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Survivor Siberia - The Last Dance Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Siberia - The Last..

1448 days 22 hours ago
KC O. (KCObedencio):

Well, last night's immunity challenge was ridiculous. Lol I was just having fun and people out there are taking it way too seriously. Like Brandon was fucking pissed at me which is ridiculous he's so stupid. Brandon literally went into my PMs and lashed out at me like a drama queen. With emphasis; such a drama queen. And of course, I did my social magic. Brought some apologies along the way and now he's so emotional how he's all alone; how he feels like no one is his #1; and now wanting to work with me. I asked who he trusts more and he said Tyler. I'm like, now I see why Tyler's keeping him a little bit longer.

Then, several minutes later, Tyler told me that Brandon wants to do me. This person is insane. He's a fluff of dirtball, being all so messy and delusional that he thinks he's gonna get what he wants. I then I asked Brandon what does he want to do and idk he's off again, he's ridiculous.

Also, before all that, my plan was to really get Brandon/Nikki off with Austyn's help but right now, it seems possible. With the call I had with OG Sayan earlier, I realized that Brandon/Will/LQ are strong (and the fuck is Brandon saying that he's got no one?? weirdo.) but Nikki & Will has some cracks. And so, the OG Sayans were thinking that I come up with a plan to tell Will/LQ that Lexie should be the vote. This would trigger Will/LQ to tell Brandon about me targeting Lexie which would possibly result to Brandon telling Tyler/Lexie that I'm targeting Lexie and so he maybe would want to propose to get me off cause that's what Brandon want in the first place. And so Brandon would think all eyes would be on me, but of course he's an idiot; brainless in all aspects & emotionally unstable to the core. With this, Tyler/Lexie may also propose to Nikki/Brandon an LQ vote but that wouldnt happen since Brandon & LQ are close. And idk where Nikki's at but Im sure whatever Brandon's doing, Nikki's doing.

But, to counter this and to get rid of an idol, the target may be Will. This would possibly result to a 4-4 vote of me & Will and since Nikki will never throw himself to rocks and with his little beef with Will, he may just flip and Will may be voted out.

And now, I'm pitching to Will/LQ this Lexie vote and my concern is, what if they're actually done. Lexie leaving this point would be ridiculous because I would lose numbers.

But truthfully, it almost feels like this game is so restraint. I have no prior connections or so what to everybody and it's so hard to make moves when it feels like this game isnt a clear slate. It's so much harder when people have relationships outside this game and it feels like it's killing my gameplay because they wouldnt be down to make moves. Like Im so willing to cut off my connections with Tyler/Lexie, but that would just harm me in the long run. I dont usually play like this but what if the path to do end is a safe gameplay. Brandon's connections harms me a lot and it's so tricky to play with him, let alone people who is actually with him. The connections are all around and it's so hard to stand out from all of this.

Right now, Tyler's playing the best game; Lexie maybe #2. But those idiots dont see that it's so stupid. I dont know why Brandon still trusts Tyler and I also feel like Nikki's just going to be dragged to the end but it could harm me. I also think my best chances of winning is to take her to the end but he may also be a part of Tyler's F3 plan/Lexie's F3 plan/Brandon's F3 plan. This makes her a threat but if I also take her out, there's no way in hell am I even gonna receive votes.

Saving Tyler over Logan just made more sense to me cause if Logan had stayed. The Baikals are all gonna get together w LQ/Will/Noah and Im just gonna get picked off and so Im happy I made that decision even though it was almost so impulsive of me; but I had to do it. I just wanna say, UGH.
1448 days 22 hours ago
Tyler M. (bamold1999):

So, today is a MESS

Our original plan was me/KC/Lexie/Austyn try to split up the other four's votes and take a shot at Will because I am almost positive he has an idol. On the other hand, Will may pull out an idol then my number one ally [Lexie] may go home because of it. So its really tricky
1448 days 22 hours ago
KC O. (KCObedencio):


Ugh I'm praying to the angels and saints of the galaxies you're not gonna play an idol tonight or I'm gonna be toasted really bad like extra burnt.
1448 days 22 hours ago
Austyn S. (Oysterman11):

READY FOR THIS VOTE. It’s about to be 4-4 lets see if we actually go to rocks. Saucy vote and I have managed to avoid my name being brought up AGAIN. I am slithering through this game attempting to find an opportunity to pounce. I need Brandon out of this game ASAP because of the relationships he has built. I’ve had multiple people tell me I am there final 2 so I am trying to keep those people in the game as long as I can. I continue to hid behind my meat shields of Will/Tyler and weasel my way through this game. I need to make one more big splash in this game in order to build my resume because I have a feeling people view me as a Tyler sheep when in reality I have played quite the individual strategic game. My biggest hurdle is Tyler/Brandon I need both of them on the jury however, I am a man of my word and don’t think I can justify voting out Tyler. So we shall see how this plays off. Another day I survive with my idol is another day I can keep it until F5. I continue to vote against my close ally Will which is hilarious. What an unlikely duo. I just have my eyes on the PRIZE.
1448 days 22 hours ago
Lexie R. (deathlyavocado) [Bunch of confessionals sent]:

Confessional #2 Cont. (JB Boot) (written a few days after the fact)
So the JB vote ended up working out in the end. It ended up with Brandon voting Logan, which was really frustrating to me. I felt like he kept pushing himself away from the game I was trying to build up, so it was just hard to try to work with him and keep him in on everything while also like maintaining my own game. In the end, JB did go home because Nikki flipped in the revote for the sake of avoiding rocks, which was great because like although I was immune, I wasn’t too fond of actually going to rocks. I would’ve done it, but am happy it was avoided and ended up working out.

It was at this point that I was starting to feel like my alliance with Brandon would most likely end up biting me in the ass. I really do want to work with him, and want to keep him in the loop for as much as possible, but it’s just hard when his game is SO different from mine. At this point we were on completely opposite sides, and it seemed like everything was really set in stone because of this fucking tie vote. Knowing that my closest ally was on the wrong side of things was SUPER frustrating, but I had to just fucking do what I could to try to juggle my relationship with him and also my relationship with Tyler/Austyn/KC/Noah because at that point they were my core alliance.

Aiden Boot
God so this fucking vote was an absolute SHIT SHOW. Fuck. So like I mentioned, it was super hard for me to juggle my relationship with Brandon and also my relationship with my alliance of Tyler/austyn/KC/noah/I guess Logan now. This was where that came to rear its ugly fucking head. So how the tribes were split, Austyn and Aiden were on the bottom of the tribe with LQ/Will/Tiffany/Qaz in the majority. So my alliance, all of the rest of which were on my tribe, decided that we needed to throw in order to save Austyn and Aiden. But in the case that we DID throw, Noah’s obsession with getting Brandon out would have most definitely happened, as everyone was NOT happy with him for going against the JB vote. So that means I had to decide between not throwing to save Brandon, thus going against my alliance and the only people I was close with in the game, or throwing to stick with my alliance and fuck Brandon over.

So how did I decide to solve this problem? I was like “oh okay I can just like put the most MINIMAL of effort in and then it won’t actually make a difference, right? I just have to make it look like im not trying to throw to Brandon so he’ll still trust me, while also telling my alliance that I just wanted to BARELY try so that it doesn’t seem shady!” I was so fucking STUPID. I should have just fucking PICKED A SIDE, but NOOOO. Looking back, I definitely should have just thrown and told Brandon straight up that I just couldn’t go against my alliance bc besides him, who was on the bottom of our tribe, I had absolutely no one. I was hoping that if we did lose, I could’ve turned things towards going for Logan, but deep down I knew that that probably wouldn’t have happened. I was SO fucking torn, and lucky me, we ended up fucking winning immunity, my whole alliance was mad at me because I scored a point for us accidentally, and Brandon knew that I knew they were gonna throw and I didn’t tell him. So now instead of appeasing everyone like I had attempted, I had just fucking PISSED THEM ALL OFF. Holy fuck.

So at that point, I felt like none of my alliance really trusted me anymore. Aiden ended up going home because Austyn was close with Will, who was able to make sure everyone just voted Aiden, and then Austyn was in an even more shitty position. RIP Aiden - I didn’t want it to end that way, and I genuinely felt like such shit about everything :/

Tiffany Boot
So just when I thought it couldn’t keep getting worse, it fucking DID (but this time not by my hand so yay!). So fucking BOTH tribes were trying to throw the challenge, as my tribe wanted to save Austyn and the other tribe wanted to do something??? (I honestly don’t really remember why they were also tryna throw, it’s been a few days and im too lazy to go figure it out). But basically how it ended up happening was Noah sent his answers too quickly, so when the tribes tied with 1 correct answer each, we won the challenge. Which honestly was the best case scenario because Brandon was safe, it wasn’t me who fucked Austyn over (who I found out from Tyler had an idol, so I knew he’d survive), and my alliance was starting to trust me again because I did throw this time.

I was pretty removed from the whole situation since it wasn’t my tribal, but it was a relief to kinda get a break from having to worry about stuff being my fault/fucking up/having tribal. Even tho Austyn had to use his idol, at that point I was worried he’d never wanna work with me again bc of how pissed off he seemed when I accidentally helped us win the last challenge so like I wasn’t TOO torn up over it. And he was able to get rid of Tiffany, which is a bit of a relief because he kinda scared me and seemed to be just a lot to have to handle vote-wise.
1448 days 22 hours ago
-----KC GETS 8TH-----
1448 days 22 hours ago
KC O. (KCObedencio) [Parting Words]:

Well, ugh. My game play's disgusting. We should have done LQ but Im not winning this game anyways :P Now that I'm in ponderosa, it's more hell than ever
1448 days 22 hours ago
Austyn S. (Oysterman11):

I find myself in a peculiar situation right now. The way I look at things is the OG Sayan alliance boat is sinking and I need to unfortunately hop off that boat because I do not stand a chance hanging on with them. I’m ready to make a big splash and unfortunately it’s going to look very shady however, it’s time to take of the floaters and get out to the deep end. I have heard my name come up for the first time post merge and I need to make sure I can survive this vote and hopefully pull off an individual immunity win next challenge because this vote is gonna have me sticking my neck out. I’m stressed because the biggest goat in KC got voted out and I am struggling trying to find a F3/2 pairing that I would have an easy win against.... its the end game now and I need to start making moves.
1448 days 22 hours ago
Austyn S. (Oysterman11):

This vote pains me.... it’s most likely sealing my fate but the OG Sayan tribe is a sinking ship and I must abandon it.... I hurt making this vote but I gotta vote for Lexie.
1448 days 22 hours ago
Nikki P. (Avatar20):

*walks up to the urn and writes down a name*
I'm voting for this person even though I love them, I know I can't beat them. So, you've gotta go because you're a major threat as we're coming up to finale day. Love you lots!
*flips vote to camera [TYLER]*
I vote Tyler!
*puts vote in urn, blowing a kiss to camera; walks back to seat*
1448 days 22 hours ago
-----WILL GETS 7TH-----
1448 days 22 hours ago
Tyler M. (bamold1999):

I'M LIVING ANOTHER DAY IN THIS GAME AND I'M HERE FOR IT. BRANDON-FUCKING-RICHIE SAVED ME AGAINNNNNNNNNN. What is life coming to? I'm so fucking shook right now. I didn't bother playing my idol [if it's real] cause if I did, I knew it was just lexie going home, and honestly if I don't win then I dont give a FUCK. I knew it was gonna be this challenge, so I did not want to put my eggs in a luck comps basket.
1448 days 22 hours ago
Lexie R. (deathlyavocado) [Bunch of confessionals]:

Merge/Logan Boot
So yay! Merge! I was proud to make it to this point because honestly as long as I could be on the jury I’d be happy, yaknow? Like going into this season I didn’t really have high hopes and just figured that if I could make merge, that’d be a success in my book.

Anyways, so this vote was fucking INSANE.

So initially we were all like okay yeah lets vote Qaz bc Tyler just brought it up and yaknow like its an easy vote, he probably wasn’t ever gonna really wanna work with us, yada yada. That is nowhere fucking NEAR what happened in the end LMAO.

So Noah wins immunity, and we were all like yay one of our alliance won immunity! Nice! But I guess the immunity went to Noah’s head?? And he just flipped????? And wanted to vote Tyler???? So this plan WOULD have gone off without a hitch - they kept it fucking QUIETTTT. BUT, thank FUCK, my relationship with Brandon came in fucking CLUTCH and we call for a whopping 5 minutes and 40 seconds in which he tells me like everyone was fucking lying to us, they were all voting Tyler, and we would all just be throwing our fucking votes on Qaz. And this was THIRTY. FUCKING. MINUTES. BEFORE. THE. VOTE. THIRTY MINUTES. I had never fucking wanted to die MORE BECAUSE OF A VOTE.

So I go into fucking SCRAMBLE mode bc I knew if Tyler went it would be a fucking HUGE blow to my game. So I IMMEDIATELY call Tyler and he’s like that’s not true Brandon’s probably just exaggerating/trying to get in our heads and I like obviously couldn’t tell him Brandon wouldn’t lie to me so I was like o like idk I feel like we should trust it idk if its worth the risk just TRYING to get him to fucking believe me. So Tyler goes to Qaz and straight up asks him if people are writing his name down. Luckily Qaz just fucking tells him yes (for reasons??? Not sure why he actually did), so now Tyler is like holy shit we have to figure something out!! And I was like yes bitch ive been tryna tell you for like over 10 mins now!! And he was like Im gonna message Noah and I was like do NOTTTTT!!!! HE WILL CHANGE IT UP!!! So now Tyler and I are just trying to figure out who we can go to to save him.

So at this point Tyler and I had talked to Brandon and Nikki about doing Logan. We originally weren’t gonna go through with it bc we wanted to go Qaz more, but we were like ok we just gotta do fucking Logan at this point we know we have two votes behind that lets just do it. So we knew we could get Austyn on board, and at that point we just needed one more. On the call, Brandon thought that we could get will on board, but Tyler added KC to the chat about going for Logan. I was STRESSED because I really thought that KC was super loyal to Noah, but KC FLIPPED!! AND DID NOAH!! I was literally SO stressed in KC’s pms just trying my best to justify why he should save Tyler and it WORKED!!!!!!

So after all of that fucking INSANITY, we got enough votes for Logan to go home. He goes 6-5, and everyone (specifically Tyler and I) released a big ole sigh of relief.

(Retelling this story was fucking traumatic bc that was honestly the most stressed ive felt like EVER)

Noah/Qaz Double Boot
Noah side of things:
So going into this, Brandon and I were really considering doing a 2-2-1 vote on Will, with our 2 votes on Will, 2 votes on Noah, and then Noah’s vote on Brandon. We decided not to because we were worried that Will would play an idol, but god do I fucking wish that we went forward with it. Brandon was worried bc he knew Noah would write his name, and he was worried that if will played an idol Noah would play his (as we assumed he had the merge idol since he was the only one w a clue), so Brandon figured it was better to go for just Noah instead of Will.

I was a little disappointed, as I really did wanna go will, but I figured that since I was immune and Brandon was the one at risk, I’d just go along with what he preferred. Even after really trying to push us going for Will, it just wasn’t meant to be :/

Also to Noah: you were an insane motherfucker. the way you played was absolutely BONKERS but yaknow what I respect it… kinda. You did a lot that didn’t make sense but at least you felt valid about it? I do understand why you wanted to try something while immune the round before but like…. Bruh.

Also during this vote it was super stressful bc like my shit irl has been really stressing me lately and it caused me to have like visual auras which can apparently happen when youre stressed and I was like holy shit im seeing flashes (they weren’t really like flashes like how the internet described them but I was convinced once I fucking googled shit) and I was like welp im going blind via fucking retinal detachment!! And like I had an eye appointment the next day so I was like I can just wait but when I called the eye doctor to give them my eye insurance I also mentioned the flashes and was like is it fine if I just come in tomorrow for it or is this like a big problem and the nice lady was like we can make room for u at 5!! So I go in and everything fine thank GOD but like my eyes get super dilated so they can look in my balls which was a whole problem for the challenge bc it hurt to look at the computer screen. But also this was a huge fucking problem bc Brandon and I were going back and forth on who to go for and we hadn’t really decided by the time I left. We had an hour and a half before the votes were due, but tmobile has been having huge problems w their data working or whatever so my fucking phone wasnt sending ANYTHING!!! AND I WAS SO STRESSED I WOULDNT GET HOME IN TIME TO SEND THE VOTE IN!!!!!! It was a whole fucking mess but luckily I got home before 6:30 and could send my fucking vote in.

Qaz side of things:
So w the Qaz vote it seemed p straightforward. Tyler Austyn and KC stuck together to vote Qaz out, which was expected, but Nikki still voted w Qaz bc they were close from being on their og tribe together. Not too exciting, but rip Qaz nonetheless!

KC Boot
So this vote was an absolute HEARTBREAKER. TRAGEDY. But also probably the biggest move I’ve ever attempted in a game??? So like. Here’s the whole story:

So going into this, I was like ok well I want to go will so fucking badly but I knew Brandon would want me to go for someone in my alliance of austyn/KC/Tyler. And that was the case. He was like “we gotta take out one of Tylers pawns” and like I was like yeah that makes sense hes a big threat but internally was like fuckfuckfuck like these are the only ppl I have besides Brandon and like at this point that was a lot of people but also like FUCK LMAO I didn’t want to see one of them go!! So like I was like ok we gotta come up w a GAMEPLAN YALL. Im kinda proud that I formulated this bc I really snapped (but also had so much fucking ANXIETY bc like holy shit id never really tried anything this big that was my idea and like what if it went wrong!! (Spoiler, it did)).

Ok so this plan I keep eluding to: How it worked was that the four of me/austyn/kc/Tyler would put our votes on will. In order to make him feel secure, we had KC go to LQ and Will and say that he was trying to make a move against me so that they would think we were cracked. We knew that once Brandon and Nikki heard about it, they would for sure come to me about it immediately and then they’d want to go for KC. This solved my problem about not wanting to target one of my allies out of the blue, gave Brandon and Nikki a reason to believe I’d do it, and also have some way to split Will/LQ and Brandon/Nikki’s votes, as that was the only way our 4 votes would be able to get Will out. Tl;dr: It would be 4-2-2 with 4 og Sayan on Will, 2 on KC from Brandon/Nikki, 2 on me from LQ/Will.

The biggest concern about this plan was that we were banking on the other 4 splitting their votes, which was super unlikely. And in the end didn’t happen. I think it was a bit of bad planning to expect them NOT to vote together, but at least we had some form of plan going into this. And honestly, I just felt like creating chaos in this vote would be good because hopefully will just wouldn’t think that he was being targeted at all because we thought we were being super quiet about it.

Unfortunately, ofc Will plays a goddamn idol, and the other 4 all voted together on KC. It was fucking tragic. The question I had leaving this was: how the fuck did Will think he was getting votes? Because like, to us he was saying stuff like o people are being quiet I feel like something is happening, but while he said that to all three of Austyn/KC/Tyler, they were all actively talking!! Like I was so worried that Austyn leaked to will to just tell him to play the idol, which may have ended up being the case in the end :/
1448 days 22 hours ago
Austyn S. (Oysterman11):

Well... that vote didn’t go as planned. It is clear that I have painted myself as a goat. All that I have left to do is to make big moves and play balls to wall now. Everyone looks at me as a goat and I’m pretty sure I have the least likely chance at winning. I knew if I took tyler to the end I lose. If I take Brandon to the end I lose. If I take LQ to the end I Lose. So I just need to bring it. Put on my big boy pants and try something because right now I’m a goat and I need to build up a larger resume. I played the middle as long as I could ultimately, I picked the wrong side. That’s just life. This little hick-up has ruined my chances to win and play all winners which was the end goal. I may be down but I’m not out. *looks at my idol*
1448 days 22 hours ago
Nikki P. (Avatar20):

*walks up to the urn and writes down a name*
Honestly, thought you were my closest ally in the game..but you're still a snake.
*rolls eyes and flips vote to camera [BRANDON]*
I vote for Brandon!
*puts vote in the urn and groans, walking back to seat*

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