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Survivor Turkey - Unfinished Business Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Turkey - Unfinished..

1490 days 21 hours ago
Erik N. (Youndandreckless):

Alright, so we loss another challenge. This immediately sent our tribe back to tribal council where Ben decided he wanted to take out Chris to appease the alliance we have with the girls on our tribe. A bit of a scramble comes from Tiffany's name being thrown around by Chris. But, surprisingly Chris wanted to vote for Zyler. I'm working with Zyler. So that didn't work for me. Voting Chris out with this tribe will only solidify bonds I've been building in this game.

Chris goes home and today we are told to drop our buffs. My heart sinks when I draw a blue buff noticing Ben got a yellow buff. I'm swapped into a minority with 5 original Butsa tribe members. Zyler, Justin and myself have our work cut out for us. But, luckily I walked away with the Individual Immunity necklace as both tribes are being sent to Tribal Council to test their new bonds. So I suppose this means it's time to play the game. Even though I have this necklace around my neck. I want people around that want to work with me. So, it's time to turn on the charm and onto the next step of my Survivor journey
1490 days 12 hours ago
Brian K. (BrainJak):

So... I had a long-ass confessional for ya'll, then I accidentally closed my browser mid-typing so I took a small break to regret some life choices, but now I'm back again to fix this shit up.

First of all, let's get to my place in this cast as determined by the hosts LOL The fact they did not remember that I did not use Skype (a fact I brought up in not only my confessionals but also in public topics, not to mention the fact it led to me being voted off as an 'easy vote' by the Skypers LAST SEASON like not even a MONTH AGO) was kind of a let-down. It really let me see that I am a very very very very very forgettable character if nothing else. Sad.

Anyhoo, enough with the pity party. On to the season. Going back to the basics? Yes! Yes! A thousand times Yes! Having to deal with a skype-based game again? No! No! Fuck no! Skype has ruined Tengaged Group Games, imo. You either have Skype Games or you have Group Games, there is no in-between.

Anyway, enough with my second pity party. NOBODY PMS ME!!! I'm jk. Ryan Pmed me. Then never responded to my PMs. Oh look it's the third pity party.

Okay so it is completely obvious that I have to be the initiator. I have to be the person going out and saying hi to people and praying they speak to me cause otherwise my ass is gone this vote. Before, I frankly did not give a shit because my tribe did not give a shit. Now I have a vote, which means I actually matter, which means people can actually speak to me instead of just ignoring me.

My goal at this point in time is to speak to one or two of the swapped players on the new Izmir tribe in the home of speaking to the OG members. At the current moment, we're kind of split down the middle, so if I can go over and be like 'yeah I would vote these hoes in a minute' then that is my foot in the door.

BUT that cannot be my only move. I need to take that foot, lube it up, and shove more into that tribe, into their pms, and into some possible alliances. Otherwise my ass will have another pre-merge placement and I do not want that.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Justin L. (BeastBoy):

Ah the classic M&N swap.

Initially looking the tribe I thought I was swap fucked. Figured me Erik and zyler would be in bottom but that doesn’t seem the case. Ryan made a chat with Erik zyler pietro and himself, which Erik told me about. Thank god I trust Erik and zyler that they’d give me this info. Now I told Clair about this, and plan to tell aj and Colin as well, just so there’s mistrust between the ex bursa members. Thus meaning they target themselves and not me Erik or zyler. We are unsure of a name yet, but it won’t be me :) top 14 here I come.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Pietro C. (_Ravenclaw_):

So right now I do feel like Im in a good position in my tribe, Im trying to have a good social game with everyone and at this point everyone seems to like me. I was included in a top 4 alliance chat, and the one I like the most is Erik. Although Ryan seems to really trust me. I personally would rather see Colin going home tonight because he is the one person I talked the least to and also, it looks like its gonna be either him or Aj and aj can help us a lot in the challenges and also she is one of the ppl I talked the most. So tonight Im gonna push for Colin to go home, I threw his name to Ryan and he seems to be on the same page as myself.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Ryan L. (RL10):

Confessional Day 9: This is so stupid. We're on a season of unfinished business and everyone is so scared on the tribe to say anything. Like honestly, it's like when you're playing tag in elementary school and everyone doesn't want to be the tagger, they want be the ones being chased, this is what it's like right now. I threw Colin's name out because he hasn't done jack shit in the challenges and just shows up to do absolutely nothing, it's pathetic that people want to play with people like that. Hopefully he goes home tonight, but it could be me, could be someone else, who knows.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Ryan L. (RL10)::

*walks to voting station*
*writes Colin down on the parchment*
It's game over, for you or me, hopefully your lazy ass goes home tonight!
*folds parchment and places it in the urn*
1490 days 12 hours ago
Chandler H. (Chandelier):

By the grace of Senhor Jesus, Chris didn't have an idol and he left right away when a swap came. And that was really the glory of the lord because the swap gave us a 4-4 in one of the tribes and imagine if Chris was in that tribe ... Hm ... It was going to stink.

I am one of the bitches that are in the 4-4 tribe and as soon as I saw that I thought "God dear, we need to win the next immunity" but then a bucket of ice water was thrown in my face and I found out that the two tribes would go to the tribal council.

We had that damn individual immunity that made me spend 18 minutes doing a puzzle that was apparently created by the devil's son just for Brandan to do that shit in 4 MINUTES. fuck bro, how did he do that? Right after the challenge we were silent as hell and seriously, nobody wanted to give any name, a fact that should be explained by 4-4 but that's okay.

This morning, Kacey and I spoke in the group we have of the remaining 4 Izmir and said that we needed to decide on a name. We were in a serious debate about trying to pull Brian to our side or just vote for him and it turned out that we chose to vote for him. The guy doesn't have skype and bro, this is no longer 2016/2018 that it was possible to play group games without skype. Level up your game boo.

If all goes well, we will have an easy 7-1 vote against Brian and happiness will continue to reign in my beautiful and perfect pink world BUT everything can go wrong too and the Bursa sluts

A) Use an idol on Brian and send one of us home
B) Tie this vote up and take us to the rocks

I'm ready to go to the rocks baby. I won't give up on those 4 even if dear Kacey takes votes. Do you know why? Because I know that by flipping or seeing one of my allies going out on the rocks, I'm going to be a beautiful bottom and even though I'm a bottom in real life, I don't want to be a bottom in this game. I want to be a top.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Ryan L. (RL10):

Confessional Day 9: Erik is such a huge liar in this game. There's not one bit of honesty that comes out of his mouth. And somehow, I'm once again back in the same spot I was in my original season, where it's me or someone else early in the game. I've made it by once before, hopefully I can get through this time.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Pietro C. (_Ravenclaw_):

I love the fact that Ryan got all the hit for throwing Colin’s name when I was also pushing for it lmao. No one is answering my messages anymore so I have a feeling I could vote in minority this round.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Ashanti J. (KingGeek):

okay hi! shanti's back. if i'm honest, i was.. a little unimpressed with the caliber of the cast. mainly because i either don't know them, haven't spoken to in a minute, or don't like them. so generally i was unenthused. there was the occasional people i was glad to see in brandan, calypso, clair, justin and tiffany but otherwise that's kinda it? i helped carry my original tribe in the first two immunities so i really had nothing to stress over or talk to these people about, so i was chilling.

however, we swapped so suddenly! granted it's not too sudden considering it's a very tight cast but damn! AND this round is a double tribal council so there ain't no way i'm gonna be able to just sit down and take another breather. on my new tribe are pietro, clair, colin, and ryan.. all from original bursa alongside me with erik, zyler, and justin joining our tribe as well. it's not a bad tribe per se, and i do feel like in this group there's room for opportunity with me: especially with clair, colin and justin. colin and i solidified a F2 earlier this round or the round before, don't really remember but it's of importance, and he even confided in me that he had the idol that he'd use on either of us if need be. i was kinda shocked considering i've never really gotten to know him but he was straight-to-the-point and i have to respect it.

with clair, we both just want to place better than we did before and there's some familiarity there. i like her, and i assume she likes me. we've discussed the vote and all, and she even told me about the group ryan made to take out someone like colin, which excluded her, justin, and myself. this was leaked by erik to justin, which got around to everyone else. i made a group in retaliation with everyone not included, who were all set on voting ryan. erik also seems to be on-board allegedly, and pietro wants to go wherever the majority goes. who knows what zyler's doing. anyway, the pendulum seems to be swinging in the direction of ryan going but part of me feels.. uneasy. maybe it's the fact that i'm not safe that's worrying me but i do not feel safe and probably for good reason. it's just so QUIET it's like i'm playing with mice...

this confessional was so all over the place and without uniform, very uncharacteristic of me so... my bad.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Brian K. (BrainJak):

So, my plan did not follow through. Three people total pmed me from the swapped tribe, but not one person took any notion to send me ideas of votes or anything. At this point, I'm expecting to go tonight.

Whether or not that happens, I'll be a bit discouraged either way. Today has done nothing but show me that despite putting in some effort, I am still bottom of the totem pole, and that doesn't seem likely to change.
1490 days 12 hours ago
Clair F. (haycsclair):

So here I am again! But I'm really not sure if I had unfinished business in India. I meant it was my decision to rocked myself out of the game. Nikki wanted it more. I just joined the game so she she could have a partner. I was happy with my decision and I also received Hero of the Season award so it was all worth it.

First time I'm going to Tribal Council. So last night, Ryan created a chat with him, Erik, Pietro and Zyler. Erik told Justin about it. Justin told me. Then I told Ashanti. Ashanti then created a chat with me, her, Justin and Colin. We decided to vote for Ryan and we pulled Erik to our side cause we're damn sure he's not comfortable working with Ryan.

So I think it's gonna be a smooth sailing vote for us tonight unless Ryan pulls an idol from his pocket.

He told me he actually wanted to add me and Justin in the chat he created but really didn't know who to trust.
1490 days 12 hours ago
-----BRIAN GETS 16TH-----
1490 days 12 hours ago
-----RYAN GETS 15TH-----
1490 days 12 hours ago
Ryan L. (RL10):

*walks down the dark path*
I knew it was coming, biggest thing in Survivor is you could say a name and then someone can come back and say yours. I just want to thank Newz and Mike? for giving me a chance to come back and yeah, peace out.

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