game to give herself an advantage or whatever.
_JB_ - Dude is pretty cool, I could see us aligning
WestTemp - West is my king and also is a good player sometimes and he seems like a good player to lock down an alliance with.
kgamer2218 - My fight with Nolan at the reunion of Mud’s was also with him so, fuck.
BrainJak - LOL we are close friends and there is this one gif of him I always post and it’s hilarity.  We will work together.
Emmett4 - Emmett confuses me, I can sometimes trust him, sometimes I can’t. 
Obstreperous - We will work together and he’s nuts.  I know we could be tight g’s tho.
boogie888 - And this is the part where I realize i’m on my season wow i’m dome.  Was tight with Jabbar and sort of me so I know I can be tight with him.
teamjacz - Lmao, I called him Ceddick because i hated him then.  We are g now but us 2 having a f2 would be super cool after our previous history.
Path - Alexander is done a shady fucker.  In EVERY game, he might want to work with me, he might not, I don’t know, but it’s going to take him a long time to regain the 100% trust status I thought we had in Nicaragua.  Is also close with Mud.
survivingreality - This boi complexity sheeped me in a game not caring at all and I won losing only 1 jury vote, he has my approval to do this again.
iTy990 - WHY SO MANY FROM IKAH’S SURVIVOR, again not much trust in him.  This confirms to me this game will be completely based on past relationships. 
AdamLovesEverything - Completely fucking troll and hates my guts.
sihz - Don’t know much besides he fucks FighterMan or something?
TheRenny - He was in a giant pre-made in Suitman’s Second Chances 2.  We never interacted and probbly won’t.
Avatar20 - About 3 years ago we played this group game and she was fucking crazy, flipped at f9 and i stayed 5-4 and then flipped back and I was the last member of the minority who went home at 5th after going nuts to try and stay.  Is calmer now and we played together again and didn’t interact.
rollingderp - Have not interacted with much
LaFierceBrittany2 - In my group game, so can’t say much, would probbly align
NotNicky333 - Nicky never tries when I want him to and tries when he has a giant pre-made so like fuck I guess.
Maladus1 - Eh
ziggyzaggy16 - Oh we have a TON of history from The Power Struggle and other games, I need him out asap or not cast.
Maicolx3 - He’s better than me at comps and used to hate em so he needs to go/not play
UnicornChicken - Idk
LiukBB - He’s all over the place in games, probbly will align
ParvatiS - We got a long in a game where she got pre-merge and I won and I basically didn’t want her to go so potential ally
tcold312 - Not much interaction
Roxas546 - Um, doesn’t do much?
Matedog1209 - Nathan is crazy as hell, he’s my friend but he can do some weird as shit stuff.  He has ruined my game in the past.
MrBird - MUST GO,  HE IS COMPLETLY ILLOGICAL AND I CAN’T STAND IT.  At f4 of this game, ziggyzaggy16 was the obvious threat to take out since i won immunity and he let him make fire and he won.  The final vote was 5-3-1 with zach being first, me getting 2nd, and him 3rd, basically i would have won if he was actually smart.
Cryptspartan - Crypt is my boi, me and him are g
coolnarwhal88 - Bennett needs to go, he seems to not like me and he seems kind off slimy to me.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon) [Continued]:

lhooper902976 - We are friends, I’ve betrayed him before so we will probbly align but won’t be till the end.
doubledarefan01 - He fucking hates my guts so rip
Gamerden13 - A good ally but can be clueless
Patrick319 - Never can be tight with him in games despite trying, but if i go after him i’m fucked to so don’t be cast plz
cfff - plays group games?
Batya - Who?
JeffProbstTF - Who?
waf_ - Who?
Lifeiscool - Seen him around
Ross56 - Has played a lot of group games recently including mine, we havn’t played together yet so i’d love to align
Absol - Hated my guts in Suitman’s Second Chances 2 despite us both being outsiders and he got pre-merge after refusing to work with me and gunning for me
AlanDuncan- Played a little with him, he can be an ok player
RedsKanto - Who?
BrandonBam - Who?
SaltyCracker - Played in my group game and left with an idol in his pocket, was pretty smart but lost it at the merge.
abeledaa - Who?
sarge455 - Who?
maturo - Didn’t know he played group games, probbly would go far
Vlad21 - Better at comps than me and one of those users that is hard to get close to and align with.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

Why hello my two favorite hosts of M&N's Survivor! Flashback to my first season, Saipan. All I can say is I played the wolf in sheep's clothing game, but never got out of that sheep onezie. I was ABLE to play better, I just chose NOT to because I thought the jury would react a certain way. Not today... I promise you that I'll bring the heat 4 times as much as I did before back in Saipan. I am going to do my best, make the moves that I need to make, and hopefully make it to the end where I can get that million. I've never lost a jury vote besides in this series, and I've been DYING to prove myself in this particular series! I've been having group game withdrawal, my last game was way too long ago and I've been DYING to play again even though I've been kinda busy. So get ready, because I sure am. And soon enough, my competition will also be DYING.

When I got my invitation, I was surprised, excited, and kinda like "about time" all at once. I was super happy and filled that app out real quick. It's obviously more important than homework!!! So I wait a little while for the season to start, and now the hosts reveal FIFTY TWO FUCKING PEOPLE?!?!?! I always say that hosts were smoking something when they introduce twists, but you guys must have snorted a few lines of coke. I did something similar to this recently, but I eliminate five. FIVE. Wow, now I don't even feel special for getting invited or cast. Fucking hoes.

Well anyways, I just gotta show all these clowns up and prove that I deserve my spot more than they do. But, I need to be smart about this. At first, I was thinking of choosing "skill" because wtf would that be??? I feel like nobody's gonna pick that one. But now that I know it's proportional, I have no idea what I should do, I'm pretty well balanced when it comes to competitions tbh. Here's what I think about each:
-Endurance: I'm a dumbass so I'd probably pull a Crystal and slip at second 1
-Puzzle: If it's a slide puzzle I'm fucked. Also Noah is a beast at these and I guarantee he's doing this one.
-Skill: No idea what this could be. But I am a pretty skilled individual :) lol jk kill me
-Spam: Sounds great, but everyone that's spamming would get all the people right away, while I'll be seeing Marshmello. You would have to be there initially in order to do good.
-Speed: Maybe? Idk how a non-live speed would work tho. Maybe all the people that are good at LIVE speed challenges will pick this one, but will be thrown off by the non-live? Idk we'll see.
-Trivia: This trivia must be super hard if it's non-live god damn.

So I'm leaning towards Speed after typing that but not sure tbh. This is just so stressful, I don't want to lose my spot from a competition! You'd have to rip my torch out of my cold dead hands if you want that to happen. I'm a fighter. Let's see how this goes, it'll be an interesting start.

Besides that, I'm putting my strategy into place. I always position myself really well socially, so I immediately went to work. As people were getting announced, I was messaging "Congrats!" and "Hi :)" to everyone I even remotely knew, and starting conversation with them. Here's everyone I've messaged so far:
Noah, Ryan, Kyle, Tim, Harry, MC, Zyler, Marto, Liam, Jay, Emmett, Jordan, Alan, Logan, Sarge, Brittany, Will, Nels, Dan
There are other people I slightly know, but not enough to start a conversation with them yet. I'll say hi if we're on the same tribe.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness) [Continued]:

But help...the only problem with this is that sometimes you can get tangled up in alliances. And I already have FOUR FINAL TWOS. I didn't initiate them, people asked me for them, but I have a final 2 with Tim, Liam, Alan, and Sarge. I messaged Sarge about my apps opening soon before the season, because I noticed he was interested in applying to a game, and soon enough he wanted to join a game with me as a premade LOL. Tim and Liam are pre-existing relationships I have, Josh and Ikah aren't playing so I should be good having an alliance with Tim lol. Liam made a dumb move in NJ's Eleventh Hour when he wasted my idol, but he is definitely loyal to me and I'm definitely loyal to him. Alan messaged me for a final 2 right during cast reveal, and we hit it off a lot after that. I hope that these alliances will fit well with each other, rather than opposing each other and I get called out for my shit.

So yeah, things are going okay now, if I get onto the season we'll see where I stand. But this initial cast looks fun. I'm ready to see some heads rolling, and some torches snuffed. I'm not gonna settle for another second place, second is the first loser. If I go out, I'll go out fighting. And you better be sure that I'll be taking off my sheep clothing this time around.

Wish me luck :)
2321 days 1 hour ago
Logan H. (lhooper902976):

Looks like I am getting my wish on revenge with MC being on the cast list, it will be swift justice when I finally do him i before he gets me.He is the number 1 person I absolutely despise and cannot wait to get him out. This activity test was not surprising to me after you said more than 21 names, the good thing is at least I am facing worthy advisaries when I do battle to win my way in.The hardest part is guessing how many people you have to battle and beat to earn your way in.Do you want a small group with better odds of winning but, no safety net or a large group with more people but, less chance of making it?
2321 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

So I’m waiting to see if I get cast to actually start making alliances and stuff since there are literally 52 people but motherfucking Tim has already meassaged the hosts chat being like what are we doing?

And I’m like BITCH?  WHAT WE?  First off, if you’re already making alliances you must be fucked up in the head considering the cast hasn’t been fucking decided yet. 

Also what makes you so damn confident you will get on?  I’m the guy who never went to tribal pre-merge and won the first 2 individual immunities before being trapped on mobile for the last 2 where I still performed well in one I think which is NOT happening again. 

I’m a beat on this site and I have a lot of confidence I can get first in that puzzle, and the odds of me getting top 3/4 are about 80% in my mind.  I’m determined to get on this cast.

However I’m nervous but also excited, because this season, the cast should be filled with good as hell competitors which might allow me to play a UTR game should I get on.  I really want to see what this season brings and I’m ready as fuck
2321 days 1 hour ago
Logan H. (lhooper902976):

I am just praying people don't compete or do worse than me at this point for puzzle. I truly want a second chance to prove I learned that you must make yourself valuable in your alliance or you will go. I am praying to all the gods that I survive. I am a huge fan of Greek Mythology which I am guessing is part of your twists this season.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

DAMN this giraffe a hoe! Especially my giraffe, since it's kissing more giraffes than my competitors. I'm so happy I chose skill. First of all, I predicted it to be a flash game, and I'm like the king of flash games so I'm glad it worked out. Second of all, I've played this game before. My friend sent it to me, making fun of me because I was gonna ask out this short chick. So I've seen it before, and that confidence combined with my flash game skills will help me earn my way into this game.

I'm talking to Nels, and he told me his highest score is like 50,000 so far, and I'm already past 1 million in my second try so... at least I've passed one person. I don't think the other three will do that good, but I still got time to spare so I'll try some more. I really want to be on this season, like REALLY bad, and I don't want cockiness to prevent me from that. I'm still gonna try my hardest to get into the game, I don't want to take any risks.

After this, the weak will be weeded out of the game, and only the strongest competitors will be back in the game. This means that this game is gonna be wild, and I can't wait to see my competition (if I make it in of course). So game on people, I'm ready for this.
2321 days 1 hour ago
-----GAME BEGINS-----
2321 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

Ok, I know this is shit for a first confessional, but I ultimately won't have time prior to the immunity challenge so, I just want to make it very clear i'm throwing today. I'll explain my reasoning and my strategy and everything later but yea, I don't want to pick teams.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Tyler A. (UnicornChicken):

On my last season I came 4th - now I'm back to close the deal. Not even the power of Gods will stop me. I feel like I've already overcome so much after the challenge to get on the season. I was really unsure about choosing the endurance challenge, but it all worked out because I got the highest score! Don't stress. We're chillin'

After our trivia challenge for tribe captains, I've scoped out some of the big players in the game. I'm not sure what is up with Jake and Noah... they both seemed to gravitate towards me. Not sure whether they think they can beat me, or if they want to keep me close because I'm a threat... maybe they just liked me. But for now I'm wary. I've done my best to reach out to my other tribe members. I think I've got my bases covered if things go south real quick.

When the Gods twist was announced my first thought was PLEASE GIMME APHRODITE! Be careful what you wish for, I guess... I got what I wanted, but I don't see much use in my power until much later in the game. I'm cool with just spreading love though. Y'all ain't ready for the love I'm bringing!!
2321 days 1 hour ago
Rhett W. (Valero7):

Wells, it’s good to be back. I have always wanted to visit Greece irl but since I’m a broke ass college student, I guess this is the closest Im gonna get. It’s great to actually get a Second Chance because I flopped so hard my first go around. My biggest mistake my first time was my social game. It was nonexistent. I only talked to one person on my tribe and then went completely rogue on the vote even though I knew who the actual target was. I caused unnecessary drama and created enemies and that was my demise.

This go around, I’m going to try a new approach. I want to be humble. I want to be sociable. I want to be nice and friendly and approachable. Hell, I want to be loyal! I basically want to be a mix of Brenda Lowe in Caramoan and Kimmi Kappenberg in Cambodia.

I have zero intention on stirring the pot early on. There are so many big names on this cast that it scares me. Almost all of these people are already friends and know each other. Like, no one on this site has ever really heard of me. I have no friends on this site just because I not known. I have social anxiety honestly. And when I get into huge Skype chats for these games, I find it intimidating because all these people know each other and are deep in conversation and I am just some random noob that’s interrupting them. That’s one of the main reasons my social game sucks. I don’t approach people, I let them come to me.

I am already proud of myself because I’ve legit already messaged and introduced myself to my entire tribe :) I’m making those step!! Vlad is probably the person I’ve connected to the most on my tribe, followed by Noah. I haven’t made any official alliances yet, but the game has just started so I need to give it time.

I’m not happy about seeing Dana or Jordan here. Dana was the reason I was voted out in Saipan. Thank goodness we are not on the same tribe! I was so scared about landing on the Corinth tribe because I know she would take me out ASAP! Jordan, we’ve just never connected and we always end up targeting one another.

I also am not too fond of Tyler or Kyle. I am usually outspoken and rude and overdramatize.I verbally fight with people in these games and that’s why I’ve won “Villain of the Season” three times. I want this game to be different, I’m going to keep my mouth shut and be nice. I want to be a different person, but lordy Tyler and Kyle are already getting on my every last nerve. I just find both of them to be attention seeking and annoying. They post the same fucking gifs a bazillion times and say inappropriate shit like “Noah Kondon more like Noah condom” and “I would have said octopussy instead of octopi”. Like grow up. I just can’t stand people who behave like that. It just gets under my skin. Unfortunately, Tyler is on my tribe so I’m going to have to put up with him. AND I CAN NOT TARGET HIM!! Jake, the team captain, seems to have a bond with him for God knows what reason! I do NOT want to make myself a target this early on by going after Tyler and pissing Jake off (who has connections to multiple contestants) for a personal reason. I need to bid my time, even if it goes against the type of person I am.

In this pre-merge stage, my goal is to be under the radar. I want to build connections, friendships, alliances, and loyalties. I want to say as little as possible. I want to be involved as little as possible. I want to pretty much be Invisible. I can not come out as myself or I will become a target. Since I know no one here as a friend, I need time to make them before I can really step up my game.

My goal is to make people think I need them and that they have control of me. I want them to think of as easy to control, a vote, a number. Take me along. Do my work for me. Help me get further. Build your trust in me. Make yourself a target while I stay in the back, watching. Take me far. With so many big threats and big names, I need to appear like I am a sheep. I need to be a non-threat so I can keep as many eyes off me as possible!

It will be hard but I’m happy to get this chance and I plan to be as irrelevant as I am on this site during the premerge of this game.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

Legit Confessional later today hopefully, but I just found out about Vlad's Kyushu Alliance from ross.  And if I have anything to say about it, Vlad is about to have a serious lesson about telling the wrong people your plans. By the end of the day, everyone is going to know about this alliance.  I'll ensure it.
2321 days 1 hour ago
Jake N. (JakeGoesOnline):

Your boy is back for a second chance, and I'm gonna switch my game up a bit.
For starters I'm gonna be active pre merge, SHOCKER.
I do want to continue to get challenge threats out as soon as I can, so I can just win as many immunities as possible in the final stretch like last time.
Noah really wants to throw the challenge and get Vlad out, and I don't really care. Vlad apparently is good at challenges so, he can go. I kind like going to tribal.
Also, I want an idol. So I'm gonna go look for one.

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