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BBUN15 Finale • Day 31

Topic » BBUN15 Finale • Day 31

1733 days ago
Gameplays or gameplayers??
1733 days ago
Like each jurors game play
1733 days ago
And an explanation...
1733 days ago
1733 days ago
I hate that question lol, basically it's the jurors trying to feel good about themselves and usually have no relevance to the f2 but w/e ig.
1732 days 23 hours ago
It’s a hilarious question, but I’m interested lol
1732 days 23 hours ago

1. Abel- hands down was in the best position to win of all the jurors. I feel like he played incredibly well socially and if I hadn’t convinced Will to evict him over Tiffany, he would’ve hands down won this game. I was jealous all game of the position he was in. He was able to play all sides but still keep everyone on good terms with him.

2. Tiffany- 100% the underdog of the season. Nommed from week 1, and multiples times after that and still managed to stay each and every time, until the final 3. While each of the HOH’s he won, he wasn’t aboe to get his targets out, the fact that he even made it f3 with his own friends throwing him utb and nomming him was very underrated.

3. Noah- Noah, like Tiffany, was also able to survive the block multiple times whenever he should’ve been evicted. There was a house meeting where he was announced to be the house target and continued to survive and win comps week after week, until he couldn’t anymore at the final 7. For sure an underdog too himself and was a huge contender to win the game.

4. Brandon- Brandon is just a powerhouse, let’s be honest. The man can win almost any competition he needs to and his strategic game is also very strong. He was even able to convince Andrew and Jacob that he had nothing to do with the Jacob blindside, until I blew up his position and exposed him for trying to play both sides. If I hadn’t have let everyone know that he was being two faced, I think he would’ve made it a lot further and would’ve had a solid chance to win.

5. Andrew- Andrew was the most threatening person to me of everyone in the tea circle. I know that he’s really smart and very capable of getting/keeping people on his side and was probably my biggest obstacle in making it into the position that I’m in now. He can be VERY convincing and that was really intimidating to me. If he hadn’t have gone home when he did, I don’t think I would be sitting here now.

6. Jacob- On a personal level, probably my favorite person in this game. We’ve always gotten along really well and had a good connection. Jacob was worrisome to me though because I know he has a very likeable personality and if I didn’t take the shot at him whenever I did, he very easily could’ve went on to win the whole season. The only reason he isn’t higher on the list is because I feel like everyone above him had a bigger presence in the game.

7. Gavin- I feel like Gavin’s game was really underrated. He had solid connections, but people assumed that since he was working with Brandon and I that he was sheeping, whenever that wasn’t the case at all. He had a voice within our alliance and his opinion was always very valued and held to a high standard. I’m only ranking him this low because he never got the chance to win a competition and make a move for himself.

8. Nikk- Nikk didn’t really have a gamers mentality in this game. I feel like he mostly went with the flow and did whatever he felt was best week to week. He never won any competitions so no one could really know where his head was exactly, but he clearly did something right to have made it to the final 4.

9. Tisha- I’m ranking Tisha last because I feel like aside from competitions, Tisha had no presence whatsoever in this game. He didn’t really talk to people and didn’t make many connections with anyone outside a select few. I don’t feel like he was into the game, so he didn’t really get the oppurnity to truly play
1732 days 23 hours ago
Worst ^
1732 days 23 hours ago
Abel is def gonna win POTS
1732 days 23 hours ago
Ryan, you have great opinions
1732 days 23 hours ago
Say what you want about Ryan, but his opinions are not jury pandering as the jurors who are more likely to vote for him are near the bottom.  Although I def disagree with him on some matters, he was clearly honest here.  So thanks Ryan, and thanks for the kind words <3.
1732 days 23 hours ago
1732 days 23 hours ago
Omg I really do need to watch the past seasons cause I really don’t know anyone and had to STRETCH LOL but here -

Tisha - Johnny Mac, targeted early for not having many strong bonds, but was able to win some vetoes early on to make it to jury

Jacob - KC, you had a really likable personality and not many people were gunning for you after Chloe left. Everyone saw you as the person with the best social game from week 1 and that ended up being the beginning of your demise

Andrew - Paras, you were trying to be in everyone’s good graces and it was working until everything got too messy towards the end

Brandon - Demetres channeling Ika, won countless comps while still delivering Ika’s pettiness

Noah - Brett, I couldn’t really think of a player that I’ve seen but he had really clever speeches and played both sides pretty well

Gavin - Prejury Angela bb20, you kinda stayed low, spoke your mind and savagely shot Billy, but never got any HoHs to further yourself

Abel - I’d say Tyler from bb20. You didn’t start off as him, but after a few weeks into the game you got your footing and you were in a great position with both sides of the house.

Nikk - I can’t really think of a player and I don’t want to say Victoria, but like a Victoria with a brain if that makes sense? You were used as a pawn for the early weeks and then was able to slip by as everyone else was a bigger threat. You were underestimated, and thought you were easily manipulated but you knew what you were doing

Tiffany - Rachel, you weren’t afraid of confrontation or speaking your mind and won HoHs when you needed it
1732 days 23 hours ago
I’m flattered 😊, thanks Will
1732 days 22 hours ago
1. Abel - everyone thought Jacob had the best social game, but yours was much more lowkey, and no one really saw it until closer to the end. everyone trusted you even if you didn’t vote their way

2. Noah - you started off with rough, but you quickly saw the dynamics of the house, adapted, and put yourself in a good position, but I feel like you were never able to get the target fully off of your back

3. Brandon - at the start of the jury, I would have said you were winning the season. everyone was good with you despite the number of confrontations you got into. you had close relationships with a lot of people in this game and kept you well protected

4. Jacob - you were good with most of the house and had a successful HoH reign even if you didn’t want it, and I’m ranking you higher because if Andrew had not won that veto he would have been backdoor and you would have continued on 

5. Tiffany - you were a huge underdog since the first week, you were targeted by the majority alliance, you were backstabbed by your allies. every HoH you target stayed
. you had a really good story, and you would be ranked higher if you got into one or two less confrontations

6. Andrew - I would rank you higher cause you were good with most of the house, but you ended up playing way too hard. Everyone eventually ended up talking and exposed your game

7. Nikk - you had a decent social game, and went through the game with nobody targeting you at all. Like I said before, you were very underestimated and people thought of you as someone easy to beat. You were the swing in a few votes and no one really blamed you for anything

8. Gavin - we didn’t really talk much game outside of the 8 so it was hard for us to see each other’s gameplay.

9. Tisha - you ignored legit everyone in the house besides me, which caused everyone wanting you out for the most of the game

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