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Survivor India Confessionals

Topic » Survivor India Confessionals

2230 days 22 hours ago
2230 days 22 hours ago
Robby J. (Robbyjak)

This is my favorite cast I've ever played with
Never seen so many of my friends in one place
2230 days 21 hours ago
Kolby A. (ThePug)

Namaste! That's hello in Indian, and some weird peace love and harmony bullshit in Hindu. Basically, the opposite of my game. Hi, I'm Kolby. I thought, hey- When all these others idiots are running around competing for Individual Immunity at the first challenge, I'll get an extra scoop of rice while sitting at camp writing a confessional. Who wants immunity this early? Are you really that afraid? C'mooooon.

Oh! And did I tell you? Applying for this game, the producers looked into my records and found I had a long lost sibling from Pennsylvania: Robbyjak! Who'd have known? Okay, I'll stop this weird roleplaying shtick.

This cast is super intimidating, connections are between players are everywhere, we're overflowing in relationships. It's making me queasy, when I play games I like a cast that doesn't know me, or... even eachother. This is like the antithesis of anything I wished for. I feel like everyone will see through any facade I put on, because they've at least seen me or played with me in another game. Yay. Fabulous.

My tribe is full of weirdos, It's a fucking freakshow and I'm about to go full on American Horror Story Twisty and murder them all. Lets give a break-down on my relations:

- Julian: He had a wife, which I accidentally jabbed at her for being vegan on multiple occasions in Suitman's series, which we later returned as rivals, and he was also in the game, then I proceeded to idol him out- shoutout to my girl Lequisha on that one. Yeah and I forgot to mention, I flipped in a tie-breaker on him.. on his birthday. But hey, that was a few years back. I got over it, now has he?

- JB: Well, at first I thought this was _JSB_ but I realized it's some spin-off JB, the S was dropped. Based on his Tengaged profile he seems intelligent.. I'm getting that solely based on formatting. It tells a lot. Like, it shows I'm an asshat appearing to be more organized then I am. But his name is also JB & he has yolo on his profile. So those things directly conflict.

- Nikki: Old-school group gamer. Has connections with Dono. Applied together? I bet so. Hmm. Hi, Dono!

- Zyler: SOMEONE I CAN WORK WITH. ALERT. SOMEONE I LIKE. Zyler! Zyler! Zyler! We've never played together, however you've played in my series and I think we've established some kind of bond. He's a good under the radar player, with lots of potential if he puts his head into it. But, I don't think he's a major threat to my game. This'll be a close ally.

- Alexander: I've already spoken to him, and I'm putting on some weird bro-y facade. Just trying to ease him into my trust, mimicking how I see him presenting himself. I think he's stoner too? You'll probably see me talking to him about rolling joints and shit soon and pretending to have a clue about what I'm talking about. Oh. But he's a threat, and Silver already wants him gone.

- Corey: Who the fuck is Corey? COREY? I knew him as Yandere. I adore him, it's a whole experience, I hope he starts talking about cameramen trying to touch his boosum in this series too.

- Ryan: So I feel we're already off to a rough start, he asked to be my partner DAYS ago for the game... (so did Corey speaking of it) and... I didn't even reply. I'm sorry. I... I forgot? Yeah. Other than that I don't know him. Glad he got in though.

- Kolby: Idiot.

- Silver: Love him. Closest ally on the tribe. A fellow Christ Warrior. He loves me, I love me, what else could you ask for? We both have our own Westworld reference language. Have you ever seen anyone as full of splendor?

- Gavin: He's a guy. He breathes. He played in my series. I don't know much more than that.

...That's it?
2230 days 21 hours ago
Corey L. (Yandereboy12)

so i brainwashed robby he told me things like him red and mel working together and im like uh huh till finally telling him so i got a good thing going if i make a merge to get those 3 out hmph im palying more smart and this time ima be amanda and not get muh torch snuffed
2230 days 21 hours ago
Corey L. (Yandereboy12)

as we alll know i fucked up im hoping sence i am good with the tribe they dont vote me but dammn i fucked up and i m hoping to blindside anyone now
2230 days 21 hours ago
Ryan L. (RL10)

This is an interesting way to start the game, full of twists, just the way I like it. I think my tribe has a lot of people who are strong competitors and that's dangerous. I think there are also a lot of good talkers and for me that's a no no because I need to be the player in this game that can convince people to vote my way. For this upcoming vote, I have no problem getting out a strong threat right away, I think there are some players who already have a history of having a big ego and it'll be nice to see them packing asap.
2230 days 21 hours ago
Corey L. (Yandereboy12)

so i lied and told nikki gavin / greyconverse wants her out and im going around and getting them to vote them so i hope i stay safe but i know im on the chopping block cause of what i said
2230 days 21 hours ago
Robby J. (Robbyjak)

Greeting LADS and LADIES
It is I, Robby runestone. Disciple of Kolby Christ, Sasquatch Searcher, and Fondue enthusiast. I am here to grace you with my presence. DO NOT FEAR, for you may bet your life savings on me to win this game. It shall happen. As it has been foretold in the prophecies. I basically know everyone in the cast. The extent of my friendships with them, I will leave up to the...imagination of the viewers...;)

On the other tribe I do hope to work with
Zyler: smart humanoid

On my tribe I know everyone EXCEPT Coco and Alex. I have, ah, particularly close...friendships... with Clair, Dono, TJ, and Zach. TJ, Zach, and I are actually working together in another game so that's nice to carry over as well.
We voted X out in it so yeah that's not ideal.
And I don't love Ethan, so I wouldn't mind seeing him go.
I also love Ben, it's been awhile since we've talked or worked together, but we've mingled now and have made a f3 alliance with Dono. And I can sense a future f3 with Clair.
Definitely feeling good about that.

Basically? I love my tribe and I hope I can just ride this out to the merge! Easy pickings. Nothing could go wrong!
I do fear for my Kolby on the other tribe. Sounds like that tribe got off to a fast start. Hopefully, coal bae can survive and thrive.

Obviously, I'm running the show here. I've elected the target as Alex. He seems to think he's so great. WELL HMPHAYAYAYA

2230 days 21 hours ago
Silver N. (Silver09):

This has been a crazy night, like I cant even explain how paranoid and hectic some of my tribe mates are including myself. But im going to take you guys step by step about my journey through this whole thing. Before the cast reveal I was having talks with Dono, I already knew he was in the cast. He told me that he would take me to the end since in all my survivor group games I get 4th or 5th which is annoying as fuck. The people I know in this game are Rubes, Dono, TJ, Robby, Kolby, Alex, Gavin, and Nikki. I have great relationships with all of them but Alex lol, we got in a falling out in a past group game. Now when the game started me and Nikki right off the bat wanted to form an alliance so we can be safe this vote. We both liked Ryan so we wanted to work with him but his ass says that he wants JB and Alex to join it too. Im like okay cool, I made the group chat and we became an alliance. Now this is were it gets messy, I decided to tell Kolby and Gavin about the alliance I trust them and I want to go far in the game with them. Mostly Gavin because I know Kolby's a threat but I trust Gavin 100 percent. I think that Ryan and JB are fishy and I dont want to work with them, Kolby told me that him, JB, Ryan and Zyler have a group chat like those bitches are with everyone. Ryan came up to me and told me that Zyler told him that I said I wanted Nikki out which is not true, the good thing about this is that Ryan also said Ill vote for whoever you want to vote for. So basically he would vote out Nikki I told Nikki this and now she doesn't trust him, this is perfect. Also Yandere is telling people that Gavin wants Nikki out but no one takes him seriously lol. The vote is apparently Yandere I wanted it to be Alex but maybe Alex staying may hep my game.

I want to paint Ryan, JB, and Alex as a trio. If I play this right they would be huge targets ahead of me. Well I hope this all made sense because I wrote a lot and its 11:00 so im mad tired, theirs probably a lot of typos but idc lol.
2230 days 21 hours ago
Silver N. (Silver09):

Cast Assessment, because im bored as fuck
My Tribe
Julian E- I've talked to him on Skype a little bit before the game, I guess it was about another group game but I totally forgot lol. He seems cool he has anime on his front page and I love anime so that's a plus.
JB B- He's cool, im positive him and Ryan are working together so that's a no go but Ill try to work on my relationship with him.
Nikki P- I've played with her in Donos survivor we were great friends but unfortunately i had to vote her out I hope she isn't bitter towards me because of that. Shes really paranoid and it gets annoying sometimes but I want to stay loyal to her for now.
Zyler J- I hate his blogs lol there so annoying to me. He always says dumb shit in them, but I guess hes close with Kolby so Ill be nice to him. His avi looks cool though.
Alexander D- I first met him in Kolbys survivor we were close allies but I never liked him he came off as creepy to me. After I got voted out I went off on him and we weren't cool anymore. Then we played in Donos together and I gave his ass 20th, hopefully now we can get over the beef, I still want him out though.
Corey L- Yandere is a big troll hes funny but annoying at the same time.
Ryan L- I don't trust him, but I need him to think that im with him. Right now I see him as my biggest threat in the game.
Kolby A- For now im gong to trust him but Kolby is a cult leader and I cant let him get far into merge, I could use him as a shield but he has to many connections. I would be happy to see him go sooner rather than later.
Gavin W- I love Gavin we played in a big brother game together and he was my ride or die, hes the only person I trust 100 percent in this game besides rubes.
2230 days 21 hours ago
JB B. (_JB_):

At this point, winning immunity for me was important because I wanted to be safe for at least the first round. I love how the last time y'all used the Day 1 Double Tribal was on my last season and you use it again when I come back. Well, I'm honored.

Right now, my focus is my tribe and keeping my fellow returnees safe. Five is an odd number in a 20-person season. There isn't a tiny group of us but we are clearly a minority and people could target us just because we're returnees. I want to create as low of a profile as I can. That's why I'm not going for this instant idol tomorrow. And to be honest, I'm not expecting too many people to go after one. I know Nikki is going for one, but she is doing it to protect our alliance of myself, Alexander, Nikki, Silver and Ryan.

I'm also in another alliance chat with Ryan, Zyler, Kolby, and Alexander.

This leaves Corey, Gavin and Julian on the outs in my eyes. Julian is a threat and I'd consider voting him out second or third, especially because he despises my partner Mordecai, but at this point, I need to keep the returnees safe for at least one or two votes.

Mordecai is my partner and he's probably the TG'er I know the best. We have a relationship outside the game and IRL (We go to college together.) so I can guarantee that we have the best synergy of any duo. I'm not going to break his trust. But also, I need to focus on myself. If there comes a point where our games cross paths, great. But for now, I need to focus on my game so that there will be a chance that we can play together in the long run.
2230 days 21 hours ago
Nikki P. (Avatar20):

*sits on a rock in the jungle and looks at the camera smiling*
Heyooo! Excited to be finally back! From the looks of it, my tribe seems pretty strong so I don’t see much of a problem when it comes to challenges..
*rolls eyes*
BUT there’s soo much drama! Like, it’s day 2 and I feel like it’s fucking day 20 in this bitch. I have an alliance with Ryan, Silver, JB and Alex but I don’t know where JB and Ryan lie in that equation because they’ve proven to be a little shifty. I trust that they have ties to another group. Yandere mailed me frantically trying to get Gavin out and saying that Gavin was gunning for me because I’m apparently the “weakest player”...
*flips weave and gasps*
Like WHAT! We JUST started the game with an individual immunity challenge and you’re saying that about me on day one? I definitely have to watch my back .. or maybe HE needs to watch his back. I just really hope Yandere goes home this tribal so we can get over this bullshit.
2230 days 21 hours ago
Nikki P. (Avatar20):

*walks up to the urn and writes name*
I vote ....
*shows paper to the camera*
Yandere. Sorry buddy, you just stirred he pot a little too early.
*blows a kiss and walks back to seat*
2230 days 21 hours ago
Alex J. (AlexTheGreat):

Well this is my first and last round in the game :)

I'm mostly annoyed with myself because I could've won that challenge easily, but I got distracted studying and lost track of time. Hopefully I'll at least pass my final to make up for being a group game flop!

But immediately Ethan started talking to me, and I figured that was a good sign since he won immunity, maybe he'd have some influence on this tribe. But nope, this morning he told me that the majority wants to vote me out.

Apparently bigben/dono/TJ/Robby are friends and want me out. I don't really get why they would want me out, I'm loyal and a good competitor, but to each their own! IceMakeRampart has 2 of those 4 added as friends, so I assume he's with them as well. Which means that's already half the tribe that is probably unbreakable voting against me.

Even if the other 5 of us were on the same page, which I doubt we are, I doubt they'd go to rocks for me. Apparently Ethan and Fire don't like each other, I've tried talking to Clair but she..annoys me? Just the way she types and talks, like I'm sure she's nice, but something's a little off.

My only play at this point I guess is to either find the idol OR convince the 5 to target someone else. Like I doubt Rubes will contribute much, she should go before me. But bigben was in one of my like....5 previous group games, and was really boring and did nothing besides work with his bitch of a friend Ethan000. It really annoys me when people only work with the friends they had beforehand, that's not always the right decision! I could be useful but these people won't open their eyes enough to see it. I mean Ben won't even answer me, he accepted my skype request very very quickly so I messaged him like immediately, and NOTHING in return!

Looks like idol hunting will be my life for the next few hours :))
2230 days 21 hours ago
Gavin W. (greyconverse):

I am so stoked to be a part of this game. I am somewhat new to these games and plan to play a much stronger social game than I have played before. I want to be patient and a snake in the grass, not aggressive and demanding from early on.

Coming into the game I feel okay about my tribe. I know Alex, Julian & Silver and I intend to use those relationships to position myself in the tribe. As well, I know Corey somewhat.

Coming in I talked with Silver most right away, and reaffirmed our relationship. As well as Julian and Alex.

I have already heard that Corey is coming after me, and I am worried its going to be me. I have been told by multiple people about his plans so hopefully I can be the winner at the end of this showdown. I think scrambling and showing my cards this early won't help me win, and at the end of the day I am here to win not just survive another day.
2230 days 21 hours ago
Gavin W. (greyconverse):

While Silver & I caught up and talked game he revealed a majority alliance of himself, Alex, Nicky, JB & Ryan. Moving forward, I wish that Corey hadn't been throwing my name around because I would have been open to working with him to eliminate those numbers.

That said, in the past I have gone balls to the walls in these situations. I blow up peoples game and get in scramble mode, and it typically results in my elimination. I am not going to repeat that mistake. My strategy is to just build relationships and present myself as a potential trustworthy ally moving forward. With Corey throwing peoples names out there, I will HOPEFULLY look like the more trustworthy choice and stay around. Its the baby stages of the game & I am just looking to build numbers for myself.

I am going to be aware of the 5- however I want to play smarter than "those 5, take out the 5". I am going to be silent, and deadly, if all pays off. I have relationships I can utilize when the time is right, and I need to build more so that people make moves with me down the line.

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