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Survivor Guatemala - Last Chances

Topic » Survivor Guatemala - Last..

1664 days 21 hours ago
1664 days 21 hours ago
Tico F. (ticofernandez):

It feels good to be back. I haven't played a game in so long I'm probably going to flop but I will try my best. 2nd chance type seasons have always been my favorite, I actually won Ben's 2nd chances and hope that's my in to work with him. The rest of the cast I've either never seen before or the few names I recognized I'm pretty sure don't like me so it's going to be an uphill battle but I'm ready for the climb.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Patrick M. (Pokepat):

WOW, has it really been that long since I've played in M&N's Survivor? If I remember, the last time I played was Fans vs Favorites vs Failures, and getting fifth place was just not it. No, this is last chances! Winner takes all. That's what I came here for, and I have to maximize my strategy.

Okay, scratch that. I tell myself I'm going to give it my all, then I end up panicking and realizing my game isn't all that. So, Mike and Newz, we're going to take this day by day. I've played over 20 group games and I've managed to win two. That's probably like a 7:93 win ratio. Whatever.

Also, you people put me with Tashi. My blood versus water partner. My do or die. My "i'll slay you when you become too much of a threat". This girl is literally my ASIAN POWERHOUSE. No one can compare to Tashi and Patrick. I'm literally so excited to play with her as long as I get a better placement than her!

Speaking of placements, do not give me any of the first boots! If I don't get to 100 days, there will be blood. I am going to be so devastated if I get voted out before 100 days. After that, it will hurt less. But my number one goal for this season is 100 days. Okay maybe winning is above that. But do I really want to play in All Winners? Not really. I'm here for redemption from.. sorry I forgot. It was on the tip of my tongue and then it disappeared.

Whatever it was, I need to prove that I am an M&N's Last Chances LEGEND. Let's do this.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Will J. (SurvivorFan37):

Back again, back again, jiggity jig! So hopefully *fourth* time is the charm and I'm really going to hit it out of the park this time. I'll guess I'll just start with the trademark cast assessment. I'm feeling a bit less confident with this cast than in previous seasons, but I'm counting on the fact that I'm pretty approachable to help me make inroads:

Yaxha (Light Green Buffs):
Sanda L. (Imopink1) - I have never played with this person before, but apparently she is...kind of wild? Not really sure how I should approach or begin trying to build a relationship with her.
Patrick M. (Pokepat) - Patrick is a fairly straightforward group game player that has been around for a while and I believe that, in at least the short term, I can trust not to vote me out.
Mordecai E. (bigben1996) - I like Ben and, similar to Patrick, think we can work together for the short term at the very least. Though apparently they hate each other, so that could be a bit of an issue
Brittany J. (LaFierceBrittany2) - Brittany is a question mark for me. She/he/whatever yelled at me for not casting them on my All Stars season (which went tits up anyway), after I sent her an interest mail but didn't end up casting her. Not really sure why she was mad (or if she still is), but will probably be approaching with caution.
Tris W. (TMAN54445) - Tris isn't a bad guy and I wouldn't be opposed to working with him, though I'm not sure if he trusts me or not.
Tashi D. (tashi) - I'm still a little pissed at Tashi for ruining his, mine, and our entire alliance's game during Heroes vs Villains for no reason other than to cast a defiance vote for Kara at the merge tribal council. Not sure I really want to work with him.
Lexie R. (deathlyavocado) - I like Lexie. I think she'll be an enormous social threat when it gets towards the end of the game, but she did reach out to me last night and I think I can definitely build some trust with her for the short term at least.

Tikal (Light Yellow Buffs):
Jordan M. (jman96) - It's great to see Jordan's in this game, but he's not on my tribe which is too bad. He was a fairly loyal ally in Saipan and I'm hoping we have the chance to reconnect.
Absolita P. (Absol) - Absol is hilarious and definitely a top-tier person on tengaged, and probably someone I can trust not to vote for me immediately if we ever cross paths, though is also a fairly big challenge and social threat.
James R. (J2999) - I've never actually played a game with James before, though from hosting I think he plays kind of similar to me.
Nathan G. (Matedog1209) - I've seen...quite a bit of Nathan's tengaged antics (he's said a lot of very...colorful words that used to earn you a 3 day ban back in the day). I think he may be *slightly* emotionally unstable, so if we ever end up on the same tribe I'll be very tight-lipped about how much information I tell him.
Jasoi A. (Jasoi) -Jasoi.
Ryan W. (wangifold) - Ryan was my erstwhile final 2 in Greenland, and then...I voted him out first in Heroes vs Villains when he managed to turn everyone on 2 different tribes against him the first round. Hopefully he understands I was just going with the majority and is amenable to still working together.
Andy F. (amf7410) - Andy is possibly the biggest threat in this game and I'll be working to get him out as fast as humanly possible. Possibly the most old-school TGer in this game and absolute group game beast.
Silver N. (Silver09) - Silver is awesome and was ride-or-die loyal to me in Cutthroat Survivor. I really hope we both make it to a swap and can start working together.

Zaculeu (Light Blue Buffs):
Josh R. (sergeant) - Josh is a very loyal player and I voted him out of an inactive Pokepat season that I wasn't paying attention to at all -- maybe I'll have the chance to align with him at some point, or maybe he still has hard feelings from that. Who knows?
Tico F. (ticofernandez) - Haven't really talked to Tico much. He seems like a fairly generic group game play
1664 days 21 hours ago
Will J. (SurvivorFan37):

Billy V. (Bvance1212) - Also no idea.
Jojo F. (jojo7784) - Jojo is another question mark for me. I...think he has a positive impression of me and we could potentially work together, but I'm not entirely sure.
Nick J. (NJKoda1998) - Another sizable group game threat and someone I've never really worked or associated myself with in games.
Livingston H. (noobsmoke13) - Livingston is a nice guy and not super threatening, though I've never actually worked with him in a game before. Maybe this will be different?
Jake H. (jakehou97) - I honestly use to absolutely despise Jake, but I do seem to remember us having some wholesome blogs page interactions so maybe there's some potential there.
Logan M. (Logie56) - I hosted Logan once and he's always been at least cordial with me, so there's definitely potential for a relationship there if we ever end up on the same tribe.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Sanda L. (Imopink1):

So I’m back again ofc! Like what would this season be without me? Haha

Anyways... Iooking at the cast, I didn’t know anyone here except for Absol (my <3). Thats why I had to mutiny. Wherever Absol is I’ll be... but this time he’s gonna be my bitch or I will send him to the pound.

What have I learned from last season? Absolutely nothing. I don’t change, I make other people around me change. It’s my world and they are just pieces living in it. And I’ve perfected  my strategy this time around and this is a back to basics season so some bullshit twists can’t ruin my game!
1664 days 21 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

The return.

So as always I will be giving 120% in your game, cheers for the casting for the fourth time within 10 seasons ;o < 3

The basic run down of my past
S15: Ethiopia - placed 7th, voted out in a 3-2-2 vote. This was one of my first group games so the fact I played OK has me really content! A different time could have certainly let me progressed further, but yeah not bad.

S18: San Marino; Battle of the Bloodlines - placed 6th, voted out in a 3-2-1 vote. I really enjoyed this season! When IceBeast asked me to play I instantly said yes, we SHOULD have easily made top 5 together and at least top 4 (assuming Christian still demolishes immunities) where most likely it would be a fire-making between Kasey and Will or I, dependant on if Kasey would have voted Will with Christian. But it didn't happen. Sobs.

S23: Clash of Clans - placed 19th, rocked out. Now I was doing ok. I bought an idol at the silent auction with the thoughts MORE than JUST me on my tribe would have bought something! So when the vote tied 4-4 I felt shit, so me getting rocked out WAS karma really. Though wow I left with 0 votes against, cute ! ;)

CAST ASSESSMENT because simple tingz.

Yaxha (Light Green Buffs):
Silver N. (Silver09) - Minus eight. So Silver and I WERE on good terms until late July when he fucked me in Cutthroat All-Winners. We then played MNRS Big Brother where he decided to randomly backdoor me, and we've just had mutual dislike ever since. Had he stayed on my tribe he was my first target. Sayonara.

Patrick M. (Pokepat) - Pokepatrick king I love him. I played with him in this series in BOTB where I was involved in booting him for 12th! Luckily since then we have like actually became mates so I think we will be good, hopefully, maybe...

Mordecai E. (bigben1996) - King yeah I like Ben! I'll probably just refer to him as Ben because ??? at the other name! He's a good guy and we have always seemed to be chill and get along!

Brittany J. (LaFierceBrittany2) - Love Brittany, usually see eye-to-eye in games, definitely someone who I think will have my back and visa versa!

Tris W. (TMAN54445) - King Tris. We always seem to be alright, he is loyal to me and I try be loyal back, though he either talks to everyone or no one and generally the latter, so it is often easier to dispose than keep, but someone I can be loyal to as he is a decent guy!

Tashi D. (tashi) - Hmmm. I LIKE Tashi. I have played 2 of my 3 previous M&N survivor seasons with her, and she voted me out in BOTH. The first she intended to flip, Ethiopia, but gave me 7th, the second was in BotB which I still put our failure down to Kasey and Tashi was just siding with Christian and Jeremy but yeah. Since then we have played a couple more times, Cutthroat AW where we targeted one another, but then a crossover series where we aligned. I think we may be able to again, though she is sorta close with Silver who hates me so I guess we will see!

Will J. (SurvivorFan37) - I don't think I've ever PLAYED with Will. I've been hosted by him 1.5 times (he left midway through the second) but he seems a chill good guy! also seems a good gameplayer from when I've looked at other series, so will be interesting! I could see myself working with him for certain when the time comes.

Lexie R. (deathlyavocado) - this is Dylan DWBS', or whatever, girlfriend right? Assuming yes, well Dylan and I met in S23: Clash of Clans , last season, so why not meet his girlfriend and try work together!

Tikal (Light Yellow Buffs):
Jordan M. (jman96) - Jordan is a really positive guy! I like him, we generally don't get to tend to play together for LONG, but he IS a nice guy. Maybe this will be the season we do ! Truly only time will tell.

Absolita P. (Absol) - I LOVE Absol. I viewed Absol as my closest during my short stay in S23, and I think I was maybe his second on the tribe at the time I left which was chill. We then played Cutthroat All-Winners and we were in a 6-3 minori
1664 days 21 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Absolita P. (Absol) - I LOVE Absol. I viewed Absol as my closest during my short stay in S23, and I think I was maybe his second on the tribe at the time I left which was chill. We then played Cutthroat All-Winners and we were in a 6-3 minority day 1 which was actually sorta funny. We then must have played something else, not coming to me right now, where we were minority as it was just a thing we always happened to be! Definitely my closest on the tribe at the moment, and hoping to FINALLY go far in a game with him!

Nathan G. (Matedog1209) - Nathan has always been good to me which is sound, like we've never personally had an issue. He has always seemed kind but now and then I HAVE seen people disagree in group games, so maybe I will see and have my own certain opinion. But yeah he will be good with me I think, and visa versa!

Jasoi A. (Jasoi) - Jasoi is a good guy and really tries he really really does. He is sweet and nice. He's not the strongest but often a good number. He will be at risk already I feel (as I'm sending this after immunity) which I will get to with my vote confessional. But a good guy!

Ryan W. (wangifold) - I've never played or talked to Ryan before but from our brief interaction he seems good! I ensure with people I've not met before I try go PERSONAL and learn about them, partially so they can trust me more, but equally because I DO have interest and like to get to know people! hopefully someone I can work with, I guess we will see!

Andy F. (amf7410) - King Andy. I last played with him a year ago in Suitman Big Brother 10 where we were aligned and loyal to one another. I hope we can be again, he is definitely a strong player and not someone I see myself aiming for END GAME with him, but currently is good!

Sanda L. (Imopink1) - The other person I've never talked to before on my tribe. It's interesting she chose to join us like must be for some valid reasoning! But she seems chill from our one convo so far. She was calling Jasoi a bitch for losing us the challenge, and if they want a rivalry that is just FINE by me because whatever keeps me safe till tomorrow is good enough!

Zaculeu (Light Blue Buffs):
Josh R. (sergeant) - This is my king. My guy. The MVP. So actually the first time I met Josh was in Ethiopia!!!! We didn't always seem eye-to-eye, but when I left he was the one other person who voted how I did, as it was SUPPOSED to be 4-3 before two RANDOMLY flipped to Josh, granted the other 3 were POSSIBLY going to, but just stupid nevertheless honestly lmao. Anyway, Josh is one of my favourite gameplayers but also favourite PEOPLE on the site, he just seems so genuine and stuff. He, along with like Absol, are probably the only two people I'd consider going to the end with even if it meant I would quite likely lose, just because loyalty to a guy like him means a lot for me !! We have had ONE game where we just were against, but afterward reconciled and were chill! that game was a year ago too so I don't think the same will occur. A king. Simple as.

Tico F. (ticofernandez) - I have played with Tico once before but that was short-lived. I don't really know him too well, but - as with anyone - seems decent from what I do know and could definitely play with given the chance!

Billy V. (Bvance1212) - Billy , Billy , Billy. I just do not know. Billy is one of the kindest guys on the site truly, though I always feels dislikes me LMAO. He made a PYN blog where he said he thinks I'm the best player on the site socially, which is why he often targets me. Now we talk a bit more so definitely could work together? Maybe, hopefully!

Jojo F. (jojo7784) - I barely know Jojo, we played a small Challenge game hosted by Eoin where we were against, but that won't be carried over to here I highly doubt as I feel we can align and have similar targets or whatever. He is a good player though, so some
1664 days 21 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Jojo F. (jojo7784) - I barely know Jojo, we played a small Challenge game hosted by Eoin where we were against, but that won't be carried over to here I highly doubt as I feel we can align and have similar targets or whatever. He is a good player though, so someone I could align with short-term, but almost certainly not really long-term!

Nick J. (NJKoda1998) - A king !!! We have never really talked outside of games, but always have a lowkey loyalty to one another that is generally short-lived. NJ seems like a great guy really, just a great guy I don't really know! Definitely have some elements of loyalty to him though.

Livingston H. (noobsmoke13) - Livingston is a very genuine guy to me who I try reciprocate it as much as possible! We seemingly normally work together which is good, and he is just a good guy to talk to! Definitely excited to perhaps play with him at some point.

Jake H. (jakehou97) - So I like Jake but we just never seem on the same page. We played stars which we were chill but not close, then played BotB where like well I know I voted him out when he left in 9th place!! Possibly can work together if he is down hahaha.

Logan M. (Logie56) - Logan. I do like him yes I really do. Like when we first properly met it was sorta mental, like we met in BotB where we never really talked, then the huge night - recorded as one of my best game moments despite not rly doing anything - went off. Final 11, Christian told Will to idol me, 8 votes negated, then Will's  Warriors (Will, Kasey and I) send Logan to ponderosa in an 8*-3 vote! When I left the game I spoked to Logan and we've been mates ever since, he is a good guy!!! So yeah definitely someone I'll be loyal to when we get to play.

Hope that was somewhat decent with some info other than me just being like "maybe I'll align with them if we get the chance, they seem nice xdxd" even though the majority say that LMFAO.

Looking at the tribes I will definitely consider mutinying to ZACULEU like it has a lot of people i can work with. I would certainly discuss with Absol as he is my closest on my tribe to see his take, if he was gonna join, or just what he thought!

Excited to play... hopefully fourth time is the charm!
1664 days 21 hours ago
Nick J. (NJKoda1998):

Josh R. (sergeant) - He's highkey fucked on this tribe. Sorry mate.
Tico F. (ticofernandez) - He's cool, but not having skype is annoying.
Billy V. (Bvance1212) - An easy person to be against in the end. Hope I can carry his ass.
Jojo F. (jojo7784) - Physical threat, but someone who will work with me no doubt.
Livingston H. (noobsmoke13) - Flop of a player from what I know.
Jake H. (jakehou97) - Who?
Logan M. (Logie56) - Apparently has bad blood with people on this tribe.

Overall, Jojo is my fave so far and my ideal person to work with. Tico is great too, but the whole TG mails only thing is annoying and I'll lose interest fast. Billy is easy to work with because I can drag him as far as needed, and he pisses people off faster than I do. Livingston is not a great player and is an easy vote out. Josh has bad blood with a lot of people on this tribe, and Logan apparently has some too, so they are the easy first two vote outs. Jake is completely irrelevant on this tribe.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Nick J. (NJKoda1998):

This cast is ~interesting~

Honestly if I can just make the merge and be in an okay spot, I could get very far. There really isn't anyone on this cast I have bad blood with. I'm not a physical threat like James/Jojo/Ben nor am I a huge social/strategic threat. My biggest obstacle will be maintaining so many relationships for as long as possible, without the sure-guarantee of potentially claiming idols/powers.

I dislike blog idols, but especially when there is nothing to go off of, but if I could find an idol, that would make me feel a lot more comfortable in this game, and give me more options to work with in terms of strategy/gameplay than not knowing where it's located.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Andy F. (amf7410):

Right now, I'm going to be a little less active than usual because I am doing a facebook ORG that is taking up a lot of my time, but I will still be participating. It seems that Jasoi will be the easy vote as some people are mad at him for dropping the ball in the challenge. The longer we can have easy votes while I'm distracted by my other game, the better for me.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

I've waited a long time for another chance in this series and I finally got. I'm happy to play for the third and possibly last time.

So I'm looking at my tribe and I thought that it would be a strong tribe. But I was mostly thinking about who I can work with long term. Absol and james were possibilities as I worked with them in past games. Once Sanda mutinied then I knew that I can have her on my side. I'm trying to see if I get Andy on my side and maybe even Matedog. With those kind of numbers then I could secure some safety for a bit if nothing crazy happens.

So we had this immunity challenge and with the members on my tribe, it looked like it could have been an easy win. With 2 to 3 people on, we could have rotated ourselves into immunity. But when Jasoi stepped up and choked for us then we ended up in last. I was sad because I didnt get ti do my part and I look inactive because of it. Thanks Jasoi

But luckily right after we lost, Sanda lost it at Jasoi so it might take a target off my back if a idol is found. So the vote seems to be between Sanda and Jasoi with Jasoi being the target for costing the entire tribe the win.

So I just got to secure the numbers and get a good alliance then I could have a chance at being fine until the merge. And with people like Mud and Rhett not on this season, then I think I have a chance to go all the way here.

I'm here to win and I plan to make that happen this time around.
1664 days 21 hours ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

welp im first boot but whatever hopefully i can get votes on sanda since im the target for fuckin up for my tribe
1664 days 21 hours ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

So im telling People to vote Off Sanda.I hope this works
1664 days 21 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Ok so we lost ((:

Like it's so bad we lost after TWO flags LMAO.

I currently am just socialising the best i can with all my tribe, as I do like them all!

After we lost, Sanda quickly targeted Jasoi, as Jasoi was the one who messed up, causing us to lose the challenge.

No one has disagreed, at least not to me. Absol initially said he was considering voting Andy, but I like Andy so do not want to, though I didn't have to tell Absol I didn't want to before he was contempt with voting Jasoi.

So yeah literally the entire tribe seem fine doing Jasoi, though Jasoi is trying to flip it to Sanda. Obviously I have to humour him and tell him if he has the votes maybe, but I don't want it to get caught up when he campaigns by saying to people he has my vote on the off chance they decide to flip to me or something! I don't think that they will, but yeah y'know you never truly are safe.

I will be voting JASOI tonight. I like Jasoi, but he quickly put himself under fire after the first immunity challenge and it seems his hole is too big for him to escape. Poor guy, but it truly is what it is.

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